package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import android.util.Log; import com.apigee.sdk.ApigeeClient; import com.apigee.sdk.AppIdentification; import com.apigee.sdk.DefaultAndroidLog; import com.apigee.sdk.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /* * App monitoring server communications: * * Crash report upload: * (submitStackTrace) * * Metrics upload: * (sendMetrics) * (postString) * Retrieve configuration from server: * (retrieveConfigFromServer) * */ /** * Initializes API BaaS App Monitoring, including crash, usage metrics and log interception. * Generally, this should be instantiated via ApigeeClient, rather than directly. * * @see com.apigee.sdk.ApigeeClient * @see <a href="">App Monitoring documentation</a> */ public class ApigeeMonitoringClient implements SessionTimeoutListener { /** * @y.exclude */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_UPLOAD_ENABLED = true; /** * @y.exclude */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_CRASH_REPORTING_ENABLED = true; /** * @y.exclude */ public static final int SUBMIT_THREAD_TTL_MILLIS = 180 * 1000; /** * @y.exclude */ public static final int SESSION_EXPIRATION_MILLIS = 1000 * 60 * 30; private static ApigeeMonitoringClient singleton = null; private Handler sendMetricsHandler; private HttpClient httpClient; private HttpClient originalHttpClient; private NetworkMetricsCollectorService collector; private ApigeeActiveSettings activeSettings; private MetricsUploadService uploadService; private DefaultAndroidLog defaultLogger; private AndroidLog log; private ArrayList<UploadListener> listListeners; private AppIdentification appIdentification; private Context appActivity; private boolean isActive; private boolean isInitialized = false; private boolean monitoringPaused; private boolean isPartOfSample; private boolean enableAutoUpload; private boolean crashReportingEnabled; private boolean alwaysUploadCrashReports; private SessionManager sessionManager; private ApigeeDataClient dataClient; private static ThreadPoolExecutor sExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 1, SUBMIT_THREAD_TTL_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new LowPriorityThreadFactory()); /** * Metrics upload interval. Every 300000 milliseconds by default. */ public static final int UPLOAD_INTERVAL = 300000; // 5 Minutes /** * Default constructor for starting App Monitoring. Generally, should not be called directly. * Initializing the SDK with ApigeeClient will call this via AppMon. * * @param appIdentification an AppIdentification object that identifies the API BaaS organization * and application to start App Monitoring for * @param dataClient the instance of DataClient created when ApigeeClient was instantiated * @param appActivity an application Context object * @param monitoringOptions a MonitoringOptions object for specifying App Monitoring options * @return the initialized MonitoringClient * @throws InitializationException * @see AppMon */ public static synchronized ApigeeMonitoringClient initialize(AppIdentification appIdentification, ApigeeDataClient dataClient, Context appActivity, MonitoringOptions monitoringOptions) throws InitializationException { // HttpClient defaultClient = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(appId); return initialize(appIdentification, dataClient, appActivity, new DefaultHttpClient(), monitoringOptions); } /** * Constructor for starting App Monitoring with a specified HttpClient. Generally, should not be called directly. * Initializing the SDK with ApigeeClient will call this. * * @param appIdentification an AppIdentification object that identifies the API BaaS organization * and application to start App Monitoring for * @param dataClient the instance of DataClient created when ApigeeClient was instantiated * @param appActivity an application Context object * @param monitoringOptions a MonitoringOptions object for specifying App Monitoring options * @return the initialized MonitoringClient * @throws InitializationException * @see AppMon */ public static synchronized ApigeeMonitoringClient initialize(AppIdentification appIdentification, ApigeeDataClient dataClient, Context appActivity, HttpClient client, MonitoringOptions monitoringOptions) throws InitializationException { if (singleton == null) { try { ApigeeMonitoringClient instance = new ApigeeMonitoringClient(appIdentification, dataClient, appActivity, client, monitoringOptions); singleton = instance; return instance; } catch (InitializationException e) { Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Cannot instantiate MonitoringClient:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); String message; if( (t != null) && (t.getMessage() != null) ) { message = t.getMessage(); } else { message = "unknown"; } Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "exception caught:" + message); return null; } } else { Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "MonitoringClient is already initialized"); throw new InitializationException("MonitoringClient is already initialized"); } } /** * Returns the MonitoringClient instance * * @return the MonitoringClient, or null if the client has not been initialized */ public static ApigeeMonitoringClient getInstance() { if (singleton != null) { return singleton; } else { // throw new // LoadConfigurationException("Android HttpClientWrapper not initialized"); //Log.w(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, //"Android HttpClientWrapper not initialized. Returning null"); // throw new // InitializationException("Monitoring Client was not initialized"); // Need to change this function to support auto initialization. return null; } } /** * @throws InitializationException * * * */ public ApigeeMonitoringClient(AppIdentification appIdentification, ApigeeDataClient dataClient, Context appActivity, HttpClient client, MonitoringOptions monitoringOptions) throws InitializationException { defaultLogger = new DefaultAndroidLog(); initializeInstance(appIdentification, dataClient, appActivity, client, monitoringOptions); } protected void initializeInstance(AppIdentification appIdentification, ApigeeDataClient dataClient, Context appActivity, HttpClient client, MonitoringOptions monitoringOptions) throws InitializationException { this.isActive = false; this.isInitialized = false; this.monitoringPaused = false; this.listListeners = new ArrayList<UploadListener>(); if( monitoringOptions != null ) { this.crashReportingEnabled = monitoringOptions.getCrashReportingEnabled(); this.enableAutoUpload = monitoringOptions.getEnableAutoUpload(); this.alwaysUploadCrashReports = monitoringOptions.getAlwaysUploadCrashReports(); UploadListener uploadListener = monitoringOptions.getUploadListener(); if( uploadListener != null ) { if (null == this.listListeners) { this.listListeners = new ArrayList<UploadListener>(); } this.listListeners.add(uploadListener); } } else { this.crashReportingEnabled = true; this.enableAutoUpload = true; this.alwaysUploadCrashReports = true; } this.dataClient = dataClient; this.sessionManager = new SessionManager(SESSION_EXPIRATION_MILLIS,this); this.sessionManager.openSession(); // First configure the logger this.appIdentification = appIdentification; this.originalHttpClient = client; this.appActivity = appActivity; if (readUpdateAndApplyConfiguration(client,enableAutoUpload,null)) { if (enableAutoUpload) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Enabling auto sending of metrics"); } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Auto sending of metrics disabled"); } log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, ClientLog.EVENT_INIT_AGENT); isInitialized = true; } else { isInitialized = false; isActive = false; } } /** * Gets the logger being used by Monitoring Client * * @return an instance of the default Android logger or * the Apigee logger */ public Logger getLogger() { return log; } /** * @y.exclude */ synchronized protected void initializeSubServices() { log = new AndroidLog(activeSettings); collector = new NetworkMetricsCollector(activeSettings); httpClient = new HttpClientWrapper(originalHttpClient, appIdentification, collector, activeSettings); this.uploadService = new UploadService(this, appActivity, appIdentification, log, collector, activeSettings, sessionManager); } /** * Retrieves boolean indicating whether we should upload crash reports even if the device is not part of sample * @return boolean indicator */ public boolean getAlwaysUploadCrashReports() { return this.alwaysUploadCrashReports; } /** * Retrieves boolean indicating whether the device is part of sample or not * @return boolean indicator */ public boolean isParticipatingInSample() { synchronized(this) { if (this.isInitialized) { return this.isPartOfSample; } else { return false; // at least not yet } } } /** * Retrieves boolean indicating whether App Monitoring is enabled and sending data * @return boolean indicator */ private boolean allowedToSendData() { boolean willSendData = false; ApigeeActiveSettings settings = this.activeSettings; if (null != settings) { boolean monitoringDisabled = settings.getMonitoringDisabled() != null && settings.getMonitoringDisabled(); if (monitoringDisabled) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Monitoring disabled in configuration. Not sending data"); } else { Long samplingRate = settings.getSamplingRate(); if ( samplingRate != null ) { Random generator = new Random(); int coinflip = generator.nextInt(100); if (coinflip < samplingRate.intValue()) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Monitoring enabled. Sample Rate : " + samplingRate); this.isPartOfSample = true; willSendData = true; } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Monitoring disabled. Sample Rate : " + samplingRate); this.isPartOfSample = false; willSendData = false; } } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Monitoring Enabled"); this.isPartOfSample = true; willSendData = true; } } } return willSendData; } /** * Retrieves the base URL for App Monitoring requests, including the * API BaaS organization and application * * @return the base URL */ public String getBaseServerURL() { String baseServerURL = null; String baseURL = appIdentification.getBaseURL(); if( baseURL.endsWith("/") ) { baseServerURL = baseURL + appIdentification.getOrganizationId() + "/" + appIdentification.getApplicationId(); } else { baseServerURL = baseURL + "/" + appIdentification.getOrganizationId() + "/" + appIdentification.getApplicationId(); } return baseServerURL; } /** * Retrieves the URL that App Monitoring config is being download from. * * @return the config download URL */ public String getConfigDownloadURL() { return getBaseServerURL() + "/apm/apigeeMobileConfig"; } /** * Retrieves the URL that App Monitoring crash reports are being uploaded to. * * @return the crash report upload URL */ public String getCrashReportUploadURL(String crashFileName) { return getBaseServerURL() + "/apm/crashLogs/" + crashFileName; } /** * Retrieves the URL that App Monitoring tracked metrics are being uploaded to. * * @return the metrics upload URL */ public String getMetricsUploadURL() { return getBaseServerURL() + "/apm/apmMetrics"; } /** * Discards all log records and network performance metrics */ public void discardAllMetrics() { if (uploadService != null) { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Discarding all metrics"); uploadService.clear(); } } /** * Determine if monitoring is currently paused * @return boolean indicating whether monitoring is currently paused */ public boolean isPaused() { return monitoringPaused; } /** * Pauses monitoring. If monitoring is already paused when pause is called, there is no change to * monitoring functionality, but a log message is generated. */ public void pause() { if (isInitialized) { if (!isPaused()) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, ClientLog.EVENT_PAUSE_AGENT); monitoringPaused = true; cancelTimer(); // discard all outstanding log records and network metrics discardAllMetrics(); } else { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Pause called when monitoring is already paused"); } } else { // we've never been initialized, so there's nothing to do } } /** * Resumes monitoring after being paused. If monitoring is not paused when resume is called, there * is no change to monitoring functionality, but a log message is generated. */ public void resume() { if (isInitialized) { if (isPaused()) { monitoringPaused = false; Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, ClientLog.EVENT_RESUME_AGENT); establishTimer(); } else { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Resume called when monitoring is not paused"); } } else { // we've never been initialized, so there's nothing to do } } /** * Resumes monitoring after being paused. If monitoring is not paused when resume is called, there * is no change to monitoring functionality, but a log message is generated. * @deprecated * @see #resume() */ public void resumeAgent() { resume(); } /** * Pauses monitoring. If monitoring is already paused when pause is called, there is no change to * monitoring functionality, but a log message is generated. * @deprecated * @see #pause() */ public void pauseAgent() { pause(); } /** * @y.exclude */ public String putOrPostString(String httpMethod, String body, String urlAsString, String contentType) { String response = null; OutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { URL url = new URL(urlAsString); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); byte[] putOrPostData = body.getBytes(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod(httpMethod); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(putOrPostData.length)); if( contentType != null ) { conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", contentType); } conn.setUseCaches(false); if (httpMethod.equals("POST")) { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Posting data to '" + urlAsString + "'"); } else { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Putting data to '" + urlAsString + "'"); } out = conn.getOutputStream(); out.write(putOrPostData); out.close(); out = null; in = conn.getInputStream(); if( in != null ) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; while( (line = reader.readLine()) != null ) { sb.append(line); sb.append('\n'); } response = sb.toString(); Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"response from server: '" + response + "'"); } else { response = null; Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"no response from server after post"); } final int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"responseCode from server = " + responseCode); } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"Unable to post to '" + urlAsString + "'"); Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,e.getLocalizedMessage()); response = null; } finally { try { if( out != null ) { out.close(); } if( in != null ) { in.close(); } } catch(Exception ignored) { } } return response; } /** * @y.exclude */ public String postString(String postBody, String urlAsString, String contentType) { return putOrPostString("POST", postBody, urlAsString, contentType); } /** * @y.exclude */ public String postString(String postBody, String urlAsString) { return postString(postBody, urlAsString, "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } /** * @y.exclude */ public String putString(String body, String urlAsString, String contentType) { return putOrPostString("PUT", body, urlAsString, contentType); } /** * @y.exclude */ public String putString(String body, String urlAsString) { return putString(body, urlAsString, "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } /** * @y.exclude */ public boolean readUpdateAndApplyConfiguration(HttpClient client, final boolean enableAutoUpload, final ConfigurationReloadedListener reloadListener) { boolean success = true; this.activeSettings = new ApigeeActiveSettings(this.appActivity,this.appIdentification,this.dataClient,this,client); this.initializeSubServices(); try { // loader.loadConfigurations(this.appId); boolean loadSuccess = this.activeSettings.loadLocalApplicationConfiguration(); if(loadSuccess) { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Found previous configuration on disk. "); } else { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "No configuration found on disk. Using default configurations"); } this.isActive = this.allowedToSendData(); if (this.isActive || this.alwaysUploadCrashReports) { if (crashReportingEnabled) { sExecutor.execute(new CrashManagerTask(this)); } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Crash reporting disabled"); } } final ApigeeMonitoringClient monitoringClient = this; // read configuration sExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { LoadRemoteConfigTask loadRemoteConfigTask = new LoadRemoteConfigTask(reloadListener);; if (isActive && enableAutoUpload) { ForcedUploadDataTask uploadDataTask = new ForcedUploadDataTask(monitoringClient);; establishTimer(); } } }); } catch (LoadConfigurationException e) { success = false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { success = false; } catch (Throwable t) { success = false; } return success; } /** * Cancels any outstanding upload requests that are set up with our timer mechanism */ protected void cancelTimer() { if (null != sendMetricsHandler) { sendMetricsHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } } /** * Sets up timer mechanism so that upload will occur at the next scheduled interval */ protected void establishTimer() { if (null != sendMetricsHandler) { sendMetricsHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } else { sendMetricsHandler = new Handler(appActivity.getMainLooper()); } final ApigeeMonitoringClient client = this; final long uploadIntervalMillis = this.activeSettings.getAgentUploadIntervalInSeconds() * 1000; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (isInitialized && isActive) { if (!client.isPaused()) { sExecutor.execute(new UploadDataTask(client)); // schedule the upload for the next interval sendMetricsHandler.postDelayed(this, uploadIntervalMillis); } else { // monitoring is paused and our send loop will terminate on its own } } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Configuration was not able to initialize. Not initiating metrics send loop"); } } }; // Start the automatic sending of data sendMetricsHandler.postDelayed(runnable, uploadIntervalMillis); Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Initiating data to be sent on a regular interval"); } /** * Retrieves boolean indicator of whether the device is connected to a network * * @return boolean indicator */ public boolean isDeviceNetworkConnected() { boolean networkConnected = true; // assume so try { ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) appActivity .