package; import; import java.util.Date; import; import; /** * * @author prabhat jha */ public class ClientNetworkMetrics implements Serializable, Cloneable { public static final String HeaderReceiptTime = "x-apigee-receipttime"; public static final String HeaderResponseTime = "x-apigee-responsetime"; public static final String HeaderProcessingTime = "x-apigee-serverprocessingtime"; public static final String HeaderServerId = "x-apigee-serverid"; public static final String HttpStatusCode = "http-status-code"; public static final String HttpContentLength = "http-content-length"; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String sessionId; String networkType; String networkCountry; String networkCarrier; Boolean isNetworkRoaming; String deviceId; String deviceType; String deviceModel; String devicePlatform; String deviceOSVersion; private String url; private Double latitude; private Double longitude; /** * Time when device initiated the webservices call * This needs to be set on client side. * */ private Date startTime; //This needs to be set on client side. private Date endTime; private Date timeStamp; private Long endMinute; private Long endDay; private Long endHour; private Long endWeek; private Long endMonth; //This needs to be set on client side. //These metrics are per url. So if app makes multiple requests for same url then min, max, sumLatency, numSmaples, numErrors //need to be aggregated between each upload to server. private Long latency; //This needs to be set on client side. private Long numSamples = 0L; //This needs to be set on client side. private Long numErrors = 0L; //This needs to be set on client side with HTTP status code etc. private String transactionDetails; private Integer httpStatusCode; private Long responseDataSize; private Long serverProcessingTime = 0L; private Date serverReceiptTime; private Date serverResponseTime; private String domain; private String serverId; String appConfigType = ApigeeMobileAPMConstants.CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT; String applicationVersion; public String getAppConfigType() { if (this.appConfigType == null) this.appConfigType = ApigeeMobileAPMConstants.CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT; return appConfigType; } public void setAppConfigType( String appConfigType) { this.appConfigType = appConfigType; } public Date getEndTime() { return endTime; } public void setEndTime(Date endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } public Long getEndMinute() { return endMinute; } public Long getEndHour() { return endHour; } public Long getEndDay() { return endDay; } public Long getEndWeek() { return endWeek; } public Long getEndMonth() { return endMonth; } public void setEndMinute(Long endMinute) { this.endMinute = endMinute; } public void setEndHour(Long endHour) { this.endHour = endHour; } public void setEndDay(Long endDay) { this.endDay = endDay; } public void setEndWeek(Long endWeek) { this.endWeek = endWeek; } public void setEndMonth(Long endMonth) { this.endMonth = endMonth; } public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public String getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } public void setDeviceId(String deviceId) { this.deviceId = deviceId; } public Long getLatency() { return latency; } public void setLatency(Long latency) { this.latency = latency; } public Long getNumSamples() { return numSamples; } public void setNumSamples(Long numSamples) { this.numSamples = numSamples; } public String getNetworkCarrier() { return networkCarrier; } public void setNetworkCarrier(String networkCarrier) { this.networkCarrier = networkCarrier; } public String getNetworkType() { return networkType; } public void setNetworkType(String networkType) { this.networkType = networkType; } public Long getNumErrors() { return numErrors; } public void setNumErrors(Long numErrors) { this.numErrors = numErrors; } public String getTransactionDetails() { return transactionDetails; } public void setTransactionDetails(String transactionDetails) { this.transactionDetails = transactionDetails; } public String toString() { return networkCarrier + " " + url + " " + startTime.toString() + " " + numSamples + " " + latency + " " + numErrors + " " + endMinute + " " + endHour + " " + endDay + " " + endWeek + " " + endMonth + "\n"; } public void setLatitude(Double lattitude) { this.latitude = lattitude; } public Double getLatitude() { return latitude; } public void setLongitude(Double longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; } public Double getLongitude() { return longitude; } public String getApplicationVersion() { return applicationVersion; } public void setApplicationVersion(String applicationVersion) { this.applicationVersion = applicationVersion; } public String getNetworkCountry() { return networkCountry; } public void setNetworkCountry(String networkCountry) { this.networkCountry = networkCountry; } public Boolean getIsNetworkRoaming() { return isNetworkRoaming; } public void setIsNetworkRoaming(Boolean isNetworkRoaming) { this.isNetworkRoaming = isNetworkRoaming; } public String getDeviceType() { return deviceType; } public void setDeviceType(String deviceType) { this.deviceType = deviceType; } public String getDeviceModel() { return deviceModel; } public void setDeviceModel(String deviceModel) { this.deviceModel = deviceModel; } public String getDevicePlatform() { return devicePlatform; } public void setDevicePlatform(String devicePlatform) { this.devicePlatform = devicePlatform; } public String getDeviceOSVersion() { return deviceOSVersion; } public void setDeviceOSVersion(String deviceOSVersion) { this.deviceOSVersion = deviceOSVersion; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } public void setSessionId(String sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; } public Date getTimeStamp() { return timeStamp; } public void setTimeStamp(Date timeStamp) { this.timeStamp = timeStamp; DateUnits dateUnits = DateUtils.dateToUnits(timeStamp); this.setEndMinute(dateUnits.minutes); this.setEndHour(dateUnits.hours); this.setEndDay(dateUnits.days); this.setEndWeek(dateUnits.weeks); this.setEndMonth(dateUnits.months); } public void setHttpStatusCode(Integer statusCode) { this.httpStatusCode = statusCode; } public Integer getHttpStatusCode() { return this.httpStatusCode; } public void setResponseDataSize(Long responseDataSize) { this.responseDataSize = responseDataSize; } public Long getResponseDataSize() { return this.responseDataSize; } public void setServerProcessingTime(Long serverProcessingTime) { this.serverProcessingTime = serverProcessingTime; } public Long getServerProcessingTime() { return this.serverProcessingTime; } public void setServerReceiptTime(Date serverReceiptTime) { this.serverReceiptTime = serverReceiptTime; } public Date getServerReceiptTime() { return this.serverReceiptTime; } public void setServerResponseTime(Date serverResponseTime) { this.serverResponseTime = serverResponseTime; } public Date getServerResponseTime() { return this.serverResponseTime; } public void setServerId(String serverId) { this.serverId = serverId; } public String getServerId() { return this.serverId; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } public String getDomain() { return this.domain; } }