/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /* * This file was generated. * with google-apis-code-generator 1.2.0 (build: 2012-10-03 02:48:15 UTC) * on 2012-10-16 at 21:43:19 UTC */ package com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint; import com.google.api.client.googleapis.services.GoogleClient; import com.google.api.client.http.GenericUrl; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpMethod; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequest; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestInitializer; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponse; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.http.json.JsonHttpRequest; import com.google.api.client.http.json.JsonHttpRequestInitializer; import com.google.api.client.json.JsonFactory; import com.google.api.client.json.JsonObjectParser; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import java.io.IOException; /** * Service definition for Bookingendpoint (v1). * * <p> * * </p> * * <p> * For more information about this service, see the * <a href="" target="_blank">API Documentation</a> * </p> * * <p> * This service uses {@link JsonHttpRequestInitializer} to initialize global parameters via its * {@link Builder}. Sample usage: * </p> * * <pre> public class BookingendpointRequestInitializer implements JsonHttpRequestInitializer { public void initialize(JsonHttpRequest request) { BookingendpointRequest bookingendpointRequest = (BookingendpointRequest)request; bookingendpointRequest.setPrettyPrint(true); bookingendpointRequest.setKey(ClientCredentials.KEY); } } * </pre> * * @since 1.3.0 * @author Google, Inc. */ public class Bookingendpoint extends GoogleClient { /** * The default encoded base path of the service. This is determined when the library is generated * and normally should not be changed. * @deprecated (scheduled to be removed in 1.8) Use "/" + {@link #DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH}. */ @Deprecated public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_PATH = "/_ah/api/bookingendpoint/v1/"; /** * The default encoded root URL of the service. This is determined when the library is generated * and normally should not be changed. * * @since 1.7 */ public static final String DEFAULT_ROOT_URL = "https://cloud-booking.appspot.com/_ah/api/"; /** * The default encoded service path of the service. This is determined when the library is * generated and normally should not be changed. * * @since 1.7 */ public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH = "bookingendpoint/v1/"; /** * The default encoded base URL of the service. This is determined when the library is generated * and normally should not be changed. */ public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = DEFAULT_ROOT_URL + DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH; /** * Construct a Bookingendpoint instance to connect to the Bookingendpoint service. * * <p> * Use {@link Builder} if you need to specify any of the optional parameters. * </p> * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @deprecated (scheduled to be removed in 1.8) Use * {@link #Bookingendpoint(HttpTransport, JsonFactory, HttpRequestInitializer)}. */ @Deprecated public Bookingendpoint(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory jsonFactory) { super(transport, jsonFactory, DEFAULT_BASE_URL); } /** * Construct a Bookingendpoint instance to connect to the Bookingendpoint service. * * <p> * Use {@link Builder} if you need to specify any of the optional parameters. * </p> * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @param httpRequestInitializer The HTTP request initializer or {@code null} for none * @since 1.7 */ public Bookingendpoint(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory jsonFactory, HttpRequestInitializer httpRequestInitializer) { super(transport, jsonFactory, DEFAULT_ROOT_URL, DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH, httpRequestInitializer); } /** * Construct a Bookingendpoint instance to connect to the Bookingendpoint service. * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonHttpRequestInitializer The initializer to use when creating an JSON HTTP request * @param httpRequestInitializer The initializer to use when creating an {@link HttpRequest} * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @param jsonObjectParser JSON parser to use or {@code null} if unused * @param baseUrl The base URL of the service on the server * @param applicationName The application name to be sent in the User-Agent header of requests */ @Deprecated Bookingendpoint( HttpTransport transport, JsonHttpRequestInitializer jsonHttpRequestInitializer, HttpRequestInitializer httpRequestInitializer, JsonFactory jsonFactory, JsonObjectParser jsonObjectParser, String baseUrl, String applicationName) { super(transport, jsonHttpRequestInitializer, httpRequestInitializer, jsonFactory, jsonObjectParser, baseUrl, applicationName); } /** * Construct a Bookingendpoint instance to connect to the Bookingendpoint service. * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonHttpRequestInitializer The initializer to use when creating an JSON HTTP request * @param httpRequestInitializer The initializer to use when creating an {@link HttpRequest} * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @param jsonObjectParser JSON parser to use or {@code null} if unused * @param rootUrl The root URL of the service on the server * @param servicePath The service path of the service on the server * @param applicationName The application name to be sent in the User-Agent header of requests * @param suppressPatternChecks whether discovery pattern checks should be suppressed on required * parameters */ Bookingendpoint( HttpTransport transport, JsonHttpRequestInitializer jsonHttpRequestInitializer, HttpRequestInitializer httpRequestInitializer, JsonFactory jsonFactory, JsonObjectParser jsonObjectParser, String rootUrl, String servicePath, String applicationName, boolean suppressPatternChecks) { super(transport, jsonHttpRequestInitializer, httpRequestInitializer, jsonFactory, jsonObjectParser, rootUrl, servicePath, applicationName, suppressPatternChecks); } @Override protected void initialize(JsonHttpRequest jsonHttpRequest) throws IOException { super.initialize(jsonHttpRequest); } /** * Returns an instance of a new builder. * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @deprecated (scheduled to removed in 1.8) Use * {@link Builder#Builder(HttpTransport, JsonFactory, HttpRequestInitializer)}. */ @Deprecated public static Builder builder(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory jsonFactory) { return new Builder(transport, jsonFactory, new GenericUrl(DEFAULT_BASE_URL)); } /** * An accessor for creating requests from the Hotels collection. * * The typical use is:<pre> * {@code Bookingendpoint bookingendpoint = new Bookingendpoint(...);} * {@code Bookingendpoint.Hotels.List request = bookingendpoint.hotels().list(parameters ...)}</pre> * * @return the resource collection */ public Hotels hotels() { return new Hotels(); } /** * The "hotels" collection of methods. */ public class Hotels { /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.insert". