/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.internal; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*; import java.util.Map; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.sdnplatform.addressspace.IAddressSpaceManagerService; import org.sdnplatform.core.IControllerService; import org.sdnplatform.core.module.ModuleContext; import org.sdnplatform.core.test.MockThreadPoolService; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.IDevice; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.IDeviceService; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.IEntityClassifierService; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.internal.DefaultEntityClassifier; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.test.MockDeviceManager; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.IFlowCacheService; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.IFlowReconcileService; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.manager.INetVirtListener; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.manager.INetVirtManagerService; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.GatewayNode; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.IVirtualMacService; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.IVirtualRoutingService; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.internal.GatewayPoolImpl; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.internal.VirtualRouterManager; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.virtualrouting.internal.VirtualRouting; import org.sdnplatform.packet.Ethernet; import org.sdnplatform.packet.IPv4; import org.sdnplatform.restserver.IRestApiService; import org.sdnplatform.restserver.RestApiServer; import org.sdnplatform.routing.IRoutingService; import org.sdnplatform.routing.Route; import org.sdnplatform.storage.IStorageSourceService; import org.sdnplatform.storage.memory.MemoryStorageSource; import org.sdnplatform.test.PlatformTestCase; import org.sdnplatform.threadpool.IThreadPoolService; import org.sdnplatform.topology.ITopologyService; import org.sdnplatform.topology.NodePortTuple; public class GatewayPoolTest extends PlatformTestCase { private GatewayPoolImpl gatewayPool; private static final String gatewayNode1MacStr = "01:aa:bb:cc:dd:01"; private static final String gatewayNode2MacStr = "01:aa:bb:cc:dd:02"; private static final Long gatewayNode1Mac = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(gatewayNode1MacStr)); private static final Long gatewayNode2Mac = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(gatewayNode2MacStr)); private static final String gatewayNode1IpStr = ""; private static final int gatewayNode1Ip = IPv4.toIPv4Address(gatewayNode1IpStr); private static final String gatewayNode2IpStr = ""; private static final int gatewayNode2Ip = IPv4.toIPv4Address(gatewayNode2IpStr); private VirtualRouterManager vRtrManager; private ITopologyService topology; private IRoutingService routingEngine; private MockDeviceManager mockDeviceManager; private MemoryStorageSource storageSource; private VirtualRouting virtualRouting; private IFlowReconcileService flowReconcileMgr; private INetVirtManagerService netVirtManager; private IAddressSpaceManagerService addressSpaceMgr; private IFlowCacheService betterFlowCacheMgr; private DefaultEntityClassifier entityClassifier; private ModuleContext fmc; protected IDevice device1, device2, gatewayNode1, gatewayNode2; /* * A few helpers */ private void verifyNodePresent(String ip, int size) { Map<String, GatewayNode> gatewayNodes = gatewayPool.getGatewayNodes(); assertEquals(size, gatewayNodes.size()); GatewayNode node = gatewayNodes.get(ip); assertNotNull(null, node); assertEquals(ip, IPv4.fromIPv4Address(node.getIp())); } private void verifyNodeAbsent(String ip, int size) { Map<String, GatewayNode> gatewayNodes = gatewayPool.getGatewayNodes(); assertEquals(size, gatewayNodes.size()); assertEquals(null, gatewayNodes.get(ip)); } private void setup2NodeGatewayPool() { gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(gatewayNode1IpStr); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(gatewayNode2IpStr); expect(vRtrManager.findDevice(null, entityClassifier.classifyEntity(null), 0L, (short)0, (Integer)gatewayNode1Ip)). andReturn(gatewayNode1).anyTimes(); expect(vRtrManager.findDevice(null, entityClassifier.classifyEntity(null), 0L, (short)0, (Integer)gatewayNode2Ip)). andReturn(gatewayNode2).anyTimes(); replay(vRtrManager); } private void setup1NodeGatewayPool() { gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(gatewayNode1IpStr); expect(vRtrManager.findDevice(null, entityClassifier.classifyEntity(null), 0L, (short)0, (Integer)gatewayNode1Ip)). andReturn(gatewayNode1).anyTimes(); replay(vRtrManager); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); topology = createMock(ITopologyService.class); routingEngine = createMock(IRoutingService.class); storageSource = new MemoryStorageSource(); mockDeviceManager = new MockDeviceManager(); virtualRouting = new VirtualRouting(); addressSpaceMgr = createMock(IAddressSpaceManagerService.class); flowReconcileMgr = createMock(IFlowReconcileService.class); netVirtManager = createMock(INetVirtManagerService.class); RestApiServer ras = new RestApiServer(); MockThreadPoolService tp = new MockThreadPoolService(); entityClassifier = new DefaultEntityClassifier(); betterFlowCacheMgr = createMock(IFlowCacheService.class); vRtrManager = createMock(VirtualRouterManager.class); fmc = new ModuleContext(); fmc.addService(IControllerService.class, mockControllerProvider); fmc.addService(IStorageSourceService.class, storageSource); fmc.addService(IDeviceService.class, mockDeviceManager); fmc.addService(ITopologyService.class, topology); fmc.addService(IRoutingService.class, routingEngine); fmc.addService(IVirtualRoutingService.class, virtualRouting); fmc.addService(IFlowReconcileService.class, flowReconcileMgr); fmc.addService(INetVirtManagerService.class, netVirtManager); fmc.addService(IAddressSpaceManagerService.class, addressSpaceMgr); fmc.addService(IRestApiService.class, ras); fmc.addService(IThreadPoolService.class, tp); fmc.addService(IEntityClassifierService.class, entityClassifier); fmc.addService(IVirtualMacService.class, virtualRouting); fmc.addService(IFlowCacheService.class, betterFlowCacheMgr); expect(vRtrManager.getTopology()).andReturn(topology).anyTimes(); expect(vRtrManager.getRoutingService()).andReturn(routingEngine). anyTimes(); vRtrManager.setDeviceManager(mockDeviceManager); gatewayPool = new