/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.sdnplatform.forwarding; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.openflow.protocol.OFFlowMod; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMatch; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMatchWithSwDpid; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketIn; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketIn.OFPacketInReason; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketOut; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPort; import org.openflow.protocol.OFType; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFAction; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionDataLayerDestination; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionDataLayerSource; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionOutput; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionStripVirtualLan; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionVirtualLanIdentifier; import org.openflow.util.HexString; import org.openflow.util.U8; import org.sdnplatform.IBetterOFSwitch; import org.sdnplatform.addressspace.IAddressSpaceManagerService; import org.sdnplatform.core.ListenerContext; import org.sdnplatform.core.IControllerService; import org.sdnplatform.core.IHAListener; import org.sdnplatform.core.IOFSwitch; import org.sdnplatform.core.IControllerService.Role; import org.sdnplatform.core.annotations.LogMessageCategory; import org.sdnplatform.core.annotations.LogMessageDoc; import org.sdnplatform.core.annotations.LogMessageDocs; import org.sdnplatform.core.module.ModuleContext; import org.sdnplatform.core.module.ModuleException; import org.sdnplatform.core.module.IModule; import org.sdnplatform.core.module.IPlatformService; import org.sdnplatform.counter.ICounterStoreService; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.IDevice; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.IDeviceService; import org.sdnplatform.devicemanager.SwitchPort; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.FlowCacheObj; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.IFlowCacheService; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.IFlowReconcileListener; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.IFlowReconcileService; import org.sdnplatform.flowcache.OFMatchReconcile; import org.sdnplatform.netvirt.core.NetVirtExplainPacket; import org.sdnplatform.packet.ARP; import org.sdnplatform.packet.Ethernet; import org.sdnplatform.packet.IPacket; import org.sdnplatform.packet.IPv4; import org.sdnplatform.restserver.IRestApiService; import org.sdnplatform.routing.ForwardingBase; import org.sdnplatform.routing.IRoutingDecision; import org.sdnplatform.routing.IRoutingService; import org.sdnplatform.routing.Route; import org.sdnplatform.routing.RouteId; import org.sdnplatform.routing.IRoutingDecision.RoutingAction; import org.sdnplatform.storage.IResultSet; import org.sdnplatform.storage.IStorageSourceListener; import org.sdnplatform.storage.IStorageSourceService; import org.sdnplatform.storage.StorageException; import org.sdnplatform.topology.IBetterTopologyService; import org.sdnplatform.topology.ITopologyService; import org.sdnplatform.topology.NodePortTuple; import org.sdnplatform.tunnelmanager.ITunnelManagerService; import org.sdnplatform.util.OFMessageDamper; import org.sdnplatform.vendor.OFActionNiciraTtlDecrement; import org.sdnplatform.vendor.OFActionTunnelDstIP; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @LogMessageCategory("Flow Programming") public class Forwarding extends ForwardingBase implements IModule, IForwardingService, IFlowReconcileListener, IStorageSourceListener, IHAListener { protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Forwarding.class); public static final String TABLE_NAME = "controller_forwardingconfig"; public static final String COLUMN_PRIMARY_KEY = "id"; public static final String VALUE_PRIMARY_KEY = "forwarding"; public static final String COLUMN_ACCESS_PRIORITY = "access_priority"; public static String ColumnNames[] = { COLUMN_PRIMARY_KEY, COLUMN_ACCESS_PRIORITY, }; public static final short DEFAULT_ACCESS_PRIORITY = 10; protected short accessPriority; protected IFlowCacheService betterFlowCacheMgr; protected int numberOfTruncatedPacketsSeen = 0; protected IStorageSourceService storageSource; protected IFlowReconcileService flowReconcileMgr; protected ITunnelManagerService tunnelManager; protected IRewriteService rewriteService; protected IRestApiService restApi; // This is the same instance as topology in ForwardingBase protected IBetterTopologyService betterTopology; protected void setControllerProvider(IControllerService fps) { this.controllerProvider = fps; } @Override public Command reconcileFlows(ArrayList<OFMatchReconcile> ofmRcList) { /* All flow reconcilers have provided updates on the action to be * taken. Execute them. */ for (OFMatchReconcile ofm : ofmRcList) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Reconciling flow: match={}, rcAction={}", ofm.ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch(), ofm.rcAction); } switch (ofm.rcAction) { case UPDATE_PATH: doPushReconciledFlowMod(ofm); break; case DROP: doDropReconciledFlowMod(ofm); break; case NEW_ENTRY: doPushReconciledFlowMod(ofm); break; case DELETE: doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofm); break; case NO_CHANGE: /* NOP - leave the flow as is */ break; case APP_INSTANCE_CHANGED: betterFlowCacheMgr.moveFlowToDifferentApplInstName(ofm); break; } } return Command.STOP; } @Override public Command processPacketInMessage(IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { assert(pi != null); if (decision == null) { log.debug("No decision made for this packet-in={}", pi); return Command.CONTINUE; } switch(decision.getRoutingAction()) { case NONE: // No decision has been made, this module can not handle the packet. // Pass it to the next handler. return Command.CONTINUE; case DROP: doDropFlow(pi, decision, cntx); return Command.STOP; case FORWARD: doForwardFlow(pi, sw, decision, cntx); return Command.STOP; case FORWARD_OR_FLOOD: doForwardFlow(pi, sw, decision, cntx); return Command.STOP; case MULTICAST: if (isInBroadcastCache(sw, pi, cntx)==false) doMulticast(pi, decision, cntx); return Command.STOP; } return Command.CONTINUE; } @Override public void setBroadcastCache(boolean state) { this.broadcastCacheFeature = state; } @Override public boolean getBroadcastCache() { return this.broadcastCacheFeature; } @Override @LogMessageDocs({ @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Can not push packetOut with null addressSpace", explanation="The address space for a packet could not be " + "determined", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG), @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Unable to push packet to a null switchPort", explanation="The destination switch and port for a " + "packet could not be determined", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG), @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Unable to push packet, switch at DPID {dpid} " + "not available", explanation="The switch has likely disconnected before a " + "packet could be sent to it", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.TRANSIENT_CONDITION), }) public boolean pushPacketOutToEgressPort(Ethernet packet, short inPort, SwitchPort swp, boolean tunnelEnabled, String addressSpace, short vlan, ListenerContext cntx, boolean flush) { if (addressSpace == null) { log.warn("Can not push packetOut with null addressSpace"); return false; } if (swp == null) { log.warn("Unable to push packet to a null switchPort"); return false; } long switchDpid = swp.getSwitchDPID(); short outPort = (short)swp.getPort(); IOFSwitch sw = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(switchDpid); if (sw == null) { log.warn("Unable to push packet, switch at DPID {} " + "not available", HexString.toHexString(switchDpid)); return false; } Short egressVlan = null; // FIXME: add tunnelEnabled as parameter and currentVlan as parameter Ethernet packetOutEth = (Ethernet)packet.clone(); egressVlan = rewriteService.getSwitchPortVlanMode(swp, addressSpace, vlan, true); if (egressVlan == null) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Address-space {} is forbidden for " + "outgoing port {}. Dropping packet.", new Object[] { addressSpace, swp }); } return false; } packetOutEth.setVlanID(egressVlan); pushPacket(packetOutEth, sw, OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE, inPort, outPort, null, cntx, flush); return true; } public int getNumberOfTruncatedPacketsSeen() { return this.numberOfTruncatedPacketsSeen; } /** * Attempts to discover a route to the destination by ARPing or flooding for it * @param pi The original PacketIn we coulnd't find a route for. * @param sw The switch the PacketIn came on * @param decision The IRoutingDecision to decide if we should ARP or flood * @param cntx The ListenerContext that stores the PacketIn payload */ protected void discoverDstRoute(OFPacketIn pi, IOFSwitch sw, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { if (decision.getRoutingAction() == RoutingAction.FORWARD_OR_FLOOD) { doFlood(pi, decision, cntx); } else if (decision.getRoutingAction() == RoutingAction.FORWARD) { // TODO There might a small optimization here. A subcase of this // is that we only don't know how to route on one island. // If we can find the destination attachment point on only that // island we could avoid dropping the packet // Since the dest device is unknown, we inject a fake arp // only on the broadcast port to discover/identify the device injectFakeArpOnAllowedIncomingBroadcastNodePort(pi, sw, cntx, false); } } protected void doForwardFlow(OFPacketIn pi, IOFSwitch sw, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { if (!validateDecision(decision)) { return; } // Initialize data from decision (validation above ensures that they all not null) // pin prefix indicates packet-in Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); IDevice srcDevice = decision.getSourceDevice(); long pinSwitchDPID = decision.getSourcePort().getSwitchDPID(); IOFSwitch pinSwitch = switches.get(pinSwitchDPID); if (pinSwitch == null) return; Integer pinPort = decision.getSourcePort().getPort(); Long pinCluster = topology.getL2DomainId(pinSwitchDPID); IDevice dstDevice = null; SwitchPort[] dstDaps = null; if (decision.getDestinationDevices().size() > 0) { dstDevice = decision.getDestinationDevices().get(0); dstDaps = dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doForwardFlow pi={} decision={} srcDevice={} " + "srcSwitch={} srcPort={} dstDevice={}", new Object[] { pi, decision, srcDevice, HexString.toHexString(decision.getSourcePort().getSwitchDPID()), pinPort, dstDevice }); } if (dstDevice == null || dstDaps == null || (dstDaps.length == 0)) { discoverDstRoute(pi, sw, decision, cntx); return; } boolean isTunnelTraffic = tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(srcDevice) || tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(dstDevice); boolean tunnelEnabled = !isTunnelTraffic; // Validate that we have a destination known on the same island // Validate that the source and destination are not on the same // switchport, otherwise the detination has be discovered on this // L2 domain. boolean on_same_island = false; boolean on_same_if = false; for (SwitchPort dstTuple : dstDaps) { long dstSwDPID = dstTuple.getSwitchDPID(); Long dstIsland = topology.getL2DomainId(dstSwDPID); if ((dstIsland != null) && dstIsland.equals(pinCluster)) { on_same_island = true; if ((pinSwitchDPID == dstSwDPID) && (pinPort.shortValue() == dstTuple.getPort())) { on_same_if = true; } break; } } if (!on_same_island) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("No first hop island found for dest device: {}", dstDevice); } discoverDstRoute(pi, sw, decision, cntx); return; } if (on_same_if) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("NOP since both source {} and destination {} " + " are on the same switch {} and port {}", new Object[] {srcDevice.toString(), dstDevice.toString(), HexString.toHexString(pinSwitchDPID), pinPort}); } return; } // Install all the routes where both src and dst have attachment // points. Since the lists are stored in sorted order we can traverse // the attachment points in O(m+n) time SwitchPort[] srcDaps = srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); Map<Long, SwitchPort> srcMap = getSwitchPortMap(srcDaps, tunnelEnabled); Map<Long, SwitchPort> dstMap = getSwitchPortMap(dstDaps, tunnelEnabled); // If we are forwarding packets whose original destination was a // tunnel end-point, get the map of all the attachment points for the // original tunnel destination. IDevice origDstDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_ORIG_DST_DEVICE); Map<Long, SwitchPort> origTunnDstMap = null; if (origDstDevice != null && tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(origDstDevice)) { SwitchPort[] origTunnDstDaps = origDstDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); origTunnDstMap = getSwitchPortMap(origTunnDstDaps, tunnelEnabled); } for(long l2id: srcMap.keySet()) { SwitchPort srcDap = srcMap.get(l2id); SwitchPort dstDap = dstMap.get(l2id); if (dstDap == null) continue; if (srcDap.equals(dstDap)) continue; SwitchPort origTunnDap = null; if (origTunnDstMap != null) { origTunnDap = origTunnDstMap.get(l2id); if (origTunnDap == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Failed to find dap for {} on l2id {}", origDstDevice, l2id); } continue; } } Route route = null; NodePortTuple modifiedSrc; SwitchPort dstSwitchPort = null; long cookie = this.getHashByMac(dstDevice.getMACAddress()); /* * Note I: * ------- * If the packet was originally destined to a Tunnel loopback port, * the computation of getIncomingSwitchPort() is done against * the original tunnel destination. * * Why ?: * ------ * in this case, it is *assumed* that the tunnel loopback port is * used as a next hop to reach hosts in the OF cluster from the * NOF domain. As a result, packets to the hosts in the OF cluster * from the NOF will only be addressed to the tunnel loopback * port mac address. * * As long as we ensure that the packet came in on the correct port * designated for the tunnel port's attachment point, we can * ensure correct packet forwarding semantics to "dst". * * Note II: * -------- * Route Computation for this case cannot be procured * "out-of-box"(in a single call) from * RoutingEngine(backed by BetterTopology). * * Why? * ---- * Say, we have 2 switches SW1 and SW2 both in same OF Cluster. * Both switches' P1 port is connected to the NOF. "dest" is on (SW2, P1). * If the packet came in on (SW1, P1) addressed to the MAC of the * TEP on SW2, IP of "dest", the route returned by * getRoute(SW1, P1, SW2, P2) would be (SW2, P1), (SW2, P2). * To workaround this, we compute the SW1 --> SW2 path and then * prepend (SW1, P1) and append (SW2, P2) to that path. * See getRouteInCluster() */ if (origTunnDap != null) { modifiedSrc = topology. getIncomingSwitchPort(srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), origTunnDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)origTunnDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); if (modifiedSrc == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SourceDAP: {}, origTunnDap: null", srcDap); log.debug("Dropping packet due to topology " + "restriction: srcDev: {}, srcDap: {}, " + "origDstDevice {}, origTunnDap: {}", new Object[] { srcDevice.getMACAddressString(), srcDap, origDstDevice.getMACAddressString(), origTunnDap } ); } continue; } route = getRouteInCluster(modifiedSrc.getNodeId(), (short)modifiedSrc.getPortId(), dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort(), cookie); dstSwitchPort = new SwitchPort(dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort()); } else { // The packet is going to be routed from srdDap.getSwitchPort() to // dstDap.getSwitchPort(). We need to validate this traffic. NodePortTuple modifiedDst; modifiedSrc = topology. getIncomingSwitchPort(srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); modifiedDst = topology. getOutgoingSwitchPort(srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); if (modifiedDst == null || modifiedSrc == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SourceDAP: {}, DestDAP: {}", srcDap, dstDap); log.debug("Modified SourceDAP: {}, Modified DestDAP: {}", modifiedSrc, modifiedDst); log.debug("Dropping packet due to topology " + "restriction: srcDev: {}, srcDap: {}, " + "dstDev {}, dstDap: {}", new Object[] { srcDevice.getMACAddressString(), srcDap, dstDevice.getMACAddressString(), dstDap } ); } continue; } // Rewrite the source and destination switch ports dstSwitchPort = new SwitchPort(modifiedDst.getNodeId(), modifiedDst.getPortId()); cookie = this.getHashByMac(dstDevice.getMACAddress()); route = routingEngine.getRoute(modifiedSrc.getNodeId(), modifiedSrc.getPortId(), modifiedDst.getNodeId(), modifiedDst.getPortId(), cookie, tunnelEnabled); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("SourceDAP: {}, DestDAP: {}", srcDap, dstDap); log.trace("Modified SourceDAP: {}, Modified DestDAP: {}", modifiedSrc, modifiedDst); log.trace("Route = {}", route); } } if (route != null) { NodePortTuple pinNpt = new NodePortTuple(pinSwitchDPID, pinPort.shortValue()); // Make sure that if the packet-in switch port is an // attachment point port, then this port is present on the // route. Otherwise, do not install the route. if (topology.isAttachmentPointPort(pinSwitchDPID, pinPort.shortValue(), tunnelEnabled) && !route.getPath().contains(pinNpt)){ if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Dropping packet and not installing " + "flow-mod as packet-in switchport {} is not " + "present on route {}", decision.getSourcePort(), route); } /* * ARP for the destination IP on both the permitted * broadcast and unicast ports, so that the destination can * respond to the ARP and source transmits on the correct * port to reach the destination IP * * Note: We inject on both the permitted broadcast and * unicast ports. However, only one of them will be * processed by ARP manager. See ArpManager.receive() */ injectFakeArpOnAllowedIncomingUnicastNodePort(modifiedSrc, cntx, true); injectFakeArpOnAllowedIncomingBroadcastNodePort(pi, sw, cntx, true); } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("pushRoute pi={} piSwitch={} " + "route={} destination={}", new Object[] {pi, pinSwitch.getStringId(), route, dstSwitchPort}); } if (NetVirtExplainPacket.isExplainPktCntx(cntx)) { // Store the route for this cluster in the explain // packet route object in the context NetVirtExplainPacket.ExplainPktRoute. ExplainPktAddRouteToContext(cntx, route, l2id, srcDap, dstDap); } else { pushRewriteRoute(route, decision.getSourceDevice(), null, pi, pinSwitch.getId(), appCookie, decision.getWildcards(), true, false, OFFlowMod.OFPFC_ADD, tunnelEnabled, cntx); } } } } return; } /** * Computes the route between the given endpoints assuming * srcSwitchId and dstSwitchId are in the same OF Cluster. * The route is computed by computing the switch-switch * route from srcSwitchId to dstSwitchId and then prepending * (srcSwitchId, srcPort) and appending (dstSwitchId, dstPort) to get * the final route. * Note: The topology instance with tunnels included is consulted. * @param srcSwitchId * @param srcPort * @param dstSwitchId * @param dstPort * @param cookie * @return */ private Route getRouteInCluster(long srcSwitchId, short srcPort, long dstSwitchId, short dstPort, long cookie) { Route route = null; List<NodePortTuple> nptList = new ArrayList<NodePortTuple>(); Route intraClusterRoute = null; if (srcSwitchId != dstSwitchId) { intraClusterRoute = routingEngine.getRoute(srcSwitchId, dstSwitchId, cookie, true); if (intraClusterRoute == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Failed to find intra-cluster route from " + "{} --> {}", srcSwitchId, dstSwitchId); } return null; } } nptList.add(new NodePortTuple(srcSwitchId, srcPort)); if (intraClusterRoute != null && intraClusterRoute.getPath() != null) { nptList.addAll(intraClusterRoute.getPath()); } nptList.add(new NodePortTuple(dstSwitchId, dstPort)); route = new Route(new RouteId(srcSwitchId, dstSwitchId), nptList); return route; } private Map<Long, SwitchPort> getSwitchPortMap(SwitchPort[] sp, boolean tunnelEnabled) { Map<Long, SwitchPort> resultMap = new HashMap<Long, SwitchPort>(); for(int i=0; i<sp.length; i++) { long l2id = topology.getL2DomainId(sp[i].getSwitchDPID(), tunnelEnabled); resultMap.put(l2id, sp[i]); } return resultMap; } /** * * @param applInstName application instance name * @param ofmWithSwDpid open-flow match * @param swClusterId if not null then the flow-mods only in this cluster * are reprogrammed */ @Override @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Could not push reconciled flow with unknown source {dpid}", explanation="There was a flow on the specified switch for which " + "no associated source device could be found", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH) public void doPushReconciledFlowMod(OFMatchReconcile ofmRc) { if (ofmRc == null) return; OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmWithSwDpid = ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("doPushReconciledFlowMod: OFMatchReconcile = {}", ofmRc); long macAddress = Ethernet.toLong(ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getDataLayerSource()); IDevice srcDevice = deviceManager.findDevice(macAddress, ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getDataLayerVirtualLan(), ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getNetworkSource(), ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId(), (int)ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getInputPort()); if (srcDevice == null) { log.warn("Could not push reconciled flow with unknown source {}", ofmWithSwDpid); return; } Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); IOFSwitch srcSwitch = switches.get(ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId()); if (srcSwitch == null) return; /** * TODO Flow cache should implement passing the packet/flow mod through * the topology manager to compute whether tunnels are allowed or not. */ IOFSwitch pinSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId()); Short pinPort = ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getInputPort(); NodePortTuple pinNpt = new NodePortTuple(srcSwitch.getId(), ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getInputPort()); IRoutingDecision decision = null; IDevice dstDevice = null; IDevice origDstDevice = null; if (ofmRc.cntx != null) { decision = IRoutingDecision.rtStore.get(ofmRc.cntx, IRoutingDecision.CONTEXT_DECISION); if (decision != null && decision.getDestinationDevices().size() > 0) { dstDevice = decision.getDestinationDevices().get(0); } origDstDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(ofmRc.cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_ORIG_DST_DEVICE); } if (dstDevice == null) { macAddress = Ethernet.toLong(ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getDataLayerDestination()); dstDevice = deviceManager.findClassDevice(srcDevice.getEntityClass(), macAddress, ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getDataLayerVirtualLan(), ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getNetworkDestination()); } if (dstDevice == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Delete flow to unknown destination {}", HexString.toHexString(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getDataLayerDestination())); } doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); return; } boolean isTunnelTraffic = tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(srcDevice) || tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(dstDevice); boolean tunnelEnabled = !isTunnelTraffic; //Long swClusterId = topology.getSwitchClusterId(srcSwitch.getId()); Long swClusterId = topology.getL2DomainId(srcSwitch.getId(), tunnelEnabled); // Install all the routes where both src and dst have attachment points // Since the lists are stored in sorted order we can traverse the // attachment points in O(m+n) time SwitchPort[] srcDaps = srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); SwitchPort[] dstDaps = dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); // If destination device doesn't have any attachment point, drop the flow. if (dstDaps == null || dstDaps.length == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("delete flow to unknow destination, {} from {}", srcDevice.getMACAddressString(), dstDevice.getMACAddressString()); } doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); return; } // If we are forwarding packets whose original destination was a // tunnel end-point, get the map of all the attachment points for the // original tunnel destination. Map<Long, SwitchPort> origTunnDstMap = null; if (origDstDevice != null && tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(origDstDevice)) { SwitchPort[] origTunnDstDaps = origDstDevice.getAttachmentPoints(); if (origTunnDstDaps == null || origTunnDstDaps.length == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("delete flow via unknow tunn dest {} from {}", srcDevice.getMACAddressString(), origDstDevice.getMACAddressString()); } doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); return; } origTunnDstMap = getSwitchPortMap(origTunnDstDaps, tunnelEnabled); } Map<Long, SwitchPort> srcMap = getSwitchPortMap(srcDaps, tunnelEnabled); Map<Long, SwitchPort> dstMap = getSwitchPortMap(dstDaps, tunnelEnabled); for(long l2id: srcMap.keySet()) { SwitchPort srcDap = srcMap.get(l2id); SwitchPort dstDap = dstMap.get(l2id); if (dstDap == null) continue; if (srcDap.equals(dstDap)) continue; IOFSwitch srcSw = switches.get(srcDap.getSwitchDPID()); IOFSwitch dstSw = switches.get(dstDap.getSwitchDPID()); if (srcSw == null || dstSw == null) continue; SwitchPort origTunnDap = null; if (origTunnDstMap != null) { origTunnDap = origTunnDstMap.get(l2id); if (origTunnDap == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Failed to find dap for {} on l2id {}", origDstDevice, l2id); } continue; } } long cookie = this.getHashByMac(dstDevice.getMACAddress()); Route route = null; NodePortTuple modifiedSrc = null; if (origTunnDap != null) { modifiedSrc = topology. getIncomingSwitchPort(srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), origTunnDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)origTunnDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); } else { modifiedSrc = topology. getIncomingSwitchPort(srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); } NodePortTuple modifiedDst = topology.getOutgoingSwitchPort( srcDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)srcDap.getPort(), dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)dstDap.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); if (modifiedDst == null || modifiedSrc == null) { // This packet should be dropped. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Delete the flow due to topology " + "restriction: srcDap: {}, dstDap: {}", srcDap, dstDap); } doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); continue; } // if the packet-in switch and the modified switch are // in the same cluster, then verify both of them match. // the packet-in switch port must be either internal // or if external, it should match the modifiedSrc if (topology.getL2DomainId(pinSwitch.getId(), tunnelEnabled) == topology.getL2DomainId(modifiedSrc.getNodeId(), tunnelEnabled) && topology.isAttachmentPointPort(pinSwitch.getId(), pinPort, tunnelEnabled) == true && pinNpt.equals(modifiedSrc) == false) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Delete the flow as packet-in comes " + "from external switch port that's not " + "allowed for this communication: " + "srcDev: {}, srcDap: {}, " + "dstDev {}, dstDap: {}", new Object[] { srcDevice.getMACAddressString(), srcDap, dstDevice.getMACAddressString(), dstDap } ); } doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); continue; } // Rewrite the source and destination switch ports srcSw = switches.get(modifiedSrc.getNodeId()); dstSw = switches.get(modifiedDst.getNodeId()); if (origTunnDap != null) { route = getRouteInCluster(modifiedSrc.getNodeId(), (short)modifiedSrc.getPortId(), modifiedDst.getNodeId(), (short)modifiedDst.getPortId(), cookie); } else { route = routingEngine.getRoute(modifiedSrc.getNodeId(), modifiedSrc.getPortId(), modifiedDst.getNodeId(), modifiedDst.getPortId(), cookie, tunnelEnabled); } if (route != null) { /* * pi and listener context are set to null * command is set to MODIFY so that the packet and byte * counters are preserved after the flow has been * rerouted. * Do flush is set to true so that the reconciled * flow mod is pushed to the switch immediately. Also * reconciled flows are pushed via a different thread, * not the one that handled the corresponding packet in * or the flow reconcile trigger event. */ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("route: {}", route); } pushRewriteRoute(route, srcDevice, ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch(), null, pinSwitch.getId(), appCookie, ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getWildcards(), true, true, OFFlowMod.OFPFC_MODIFY, tunnelEnabled, ofmRc.cntx); } else { /** * delete the flow if no route between two devices in a L2 domain. * However, there should never be a case for null route if the two devices * are in the same L2 domain. */ if ((swClusterId != null) && (swClusterId.equals(l2id))) { doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(ofmRc); break; } } } return; } protected static final String ioerrorFlowMod = "Could not insert a flow mod because of an I/O error."; @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="Failure writing deny flow mod", explanation=ioerrorFlowMod, recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH) protected void doDropFlow(OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { if (!validateDecision(decision)) { return; } // Initialize data from decision (validation above ensures that they // all not null) Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); IOFSwitch srcSwitch = switches.get(decision.getSourcePort().getSwitchDPID()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doDropFlow pi={} decision={} srcSwitch={}", new Object[] { pi, decision, srcSwitch }); } if (srcSwitch == null) return; // Create flow-mod based on packet-in and src-switch OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) controllerProvider.getOFMessageFactory(). getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD); OFMatch match = new OFMatch(); match.loadFromPacket(pi.getPacketData(), pi.getInPort()); List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); match = wildcard(match, srcSwitch, decision.getWildcards()); fm.setCookie(appCookie) .setIdleTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT) .setHardTimeout(decision.getHardTimeout()) .setPriority(accessPriority) .setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) .setMatch(match) .setActions(actions) .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH); // +OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH); fm.setFlags(OFFlowMod.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM); try { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("write drop flow-mod srcSwitch={} match={} " + "pi={} flow-mod={}", new Object[] {srcSwitch, match, pi, fm}); } counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(srcSwitch, fm); srcSwitch.write(fm, cntx); OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmWithSwDpid = new OFMatchWithSwDpid(match, srcSwitch.getId()); betterFlowCacheMgr.addFlow(cntx, ofmWithSwDpid, appCookie, decision.getSourcePort(), fm.getPriority(), FlowCacheObj.FCActionDENY); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failure writing deny flow mod", e); } return; } @Override @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="No matching switch with dpid {dpid} when trying to" + " install a DROP flow.", explanation="The switch has likely disconnected from the controller.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH) public void doDropReconciledFlowMod(OFMatchReconcile ofmRc) { // Get the source switch IOFSwitch swsrcSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches(). get(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId()); // If the switch is not connected, NO-OP if (swsrcSwitch == null) { log.warn("No matching switch with dpid {} when trying to install a DROP flow.", HexString.toHexString(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId())); return; } /* Set the action to drop at the source switch for this * flow-mod. If we delete the flow-mod instead then * controller may get a large number of packet-ins. */ OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) controllerProvider. getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD); List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); fm.setIdleTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT) .setHardTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT) .setPriority(accessPriority) .setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) .setCookie(ofmRc.cookie) .setIdleTimeout((short)5) .setMatch(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch()) .setActions(actions) .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH); fm.setFlags(OFFlowMod.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM); fm.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_MODIFY); /* Request flow mod */ try { swsrcSwitch.write(fm, null); swsrcSwitch.flush(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Programmed drop flow-mod {} at {}", fm, swsrcSwitch); } betterFlowCacheMgr.addFlow( ofmRc.appInstName, ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid, ofmRc.cookie, swsrcSwitch.getId(), ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch().getInputPort(), fm.getPriority(), FlowCacheObj.FCActionDENY); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failure writing deny flow mod", e); } } @Override @LogMessageDocs({ @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="No matching switch with dpid {dpid} when trying " + "to delete a flow.", explanation="The switch has likely disconnected from the controller.