// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package com.google.gerrit.server.patch; import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.ConfigUtil; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfig; import com.google.inject.Inject; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.MyersDiff; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.ReplaceEdit; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class IntraLineLoader extends CacheLoader<IntraLineDiffKey, IntraLineDiff> { static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IntraLineLoader.class); private static final Pattern BLANK_LINE_RE = Pattern .compile("^[ \\t]*(|[{}]|/\\*\\*?|\\*)[ \\t]*$"); private static final Pattern CONTROL_BLOCK_START_RE = Pattern .compile("[{:][ \\t]*$"); private final IntraLineWorkerPool workerPool; private final long timeoutMillis; @Inject IntraLineLoader(IntraLineWorkerPool pool, @GerritServerConfig Config cfg) { workerPool = pool; timeoutMillis = ConfigUtil.getTimeUnit(cfg, "cache", PatchListCacheImpl.INTRA_NAME, "timeout", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public IntraLineDiff load(IntraLineDiffKey key) throws Exception { IntraLineWorkerPool.Worker w = workerPool.acquire(); IntraLineWorkerPool.Worker.Result r = w.computeWithTimeout(key, timeoutMillis); if (r == IntraLineWorkerPool.Worker.Result.TIMEOUT) { // Don't keep this thread. We have to murder it unsafely, which // means its unable to be reused in the future. Return back a // null result, indicating the cache cannot load this key. // return new IntraLineDiff(IntraLineDiff.Status.TIMEOUT); } workerPool.release(w); if (r.error != null) { // If there was an error computing the result, carry it // up to the caller so the cache knows this key is invalid. // throw r.error; } return r.diff; } static IntraLineDiff compute(IntraLineDiffKey key) throws Exception { List<Edit> edits = new ArrayList<>(key.getEdits()); Text aContent = key.getTextA(); Text bContent = key.getTextB(); combineLineEdits(edits, aContent, bContent); for (int i = 0; i < edits.size(); i++) { Edit e = edits.get(i); if (e.getType() == Edit.Type.REPLACE) { CharText a = new CharText(aContent, e.getBeginA(), e.getEndA()); CharText b = new CharText(bContent, e.getBeginB(), e.getEndB()); CharTextComparator cmp = new CharTextComparator(); List<Edit> wordEdits = MyersDiff.INSTANCE.diff(cmp, a, b); // Combine edits that are really close together. If they are // just a few characters apart we tend to get better results // by joining them together and taking the whole span. // for (int j = 0; j < wordEdits.size() - 1;) { Edit c = wordEdits.get(j); Edit n = wordEdits.get(j + 1); if (n.getBeginA() - c.getEndA() <= 5 || n.getBeginB() - c.getEndB() <= 5) { int ab = c.getBeginA(); int ae = n.getEndA(); int bb = c.getBeginB(); int be = n.getEndB(); if (canCoalesce(a, c.getEndA(), n.getBeginA()) && canCoalesce(b, c.getEndB(), n.getBeginB())) { wordEdits.set(j, new Edit(ab, ae, bb, be)); wordEdits.remove(j + 1); continue; } } j++; } // Apply some simple rules to fix up some of the edits. Our // logic above, along with our per-character difference tends // to produce some crazy stuff. // for (int j = 0; j < wordEdits.size(); j++) { Edit c = wordEdits.get(j); int ab = c.getBeginA(); int ae = c.getEndA(); int bb = c.getBeginB(); int be = c.getEndB(); // Sometimes the diff generator produces an INSERT or DELETE // right up against a REPLACE, but we only find this after // we've also played some shifting games on the prior edit. // If that happened to us, coalesce them together so we can // correct this mess for the user. If we don't we wind up // with silly stuff like "es" -> "es = Addresses". // if (1 < j) { Edit p = wordEdits.get(j - 1); if (p.getEndA() == ab || p.getEndB() == bb) { if (p.getEndA() == ab && p.getBeginA() < p.getEndA()) { ab = p.getBeginA(); } if (p.getEndB() == bb && p.getBeginB() < p.getEndB()) { bb = p.getBeginB(); } wordEdits.remove(--j); } } // We sometimes collapsed an edit together in a strange way, // such that the edges of each text is identical. Fix