GatewayPoolImpl("testGatewayPool", vRtrManager); storageSource.init(fmc); mockDeviceManager.init(fmc); virtualRouting.init(fmc); ras.init(fmc); mockControllerProvider.init(fmc); entityClassifier.init(fmc); tp.init(fmc); netVirtManager.addNetVirtListener((INetVirtListener)EasyMock.anyObject()); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); netVirtManager.clearCachedDeviceState(EasyMock.anyLong()); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); replay(netVirtManager, addressSpaceMgr); storageSource.startUp(fmc); mockDeviceManager.startUp(fmc); virtualRouting.startUp(fmc); ras.startUp(fmc); mockControllerProvider.startUp(fmc); entityClassifier.startUp(fmc); tp.startUp(fmc); } @Test public void testGetters() { assertEquals("testGatewayPool", gatewayPool.getName()); } @Test public void testAddGatewayNode() { verifyNodeAbsent("", 0); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 1); verifyNodeAbsent("", 1); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 2); verifyNodeAbsent("", 2); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 3); verifyNodeAbsent("", 3); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 4); } @Test public void testRemoveGatewayNode() { gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 1); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 2); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 3); gatewayPool.addGatewayNode(""); verifyNodePresent("", 4); gatewayPool.removeGatewayNode(""); verifyNodeAbsent("", 3); gatewayPool.removeGatewayNode(""); verifyNodeAbsent("", 2); gatewayPool.removeGatewayNode(""); verifyNodeAbsent("", 1); gatewayPool.removeGatewayNode(""); verifyNodeAbsent("", 0); } /* * Test the gateway node selection when one of the gateway nodes is * on the same AP as the device. * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | 3 2|-------------------------------|2 4 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * |\ |\ * | \------------- | \------------- * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | | GW1 | |Host 2 | | GW2 | * | | | | | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayNodeSameAP() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 1L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 2L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup the mock routes */ Route routeD1ToGN2 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGN2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToGN1 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGN1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return the L2DomainId */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())) .andReturn(true).anyTimes(); /* * Mock up routingEngine to return the appropriate mock route */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 2L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGN2).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 1L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGN1).times(1); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode2Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * Test the node selection with device and gateway nodes in the same cluster * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | GW1 | | GW2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 3 2|----------------------------------------|2 4 | * | 3 | | 3 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | |Host 2 | * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayNodeSameCluster() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 3L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 4L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock routes */ Route routeD1ToGW1 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route routeD1ToGW2 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToGW1 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)3)); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToGW2 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)3)); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return the L2DomainId and * determine if a given port is an AttachmentPoint */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(3L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(4L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); /* * Mock up routing engine */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW1).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 4L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW2).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGW1).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 4L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGW2).times(1); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode2Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * Test the node selection with device and gateway nodes in different clusters * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | GN1 | | GN2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 6 2|----------------------------------------|2 7 | * | 3 | | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | * | * +-------+ * | 2 | * | 5 | * | 1 | * +-------+ * | * | * | * { NOF } * | * | * | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | | * | 3 2|----------------------------------------|2 4 | * | 3 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | |Host 2 | * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayNodeTwoClusters() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 5L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 5L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 6L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 3L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 7L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 3L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock routes */ Route routeD1ToGW11 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route routeD1ToGW51 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route routeD1ToGW52 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW52.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToGW11 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return L2DomainId and determine if * a given switch,port is an attachment point. */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(3L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(6L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(7L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); /* * Mock routing engine to return the appropriate mock routes */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW11).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGW11).