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Insert#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param content the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Insert insert(com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel content) throws IOException { Insert result = new Insert(content); initialize(result); return result; } public class Insert extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Insert(com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel content) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.POST, REST_PATH, content); Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); } /** * Sends the "insert" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "insert" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Hotel>() { public void onSuccess(Hotel content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Insert setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.search". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Search#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param term * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Search search(String term) throws IOException { Search result = new Search(term); initialize(result); return result; } public class Search extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "searchHotel/{term}"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Search(String term) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); this.term = Preconditions.checkNotNull(term, "Required parameter term must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "search" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "search" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Hotels>() { public void onSuccess(Hotels content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotels.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Search setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String term; /** */ public String getTerm() { return term; } public Search setTerm(String term) { this.term = term; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.get". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Get#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param id * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Get get(String id) throws IOException { Get result = new Get(id); initialize(result); return result; } public class Get extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel/{id}"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Get(String id) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); this.id = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Required parameter id must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "get" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "get" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Hotel>() { public void onSuccess(Hotel content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Get setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String id; /** */ public String getId() { return id; } public Get setId(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.list". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link List#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public List list() throws IOException { List result = new List(); initialize(result); return result; } public class List extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ List() { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); } /** * Sends the "list" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "list" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<CollectionResponseHotel>() { public void onSuccess(CollectionResponseHotel content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.CollectionResponseHotel.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public List setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String cursor; /** */ public String getCursor() { return cursor; } public List setCursor(String cursor) { this.cursor = cursor; return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private Integer limit; /** */ public Integer getLimit() { return limit; } public List setLimit(Integer limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.update". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Update#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param content the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Update update(com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel content) throws IOException { Update result = new Update(content); initialize(result); return result; } public class Update extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Update(com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel content) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.PUT, REST_PATH, content); Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); } /** * Sends the "update" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "update" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Hotel>() { public void onSuccess(Hotel content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Update setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.patch". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Patch#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param id * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Patch patch(String id) throws IOException { Patch result = new Patch(id); initialize(result); return result; } public class Patch extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Patch(String id) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.PATCH, REST_PATH, null); this.id = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Required parameter id must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "patch" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public void execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); response.ignore(); } /** * Queues the "patch" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Void>() { public void onSuccess(Void content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<Void> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), Void.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Patch setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String id; /** */ public String getId() { return id; } public Patch setId(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "hotels.delete". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Delete#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param id * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Delete delete(String id) throws IOException { Delete result = new Delete(id); initialize(result); return result; } public class Delete extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotel/{id}"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Delete(String id) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.DELETE, REST_PATH, null); this.id = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Required parameter id must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "delete" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "delete" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Hotel>() { public void onSuccess(Hotel content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Hotel.