package; /** * @author John Sields * * Atdl4jClassLoadException is thrown by AbstractAtdl4jConfiguration when a class * cannot be dynamically loaded. This is thrown as a RuntimeException, however, users have * the highly recommended option to prevalidate that all classes can be loaded at the * time the config is initialized (see AbstractAtdl4jConfiguration::testClassLoaders() method) */ public class Atdl4jClassLoadException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5703141767631866394L; public Atdl4jClassLoadException(String className) { super(message(className)); } public Atdl4jClassLoadException(String className, Throwable e) { super(message(className), e); } private static String message(String className) { return "Exception attempting to load Class.forName( " + className + " )"; } }