/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.xml; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.ivy.Ivy; import org.apache.ivy.core.IvyContext; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.Configuration; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ConfigurationAware; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultArtifact; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultExcludeRule; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultExtendsDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultIncludeRule; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DependencyArtifactDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DependencyDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ExcludeRule; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ExtraInfoHolder; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.IncludeRule; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.License; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.MDArtifact; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ModuleDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.OverrideDependencyDescriptorMediator; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ArtifactId; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ModuleId; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ModuleRevisionId; import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveData; import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveEngine; import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveOptions; import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolvedModuleRevision; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.conflict.ConflictManager; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.conflict.FixedConflictManager; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.namespace.NameSpaceHelper; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.namespace.Namespace; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.AbstractModuleDescriptorParser; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.ModuleDescriptorParser; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.ModuleDescriptorParserRegistry; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.ParserSettings; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.Resource; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.file.FileResource; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.url.URLResource; import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.DependencyResolver; import org.apache.ivy.util.DateUtil; import org.apache.ivy.util.FileUtil; import org.apache.ivy.util.Message; import org.apache.ivy.util.XMLHelper; import org.apache.ivy.util.extendable.ExtendableItemHelper; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Parses an xml ivy file and output a ModuleDescriptor. For dependency and performance reasons, it * uses only the SAX API, which makes the parsing code harder to understand. */ public class XmlModuleDescriptorParser extends AbstractModuleDescriptorParser { static final String[] DEPENDENCY_REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES = new String[] {"org", "name", "branch", "branchConstraint", "rev", "revConstraint", "force", "transitive", "changing", "conf"}; private static final XmlModuleDescriptorParser INSTANCE = new XmlModuleDescriptorParser(); public static XmlModuleDescriptorParser getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } protected XmlModuleDescriptorParser() { } /** * @param settings * @param xmlURL * the url pointing to the file to parse * @param res * the real resource to parse, used for log only * @param validate * @return * @throws ParseException * @throws IOException */ public ModuleDescriptor parseDescriptor(ParserSettings ivySettings, URL xmlURL, Resource res, boolean validate) throws ParseException, IOException { Parser parser = newParser(ivySettings); parser.setValidate(validate); parser.setResource(res); parser.setInput(xmlURL); parser.parse(); return parser.getModuleDescriptor(); } /** Used for test purpose */ ModuleDescriptor parseDescriptor(ParserSettings ivySettings, InputStream descriptor, Resource res, boolean validate) throws ParseException { Parser parser = newParser(ivySettings); parser.setValidate(validate); parser.setResource(res); parser.setInput(descriptor); parser.parse(); return parser.getModuleDescriptor(); } /** * Instantiates a Parser instance responsible for actual parsing of Ivy files. * <p> * Override this method if you want to use a custom Parser. * </p> * * @param ivySettings * the settings to use during parsing * @return the Parser instance used for parsing Ivy files */ protected Parser newParser(ParserSettings ivySettings) { return new Parser(this, ivySettings); } public boolean accept(Resource res) { return true; // this the default parser, it thus accepts all