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW51).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 7L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW52).times(2); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * Test the node selection with device & gateway nodes in disjoint clusters * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | SN1 | | SN2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 6 | | 7 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 5 | | 8 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * | | * { NOF } { NOF } * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 3 | | 4 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | |Host 2 | * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayDisjointClusters() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 5L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 6L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 3L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 7L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 4L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup the mock routes */ Route routeD1ToGW11 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW11.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route routeD1ToGW51 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW51.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToS22 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToS22.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); routeD2ToS22.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToS22.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); routeD2ToS22.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); Route routeD2ToGW72 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGW72.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)1)); routeD2ToGW72.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW72.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW72.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return the L2DomainId and determine if a * given switch port is an Attachment point */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(3L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(4L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(6L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(7L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(8L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); /* * Mock up routing engine to return appropriate mock routes */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW11).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 4L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToS22).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW51).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(8L, (short)1, 7L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGW72).times(1); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode2Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * Test the node selection with device and gateway nodes in multi-clusters * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | GW1 | | GW2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 6 | | 7 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 5 3|\ | 8 | * | 1 | \ | 1 | * +-------+ \ +-------+ * | \ | * | \ | * | \ | * { NOF } \---------------------------------{ NOF } * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 3 | | 4 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | |Host 2 | * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayMultiClusters() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(3L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(5L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(4L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(8L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(1L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(2L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(6L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(7L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(5L, (short)3)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 5L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 4L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 5L, 3, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 3L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 6L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 3L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 4L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 7L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 3L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 5L, 3, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 4L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock routes */ Route route13 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route route51_61 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route route53_61 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)3)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route route51_53 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route51_53.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); route51_53.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)3)); Route route24 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); Route route78 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)1)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)2)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)2)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)1)); /* * Re Mock up topology to return the correct L2 Domain ID and to * determine if a given switch port is an attachment point */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(3L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(4L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)3)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(6L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(7L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(8L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); /* * Mock up routing engine to return the appropriate mock routes */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route13).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 4L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route24).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route51_61).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 5L, (short)3, 0)). andReturn(route51_53).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)3, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route53_61).