package org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.swing.importWizard; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.ASProps; import org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.ASProps.Keys; import org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.AsSwingUtil; import; import; import org.netbeans.spi.wizard.WizardPage; import; import; import; import de.schmitzm.swing.ExceptionDialog; import de.schmitzm.swing.SmallButton; import de.schmitzm.swing.SwingUtil; import de.schmitzm.swing.swingworker.AtlasSwingWorker; public class ImportWizardPage_WFS_Select extends WizardPage { final static Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(ImportWizardPage_WFS_Select.class); /* * The short description label that appears on the left side of the wizard */ JLabel explanationJLabel = new JLabel( AsSwingUtil.R("ImportWizard.WFS.WfsUrlSelection.Explanation")); private final String validationImportSourceTypeFailedMsg_CantRead = AsSwingUtil .R("ImportWizard.WFS.WfsUrlSelection.ValidationError.CantRead"); WfsSettingsJComboBox wfsJComboBox; private SmallButton wfsAddJButton; private SmallButton wfsEditJButton; private SmallButton wfsDelJButton; final static private JLabel wfsServerSelectionJLabel = new JLabel( AsSwingUtil.R("ImportWizard.WFS.SelectionComboboxLabel")); public static String getDescription() { return AsSwingUtil.R("ImportWizard.WFS.WfsUrlSelection"); } public ImportWizardPage_WFS_Select() { initGui(); } @Override protected String validateContents(final Component component, final Object event) { final GtWfsServerSettings wfsServer = (GtWfsServerSettings) getWfsUrlJComboBox() .getSelectedItem(); if (wfsServer == null) return "Must select a WFS"; final URL url = wfsServer.getCapabilitiesUrl(); try { url.openStream().close(); } catch (Exception e) {"Can't connect to Server: ", e); return validationImportSourceTypeFailedMsg_CantRead; } // final Map m = new HashMap(); // m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.URL.key, url); // // m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.LENIENT.key, new // // Boolean(true)); // m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.TIMEOUT.key, new java.lang.Integer(10000)); // m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.MAXFEATURES.key, // new java.lang.Integer(ASProps.get(ASProps.Keys.m))); AtlasSwingWorker<String[]> wfsGetTypeNames = new AtlasSwingWorker<String[]>( ImportWizardPage_WFS_Select.this) { @Override protected String[] doInBackground() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final WFSDataStore wfsDs = (new WFSDataStoreFactory()) .createDataStore(wfsServer); try { // final String typeName = (String) cfgGui[1]; final String[] typeNames = wfsDs.getTypeNames(); wfsServer.setCachedTypeNames(typeNames); return typeNames; } catch (Exception e1) { throw new InterruptedException(e1.getMessage()); } finally { wfsDs.dispose(); } } }; try { String[] typeNames = wfsServer.getCachedTypeNames(); if (typeNames == null) { typeNames = wfsGetTypeNames.executeModal(); } if (typeNames.length < 1) return "Server connected, but no WFS layers are advertised."; // i8n putWizardData(ImportWizard.TYPENAMES, typeNames); } catch (CancellationException e) { return e.getLocalizedMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { // validationImportSourceTypeFailedMsg_CantRead ? return e.getLocalizedMessage(); } return null; } private void initGui() { // setSize(ImportWizard.DEFAULT_WPANEL_SIZE); // setPreferredSize(ImportWizard.DEFAULT_WPANEL_SIZE); setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap 1")); add(explanationJLabel); add(wfsServerSelectionJLabel, "gapy unrelated"); // add(getFileChooserJButton(), "split 2"); add(getWfsUrlJComboBox(), "growx, left"); add(getNewWfsJButton(), "split 3, align right"); add(getEditWfsJButton(), "align right"); add(getDeleteWfsJButton(), "align right"); } /** * A Button to add a new WFS */ private JButton getDeleteWfsJButton() { if (wfsDelJButton == null) { AbstractAction a = new AbstractAction("-") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GtWfsServerSettings wfs = (GtWfsServerSettings) getWfsUrlJComboBox() .getSelectedItem(); WfsServerList list = getWfsUrlJComboBox().getWfsList(); list.remove(wfs); updateComboboxModel(); getWfsUrlJComboBox().setSelectedIndex( getWfsUrlJComboBox().getItemCount() - 1); } }; wfsDelJButton = new SmallButton(a); setEnabled(getWfsUrlJComboBox().getSelectedIndex() >= 0); getWfsUrlJComboBox().addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setEnabled(getWfsUrlJComboBox().getSelectedIndex() >= 0); } }); } return wfsDelJButton; } /** * A Button to edit an existsing WFS configuration */ private JButton getEditWfsJButton() { if (wfsEditJButton == null) { AbstractAction a = new AbstractAction("Edit") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GtWfsServerSettings wfs = (GtWfsServerSettings) getWfsUrlJComboBox() .getSelectedItem(); createOrEditWfs(wfs); } }; wfsEditJButton = new SmallButton(a); setEnabled(getWfsUrlJComboBox().getSelectedIndex() >= 0); getWfsUrlJComboBox().addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setEnabled(getWfsUrlJComboBox().getSelectedIndex() >= 0); } }); } return wfsEditJButton; } private void createOrEditWfs(GtWfsServerSettings wfs) { GtWfsServerSettings newOrEditedDbServer = GtWfsServerSettings.createOrEdit( ImportWizardPage_WFS_Select.this, wfs); if (newOrEditedDbServer == null) return; try { WfsServerList list = getWfsUrlJComboBox().getWfsList(); if (wfs == null) { list.add(newOrEditedDbServer); } updateComboboxModel(); getWfsUrlJComboBox().setSelectedItem(wfs); } catch (Exception ee) {; } } /** * Updates the Combobox Model with the list of server stored in the * porperties. This does not automatically trigger a validation, since the * selected Item is not explicitly set. */ private void updateComboboxModel() { getWfsUrlJComboBox().listChanged(); // Save the new settings ASProps.set(Keys.wfsList, getWfsUrlJComboBox().getWfsList() .toPropertiesString()); } /** * A Button to add a new WFS */ private JButton getNewWfsJButton() { if (wfsAddJButton == null) { AbstractAction a = new AbstractAction("+") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { createOrEditWfs(null); } }; wfsAddJButton = new SmallButton(a); } return wfsAddJButton; } private WfsSettingsJComboBox getWfsUrlJComboBox() { if (wfsJComboBox == null) { wfsJComboBox = new WfsSettingsJComboBox(new WfsServerList( ASProps.get(ASProps.Keys.wfsList))); SwingUtil.addMouseWheelForCombobox(wfsJComboBox); wfsJComboBox.setName(ImportWizard.IMPORT_WFS_URL); // Select the last used server if (ASProps.get(Keys.lastDbIdx) != null) { Integer idx = ASProps.getInt(Keys.lastDbIdx, -1); if (idx < wfsJComboBox.getWfsList().size()) wfsJComboBox.setSelectedIndex(idx); } wfsJComboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GtWfsServerSettings val = (GtWfsServerSettings) wfsJComboBox .getSelectedItem(); putWizardData(ImportWizard.IMPORT_WFS_URL, val); // Store the last used server index ASProps.set(Keys.lastDbIdx, wfsJComboBox.getSelectedIndex()); } }); } return wfsJComboBox; } }