resources } public void toIvyFile(InputStream is, Resource res, File destFile, ModuleDescriptor md) throws IOException, ParseException { try { Namespace ns = null; if (md instanceof DefaultModuleDescriptor) { DefaultModuleDescriptor dmd = (DefaultModuleDescriptor) md; ns = dmd.getNamespace(); } XmlModuleDescriptorUpdater.update( is, res, destFile, new UpdateOptions().setSettings(IvyContext.getContext().getSettings()) .setStatus(md.getStatus()) .setRevision(md.getResolvedModuleRevisionId().getRevision()) .setPubdate(md.getResolvedPublicationDate()).setUpdateBranch(false) .setNamespace(ns)); } catch (SAXException e) { ParseException ex = new ParseException("exception occurred while parsing " + res, 0); ex.initCause(e); throw ex; } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } public static class Parser extends AbstractParser { public static final class State { public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int INFO = 1; public static final int CONF = 2; public static final int PUB = 3; public static final int DEP = 4; public static final int DEP_ARTIFACT = 5; public static final int ARTIFACT_INCLUDE = 6; public static final int ARTIFACT_EXCLUDE = 7; public static final int CONFLICT = 8; public static final int EXCLUDE = 9; public static final int DEPS = 10; public static final int DESCRIPTION = 11; public static final int EXTRA_INFO = 12; private State() { } } protected static final List<String> ALLOWED_VERSIONS = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4"}); /* how and what do we have to parse */ private ParserSettings settings; private boolean validate = true; private URL descriptorURL; private InputStream descriptorInput; /* Parsing state */ private int state = State.NONE; private PatternMatcher defaultMatcher; private DefaultDependencyDescriptor dd; private ConfigurationAware confAware; private MDArtifact artifact; private String conf; private boolean artifactsDeclared = false; private StringBuffer buffer; private String descriptorVersion; private String[] publicationsDefaultConf; private Stack<ExtraInfoHolder> extraInfoStack = new Stack<ExtraInfoHolder>(); public Parser(ModuleDescriptorParser parser, ParserSettings ivySettings) { super(parser); settings = ivySettings; } public void setInput(InputStream descriptorInput) { this.descriptorInput = descriptorInput; } public void setInput(URL descriptorURL) { this.descriptorURL = descriptorURL; } public void setValidate(boolean validate) { this.validate = validate; } public void parse() throws ParseException { try { URL schemaURL = validate ? getSchemaURL() : null; if (descriptorURL != null) { XMLHelper.parse(descriptorURL, schemaURL, this); } else { XMLHelper.parse(descriptorInput, schemaURL, this, null); } checkConfigurations(); replaceConfigurationWildcards(); getMd().setModuleArtifact( DefaultArtifact.newIvyArtifact(getMd().getResolvedModuleRevisionId(), getMd() .getPublicationDate())); if (!artifactsDeclared) { String[] confs = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { getMd().addArtifact( confs[i], new MDArtifact(getMd(), getMd().getModuleRevisionId().getName(), "jar", "jar")); } } getMd().check(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException(ex.getMessage() + " in " + descriptorURL); ise.initCause(ex); throw ise; } catch (Exception ex) { checkErrors(); ParseException pe = new ParseException(ex.getMessage() + " in " + descriptorURL, 0); pe.initCause(ex); throw pe; } } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { try { if (state == State.DESCRIPTION) { // make sure we don't interpret any tag while in description tag getBuffer().append("<").append(qName); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { getBuffer().append(" "); getBuffer().append(attributes.getQName(i)); getBuffer().append("=\""); getBuffer().append(attributes.getValue(i)); getBuffer().append("\""); } getBuffer().append(">"); return; } else if ("ivy-module".equals(qName)) { ivyModuleStarted(attributes); } else if ("info".equals(qName)) { infoStarted(attributes); } else if (state == State.INFO && "extends".equals(qName)) { extendsStarted(attributes); } else if (state == State.INFO && "license".equals(qName)) { getMd().addLicense( new License(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name")), settings .substitute(attributes.getValue("url")))); } else if (state == State.INFO && "description".equals(qName)) { getMd().setHomePage(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("homepage"))); state = State.DESCRIPTION; buffer = new StringBuffer(); } else if (state == State.INFO && "ivyauthor".equals(qName)) { // nothing to do, we don't store this } else if (state == State.INFO && "repository".equals(qName)) { // nothing to do, we don't store this } else if (state == State.EXTRA_INFO || state == State.INFO && isOtherNamespace(qName)) { buffer = new StringBuffer(); state = State.EXTRA_INFO; ExtraInfoHolder extraInfo = new ExtraInfoHolder(); extraInfo.setName(qName); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { extraInfo.getAttributes().put(attributes.getQName(i), attributes.getValue(i)); } extraInfoStack.push(extraInfo); } else if ("configurations".equals(qName)) { configurationStarted(attributes); } else if ("publications".equals(qName)) { publicationsStarted(attributes); } else if ("dependencies".equals(qName)) { dependenciesStarted(attributes); } else if ("conflicts".equals(qName)) { if (!descriptorVersion.startsWith("1.")) { Message.deprecated("using conflicts section is deprecated: " + "please use hints section instead. Ivy file URL: " + descriptorURL); } state = State.CONFLICT; checkConfigurations(); } else if ("artifact".equals(qName)) { artifactStarted(qName, attributes); } else if ("include".equals(qName) && state == State.DEP) { addIncludeRule(qName, attributes); } else if ("exclude".equals(qName) && state == State.DEP) { addExcludeRule(qName, attributes); } else if ("exclude".equals(qName) && state == State.DEPS) { state = State.EXCLUDE; parseRule(qName, attributes); getMd().addExcludeRule((ExcludeRule) confAware); } else if ("dependency".equals(qName)) { dependencyStarted(attributes); } else if ("conf".equals(qName)) { confStarted(attributes); } else if ("mapped".equals(qName)) { dd.addDependencyConfiguration(conf, settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name"))); } else if (("conflict".equals(qName) && state == State.DEPS) || "manager".equals(qName) && state == State.CONFLICT) { managerStarted(attributes, state == State.CONFLICT ? "name" : "manager"); } else if ("override".equals(qName) && state == State.DEPS) { mediationOverrideStarted(attributes); } else if ("include".equals(qName) && state == State.CONF) { includeConfStarted(attributes); } else if (validate && state != State.EXTRA_INFO && state != State.DESCRIPTION) { addError("unknown tag " + qName); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof SAXException) { throw (SAXException) ex; } SAXException sax = new SAXException("Problem occurred while parsing ivy file: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); sax.initCause(ex); throw sax; } } /** * Default parent location to check (for dev ONLY) * * @return a relative path to a parent module descriptor */ protected String getDefaultParentLocation() { return "../ivy.xml"; } /** * Handle extends elements. It checks : * <ul> * <li>filesystem based on location attribute, if no one is specified it will check the * default parent location</li> * <li>cache to find a resolved parent descriptor</li> * <li>ask repositories to retrieve the parent module descriptor</li> * </ul> * * @param attributes * @throws ParseException */ protected void extendsStarted(Attributes attributes) throws ParseException { String parentOrganisation = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("organisation")); String parentModule = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); String parentRevision = attributes.getValue("revision") != null ? settings .substitute(attributes.getValue("revision")) : Ivy.getWorkingRevision(); String location = attributes.getValue("location") != null ? settings .substitute(attributes.getValue("location")) : getDefaultParentLocation(); ModuleDescriptor parent = null; String extendType = attributes.getValue("extendType") != null ? settings .substitute(attributes.getValue("extendType").toLowerCase(Locale.US)) : "all"; List<String> extendTypes = Arrays.asList(extendType.split(",")); ModuleId parentMid = new ModuleId(parentOrganisation, parentModule); ModuleRevisionId parentMrid = new ModuleRevisionId(parentMid, parentRevision); // check on filesystem based on location attribute (for dev ONLY) boolean local = false; try { parent = parseParentModuleOnFilesystem(location); if (parent != null) { ModuleId foundMid = parent.getResolvedModuleRevisionId().getModuleId(); if (!foundMid.equals(parentMid)) { // the filesystem contains a parent module with different organisation // or module name; ignore that parent module Message.info("Found a parent module with unexpected ModuleRevisionId at source location " + location + "! Expected: " + parentMid + ". Found: " + foundMid + ". This parent module will be ignored."); parent = null; } } local = parent != null; } catch (IOException e) { Message.warn("Unable to parse included ivy file " + location, e); } // if not found, tries to resolve using repositories if (parent == null) { try { parent = parseOtherIvyFile(parentMrid); } catch (ParseException e) { Message.warn("Unable to parse included ivy file for " + parentMrid.toString(), e); } } // if still not found throw an exception if (parent == null) { throw new ParseException("Unable to parse included ivy file for " + parentMrid.toString(), 0); } DefaultExtendsDescriptor ed = new DefaultExtendsDescriptor(parent, location, extendTypes.toArray(new