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (networkInfo != null) { networkConnected = networkInfo.isConnected(); } } catch( Exception e ) { } return networkConnected; } /** * Uploads metrics report. * * @return boolean indicator of wehter upload was successful */ public boolean uploadMetrics() { boolean metricsUploaded = false; if(isInitialized && isActive) { if( ! sessionManager.isSessionValid() ) { sessionManager.openSession(); } if( isDeviceNetworkConnected() ) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Manually uploading metrics now"); sExecutor.execute(new ForcedUploadDataTask(this)); metricsUploaded = true; } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "uploadMetrics called, device not connected to network"); } } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Configuration was not able to initialize. Not initiating metrics send loop"); } return metricsUploaded; } /** * Refreshes the App Monitoring configuration from the server. * * @return boolean indicator of whether the refresh was successful */ public boolean refreshConfiguration(ConfigurationReloadedListener reloadListener) { boolean configurationUpdated = false; if(isInitialized && isActive) { // are we currently connected to network? if( isDeviceNetworkConnected() ) { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Manually refreshing configuration now"); configurationUpdated = readUpdateAndApplyConfiguration(this.originalHttpClient, this.enableAutoUpload, reloadListener); } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "refreshConfiguration called, device not connected to network"); } } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Configuration was not able to initialize. Unable to refresh."); } return configurationUpdated; } /** * Retrieves the unique device ID * * @return device ID */ public String getApigeeDeviceId() { String android_id = Secure.getString( appActivity.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); return android_id; } /** * @y.exclude */ public boolean isAbleToSendDataToServer() { if (null != this.activeSettings) { String orgName = this.activeSettings.getOrgName(); String appName = this.activeSettings.getAppName(); Long instaOpsAppId = this.activeSettings.getInstaOpsApplicationId(); return ((orgName != null) && (appName != null) && (instaOpsAppId != null) && (orgName.length() > 0) && (appName.length() > 0) && (instaOpsAppId.longValue() > 0)); } return false; } /** * @y.exclude */ public void onCrashReportUpload(String crashReport) { if (listListeners != null) { Iterator<UploadListener> iterator = listListeners.iterator(); while( iterator.hasNext() ) { UploadListener listener =; listener.onUploadCrashReport(crashReport); } } } /** * @y.exclude */ private class LoadRemoteConfigTask implements Runnable { private ConfigurationReloadedListener reloadListener; public LoadRemoteConfigTask(ConfigurationReloadedListener reloadListener) { this.reloadListener = reloadListener; } @Override public void run() { boolean newConfigsExist = activeSettings.synchronizeConfig(); if(newConfigsExist) { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Found a new configuration - re-initializing sub-services"); try { activeSettings.loadLocalApplicationConfiguration(); if( this.reloadListener != null ) { this.reloadListener.configurationReloaded(); } isActive = allowedToSendData(); } catch (LoadConfigurationException e) { Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Error trying to reload application configuration " + e.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.e(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Error trying to reload application configuration " + t.toString()); } } else { Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Remote configuration same as existing configuration OR sychronization failed, hence doing nothing"); } } } /** * Task to be executed in the background * @y.exclude */ private class UploadDataTask implements Runnable { private ApigeeMonitoringClient client; public UploadDataTask(ApigeeMonitoringClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public void run() { if (!client.isAbleToSendDataToServer()) { Log.d(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "missing app identification - unable to send data to server"); Log.d(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "attempting to retrieve configuration from server"); client.refreshConfiguration(null); } if (client.isAbleToSendDataToServer()) { //this is a bit of a hack to prevent data from being uploaded if there is no data to upload. //this is common if the app has been put into the background if (log.haveLogRecords() || collector.haveSamples()) { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "There are metrics to send. Sending metrics now"); List<UploadListener> listListeners = client.getMetricsUploadListeners(); uploadService.uploadData(listListeners); } else { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "No