package org.atdl4j.ui.swt.impl; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.atdl4j.fixatdl.layout.BorderT; import org.atdl4j.fixatdl.layout.PanelOrientationT; import org.atdl4j.fixatdl.layout.StrategyPanelT; import org.atdl4j.ui.Atdl4jWidget; import org.atdl4j.ui.StrategyPanelHelper; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ExpandBar; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ExpandItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout; /** * * Contains static SWT-specific methods to support building StrategyPanel * container and related panel/composite redrawing. * * Creation date: (Mar 3, 2010 7:35:04 AM) * * @author Scott Atwell * @version 1.0, Mar 3, 2010 */ public class SWTStrategyPanelHelper implements StrategyPanelHelper { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( SWTStrategyPanelHelper.class ); /** * Invokes revalidateLayout() within Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new * Runnable() ... ) * * @param aControl */ public static void revalidateLayoutAsync(ExpandBar anExpandBar) { SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread tempRevalidateLayoutThread = new SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread( anExpandBar ); tempRevalidateLayoutThread.start(); } /** * Helper method contributed on web: * * /why-does-an-swt-composite-sometimes * -require-a-call-to-resize-to-layout-correctl * * @author * @param control */ // 3/13/2010 John Shields // streamlined method to increase speed; previously was doing too much // layout work which made the app very slow. public static void relayoutExpandBar(ExpandBar expandBar) { relayoutExpandBar( expandBar, true ); } public static void relayoutExpandBar(ExpandBar expandBar, boolean relayoutParents) { Composite c = expandBar; int tempMaxControlX = 0; logger.debug( "----- relayoutExpandBar (relayoutParents: " + relayoutParents + " expandBar: " + expandBar + " -----" ); do { logger.debug( "c: " + c.getClass() + " c.getParent(): " + c.getParent().getClass() ); if ( c instanceof ExpandBar ) { ExpandBar eb = (ExpandBar) c; logger.debug( "ExpandBar.getSize(): " + eb.getSize() ); for ( ExpandItem expandItem : eb.getItems() ) { logger.debug( "expandItem: " + expandItem + " text: " + expandItem.getText() + " control: " + expandItem.getControl() + " controlLocation: " + expandItem.getControl().getLocation()); logger.debug( "before pack(): expandItem.getControl().getSize(): " + expandItem.getControl().getSize() ); expandItem.getControl().pack(); if ( expandItem.getControl().getSize().x > tempMaxControlX ) { tempMaxControlX = expandItem.getControl().getSize().x; } logger.debug( "before: expandItem.getHeight(): " + expandItem.getHeight() + " expandItem.getControl().getSize(): " + expandItem.getControl().getSize() ); expandItem.setHeight( expandItem.getControl().computeSize( eb.getSize().x, SWT.DEFAULT, true ).y ); } // -- Need to set ExpandBar's GridData.widthHint to the width of the widest control within it -- GridData tempGridData2 = (GridData) expandBar.getLayoutData(); tempGridData2.widthHint = tempMaxControlX; // do not set height as ExpandBar handles this tempGridData2.heightHint = expandBar.getSize().y; expandBar.setLayoutData( tempGridData2 ); if ( relayoutParents ) { Control p = c.getParent(); if ( p instanceof ScrolledComposite ) { ScrolledComposite scrolledComposite = (ScrolledComposite) p; if ( scrolledComposite.getExpandHorizontal() || scrolledComposite.getExpandVertical() ) { scrolledComposite.setMinSize( scrolledComposite.getContent().computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, true ) ); } else { scrolledComposite.getContent().pack( true ); } } if ( p instanceof Composite ) { Composite composite = (Composite) p; composite.layout(); } } else { // -- this (or relayoutParents=true) is needed (otherwise ExampleStrategyPanelTests2.xml with 2 "columns" of StrategyPanels may not draw all of the ExpandBars initially) -- expandBar.getParent().layout(); } } c = c.getParent(); } while ( c != null && c.getParent() != null && !( c instanceof ScrolledComposite ) ); // -- Needed to ensure that strategy panel is expanded vertically as panels go from collapsed to expanded expandBar.getShell().layout(); expandBar.getShell().pack(); } /** * Builds the appropriate 'container' Composite for aStrategyPanel. * * Supports: * - aStrategyPanel.isCollapsible() returning ExpandBar (collapsed state based upon aStrategyPanel.isCollapsed()) * - aStrategyPanel.getTitle() returning Group * - aStrategyPanel.getBorder() of BorderT.LINE returning Group (without Text) * - default returns Composite * * @param aStrategyPanel * @param aParent * @param aStyle * @return */ public static Composite createStrategyPanelContainer(StrategyPanelT aStrategyPanel, Composite aParent, int aStyle) { Composite c; // -- Check for Collapsible -- if ( aStrategyPanel.isCollapsible() ) { ExpandBar tempExpandBar = new ExpandBar( aParent, SWT.NONE ); tempExpandBar.setSpacing( 1 ); //TODO if want to get rid of white background, likely want a border around whole thing... //TODO tempExpandBar.setBackground( aParent.getBackground() ); if ( aParent.getLayout() instanceof GridLayout ) { // mimics createStrategyPanelLayoutData() below GridData