by // by dropping out that incorrectly replaced region. // while (ab < ae && bb < be && cmp.equals(a, ab, b, bb)) { ab++; bb++; } while (ab < ae && bb < be && cmp.equals(a, ae - 1, b, be - 1)) { ae--; be--; } // The leading part of an edit and its trailing part in the same // text might be identical. Slide down that edit and use the tail // rather than the leading bit. If however the edit is only on a // whitespace block try to shift it to the left margin, assuming // that it is an indentation change. // boolean aShift = true; if (ab < ae && isOnlyWhitespace(a, ab, ae)) { int lf = findLF(wordEdits, j, a, ab); if (lf < ab && a.charAt(lf) == '\n') { int nb = lf + 1; int p = 0; while (p < ae - ab) { if (cmp.equals(a, ab + p, a, ab + p)) p++; else break; } if (p == ae - ab) { ab = nb; ae = nb + p; aShift = false; } } } if (aShift) { while (0 < ab && ab < ae && a.charAt(ab - 1) != '\n' && cmp.equals(a, ab - 1, a, ae - 1)) { ab--; ae--; } if (!a.isLineStart(ab) || !a.contains(ab, ae, '\n')) { while (ab < ae && ae < a.size() && cmp.equals(a, ab, a, ae)) { ab++; ae++; if (a.charAt(ae - 1) == '\n') { break; } } } } boolean bShift = true; if (bb < be && isOnlyWhitespace(b, bb, be)) { int lf = findLF(wordEdits, j, b, bb); if (lf < bb && b.charAt(lf) == '\n') { int nb = lf + 1; int p = 0; while (p < be - bb) { if (cmp.equals(b, bb + p, b, bb + p)) p++; else break; } if (p == be - bb) { bb = nb; be = nb + p; bShift = false; } } } if (bShift) { while (0 < bb && bb < be && b.charAt(bb - 1) != '\n' && cmp.equals(b, bb - 1, b, be - 1)) { bb--; be--; } if (!b.isLineStart(bb) || !b.contains(bb, be, '\n')) { while (bb < be && be < b.size() && cmp.equals(b, bb, b, be)) { bb++; be++; if (b.charAt(be - 1) == '\n') { break; } } } } // If most of a line was modified except the LF was common, make // the LF part of the modification region. This is easier to read. // if (ab < ae // && (ab == 0 || a.charAt(ab - 1) == '\n') // && ae < a.size() && a.charAt(ae - 1) != '\n' && a.charAt(ae) == '\n') { ae++; } if (bb < be // && (bb == 0 || b.charAt(bb - 1) == '\n') // && be < b.size() && b.charAt(be - 1) != '\n' && b.charAt(be) == '\n') { be++; } wordEdits.set(j, new Edit(ab, ae, bb, be)); } edits.set(i, new ReplaceEdit(e, wordEdits)); } } return new IntraLineDiff(edits); } private static void combineLineEdits(List<Edit> edits, Text a, Text b) { for (int j = 0; j < edits.size() - 1;) { Edit c = edits.get(j); Edit n = edits.get(j + 1); // Combine edits that are really close together. Right now our rule // is, coalesce two line edits which are only one line apart if that // common context line is either a "pointless line", or is identical // on both sides and starts a new block of code. These are mostly // block reindents to add or remove control flow operators. // final int ad = n.getBeginA() - c.getEndA(); final int bd = n.getBeginB() - c.getEndB(); if ((1 <= ad && isBlankLineGap(a, c.getEndA(), n.getBeginA())) || (1 <= bd && isBlankLineGap(b, c.getEndB(), n.getBeginB())) || (ad == 1 && bd == 1 && isControlBlockStart(a, c.getEndA()))) { int ab = c.getBeginA(); int ae = n.getEndA(); int bb = c.getBeginB(); int be = n.getEndB(); edits.set(j, new Edit(ab, ae, bb, be)); edits.remove(j + 1); continue; } j++; } } private static boolean isBlankLineGap(Text a, int b, int e) { for (; b < e; b++) { if (!BLANK_LINE_RE.matcher(a.getString(b)).matches()) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean isControlBlockStart(Text a, int idx) { return CONTROL_BLOCK_START_RE.matcher(a.getString(idx)).find(); } private static boolean canCoalesce(CharText a, int b, int e) { while (b < e) { if (a.charAt(b++) == '\n') { return false; } } return true; } private static int findLF(List<Edit> edits, int j, CharText t, int b) { int lf = b; int limit = 0 < j ? edits.get(j - 1).getEndB() : 0; while (limit < lf && t.charAt(lf) != '\n') { lf--; } return lf; } private static boolean isOnlyWhitespace(CharText t, final int b, final int e) { for (int c = b; c < e; c++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(t.charAt(c))) { return false; } } return b < e; } }