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Delete setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String id; /** */ public String getId() { return id; } public Delete setId(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } } /** * An accessor for creating requests from the Bookings collection. * * The typical use is:<pre> * {@code Bookingendpoint bookingendpoint = new Bookingendpoint(...);} * {@code Bookingendpoint.Bookings.List request = bookingendpoint.bookings().list(parameters ...)}</pre> * * @return the resource collection */ public Bookings bookings() { return new Bookings(); } /** * The "bookings" collection of methods. */ public class Bookings { /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.insert". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Insert#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @param content the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Insert insert(String hotelId, com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking content) throws IOException { Insert result = new Insert(hotelId, content); initialize(result); return result; } public class Insert extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Insert(String hotelId, com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking content) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.POST, REST_PATH, content); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); } /** * Sends the "insert" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "insert" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Booking>() { public void onSuccess(Booking content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Insert setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public Insert setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.get". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Get#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @param id * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Get get(String hotelId, String id) throws IOException { Get result = new Get(hotelId, id); initialize(result); return result; } public class Get extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings/{id}"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Get(String hotelId, String id) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); this.id = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Required parameter id must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "get" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "get" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Booking>() { public void onSuccess(Booking content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Get setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public Get setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String id; /** */ public String getId() { return id; } public Get setId(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.list". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link List#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public List list(String hotelId) throws IOException { List result = new List(hotelId); initialize(result); return result; } public class List extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ List(String hotelId) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "list" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "list" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Bookings>() { public void onSuccess(Bookings content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public List setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public List setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.update". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Update#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @param content the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Update update(String hotelId, com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking content) throws IOException { Update result = new Update(hotelId, content); initialize(result); return result; } public class Update extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Update(String hotelId, com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking content) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.PUT, REST_PATH, content); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); } /** * Sends the "update" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "update" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Booking>() { public void onSuccess(Booking content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Update setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public Update setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.listPerUser". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link ListPerUser#execute()} method to invoke the remote * operation. * * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public ListPerUser listPerUser() throws IOException { ListPerUser result = new ListPerUser(); initialize(result); return result; } public class ListPerUser extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "user/bookings"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ ListPerUser() { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); } /** * Sends the "listPerUser" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "listPerUser" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Bookings>() { public void onSuccess(Bookings content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Bookings.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public ListPerUser setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.patch". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Patch#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @param id * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Patch patch(String hotelId, String id) throws IOException { Patch result = new Patch(hotelId, id); initialize(result); return result; } public class Patch extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Patch(String hotelId, String id) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.PATCH, REST_PATH, null); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); this.id = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Required parameter id must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "patch" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public void execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); response.ignore(); } /** * Queues the "patch" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Void>() { public void onSuccess(Void content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<Void> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), Void.