tempGridData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false ); tempGridData.horizontalSpan = 2; // same as createStrategyPanelLayoutData tempGridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; // occupy the full available horizontal width tempExpandBar.setLayoutData( tempGridData ); } Composite tempExpandBarComposite = new Composite( tempExpandBar, SWT.NONE ); // "c" is 'standard' composite containing StrategyPanel as Data c = tempExpandBarComposite; // -- since we're using GridLayout, need to force the aParent with that // layout to resize via aParent.layout() when ExpandBar button is // expanded/collapsed -- tempExpandBar.addExpandListener( new SWTExpandBarResizer( tempExpandBarComposite ) ); ExpandItem tempExpandItem = new ExpandItem( tempExpandBar, SWT.NONE, 0 ); if ( aStrategyPanel.getTitle() != null ) { tempExpandItem.setText( aStrategyPanel.getTitle() ); } tempExpandItem.setControl( tempExpandBarComposite ); // -- not very helpful in this context, we need revalidateLayout( c ) // executed _after_ the "c" component is loaded with Controls -- tempExpandItem.setHeight( tempExpandItem.getControl().computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT ).y ); tempExpandItem.setExpanded( !aStrategyPanel.isCollapsed() ); } // -- Check for titled border -- else if ( aStrategyPanel.getTitle() != null ) { c = new Group( aParent, aStyle ); ( (Group) c ).setText( aStrategyPanel.getTitle() ); } // -- Check for Line border (no title) -- else if ( BorderT.LINE.equals( aStrategyPanel.getBorder() ) ) { c = new Group( aParent, aStyle ); } else { // -- normal, non-collapsible, non-bordered StrategyPanel -- c = new Composite( aParent, aStyle ); } // -- Set the layout and layoutData for the SWT Composite containing the // set of FIXatdl Controls -- c.setLayout( createStrategyPanelLayout( aStrategyPanel ) ); c.setLayoutData( createStrategyPanelLayoutData( c ) ); // -- Keep StrategyPanel in data object -- c.setData( aStrategyPanel ); return c; } /** * Creates the layout for the SWT Composite containing the set of FIXatdl Controls * * @param c * @return */ protected static Layout createStrategyPanelLayout(StrategyPanelT panel) { PanelOrientationT orientation = panel.getOrientation(); if ( orientation == PanelOrientationT.HORIZONTAL ) { int parameterCount = panel.getControl() != null ? panel.getControl().size() : 0; int panelCount = panel.getStrategyPanel() != null ? panel.getStrategyPanel().size() : 0; // make 2 columns for each parameter and 1 column for each sub-panel GridLayout l = new GridLayout( parameterCount * 2 + panelCount, false ); return l; } else if ( orientation == PanelOrientationT.VERTICAL ) { // TODO ???? WHY TWO VS. ONE ????? GridLayout l = new GridLayout( 2, false ); // GridLayout l = new GridLayout( 1, false ); GridLayout l = new GridLayout( 2, false ); return l; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "ERROR StrategyPanel (" + panel.getTitle() + ") is missing orientation attribute." ); } } /** * Creates the layoutData for the SWT Composite containing the set of FIXatdl Controls * * @param c * @return */ protected static Object createStrategyPanelLayoutData(Composite c) { // if parent is a strategy panel if ( c.getParent().getData() instanceof StrategyPanelT ) { GridData layoutData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false ); c.setLayoutData( layoutData ); StrategyPanelT parentPanel = (StrategyPanelT) c.getParent().getData(); // if parent orientation is vertical, make this panel span 2 columns if ( parentPanel.getOrientation() == PanelOrientationT.VERTICAL ) { layoutData.horizontalSpan = 2; } return layoutData; } else if ( ( c.getParent() instanceof ExpandBar ) && ( c.getData() instanceof StrategyPanelT ) ) { GridData layoutData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false ); c.setLayoutData( layoutData ); StrategyPanelT parentPanel = (StrategyPanelT) c.getData(); // if parent orientation is vertical, make this panel span 2 columns if ( parentPanel.getOrientation() == PanelOrientationT.VERTICAL ) { layoutData.horizontalSpan = 2; } return layoutData; } return null; } /** * Navigates through aWidget's getParent() looking for ExpandBar with ExpandItems not-yet-expanded and expands those * @param aWidget * @return boolean indicating whether any ExpandBar ExpandItems were adjusted */ public boolean expandAtdl4jWidgetParentStrategyPanel( Atdl4jWidget<?> aWidget ) { boolean tempAdjustedFlag = false; if ( ( aWidget.getParent() != null ) && ( aWidget.getParent() instanceof Composite ) ) { Composite tempParent = (Composite) aWidget.getParent(); while ( tempParent != null ) { // -- Expand if necessary -- if ( tempParent instanceof ExpandBar ) { ExpandBar tempExpandBar = (ExpandBar) tempParent; for ( ExpandItem tempExpandItem : tempExpandBar.getItems() ) { if ( ! tempExpandItem.getExpanded() ) { tempExpandItem.setExpanded( true ); // -- (relayoutParents=false) -- relayoutExpandBar( tempExpandBar, false ); tempAdjustedFlag = true; } } } // -- Iterate to next parent -- if ( ( tempParent.getParent() != null ) && ( ( tempParent.getParent() instanceof Composite ) ) ) { tempParent = (Composite) tempParent.getParent(); } else { break; } } } return tempAdjustedFlag; } }