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH), @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="Failed to delete flow mod: {flow} at {dpid}", explanation=ioerrorFlowMod, recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH) }) public void doDeleteReconciledFlowMod(OFMatchReconcile ofmRc) { /* Delete the drop flow mod since the source and * destination are now in the same NetVirt */ /* Get the source switch */ IOFSwitch swsrcSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches(). get(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId()); // If the switch is not connected, NO-OP if (swsrcSwitch == null) { log.warn("No matching switch with dpid {} when trying to delete a flow.", HexString.toHexString(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getSwitchDataPathId())); return; } /* Set the action to drop at the source switch for this * flow-mod. If we delete the flow-mod instead then * controller may get a large number of packet-ins. */ OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) controllerProvider. getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD); fm.setIdleTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT) .setHardTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT) .setCookie(ofmRc.cookie) .setPriority(ofmRc.priority) .setMatch(ofmRc.ofmWithSwDpid.getOfMatch()) .setOutPort(OFPort.OFPP_NONE) .setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_DELETE) .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH); try { swsrcSwitch.write(fm, null); swsrcSwitch.flush(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deleted flow-mod {} at {}", fm, swsrcSwitch); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to delete flow mod: {} at {}", fm, swsrcSwitch); } } /** A helper function. * @param interfaces a map that maps switches & vlan to the set * of ports on this switch for which flood/multicast should use this * vlan for outgoing packets. * @param sw the switch * @param vlan the vlan * @param port the port number to include. This port will be added to the * list of ports */ private void addPortToSwitchVlanMap( HashMap <IOFSwitch, HashMap<Short,HashSet<Integer>>> interfaces, IOFSwitch sw, Short vlan, Integer port) { HashMap<Short, HashSet<Integer>> vlanMap; vlanMap = interfaces.get(sw); if (vlanMap == null) { vlanMap = new HashMap<Short,HashSet<Integer>>(); interfaces.put(sw, vlanMap); } HashSet<Integer> ports; ports = vlanMap.get(vlan); if (ports == null) { ports = new HashSet<Integer>(); vlanMap.put(vlan, ports); } ports.add(port); } protected void doMulticast(OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { if (!validateDecision(decision)) { return; } boolean tunnelEnabled = !tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(decision.getSourceDevice()); // Check if the payload has the entire packet. Otherwise, just drop // the packet. Ethernet eth = IControllerService. bcStore.get(cntx, IControllerService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD); if (eth.getPayload() instanceof IPv4) { IPv4 packet = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); //ignore the packet if the packet is truncated. if (packet.isTruncated()) { numberOfTruncatedPacketsSeen++; return; } } // Initialize data from decision (validation above ensures that they // all not null/empty) SwitchPort sourceswt = decision.getSourcePort(); long pinSw = sourceswt.getSwitchDPID(); short pinPort = (short)sourceswt.getPort(); long clusterid = topology.getOpenflowDomainId(pinSw, tunnelEnabled); if (topology.isIncomingBroadcastAllowed(pinSw, pinPort, tunnelEnabled)== false) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("doMulticast, drop packet, pi={}, as input port " + "is not enabled for incoming broadcast, " + "packet-in sw={}, packet-in port = {}", new Object[] {pi, pinSw, pinPort}); } return; } // We add the switch/ports we want to include in the multicast to this // map. We first index by the switch, we then index by the // VLAN-tag to use. The value is the set of ports on this switch for // which we should use the VLAN tag when sending. // This allows us to use multi-action packet outs per switch HashMap <IOFSwitch, HashMap<Short,HashSet<Integer>>> interfaces = new HashMap <IOFSwitch,HashMap<Short,HashSet<Integer>>> (); Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); // The vlan the current address space uses for transit String sourceAddressSpace = decision.getSourceDevice() .getEntityClass().getName(); List<SwitchPort> dstInterfaces = null; dstInterfaces = decision.getMulticastInterfaces(); if (dstInterfaces != null) { for (SwitchPort swt : dstInterfaces) { // get the modified tunnel port. // this should also ensure that only ports within // the same cluster are considered. NodePortTuple modifiedNpt = topology.getOutgoingSwitchPort(pinSw, pinPort, swt.getSwitchDPID(), (short)swt.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); if (modifiedNpt == null) continue; swt = new SwitchPort(modifiedNpt.getNodeId(), modifiedNpt.getPortId()); IOFSwitch dstSw = switches.get(swt.getSwitchDPID()); if ((topology.getOpenflowDomainId(swt.getSwitchDPID(), tunnelEnabled) == clusterid) && (!sourceswt.equals(swt))) { // it is not the same switch port tuple as the source. Short egressVlan = rewriteService.getSwitchPortVlanMode(swt, sourceAddressSpace, eth.getVlanID(), tunnelEnabled); if (egressVlan==null) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Output to port {} forbidden for " + "address-sapce {}, currentVlan {} " + "(pi={} decision={})", new Object[] { swt, sourceAddressSpace, eth.getVlanID(), pi, decision } ); } continue; } // TODO: This might be too much logging even for trace... if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doMulticast: adding switch-port-" + "tuple= {} with vlan {} (pi={} decision={})", new Object[] { swt, egressVlan, pi, decision }); } addPortToSwitchVlanMap(interfaces, dstSw, egressVlan, swt.getPort()); } } } // Modified for multi-action packet out. List<IDevice> dstDevices = decision.getDestinationDevices(); if (dstDevices != null) { for (IDevice d : dstDevices) { SwitchPort[] daps = d.getAttachmentPoints(); if (daps == null) continue; for (SwitchPort swt : daps) { // Ignore this switch port if it is not in the same // L2 domain. if (!topology.inSameL2Domain(swt.getSwitchDPID(), sourceswt.getSwitchDPID())) continue; NodePortTuple npt = topology.getAllowedOutgoingBroadcastPort(sourceswt.getSwitchDPID(), (short)sourceswt.getPort(), swt.getSwitchDPID(), (short)swt.getPort(), tunnelEnabled); if (npt == null) continue; if (topology.isInSameBroadcastDomain(sourceswt.getSwitchDPID(), (short)sourceswt.getPort(), npt.getNodeId(), npt.getPortId(), tunnelEnabled)) { continue; } // dstSw is the switch to which the packet must be // sent to. IOFSwitch dstSw = switches.get(npt.getNodeId()); if (dstSw == null) continue; // it is not the same switch port tuple as the // source. Short egressVlan = null; egressVlan = rewriteService.getSwitchPortVlanMode(swt, sourceAddressSpace, eth.getVlanID(), tunnelEnabled); if (egressVlan==null) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Output to port {} forbidden for " + "address-sapce {}, currentVlan {} " + "(pi={} decision={})", new Object[] { swt, sourceAddressSpace, eth.getVlanID(), pi, decision } ); } continue; } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { // TODO: This might be too much logging even for trace... log.trace("doMulticast: adding switch-port-" + "tuple= {} with vlan {} (pi={} decision={})", new Object[] { swt, egressVlan, pi, decision }); } addPortToSwitchVlanMap(interfaces, dstSw, egressVlan, (int)npt.getPortId()); } } } //---------------------- // rewrite packet //---------------------- eth = (Ethernet)eth.clone(); Long newDstMac = rewriteService.getFinalIngressDstMac(cntx); if (newDstMac != null) eth.setDestinationMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(newDstMac)); Long newSrcMac = rewriteService.getFinalEgressSrcMac(cntx); if (newSrcMac != null) eth.setSourceMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(newSrcMac)); Integer decrement = rewriteService.getTtlDecrement(cntx); if (decrement != null) { if (decrementTtl(eth, decrement) == false) { // TTL expired if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Dropping packet from {}: TTL expired", decision.getSourceDevice()); } return; } } //---------------------- // Push the packet. //---------------------- for (IOFSwitch sw: interfaces.keySet()) { HashMap<Short, HashSet<Integer>> vlanMap = interfaces.get(sw); for (Short vlan: vlanMap.keySet()) { HashSet<Integer> al = vlanMap.get(vlan); eth.setVlanID(vlan); pi.setPacketData(eth.serialize()); packetOutMultiPort(eth, sw, OFPort.OFPP_NONE.getValue(), al, cntx); } } } /** * Creates a OFPacketOut with the OFPacketIn data that is flooded on all * ports unless the port is blocked, in which case the packet will be * dropped. * @param pi The OFPacketIn that came to the switch * @param decision The Forwarding decision * @param cntx The ListenerContext associated with this OFPacketIn */ protected void doFlood(OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, ListenerContext cntx) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: pi={} decision={}", pi, decision); } // Validation not required since it is called from a validated context //if (!validateDecision(decision)) { // return; //} boolean tunnelEnabled = !tunnelManager.isTunnelEndpoint(decision.getSourceDevice()); // Check if the target IP address is in the tunnel subnet or not. Ethernet ethtry = IControllerService.bcStore .get(cntx, IControllerService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD); if (tunnelEnabled && ethtry.getEtherType() == Ethernet.TYPE_ARP) { ARP a = (ARP) ethtry.getPayload(); int x = IPv4.toIPv4Address(a.getTargetProtocolAddress()); if (tunnelManager.getSwitchDpid(x) != null) { tunnelEnabled = false; } } // Initialize data from decision (validation above ensures that they all not null/empty) SwitchPort pinSwitchPort = decision.getSourcePort(); if (topology.isIncomingBroadcastAllowed(pinSwitchPort.getSwitchDPID(), (short)pinSwitchPort.getPort(), tunnelEnabled) == false) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: drop broadcast packet, pi={}, " + "from a blocked port, srcSwitchTuple={}, tunnelEnabled={}", new Object[] {pi, pinSwitchPort, tunnelEnabled}); } return; } IOFSwitch pinIofSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches(). get(pinSwitchPort.getSwitchDPID()); long pinSwitch = pinSwitchPort.getSwitchDPID(); short pinPort = (short) pinSwitchPort.getPort(); // If the packet was flooded recently on the switch, // don't do it again if (isInSwitchBroadcastCache(pinIofSwitch, pi, cntx)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: drop broadcast packet, pi={}, " + "since it is in switchBroadcastCache", pi); } return; } // Get the attachment point of the source in the L2 domain. long apSwitch = 0; short apPort = 0; IDevice srcDevice = decision.getSourceDevice(); for(SwitchPort dap: srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints()) { apSwitch = dap.getSwitchDPID(); apPort = (short)dap.getPort(); if (topology.getL2DomainId(apSwitch, tunnelEnabled) == topology.getL2DomainId(pinSwitch, tunnelEnabled)) break; } // drop the packet if attachment point for a source is not available // in the cluster. if (apSwitch == 0 && apPort == 0) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: Dropping packet as source attachment point is " + "not available in the cluster. pi={}", pi); } return; } // Drop the packet if the packet-in switch port is inconsistent with // the attachment point switch port. if (topology.isConsistent(apSwitch, apPort, pinSwitch, pinPort, tunnelEnabled) == false) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: Dropping packet as packet-in port is " + "inconsistent with attachment point. pi={}", pi); } return; } // The packet is now eligible for forwarding to all nodes. // We will flood the packet to all the switches in the openflow // domain. // Get all the switches in that openflow domain. Set<Long> switchesInOpenflowDomain = topology.getSwitchesInOpenflowDomain(pinSwitch, tunnelEnabled); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { Set<String> switches = new HashSet<String>(); for (Long dpid : switchesInOpenflowDomain) { switches.add(HexString.toHexString(dpid)); } log.trace("doFlood: OF switches {} ", Arrays.toString(switches.toArray())); } for (long sw: switchesInOpenflowDomain) { IOFSwitch iofSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(sw); if (iofSwitch == null) continue; // Get the list of switch ports. and compute the multi-action packet-out. Set<Short> resultPorts = new HashSet<Short>(); resultPorts.addAll(topology.getPorts(sw)); // remove internal links Set<Short> portsWithLinks = topology.getPortsWithLinks(sw); if (portsWithLinks != null && !portsWithLinks.isEmpty()) resultPorts.removeAll(portsWithLinks); // add the internal links in the broadcast tree // The broadcast ports computed here will only be to the // external broadcast domains. resultPorts.addAll(topology.getBroadcastPorts(sw, apSwitch, apPort, tunnelEnabled)); // TODO: When tunnel scalability is completed, we need to // remove tunnel ports from the list as we will not find // links through the tunnel ports. Short tunnelPort= tunnelManager.getTunnelPortNumber(sw); if (tunnelPort != null) resultPorts.remove(tunnelPort); // Remove the incoming port on the packet-in switch if (sw == pinSwitch) resultPorts.remove(Short.valueOf((short)pinSwitchPort.getPort())); if (resultPorts.isEmpty()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: Dropping flood packet on switch {} as " + "resulting port set is empty.", HexString.toHexString(sw)); } continue; } Ethernet eth = (Ethernet)IControllerService.bcStore .get(cntx, IControllerService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD) .clone(); short origVlan = eth.getVlanID(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: resultPorts {} ", Arrays.toString(resultPorts.toArray())); } // We need to send a multi-action packet-out to only the ports in resultPorts. // Separate output ports by the VLAN we need to use HashMap<Short,Set<Integer>> perVlanPorts = new HashMap<Short,Set<Integer>>(); String sourceAddressSpace = srcDevice.getEntityClass().getName(); for (Short port: resultPorts) { Short egressVlan; SwitchPort swp = new SwitchPort(sw, port); egressVlan = rewriteService.getSwitchPortVlanMode(swp, sourceAddressSpace, origVlan, tunnelEnabled); if (egressVlan==null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Short transportVlan = rewriteService.getTransportVlan(cntx); log.debug("doFlood: Transport vlan {} is forbidden for " + "outgoing port {} (pi={} decision={})", new Object[] { transportVlan, swp, pi, decision } ); } continue; } Set<Integer> curVlanPorts = perVlanPorts.get(egressVlan); if (curVlanPorts == null) { curVlanPorts = new HashSet<Integer>(); perVlanPorts.put(egressVlan, curVlanPorts); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: Add port {}/{} to vlan {})", new Object[] { swp, pi, egressVlan }); } curVlanPorts.add(port.intValue()); } //---------------------- // Packet rewrites //---------------------- Long newDstMac = rewriteService.getFinalIngressDstMac(cntx); if (newDstMac != null) eth.setDestinationMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(newDstMac)); Long newSrcMac = rewriteService.getFinalEgressSrcMac(cntx); if (newSrcMac != null) eth.setSourceMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(newSrcMac)); Integer decrement = rewriteService.getTtlDecrement(cntx); if (decrement != null) { if (decrementTtl(eth, decrement) == false) { // TTL expired if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("doFlood: Dropping packet from {}: TTL expired", srcDevice); } return; } } //---------------------- // Push the packet //---------------------- for (Short vlan: perVlanPorts.keySet()) { Set<Integer> al = perVlanPorts.get(vlan); eth.setVlanID(vlan); pi.setPacketData(eth.serialize()); // TODO: we could use the buffer-id for unmodified packets // but packetOutMultiPort doesn't support it. short inPort; if (pinSwitch == sw) { inPort = pi.getInPort(); } else { inPort = OFPort.OFPP_NONE.getValue(); } packetOutMultiPort(eth, iofSwitch, inPort, al, cntx); } } return; } /** * Detects if the traffic is a tunneled traffic or not. The way * we identify is to check if the traffic originates or is destined * to a tunnel loopback port. If both are true, then it is a tunneled * traffic. As in this case, we would push both first and last flow-mods * * @param firstSwp * @param lastSwp * @param srcIPAddress * @param dstIPAddress */ private void detectTunnelTraffic(NodePortTuple firstSwp, NodePortTuple lastSwp, Integer srcIPAddress, Integer dstIPAddress) { if (tunnelManager == null) return; long firstSw = firstSwp.getNodeId(); short firstPort = firstSwp.getPortId(); long lastSw = lastSwp.getNodeId(); short lastPort = lastSwp.getPortId(); Short firstLoopback = tunnelManager.getTunnelLoopbackPort(firstSw); Short lastLoopback = tunnelManager.getTunnelLoopbackPort(lastSw); // The first hop switchport has to be tunnel loopback port if (firstLoopback != null && firstLoopback.equals(firstPort)) { if (lastLoopback != null && lastLoopback.equals(lastPort)) { // both first and last hop are to loopback // We don't need to check this case, here as we are // already sending the flowmods within the same // L2 domain. // betterTopology.detectTunnelSource(firstSw, lastSw); // betterTopology.detectTunnelDestination(firstSw, lastSw); } else if (dstIPAddress != null) { // The first hop is a tunnel loopback, but last hop is // not. Check if the destination Long dstSw = tunnelManager.getSwitchDpid(dstIPAddress); if (dstSw != null) { betterTopology.detectTunnelSource(firstSw, dstSw); } } } else if (srcIPAddress != null) { // The first hop is not a tunnel loopback. // If the last hop is a tunnel loopback and the srcIP address // belongs to a tunnel port, then tunnel destination is detected. if (lastLoopback != null && lastLoopback.equals(lastPort)) { Long srcSw = tunnelManager.getSwitchDpid(srcIPAddress); if (srcSw != null) { betterTopology.detectTunnelDestination(srcSw, lastSw); } } } } /** * Sigh. * @param npt * @return */ private SwitchPort npt2swp(NodePortTuple npt) { return new SwitchPort(npt.getNodeId(), npt.getPortId()); } /** * Push routes from back to front * @param route Route to push * @param srcDevice Source Device * @param ofMatch ofMatch that needs to be routed (for flow reconcile) * @param pi packetIn that needs to be routed (for packet in) * @param pinSwitchId The switch where the packet in or ofMatch was from * @param cookie The cookie to set in each flow_mod * @param wildcards The wildcard hints * @param reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn if set to true then the switch would * send a flow mod removal notification when the flow * mod expires * @param doFlush if set to true then the flow mod would be immediately * written to the switch * @param flowModCommand command to use, e.g. * OFFlowMod.OFPFC_ADD, * OFFlowMod.OFPFC_MODIFY etc. * @param tunnelEnabled * @param cntx The listener context * @return srcSwitchIincluded True if the source switch is included in this route * * TODO: overwrite ForwardingBase.pushRoute and unify argument list * TODO: handle and test MAC rewriting (i.e., add second FlowMod on * ingress switch) */ @LogMessageDocs({ @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="None or more than one VLAN for device {} on input" + " port {}. Cannot push route", explanation="Unexpected VLAN tags appears on a device while " + "trying to insert flow action with rewrite rule", recommendation="This would generally be caused by a missing " + "match vlans rule in the address space configuration. " + "Verify the address space configuration."), @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Unable to push route, switch at DPID {dpid} " + "not available", explanation="Unexpected VLAN tags appears on a device while " + "trying to insert flow action with rewrite rule", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG) }) public boolean pushRewriteRoute(Route route, IDevice srcDevice, OFMatch ofMatch, OFPacketIn pi, long pinSwitchId, long cookie, Integer wildcards, boolean reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn, boolean doFlush, short flowModCommand, boolean tunnelEnabled, ListenerContext cntx) { boolean srcSwitchIncluded = false; Short pinPort = null; if (pi != null) pinPort = pi.getInPort(); Integer srcIPAddress = null; Integer dstIPAddress = null; List<NodePortTuple> switchPortList = route.getPath(); if (switchPortList.size() % 2 != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Odd number of ports on the route " + switchPortList.size() + ": " + switchPortList); } if (switchPortList.