// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.server.config; import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ConfigUtil { /** * Parse a Java enumeration from the configuration. * * @param <T> type of the enumeration object. * @param config the configuration file to read. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param defaultValue default value to return if the setting was not set. * Must not be null as the enumeration values are derived from this. * @return the selected enumeration value, or {@code defaultValue}. */ public static <T extends Enum<?>> T getEnum(final Config config, final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final T defaultValue) { final T[] all = allValuesOf(defaultValue); return getEnum(config, section, subsection, setting, all, defaultValue); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> T[] allValuesOf(final T defaultValue) { try { return (T[]) defaultValue.getClass().getMethod("values").invoke(null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot obtain enumeration values", e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot obtain enumeration values", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot obtain enumeration values", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot obtain enumeration values", e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot obtain enumeration values", e); } } /** * Parse a Java enumeration from the configuration. * * @param <T> type of the enumeration object. * @param config the configuration file to read. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param all all possible values in the enumeration which should be * recognized. This should be {@code EnumType.values()}. * @param defaultValue default value to return if the setting was not set. * This value may be null. * @return the selected enumeration value, or {@code defaultValue}. */ public static <T extends Enum<?>> T getEnum(final Config config, final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final T[] all, final T defaultValue) { final String valueString = config.getString(section, subsection, setting); if (valueString == null) { return defaultValue; } return getEnum(section, subsection, setting, valueString, all); } /** * Parse a Java enumeration from the configuration. * * @param <T> type of the enumeration object. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param valueString string value from git Config * @param all all possible values in the enumeration which should be * recognized. This should be {@code EnumType.values()}. * @return the selected enumeration value, or {@code defaultValue}. */ private static <T extends Enum<?>> T getEnum(final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, String valueString, final T[] all) { String n = valueString.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'); for (final T e : all) { if (equalsIgnoreCase(e.name(), n)) { return e; } } final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append("Value \""); r.append(valueString); r.append("\" not recognized in "); r.append(section); if (subsection != null) { r.append("."); r.append(subsection); } r.append("."); r.append(setting); r.append("; supported values are: "); for (final T e : all) { r.append(e.name()); r.append(" "); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(r.toString().trim()); } /** * Parse a Java enumeration list from the configuration. * * @param <T> type of the enumeration object. * @param config the configuration file to read. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param defaultValue default value to return if the setting was not set. * Must not be null as the enumeration values are derived from this. * @return the selected enumeration values list, or {@code defaultValue}. */ public static <T extends Enum<?>> List<T> getEnumList(final Config config, final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final T defaultValue) { final T[] all = allValuesOf(defaultValue); return getEnumList(config, section, subsection, setting, all, defaultValue); } /** * Parse a Java enumeration list from the configuration. * * @param <T> type of the enumeration object. * @param config the configuration file to read. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param all all possible values in the enumeration which should be * recognized. This should be {@code EnumType.values()}. * @param defaultValue default value to return if the setting was not set. * This value may be null. * @return the selected enumeration values list, or {@code defaultValue}. */ public static <T extends Enum<?>> List<T> getEnumList(final Config config, final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final T[] all, final T defaultValue) { final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(); final String[] values = config.getStringList(section, subsection, setting); if (values.length == 0) { list.add(defaultValue); } else { for (String string : values) { if (string != null) { list.add(getEnum(section, subsection, setting, string, all)); } } } return list; } /** * Parse a numerical time unit, such as "1 minute", from the configuration. * * @param config the configuration file to read. * @param section section the key is in. * @param subsection subsection the key is in, or null if not in a subsection. * @param setting name of the setting to read. * @param defaultValue default value to return if no value was set in the * configuration file. * @param wantUnit the units of {@code defaultValue} and the return value, as * well as the units to assume if the value does not contain an * indication of the units. * @return the setting, or {@code defaultValue} if not set, expressed in * {@code units}. */ public static long getTimeUnit(final Config config, final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final long defaultValue, final TimeUnit wantUnit) { final String valueString = config.getString(section, subsection, setting); if (valueString == null) { return defaultValue; } String s = valueString.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) { return defaultValue; } if (s.startsWith("-")/* negative */) { throw notTimeUnit(section, subsection, setting, valueString); } try { return getTimeUnit(s, defaultValue, wantUnit); } catch (IllegalArgumentException notTime) { throw notTimeUnit(section, subsection, setting, valueString); } } /** * Parse a numerical time unit, such as "1 minute", from a string. * * @param valueString the string to parse. * @param defaultValue default value to return if no value was set in the * configuration file. * @param wantUnit the units of {@code defaultValue} and the return value, as * well as the units to assume if the value does not contain an * indication of the units. * @return the setting, or {@code defaultValue} if not set, expressed in * {@code units}. */ public static long getTimeUnit(final String valueString, long defaultValue, TimeUnit wantUnit) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\s*(.*)$").matcher(valueString); if (!m.matches()) { return defaultValue; } String digits = m.group(1); String unitName = m.group(2).trim(); TimeUnit inputUnit; int inputMul; if ("".equals(unitName)) { inputUnit = wantUnit; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "ms", "milliseconds")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "s", "sec", "second", "seconds")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "m", "min", "minute", "minutes")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "h", "hr", "hour", "hours")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "d", "day", "days")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS; inputMul = 1; } else if (match(unitName, "w", "week", "weeks")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS; inputMul = 7; } else if (match(unitName, "mon", "month", "months")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS; inputMul = 30; } else if (match(unitName, "y", "year", "years")) { inputUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS; inputMul = 365; } else { throw notTimeUnit(valueString); } try { return wantUnit.convert(Long.parseLong(digits) * inputMul, inputUnit); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw notTimeUnit(valueString); } } public static String getRequired(Config cfg, String section, String name) { final String v = cfg.getString(section, null, name); if (v == null || "".equals(v)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No " + section + "." + name + " configured"); } return v; } private static boolean match(final String a, final String... cases) { for (final String b : cases) { if (equalsIgnoreCase(a, b)) { return true; } } return false; } private static IllegalArgumentException notTimeUnit(final String section, final String subsection, final String setting, final String valueString) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid time unit value: " + section + (subsection != null ? "." + subsection : "") + "." + setting + " = " + valueString); } private static IllegalArgumentException notTimeUnit(final String val) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid time unit value: " + val); } private ConfigUtil() { } }