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(8L, (short)1, 7L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route78).times(2); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * Test the node selection with device and gateway nodes in multi-clusters * * +-------+ +-------+ * | | | | * | GW1 | | GW2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 6 | | 7 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ | * | 1 | | * | 9 | | * | 2 | | * +-------+ | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 5 3|\ | 8 | * | 1 | \ | 1 | * +-------+ \ +-------+ * | \ | * | \ | * | \ | * { NOF } \---------------------------------{ NOF } * | | * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * | 3 | | 4 | * | 2 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * | 1 | | 1 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 1 | | 1 | * |Host 1 | |Host 2 | * | | | | * +-------+ +-------+ */ @Test public void testGetOptimalGatewayMultiClusters2() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(9L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(3L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(5L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(4L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(8L, (short)1)). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(1L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(2L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(6L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(7L, (short)1)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(5L, (short)3)). andReturn(false).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 5L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 4L, 1, false); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 5L, 3, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 3L, 1, false); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 6L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 3L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 4L, 1, false); gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 8L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayNode2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 7L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 3L, 1, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 5L, 3, false); gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 4L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock routes */ Route route13 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)2)); route13.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(3L, (short)1)); Route route51_61 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(9L, (short)2)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(9L, (short)1)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); route51_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route route53_61 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)3)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)2)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(9L, (short)2)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(9L, (short)1)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)2)); route53_61.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(6L, (short)1)); Route route51_53 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route51_53.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)1)); route51_53.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(5L, (short)3)); Route route24 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)2)); route24.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(4L, (short)1)); Route route78 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)1)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(8L, (short)2)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)2)); route78.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(7L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return L2DomainId and determine if a given * switch port is an attachment point */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(3L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(4L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(5L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(6L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(9L)).andReturn(5L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(7L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(8L)).andReturn(7L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(3L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(4L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(5L, (short)3)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(6L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(7L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(8L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); /* * Mock up topology to return appropriate mock routes */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 3L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route13).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)1, 4L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route24).times(2); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route51_61).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)1, 5L, (short)3, 0)). andReturn(route51_53).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(5L, (short)3, 6L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route53_61).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(8L, (short)1, 7L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(route78).times(2); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode2Ip, selectedGwIP2); } /* * * Physical Topology * ----------------- * * +--------+ * -----------| L3 NOF |-------- * | | Agg | | * | +--------+ | * +-------+ +-------+ * | L3 NOF| | L3 NOF| * | TOR | | TOR | * | | | (GW1) | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | | S2 | * | 1 | | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | * Host1 * * Logical Topology (w/o Tunnels) * ------------------------------ * * +-----+ * | GW1 | * +-----+ * | * | * +-----+ +-----+ * | NOF | | NOF | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | | S2 | * | 1 | | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | * Host1 * * Logical Topology (with Tunnels) * ------------------------------- * * +-----+ * | GW1 | * +-----+ * | * | * +-----+ +-----+ * | NOF | | NOF | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | Tunnel Link | S2 | * | 3 |---------------------| 2 | * | 1 | | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | * Host1 * * Test Notes(testGetOptimalGatewayOnlyTunnelPathAvailable): * * Gateway Pool : has only one Gateway Node (GW1) * No Tunnel topology (P1) : No path from Host1 to GW1 * Tunnel topology (P2) : H1 --> S1:1 --> S1:3 --> S2:2 --> S2:1 --> GW1 * * The objective of this test is to ensure that when there is no path * available from the host to the gateway node in the regular topology * (w/o tunnels i.e., P1 = nil), the tunnel topology instance is checked * and the path P2 is used to determine that GW1 is the only and optimal * choice as the Gateway Node for the source device corresponding to H1 * */ public void testGetOptimalGatewayOnlyTunnelPathAvailable() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 corresponding to Host1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); /* * Setup gatewayDeviceNode corresponding to GW1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 2L, 1, false); setup1NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock route for use in the tunnel topology route lookup */ Route routeD1ToGW1 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)3)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return L2DomainId and determine if a given * switch port is an attachment point * Note: When consulting the tunnel topology, both S1 and S2 belong * to the same cluster. */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); /* * Setup the routing engine to return the mock route */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 2L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW1).times(1); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); } /* * * Physical Topology * ----------------- * * +--------+ * -----------| L3 NOF |-------- * | | Agg | | * | +--------+ | * +-------+ +-------+ * | L3 NOF| | L3 NOF| * | TOR | | TOR | * | (GW2) | | (GW1) | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * | | * +-------+ +-------+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | | S2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * +-------+ +-------+ * | | * Host1 Host2 * * Logical Topology (w/o Tunnels) * ------------------------------ * * +-----+ +-----+ * | GW2 | | GW1 | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | NOF | | NOF | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | | S2 | * | 1 | | 2 | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * Host1 Host2 * * Logical Topology (with Tunnels) * ------------------------------- * * +-----+ +-----+ * | GW1 | | GW2 | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | NOF | | NOF | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * | | * +-----+ +-----+ * | 2 | | 1 | * | S1 | Tunnel Link | S2 | * | 3 |---------------------| 3 | * | 1 | | 2 | * +-----+ +-----+ * | | * Host1 Host2 * * Test Notes(testGetOptimalGatewayTunnelPathAlsoAvailable): * * Gateway Pool : has 2 Gateway Nodes (GW1, GW2) * * The objective of this test is to ensure that when there is a path * available from the host to the gateway node in the regular topology * (w/o tunnels), the tunnel topology instance is skipped * and the path in the tunnel topology is not computed. * Therefore, for H1, the optimal gateway node is GW1 and for H2, * the optimal gateway node is GW2. */ public void testGetOptimalGatewayTunnelPathAlsoAvailable() { /* * Mock Topology to return true all the time as it should be called * with switch-port pair that should always be an attachment point */ expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.anyShort())). andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)2)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)2)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); replay(topology); /* * Setup device1 corresponding to Host1 */ String macDevice1Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"; long macDevice1 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice1Str)); String ipDevice1Str = ""; int ipDevice1 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice1Str); device1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice1, null, ipDevice1, 1L, 1, false); /* * Setup device2 corresponding to Host2 */ String macDevice2Str = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02"; long macDevice2 = Ethernet.toLong(Ethernet.toMACAddress(macDevice2Str)); String ipDevice2Str = ""; int ipDevice2 = IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipDevice2Str); device2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(macDevice2, null, ipDevice2, 2L, 2, false); /* * Setup gatewayDeviceNode corresponding to GW1 */ gatewayNode1 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode1Mac, null, gatewayNode1Ip, 1L, 2, false); /* * Setup gatewayDeviceNode corresponding to GW2 */ gatewayNode2 = mockDeviceManager.learnEntity(gatewayNode2Mac, null, gatewayNode2Ip, 2L, 1, false); setup2NodeGatewayPool(); /* * Setup mock route for use in the tunnel topology route lookup */ Route routeD1ToGW1 = new Route(device1.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode1.getMACAddress()); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)1)); routeD1ToGW1.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(1L, (short)2)); Route routeD2ToGW2 = new Route(device2.getMACAddress(), gatewayNode2.getMACAddress()); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)2)); routeD2ToGW2.getPath().add(new NodePortTuple(2L, (short)1)); /* * ReMock up topology to return L2DomainId and determine if a given * switch port is an attachment point */ reset(topology); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(1L)).andReturn(1L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.getL2DomainId(2L)).andReturn(2L).anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)1)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(1L, (short)2)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); expect(topology.isAttachmentPointPort(2L, (short)2)).andReturn(true). anyTimes(); /* * Setup the routing engine to return the mock route */ expect(routingEngine.getRoute(1L, (short)1, 1L, (short)2, 0)). andReturn(routeD1ToGW1).times(1); expect(routingEngine.getRoute(2L, (short)2, 2L, (short)1, 0)). andReturn(routeD2ToGW2).times(1); replay(topology, routingEngine); /* * Now the test */ int selectedGwIP1 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device1, null).getIp(); int selectedGwIP2 = gatewayPool.getOptimalGatewayNodeInfo(device2, null).getIp(); /* * Verify */ verify(topology, routingEngine); assertEquals(gatewayNode1Ip, selectedGwIP1); assertEquals(gatewayNode2Ip, selectedGwIP2); } }