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Route is empty"); } // Build the Ethernet packet we expect to see on the first hop // switch String sourceAddressSpace = srcDevice.getEntityClass().getName(); SwitchPort firstHopInputPort = npt2swp(switchPortList.get(0)); Ethernet eth = new Ethernet();; if (pi != null) { eth = new Ethernet(); byte[] packetData = pi.getPacketData(); eth.deserialize(packetData, 0, packetData.length); if (eth.getPayload() instanceof IPv4) { IPv4 packet = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); srcIPAddress = new Integer(packet.getSourceAddress()); dstIPAddress = new Integer(packet.getDestinationAddress()); } ofMatch = new OFMatch(); ofMatch.loadFromPacket(packetData, pi.getInPort()); } // The ethernet frame we'll want to push out the pin switch Ethernet packetOutEth = null; if (firstHopInputPort.getSwitchDPID() != pinSwitchId) { // The packetIn switch is different from the first hop // switch. We need to reconstruct the packet we would see // on the first hop switch by: // a) Find out which VLAN the srcDevice would use and set that // b) Check if there is a destination MAC rewrite action. If there // is, then we have an ambiguous situation. The packet on the // first hop switch could actually be addressed to the final // destination MAC (direct communication with backend service // node) OR it could be addresses to the original dest MAC // (talking to network service vMAC). We assume the former case, // i.e., that the packet on the first hop switch is addressed // to the vMAC. In general packet_ins from a non first-hop switch // are likely rare. If they do happen, it's likely that it's due // to races in the network and that the first hop switch // already/still has the right flow mod anyways. Even if not // and even if we "guess" wrong, we will just elicit another // packet_in from the first hop switch (but this should be very // rare). Alternatively we could install two FlowMods on the // first hop switch but that seems more intrusive. // We need to find the VLAN the srcDevice would use on the input // port. If the first hop port is on a BD domain it is possible that // we haven't seen an entity on the first hop port. Thus we need // to look at the device's attachment points. Short[] firstHopInputVlans = null; for (SwitchPort ap: srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints()) { if (topology.isInSameBroadcastDomain(ap.getSwitchDPID(), (short)ap.getPort(), firstHopInputPort.getSwitchDPID(), (short)firstHopInputPort.getPort(), tunnelEnabled)) { firstHopInputVlans = srcDevice.getSwitchPortVlanIds(ap); break; } } if (firstHopInputVlans==null || firstHopInputVlans.length != 1) { log.warn("None or more than one VLAN for device {} on input" + " port {}. Cannot push route", srcDevice, firstHopInputPort); return srcSwitchIncluded; } eth.setVlanID(firstHopInputVlans[0]); ofMatch.setDataLayerVirtualLan(firstHopInputVlans[0]); Long origDstMac = rewriteService.getOrigIngressDstMac(cntx); if (origDstMac != null) { // We handle the case that the packet was addressed to the // origDstMac here, since this resembles the case that the // first hop switch is the packetIn switch. eth.setDestinationMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(origDstMac)); ofMatch.setDataLayerDestination(Ethernet.toByteArray(origDstMac)); } } // Traverse the route from first to last switch and build the flowMods // on each step OFFlowMod[] fmArray = new OFFlowMod[switchPortList.size()]; for (int indx = 1; indx < switchPortList.size(); indx += 2) { // indx and indx-1 will always have the same switch DPID. long switchDPID = switchPortList.get(indx).getNodeId(); IOFSwitch sw = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(switchDPID); if (sw == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Unable to push route, switch at DPID {} " + "not available", switchDPID); } return srcSwitchIncluded; } SwitchPort inSwp = npt2swp(switchPortList.get(indx-1)); SwitchPort outSwp = npt2swp(switchPortList.get(indx)); Long nextHopSwitchDPID = null; // Next hop switch DPID is needed in case the switchport // at indx is a tunnel port. The condition is checked for // index + 2. if (indx + 2 < switchPortList.size()) { nextHopSwitchDPID = new Long(switchPortList.get(indx+1).getNodeId()); } List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); int actionsLength = 0; OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) controllerProvider.getOFMessageFactory() .getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD); boolean isFirstOrLastHop = (indx == 1 || indx+2 > switchPortList.size()); OFMatch match = ofMatch.clone(); match.setInputPort((short)inSwp.getPort()); match = wildcard(match, sw, wildcards, tunnelEnabled, isFirstOrLastHop); Short egressVlan; egressVlan = rewriteService.getSwitchPortVlanMode(outSwp, sourceAddressSpace, eth.getVlanID(), tunnelEnabled); if (egressVlan == null) return srcSwitchIncluded; OFAction action = getVlanRewriteAction(match.getDataLayerVirtualLan(), egressVlan); if (action != null) { actions.add(action); actionsLength += action.getLengthU(); } eth.setVlanID(egressVlan); ofMatch.setDataLayerVirtualLan(egressVlan); if (1 == indx) { // Set the flag to request flow-mod removal notifications // only for the source switch. The removal message is used to // maintain the flow cache. Don't set the flag for ARP // messages - TODO generalize check if ((reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn) && (ofMatch.getDataLayerType() != Ethernet.TYPE_ARP)) { fm.setFlags((short) (fm.getFlags()|OFFlowMod.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM)); } // Rewrite DstMAC address if required Long finalDstMac = rewriteService.getFinalIngressDstMac(cntx); if (finalDstMac != null) { action = getDstMacRewriteAction(Ethernet.toLong(ofMatch.getDataLayerDestination()), finalDstMac); if (action != null) { actions.add(action); actionsLength += action.getLengthU(); } eth.setDestinationMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(finalDstMac)); ofMatch.setDataLayerDestination(Ethernet.toByteArray(finalDstMac)); } // Decrement TTL if required Integer decrementHops = rewriteService.getTtlDecrement(cntx); boolean switchSupportsTtlDec = sw.attributeEquals( IBetterOFSwitch.SUPPORTS_NX_TTL_DECREMENT, true); if (switchSupportsTtlDec && decrementHops != null) { // TODO: decrement by n if (! decrementTtl(eth, decrementHops)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Dropping packet. TTL expired for " + "srcDev {}.", srcDevice); } return srcSwitchIncluded; } action = new OFActionNiciraTtlDecrement(); actions.add(action); actionsLength += action.getLengthU(); } } if (indx == switchPortList.size()-1) { // Last hop. Add SrcMac rewrite if necessary Long finalScrMac = rewriteService.getFinalEgressSrcMac(cntx); if (finalScrMac != null) { action = getSrcMacRewriteAction(Ethernet.toLong(ofMatch.getDataLayerSource()), finalScrMac); if (action != null) { actions.add(action); actionsLength += action.getLengthU(); } eth.setSourceMACAddress(Ethernet.toByteArray(finalScrMac)); // no need to update match } } // Output is a tunnel port. Short tunnelPort = tunnelManager.getTunnelPortNumber(switchDPID); if (tunnelPort != null && tunnelPort.shortValue() == (short)outSwp.getPort()) { if (nextHopSwitchDPID == null) { log.error("Output to a tunnel port does not have a " + "next switch DPID defined. tunnel port = {}", outSwp); return srcSwitchIncluded; } Integer ipAddr = tunnelManager.getTunnelIPAddr(nextHopSwitchDPID.longValue()); if (ipAddr == null) { log.error("IP Address of tunnel port is not defined. {}", nextHopSwitchDPID); return srcSwitchIncluded; } OFActionTunnelDstIP tunnelDstAction = new OFActionTunnelDstIP(ipAddr.intValue()); actions.add(tunnelDstAction); actionsLength += tunnelDstAction.getLengthU(); } OFActionOutput outputAction = new OFActionOutput(); outputAction.setPort((short)outSwp.getPort()); outputAction.setMaxLength((short)0xffff); actions.add(outputAction); actionsLength += outputAction.getLengthU(); short hardTimeout = FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT; IRoutingDecision decision = IRoutingDecision.rtStore.get(cntx, IRoutingDecision.CONTEXT_DECISION); if (decision != null) { hardTimeout = decision.getHardTimeout(); } fm.setIdleTimeout(FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT) .setHardTimeout(hardTimeout) .setPriority(accessPriority) .setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) .setCookie(cookie) .setCommand(flowModCommand) .setMatch(match) .setActions(actions) .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH+actionsLength); fmArray[indx] = fm; if (pi != null && inSwp.getSwitchDPID() == pinSwitchId && pinPort.equals((short)inSwp.getPort())) { // This is the packetIn switch. Clone the current eth, we'll // need it to push the packet. // TODO: if the eth is unmodified we can also set the bufferId // What will that do? Will it force an implicit packetOut? srcSwitchIncluded = true; packetOutEth = (Ethernet)eth.clone(); } else if (pi != null && inSwp.getSwitchDPID() == pinSwitchId) { log.info("Not sending packet-out on the switch port as inport is different."); log.info("Switch DPID = {}", HexString.toHexString(pinSwitchId)); log.info("pinPort = {}, inSwPort = {}", pinPort, inSwp.getPort()); log.info("Route = {}", route); } } // Before sending out the flow-mods, detect for flows from or to // tunnel loopback ports. As the flowmods are sent from last hop // switch to first hop switch, we need to look at the flow mods before // we start pushing the flow-mods out. // srcIPAddress and dstIPAddresses are already int last = switchPortList.size()-1; detectTunnelTraffic(switchPortList.get(0), switchPortList.get(last), srcIPAddress, dstIPAddress); // Now we'll actually push the flow mods to the switches. We'll // go from last to first switch. for (int indx = switchPortList.size()-1; indx > 0; indx -= 2) { // indx and indx-1 will always have the same switch DPID. long switchDPID = switchPortList.get(indx).getNodeId(); IOFSwitch sw = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(switchDPID); if (sw == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Unable to push route, switch at DPID {} " + "not available", switchDPID); } return srcSwitchIncluded; } short inPortNum = switchPortList.get(indx-1).getPortId(); short outPortNum = switchPortList.get(indx).getPortId(); Long nextHopSwitchDPID = null; // Next hop switch DPID is needed in case the switchport // at indx is a tunnel port. The condition is checked for // index + 2. if (indx + 2 < switchPortList.size()) { nextHopSwitchDPID = new Long(switchPortList.get(indx+1).getNodeId()); } OFFlowMod fm = fmArray[indx]; try { counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, fm); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Pushing Route flowmod routeIndx={} " + "sw={} inPort={} outPort={}, fm={}", new Object[] {indx, HexString.toHexString(sw.getId()), fm.getMatch().getInputPort(), switchPortList.get(indx).getPortId(), fm }); } messageDamper.write(sw, fm, cntx); if (doFlush) { sw.flush(); counterStore.updateFlush(); } // Push the packet out the source switch if (packetOutEth != null && sw.getId() == pinSwitchId && pinPort.equals(inPortNum)) { pushPacket(packetOutEth, sw, OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE, inPortNum, outPortNum, nextHopSwitchDPID, cntx, false); srcSwitchIncluded = true; } /** * Only cache the flowmod at index 1. * Flowmod at index 1 is the ingress flow that may have mac rewrite action. */ if (indx == 1) { OFMatch match = fm.getMatch().clone(); OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmWithSwDpid = new OFMatchWithSwDpid(match, switchPortList.get(indx).getNodeId()); SwitchPort srcSwitchPort = new SwitchPort(switchPortList.get(indx-1).getNodeId(), switchPortList.get(indx-1).getPortId()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Cache the flow {}", ofmWithSwDpid); } betterFlowCacheMgr.addFlow(cntx, ofmWithSwDpid, appCookie, srcSwitchPort, fm.getPriority(), FlowCacheObj.FCActionPERMIT); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failure writing flow mod", e); } } return srcSwitchIncluded; } public void pushPacket(IPacket packet, IOFSwitch sw, int bufferId, short inPort, short outPort, Long nextHopSwitchDPID, ListenerContext cntx, boolean flush) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PacketOut srcSwitch={} inPort={} outPort={}", new Object[] {sw, inPort, outPort}); } OFPacketOut po = (OFPacketOut) controllerProvider.getOFMessageFactory() .getMessage(OFType.PACKET_OUT); // set actions int actionsLength = 0; List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); Short tunnelPort = tunnelManager.getTunnelPortNumber(sw.getId()); if (tunnelPort != null && tunnelPort.shortValue() == outPort) { if (nextHopSwitchDPID == null) { log.error("No IP address assigned for tunnel port. sw = {}", nextHopSwitchDPID); return; } Integer ipAddr = tunnelManager.getTunnelIPAddr(nextHopSwitchDPID.longValue()); if (ipAddr == null) { log.error("IP Address of tunnel port is not defined. {}", nextHopSwitchDPID); return; } OFActionTunnelDstIP tunnelDstAction = new OFActionTunnelDstIP(ipAddr.intValue()); actions.add(tunnelDstAction); actionsLength += tunnelDstAction.getLengthU(); } // Output action should be set after the tunnel destination, if present actions.add(new OFActionOutput(outPort, (short) 0xffff)); po.setActions(actions) .setActionsLength((short) (OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH + actionsLength)); short poLength = (short) (po.getActionsLength() + OFPacketOut.MINIMUM_LENGTH); // set buffer_id, in_port po.setBufferId(bufferId); po.setInPort(inPort); // set data - only if buffer_id == -1 if (po.getBufferId() == OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) { if (packet == null) { log.error("BufferId is not set and packet data is null. " + "Cannot send packetOut. " + "srcSwitch={} inPort={} outPort={}", new Object[] {sw, inPort, outPort}); return; } byte[] packetData = packet.serialize(); poLength += packetData.length; po.setPacketData(packetData); } po.setLength(poLength); try { counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, po); messageDamper.write(sw, po, cntx, flush); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failure writing packet out", e); } } /** * This wildcard implementation is different from Forwarding base. It has * two additional parameters, isTunnelEnabled and isFirstOrLastHop. * These two parameters are used to not wildcard layer 3 addresses on * the first and last hop of non-tunnelEanbled traffic. * @param match * @param sw * @param wildcards_in_decision * @param isTunnelEnabled * @param isFirstOrLastHop * @return */ protected OFMatch wildcard(OFMatch match, IOFSwitch sw, Integer wildcards_in_decision, boolean isTunnelEnabled, boolean isFirstOrLastHop) { int wildcards = OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL; if (wildcards_in_decision != null) { wildcards = wildcards_in_decision.intValue(); } wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_IN_PORT & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_VLAN; // Required: For host mobility detection wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_SRC & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_DST; // Required: For stats collection by mac wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_TYPE; // If IP Match is required if (sw.hasAttribute(IOFSwitch.PROP_REQUIRES_L3_MATCH)) { wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_TYPE; wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK; wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK; } int fastwildcards = OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL; if (sw.hasAttribute(IOFSwitch.PROP_FASTWILDCARDS)) { fastwildcards = ((Integer)sw.getAttribute(IOFSwitch.PROP_FASTWILDCARDS)).intValue(); } wildcards &= fastwildcards; // Ignore wildcards not in fastwildcards if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Setting wildcards for switch. sw={}," + "wildcards_in_decision=0x{}, wildcards=0x{}", new Object[] {sw, (wildcards_in_decision == null ? "null" : Integer.toHexString(wildcards_in_decision)), Integer.toHexString(wildcards)}); } // For tunnel traffic, on the first and last hops, IP addresses // need to be mentioned in the packet. if (isTunnelEnabled == false && isFirstOrLastHop) { wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_TYPE; wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK; wildcards &= ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK; } return match.clone().setWildcards(wildcards); } @LogMessageDocs({ @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="No source device found for decision={decision}", explanation="There was no source device found for the policy " + "decision for the current flow.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG), @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="No source switchport-tuple for decision={}", explanation="There was no source attachment point found " + "for the policy decision for the current flow.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG), @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="No source switch found for switchport-" + "tuple={}, in decision={}", explanation="The source switch is no longer connected to " + "the controller.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH), @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="No destination interfaces or devices found " + "for decision={}", explanation="A multicast flow has no destination interfaces.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG) }) private boolean validateDecision(IRoutingDecision decision) { Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); switch(decision.getRoutingAction()) { case FORWARD: // Same validation as FORWARD_OR_FLOOD case FORWARD_OR_FLOOD: IDevice srcDevice = decision.getSourceDevice(); if (srcDevice == null) { log.error("No source device found for decision={}", decision); return false; } SwitchPort srcTuple = decision.getSourcePort(); if (srcTuple == null) { log.error("No source switchport-tuple for decision={}", decision); return false; } IOFSwitch srcSwitch = switches.get(srcTuple.getSwitchDPID()); if (srcSwitch == null) { log.error("No source switch found for switchport-" + "tuple={}, in decision={}", srcTuple, decision); return false; } // Valid decision for forward/flood break; case MULTICAST: srcTuple = decision.getSourcePort(); if (srcTuple == null) { log.error("No source switchport-tuple for decision={}", decision); return false; } srcSwitch = switches.get(srcTuple.getSwitchDPID()); if (srcSwitch == null) { log.error("No source switch found for switchport-" + "tuple={}, in decision={}", srcTuple, decision); return false; } List<IDevice> dstDevices = decision.getDestinationDevices(); List<SwitchPort> dstInterfaces = decision.getMulticastInterfaces(); if ((dstDevices == null || dstDevices.isEmpty()) && (dstInterfaces == null || dstInterfaces.isEmpty())) { log.error("No destination interfaces or devices found " + "for decision={}", decision); return false; } // Valid decision for broadcast break; case DROP: srcDevice = decision.getSourceDevice(); if (srcDevice == null) { log.error("No source device found for decision={}", decision); return false; } srcTuple = decision.getSourcePort(); if (srcTuple == null) { log.error("No source switchport-tuple for decision={}", decision); return false; } srcSwitch = switches.get(srcTuple.getSwitchDPID()); if (srcSwitch == null) { log.error("No source switch found for switchport-" + "tuple={}, in decision={}", srcTuple, decision); return false; } // Valid decision for drop break; case NONE: default: break; } // Valid decision return true; } @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Failed to inject Fake ARP since no incoming" + "broadcast is allowed port for port {dpid} {port}", explanation="Could not generate an ARP request for the " + "destination of this flow since broadcast is disabled " + "for source of the flow.", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.REPORT_CONTROLLER_BUG) private boolean injectFakeArp(Ethernet eth, IOFSwitch arpPktInSw, short arpPktInPort, int targetIp, boolean broadcastPort) { if (targetIp == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Skip ARP injection to discover invalid destination " + " on Sw/[Bcast, Ucast]Port {}", new Object[] {arpPktInSw.getStringId(), broadcastPort ? "Bcast" : "Ucast", arpPktInPort}); } return false; } IPv4 payload = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); // We only do this if it's an IPv4 and not broadcast // We create an ARP probe (RFC 5227), sender IP and target MAC // set to 0 to prevent incorrect learning. // XXX: if the destination we are probing happens to be router // interface we might probe an IP address that's external to the // subnet. Nothing much we can do about it though. IPacket arpRequest = new Ethernet() .setSourceMACAddress(eth.getSourceMACAddress()) .setDestinationMACAddress("FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF") .setEtherType(Ethernet.TYPE_ARP) .setVlanID(eth.getVlanID()) .setPriorityCode(eth.getPriorityCode()) .setPayload( new ARP() .setHardwareType(ARP.HW_TYPE_ETHERNET) .setProtocolType(ARP.PROTO_TYPE_IP) .setHardwareAddressLength((byte) 6) .setProtocolAddressLength((byte) 4) .setOpCode(ARP.OP_REQUEST) .setSenderHardwareAddress(eth.getSourceMACAddress()) .setSenderProtocolAddress(0) .setTargetHardwareAddress(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }) .setTargetProtocolAddress(targetIp)); byte[] arpRequestSerialized = arpRequest.serialize(); OFPacketIn fakePi = (OFPacketIn) controllerProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.PACKET_IN); fakePi.setInPort(arpPktInPort); fakePi.setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE); fakePi.setReason(OFPacketInReason.NO_MATCH); fakePi.setPacketData(arpRequestSerialized); fakePi.setTotalLength((short) arpRequestSerialized.length); fakePi.setLength(OFPacketIn.MINIMUM_LENGTH); // Inject the fake ARP into the processing chain if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Injecting ARP to discover destination {} on " + "Sw/[Bcast, Ucast]Port {}", IPv4.fromIPv4Address(payload.getDestinationAddress()), new Object[] {arpPktInSw.getStringId(), broadcastPort ? "Bcast" : "Ucast", fakePi.getInPort()}); } return controllerProvider.injectOfMessage(arpPktInSw, fakePi); } /** * Helper method to compute the ip address for which we should ARP for when * injecting a fake arp. * * We have 2 choices: dstDevice, origDstDevice in the listener context. * * If an orig dst exists in the context and origDstHigherPriTarget is true * Use the orig dst's ip as the arp target ip * else: * Use the destination ip in the packet as the arp target ip */ private int getTargetIpForFakeArp(IPv4 payload, ListenerContext cntx, boolean origDstHigherPriTarget) { int targetIp = payload.getDestinationAddress(); IDevice origDstDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_ORIG_DST_DEVICE); if (origDstDevice != null && origDstHigherPriTarget) { Integer[] ipAddrs = origDstDevice.getIPv4Addresses(); if (ipAddrs != null && ipAddrs.length > 0) { targetIp = ipAddrs[0].intValue(); } } return targetIp; } /** * Inject a Fake ARP on the broadcast port that is allowed for the * switch that receives the packet in * @param pi - packet In * @param sw - switch receiving the packet in * @param cntx - listener context * @param origDstHigherPriTarget * * If an orig dst exists in the context and origDstHigherPriTarget is true * Use the orig dst's ip as the arp target ip * else: * Use the destination ip in the packet as the arp target ip * @return true - if arp was successfully injected, false - otherwise */ private boolean injectFakeArpOnAllowedIncomingBroadcastNodePort( OFPacketIn pi, IOFSwitch sw, ListenerContext cntx, boolean origDstHigherPriTarget) { Ethernet eth = IControllerService.bcStore.get(cntx, IControllerService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD); if (eth == null) return false; if (!