metrics to send. Skipping metrics sending"); } } else { Log.d(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "unable to send data to server - no app identification"); } } } /** * Task to be executed in the background * @y.exclude */ private class ForcedUploadDataTask implements Runnable { private ApigeeMonitoringClient client; public ForcedUploadDataTask(ApigeeMonitoringClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public void run() { Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT, "Sending Metrics via Android Client"); List<UploadListener> listListeners = null; if( client != null ) { listListeners = client.getMetricsUploadListeners(); } uploadService.uploadData(listListeners); } } /* * Task to be executed in the background * @y.exclude */ private class CrashManagerTask implements Runnable { private ApigeeMonitoringClient client; public CrashManagerTask(ApigeeMonitoringClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public void run() { if(CrashManager.appIdentification == null) { CrashManager.register(appActivity, log, appIdentification, client); } } } /** * Returns an instance of the HttpClient class being used * by the Monitoring Client * * @return the httpClient */ public HttpClient getHttpClient() { if (isInitialized && isActive) { return httpClient; } else { return originalHttpClient; } } /** * This method instruments http clients that is passed. This method is * useful when there is very complex initialization of the HTTP Client or if * the HTTP Client is a custom HTTP client * * @return the httpClient */ public HttpClient getInstrumentedHttpClient(HttpClient client) { if (isInitialized && isActive) return new HttpClientWrapper(client, appIdentification, collector, activeSettings); else return client; } /** * Gets the default Android Logger * * @return Android Logger */ public Logger getAndroidLogger() { if ((log != null) && isInitialized && isActive) { return log; } else { return defaultLogger; } } /** * @y.exclude */ public ApigeeActiveSettings getActiveSettings() { return this.activeSettings; } /** * @y.exclude */ public void setUploadService(MetricsUploadService uploadService) { this.uploadService = uploadService; } /** * @y.exclude */ public MetricsUploadService getUploadService() { return uploadService; } /** * @y.exclude */ public NetworkMetricsCollectorService getMetricsCollectorService() { return collector; } /** * Checks if the AppMonitoring client has been initialized * * @return boolean indicator */ public boolean isInitialized() { return isInitialized; } /** * @y.exclude */ public void onUserInteraction() { if( isInitialized ) { if( !isActive ) { isActive = true; if( sessionManager != null ) { sessionManager.resume(); } } if( sessionManager != null ) { if( sessionManager.isSessionValid() ) { //Log.v(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"updating session activity time"); sessionManager.onUserInteraction(); } else { Log.d(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"creating new session"); sessionManager.openSession(); } } } } /** * @y.exclude */ public void onSessionTimeout(String sessionUUID,Date sessionStartTime,Date sessionLastActivityTime) { log.flush(); collector.flush(); //android.util.Log.i(ClientLog.TAG_MONITORING_CLIENT,"notified that session timed out"); if( isInitialized && isActive ) { // start a new session sessionManager.openSession(); } } /** * @y.exclude */ public synchronized boolean addMetricsUploadListener(UploadListener metricsUploadListener) { boolean listenerAdded = false; if( this.listListeners != null ) { this.listListeners.add(metricsUploadListener); listenerAdded = true; } return listenerAdded; } /** * @y.exclude */ public synchronized boolean removeMetricsUploadListener(UploadListener metricsUploadListener) { boolean listenerRemoved = false; if( this.listListeners != null ) { listenerRemoved = this.listListeners.remove(metricsUploadListener); } return listenerRemoved; } /** * @y.exclude */ public ArrayList<UploadListener> getMetricsUploadListeners() { return this.listListeners; } /** * @y.exclude */ public static String getDeviceModel() { return Build.MODEL; } /** * @y.exclude */ public static String getDeviceType() { return Build.TYPE; } /** * @y.exclude */ public static String getDeviceOSVersion() { return Build.VERSION.RELEASE; } /** * @y.exclude */ public static String getDevicePlatform() { return ApigeeClient.SDK_TYPE; } /** * @y.exclude */ public static String getSDKVersion() { return ApigeeClient.SDK_VERSION; } /** * @y.exclude */ public String getUniqueIdentifierForApp() { return appIdentification.getUniqueIdentifier(); } public AppIdentification getAppIdentification() { return appIdentification; } public SessionManager getSessionManager() { return sessionManager; } }