package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Query; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Api(name = "bookingendpoint", clientIds = { Ids.CLIENT_ID }, audiences = { Ids.AUDIENCE }) public class HotelEndpoint { static final Index INDEX = getIndex(); private static Index getIndex() { IndexSpec indexSpec = IndexSpec.newBuilder().setName("hotelindex") .build(); return SearchServiceFactory.getSearchService().getIndex(indexSpec); } /** * This method lists all the entities inserted in datastore. It uses HTTP * GET method. * * @return List of all entities persisted. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "unchecked" }) @ApiMethod(name = "hotels.list") public CollectionResponse<Hotel> listHotel( @Nullable @Named("cursor") String cursorString, @Nullable @Named("limit") Integer limit) { EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); List<Hotel> result = null; Cursor cursor = null; // To check if its the latest cursor String backupCursor = cursorString; try { Query query = mgr.createQuery("select from Hotel as Hotel"); if (cursorString != null && cursorString != "") { cursor = Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursorString); query.setHint(JPACursorHelper.CURSOR_HINT, cursor); } if (limit != null) { query.setMaxResults(limit); } result = (List<Hotel>) query.getResultList(); cursor = JPACursorHelper.getCursor(result); if (cursor != null && result != null && limit != null && result.size() == limit) cursorString = cursor.toWebSafeString(); else cursorString = ""; if (cursorString != null && backupCursor != null && backupCursor.equals(cursorString)) { cursorString = ""; } // Tight loop for fetching all entities from datastore and // accomodate // for lazy fetch. for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Hotel h : result) ; } finally { mgr.close(); } return CollectionResponse.<Hotel> builder().setItems(result) .setNextPageToken(cursorString).build(); } /** * This method gets the entity having primary key id. It uses HTTP GET * method. * * @param id * the primary key of the java bean. * @return The entity with primary key id. */ @ApiMethod(name = "hotels.get") public Hotel getHotel(@Named("id") Long id) { EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); Hotel hotel = null; try { hotel = mgr.find(Hotel.class, id); } finally { mgr.close(); } return hotel; } /** * This inserts the entity into App Engine datastore. It uses HTTP POST * method. * * @param hotel * the entity to be inserted. * @return The inserted entity. */ @ApiMethod(name = "hotels.insert") public Hotel insertHotel(Hotel hotel) { EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); try { mgr.persist(hotel); } finally { mgr.close(); } addHotelToSearchIndex(hotel); return hotel; } /** * This method is used for updating a entity. It uses HTTP PUT method. * * @param hotel * the entity to be updated. * @return The updated entity. */ @ApiMethod(name = "hotels.update") public Hotel updateHotel(Hotel hotel) { EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); try { mgr.persist(hotel); } finally { mgr.close(); } addHotelToSearchIndex(hotel); return hotel; } /** * This method removes the entity with primary key id. It uses HTTP DELETE * method. * * @param id * the primary key of the entity to be deleted. * @return The deleted entity. */ @ApiMethod(name = "hotels.delete") public Hotel removeHotel(@Named("id") Long id) { EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); Hotel hotel = null; try { hotel = mgr.find(Hotel.class, id); mgr.remove(hotel); } finally { mgr.close(); } return hotel; } private static EntityManager getEntityManager() { return EMF.get().createEntityManager(); } @ApiMethod(httpMethod = "GET", name = "") public List<Hotel> searchHotel(@Named("term") String queryString) { List<Hotel> hotelList = new ArrayList<Hotel>(); Results<ScoredDocument> results =; for (ScoredDocument scoredDoc : results) { Field f = scoredDoc.getOnlyField("id"); if (f == null || f.getText() == null) continue; long hotelId = Long.parseLong(f.getText()); if (hotelId != -1) { Hotel b = getHotel(hotelId); hotelList.add(b); } } return hotelList; } private static void addHotelToSearchIndex(Hotel h) { Document.Builder docBuilder = Document .newBuilder() .addField( Field.newBuilder() .setName("name") .setText( h.getHotelName() != null ? h .getHotelName() : "")) .addField( Field.newBuilder().setName("id") .setText(Long.toString(h.getId()))) .addField( Field.newBuilder() .setName("country") .setText( h.getCountry() != null ? h.getCountry() : "")) .addField( Field.newBuilder() .setName("price") .setNumber( h.getPrice() != null ? h.getPrice() : 0)) .addField( Field.newBuilder() .setName("city") .setText(h.getCity() != null ? h.getCity() : "")) .addField( Field.newBuilder() .setName("numberOfStars") .setNumber( h.getNumberOfStars() != null ? h .getNumberOfStars() : 0)) .addField( Field.newBuilder().setName("published") .setDate( Date()))); docBuilder.setId(Long.toString(h.getId())); Document doc =; INDEX.put(doc); } }