(eth instanceof Ethernet)) return false; if (eth.isBroadcast()) return false; if ((eth.getPayload() instanceof IPv4) == false) return false; /** * If the input port is an internal port in a OF cluster, (rare case), then * use the original input sw and port. * If the input port is a broadcastDomain port, pick the equivalent * broadcast-allowed broadcastDomain port. */ long pinSw = sw.getId(); short pinPort = pi.getInPort(); short packetInputPort = pi.getInPort(); IOFSwitch packetInputSwitch = sw; int srcIP, dstIP; IPv4 payload = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); srcIP = payload.getSourceAddress(); dstIP = payload.getDestinationAddress(); // Check if the source of destination IP address belongs to tunnel // subnet, if so, we need to disable tunnels. boolean tunnelEnabled = !(tunnelManager.isTunnelSubnet(srcIP) || tunnelManager.isTunnelSubnet(dstIP)); if (topology.isBroadcastDomainPort(pinSw, pinPort, tunnelEnabled)) { NodePortTuple broadcastAllowedSrcPort = topology.getAllowedIncomingBroadcastPort(pinSw, pinPort, tunnelEnabled); if (broadcastAllowedSrcPort == null) { log.warn("Failed to inject Fake ARP since no incoming" + "broadcast is allowed port for port {} {}", HexString.toHexString(pinSw), pinPort); return false; } /** * Overwrite the input switch port to the allowed one. */ packetInputPort = broadcastAllowedSrcPort.getPortId(); packetInputSwitch = controllerProvider.getSwitches().get(broadcastAllowedSrcPort.getNodeId()); } int targetIp = getTargetIpForFakeArp(payload, cntx, origDstHigherPriTarget); return injectFakeArp(eth, packetInputSwitch, packetInputPort, targetIp, true); } /** * Inject a Fake ARP on the port that is permitted to receive unicast * traffic destined to the destDevice * @param pi - packet In * @param sw - switch receiving the packet in * @param cntx - listener context * @param origDstHigherPriTarget * * If an orig dst exists in the context and origDstHigherPriTarget is true * Use the orig dst's ip as the arp target ip * else: * Use the destination ip in the packet as the arp target ip * @return true - if arp was successfully injected, false - otherwise */ private boolean injectFakeArpOnAllowedIncomingUnicastNodePort(NodePortTuple allowedSrcPort, ListenerContext cntx, boolean origDstHigherPriTarget) { Ethernet eth = IControllerService.bcStore.get(cntx, IControllerService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD); if (eth == null) return false; if (!(eth instanceof Ethernet)) return false; if (eth.isBroadcast()) return false; if ((eth.getPayload() instanceof IPv4) == false) return false; Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = controllerProvider.getSwitches(); IOFSwitch arpPktInSw = switches.get(allowedSrcPort.getNodeId()); short arpPktInPort = allowedSrcPort.getPortId(); IPv4 payload = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); int targetIp = getTargetIpForFakeArp(payload, cntx, origDstHigherPriTarget); return injectFakeArp(eth, arpPktInSw, arpPktInPort, targetIp, false); } /** * Return an OFAction the rewrites the source MAC to mac if * necessary. If the given mac is null or if the given mac matches * the packet's current mac null is returned. Otherwise the approriate * rewrite action is returned. * @param origMac the original / current MAC address * @param mac The mac to rewrite to * @return */ protected OFAction getSrcMacRewriteAction(Long origSrcMac, Long mac) { if (mac == null) return null; // no action if (mac.equals(origSrcMac)) return null; // no action byte[] macArray = Ethernet.toByteArray(mac); return new OFActionDataLayerSource(macArray); } /** * @see getSrcMacRewriteAction */ protected OFAction getDstMacRewriteAction(Long origDstMac, Long mac) { if (mac == null) return null; // no action if (mac.equals(origDstMac)) return null; // no action byte[] macArray = Ethernet.toByteArray(mac); return new OFActionDataLayerDestination(macArray); } /** * @see getSrcMacRewriteAction * Doesn't sanity check the vlan range. */ protected OFAction getVlanRewriteAction(Short origVlan, Short vlan) { if (vlan == null) return null; // no action if (vlan.equals(origVlan)) return null; // no action if (vlan.equals(Ethernet.VLAN_UNTAGGED)) return new OFActionStripVirtualLan(); else return new OFActionVirtualLanIdentifier(vlan); } /** * Decrement the TTL of an IP packet. If the ethernet packet is an IPv4 * packet decrement the TTL by n. Will return false if the TTL expired. * If the ethernet is not IPv4 will return true and not leave the packet * unchanged * @param eth Ethernet packet. * @param n * @return false if the TTL expired, true otherwise */ protected boolean decrementTtl(Ethernet eth, int n) { if (eth.getPayload() instanceof IPv4) { IPv4 ipPkt = (IPv4)eth.getPayload(); short ttl = U8.f(ipPkt.getTtl()); if (n > 255) n = 255; short newTtl = (short) (ttl - (short)n); if (ttl <= n) { ipPkt.setTtl((byte)0); ipPkt.resetChecksum(); return false; } ipPkt.setTtl(U8.t(newTtl)); ipPkt.resetChecksum(); return true; } return true; } @Override public boolean isCallbackOrderingPrereq(OFType type, String name) { return (((type.equals(OFType.PACKET_IN) || (type.equals(OFType.FLOW_MOD))) && name.equals("virtualrouting")) || super.isCallbackOrderingPrereq(type, name)); } // IModule @Override public Collection<Class<? extends IPlatformService>> getModuleServices() { Collection<Class<? extends IPlatformService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IPlatformService>>(); l.add(IForwardingService.class); return l; } @Override public Map<Class<? extends IPlatformService>, IPlatformService> getServiceImpls() { Map<Class<? extends IPlatformService>, IPlatformService> m = new HashMap<Class<? extends IPlatformService>, IPlatformService>(); m.put(IForwardingService.class, this); return m; } @Override public Collection<Class<? extends IPlatformService>> getModuleDependencies() { Collection<Class<? extends IPlatformService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IPlatformService>>(); l.add(IControllerService.class); l.add(IDeviceService.class); l.add(IRoutingService.class); l.add(ITopologyService.class); l.add(IBetterTopologyService.class); l.add(ICounterStoreService.class); l.add(IFlowCacheService.class); l.add(ITunnelManagerService.class); l.add(IRewriteService.class); l.add(IAddressSpaceManagerService.class); l.add(IRestApiService.class); return l; } @Override @LogMessageDoc(level="WARN", message="Error parsing flow idle timeout, using default of {} seconds", explanation="The flow idle timeout in the configuration file could not " + "be understood", recommendation="Update the flow idle timeout value in the" + " configuration file to a valid value.") public void init(ModuleContext context) throws ModuleException { super.init(); this.controllerProvider = context.getServiceImpl(IControllerService.class); this.deviceManager = context.getServiceImpl(IDeviceService.class); this.routingEngine = context.getServiceImpl(IRoutingService.class); this.topology = context.getServiceImpl(ITopologyService.class); this.betterTopology = context.getServiceImpl(IBetterTopologyService.class); this.counterStore = context.getServiceImpl(ICounterStoreService.class); this.storageSource = context.getServiceImpl(IStorageSourceService.class); this.betterFlowCacheMgr = context.getServiceImpl(IFlowCacheService.class); this.flowReconcileMgr = context.getServiceImpl(IFlowReconcileService.class); this.tunnelManager = context.getServiceImpl(ITunnelManagerService.class); this.rewriteService = context.getServiceImpl(IRewriteService.class); this.restApi = context.getServiceImpl(IRestApiService.class); // read our config options Map<String, String> configOptions = context.getConfigParams(this); try { String idleTimeout = configOptions.get("idletimeout"); if (idleTimeout != null) { FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = Short.parseShort(idleTimeout); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Error parsing flow idle timeout, using default of {} seconds", FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT); } try { String hardTimeout = configOptions.get("hardtimeout"); if (hardTimeout != null) { FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT = Short.parseShort(hardTimeout); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Error parsing flow hard timeout, using default of {} seconds", FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT); } log.debug("FlowMod idle timeout set to {} seconds", FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT); log.debug("FlowMod hard timeout set to {} seconds", FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT); } @Override public void startUp(ModuleContext context) { super.startUp(); storageSource.createTable(TABLE_NAME, null); storageSource.setTablePrimaryKeyName(TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_PRIMARY_KEY); storageSource.addListener(TABLE_NAME, this); readConfigurationFromStorage(); flowReconcileMgr.addFlowReconcileListener(this); restApi.addRestletRoutable(new ForwardingWebRoutable()); } public void setBetterFlowCache(IFlowCacheService betterFlowCacheMgr) { this.betterFlowCacheMgr = betterFlowCacheMgr; } protected void setMessageDamper(OFMessageDamper messageDamper) { this.messageDamper = messageDamper; } public IStorageSourceService getStorageSource() { return storageSource; } public void setStorageSource(IStorageSourceService storageSource) { this.storageSource = storageSource; } public short getAccessPriority() { return accessPriority; } public void setAccessPriority(short priority) { this.accessPriority = priority; } @Override public long getHashByMac(long macAddress) { // disabled return 0; } // IStorageSourceListener @Override public void rowsModified(String tableName, Set<Object> rowKeys) { log.debug("Table modified (rows modified)", tableName); readConfigurationFromStorage(); } @Override public void rowsDeleted(String tableName, Set<Object> rowKeys) { log.debug("Table modified (rows deleted): {}", tableName); readConfigurationFromStorage(); } @LogMessageDoc(level="ERROR", message="failed to access storage: {reason}", explanation="Could not retrieve forwarding configuration", recommendation=LogMessageDoc.CHECK_CONTROLLER) private void readConfigurationFromStorage() { // Initialize flow-mod priorities to defaults this.setAccessPriority(DEFAULT_ACCESS_PRIORITY); try { Map<String, Object> row; IResultSet resultSet = storageSource.executeQuery( TABLE_NAME, ColumnNames, null, null); if (resultSet == null) return; for (Iterator<IResultSet> it = resultSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { row = it.next().getRow(); if (row.containsKey(COLUMN_PRIMARY_KEY)) { String primary_key = (String) row.get(COLUMN_PRIMARY_KEY); if (primary_key.equals(VALUE_PRIMARY_KEY)) { if (row.containsKey(COLUMN_ACCESS_PRIORITY)) { this.setAccessPriority( Short.valueOf((String) row.get(COLUMN_ACCESS_PRIORITY))); } } } } } catch (StorageException e) { log.error("Failed to access storage for forwarding configuration: {}", e.getMessage()); } } // IHAListener @Override public void roleChanged(Role oldRole, Role newRole) { switch(newRole) { case MASTER: if (oldRole == Role.SLAVE) { log.debug("Re-reading forwarding configuration from storage due " + "to HA role change from SLAVE -> MASTER"); readConfigurationFromStorage(); } // else ignore MASTER -> MASTER break; case SLAVE: // ignore if the new role is slave break; default: break; } } @Override public void controllerNodeIPsChanged( Map<String, String> curControllerNodeIPs, Map<String, String> addedControllerNodeIPs, Map<String, String> removedControllerNodeIPs) { // ignore } }