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Patch setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public Patch setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String id; /** */ public String getId() { return id; } public Patch setId(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } } /** * Create a request for the method "bookings.delete". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Delete#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @param hotelId * @param bookingId * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Delete delete(String hotelId, String bookingId) throws IOException { Delete result = new Delete(hotelId, bookingId); initialize(result); return result; } public class Delete extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "hotels/{hotelId}/bookings/{bookingId}"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Delete(String hotelId, String bookingId) { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.DELETE, REST_PATH, null); this.hotelId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(hotelId, "Required parameter hotelId must be specified."); this.bookingId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bookingId, "Required parameter bookingId must be specified."); } /** * Sends the "delete" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "delete" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Booking>() { public void onSuccess(Booking content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Booking.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Delete setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String hotelId; /** */ public String getHotelId() { return hotelId; } public Delete setHotelId(String hotelId) { this.hotelId = hotelId; return this; } @com.google.api.client.util.Key private String bookingId; /** */ public String getBookingId() { return bookingId; } public Delete setBookingId(String bookingId) { this.bookingId = bookingId; return this; } } } } /** * Create a request for the method "dashboard". * * This request holds the parameters needed by the the bookingendpoint server. After setting any * optional parameters, call the {@link Dashboard#execute()} method to invoke the remote operation. * * @return the request * @throws IOException if the initialization of the request fails */ public Dashboard dashboard() throws IOException { Dashboard result = new Dashboard(); initialize(result); return result; } public class Dashboard extends BookingendpointRequest { private static final String REST_PATH = "dashboard"; /** * Internal constructor. Use the convenience method instead. */ Dashboard() { super(Bookingendpoint.this, HttpMethod.GET, REST_PATH, null); } /** * Sends the "dashboard" request to the Bookingendpoint server. * * @return the {@link com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard} response * @throws IOException if the request fails */ public com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard execute() throws IOException { HttpResponse response = executeUnparsed(); com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard result = response.parseAs( com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard.class); result.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeaders()); return result; } /** * Queues the "dashboard" request to the Bookingendpoint server into the given batch request. * * <p> * Example usage: * </p> * * <pre> request.queue(batchRequest, new JsonBatchCallback<Dashboard>() { public void onSuccess(Dashboard content, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log("Success"); } public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, GoogleHeaders responseHeaders) { log(e.getMessage()); } }); * </pre> * * @param batch a single batch of requests * @param callback batch callback * @since 1.6 */ public void queue(com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.BatchRequest batch, com.google.api.client.googleapis.batch.json.JsonBatchCallback<com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard> callback) throws IOException { batch.queue(buildHttpRequest(), com.appspot.api.services.bookingendpoint.model.Dashboard.class, com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonErrorContainer.class, callback); } /** * @since 1.7 */ @Override public Dashboard setFields(String fields) { super.setFields(fields); return this; } } /** * Builder for {@link Bookingendpoint}. * * <p> * Implementation is not thread-safe. * </p> * * @since 1.3.0 */ public static final class Builder extends GoogleClient.Builder { /** * Returns an instance of a new builder. * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @param baseUrl The base URL of the service. Must end with a "/" */ @Deprecated Builder(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory jsonFactory, GenericUrl baseUrl) { super(transport, jsonFactory, baseUrl); } /** * Returns an instance of a new builder. * * @param transport The transport to use for requests * @param jsonFactory A factory for creating JSON parsers and serializers * @param httpRequestInitializer The HTTP request initializer or {@code null} for none * @since 1.7 */ public Builder(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory jsonFactory, HttpRequestInitializer httpRequestInitializer) { super(transport, jsonFactory, DEFAULT_ROOT_URL, DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH, httpRequestInitializer); } /** Builds a new instance of {@link Bookingendpoint}. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public Bookingendpoint build() { if (isBaseUrlUsed()) { return new Bookingendpoint( getTransport(), getJsonHttpRequestInitializer(), getHttpRequestInitializer(), getJsonFactory(), getObjectParser(), getBaseUrl().build(), getApplicationName()); } return new Bookingendpoint( getTransport(), getJsonHttpRequestInitializer(), getHttpRequestInitializer(), getJsonFactory(), getObjectParser(), getRootUrl(), getServicePath(), getApplicationName(), getSuppressPatternChecks()); } @Override @Deprecated public Builder setBaseUrl(GenericUrl baseUrl) { super.setBaseUrl(baseUrl); return this; } @Override public Builder setRootUrl(String rootUrl) { super.setRootUrl(rootUrl); return this; } @Override public Builder setServicePath(String servicePath) { super.setServicePath(servicePath); return this; } @Override public Builder setJsonHttpRequestInitializer( JsonHttpRequestInitializer jsonHttpRequestInitializer) { super.setJsonHttpRequestInitializer(jsonHttpRequestInitializer); return this; } @Override public Builder setHttpRequestInitializer(HttpRequestInitializer httpRequestInitializer) { super.setHttpRequestInitializer(httpRequestInitializer); return this; } @Override public Builder setApplicationName(String applicationName) { super.setApplicationName(applicationName); return this; } @Override public Builder setObjectParser(JsonObjectParser parser) { super.setObjectParser(parser); return this; } @Override public Builder setSuppressPatternChecks(boolean suppressPatternChecks) { super.setSuppressPatternChecks(suppressPatternChecks); return this; } } }