String[extendTypes.size()]), local); getMd().addInheritedDescriptor(ed); mergeWithOtherModuleDescriptor(extendTypes, parent); } /** * Merge current module with a given module descriptor and specify what should be inherited * through extendTypes argument * * @param extendTypes * specify what should be inherited * @param parent * a given parent module descriptor */ protected void mergeWithOtherModuleDescriptor(List<String> extendTypes, ModuleDescriptor parent) { if (extendTypes.contains("all")) { mergeAll(parent); } else { if (extendTypes.contains("info")) { mergeInfo(parent); } if (extendTypes.contains("configurations")) { mergeConfigurations(parent); } if (extendTypes.contains("dependencies")) { mergeDependencies(parent.getDependencies()); } if (extendTypes.contains("description")) { mergeDescription(parent.getDescription()); } if (extendTypes.contains("licenses")) { mergeLicenses(parent.getLicenses()); } if (extendTypes.contains("excludes")) { mergeExcludes(parent.getAllExcludeRules()); } } } /** * Merge everything from a given parent * * @param parent * a given parent module desciptor */ protected void mergeAll(ModuleDescriptor parent) { mergeInfo(parent); mergeConfigurations(parent); mergeDependencies(parent.getDependencies()); mergeDescription(parent.getDescription()); mergeLicenses(parent.getLicenses()); mergeExcludes(parent.getAllExcludeRules()); } /** * Explain how to inherit metadatas related to info element * * @param parent * a given parent module decriptor */ protected void mergeInfo(ModuleDescriptor parent) { ModuleRevisionId parentMrid = parent.getModuleRevisionId(); DefaultModuleDescriptor descriptor = getMd(); ModuleRevisionId currentMrid = descriptor.getModuleRevisionId(); ModuleRevisionId mergedMrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance( mergeValue(parentMrid.getOrganisation(), currentMrid.getOrganisation()), currentMrid.getName(), mergeValue(parentMrid.getBranch(), currentMrid.getBranch()), mergeRevisionValue(parentMrid.getRevision(), currentMrid.getRevision()), mergeValues(parentMrid.getQualifiedExtraAttributes(), currentMrid.getQualifiedExtraAttributes())); descriptor.setModuleRevisionId(mergedMrid); descriptor.setResolvedModuleRevisionId(mergedMrid); descriptor.setStatus(mergeValue(parent.getStatus(), descriptor.getStatus())); if (descriptor.getNamespace() == null && parent instanceof DefaultModuleDescriptor) { Namespace parentNamespace = ((DefaultModuleDescriptor) parent).getNamespace(); descriptor.setNamespace(parentNamespace); } descriptor.getExtraInfos().addAll(parent.getExtraInfos()); } private static String mergeRevisionValue(String inherited, String override) { if (override == null || override.equals(Ivy.getWorkingRevision())) { return inherited; } else { return override; } } private static String mergeValue(String inherited, String override) { return override == null ? inherited : override; } private static Map<String, String> mergeValues(Map<String, String> inherited, Map<String, String> overrides) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> dup = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(inherited.size() + overrides.size()); dup.putAll(inherited); dup.putAll(overrides); return dup; } /** * Describes how to merge configurations elements * * @param sourceMrid * the source module revision id * @param configurations * array of configurations to be inherited */ protected void mergeConfigurations(ModuleDescriptor parent) { ModuleRevisionId sourceMrid = parent.getModuleRevisionId(); Configuration[] configurations = parent.getConfigurations(); for (int i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++) { Configuration configuration = configurations[i]; Message.debug("Merging configuration with: " + configuration.getName()); // copy configuration from parent descriptor getMd().addConfiguration(new Configuration(configuration, sourceMrid)); } if (parent instanceof DefaultModuleDescriptor) { setDefaultConfMapping(((DefaultModuleDescriptor) parent).getDefaultConfMapping()); setDefaultConf(((DefaultModuleDescriptor) parent).getDefaultConf()); getMd().setMappingOverride(((DefaultModuleDescriptor) parent).isMappingOverride()); } } /** * Describes how dependencies should be inherited * * @param dependencies * array of dependencies to inherit */ protected void mergeDependencies(DependencyDescriptor[] dependencies) { DefaultModuleDescriptor md = getMd(); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { DependencyDescriptor dependencyDescriptor = dependencies[i]; Message.debug("Merging dependency with: " + dependencyDescriptor.getDependencyRevisionId().toString()); md.addDependency(dependencyDescriptor); } } /** * Describes how to merge description * * @param description * description going to be inherited */ protected void mergeDescription(String description) { String current = getMd().getDescription(); if (current == null || current.trim().length() == 0) { getMd().setDescription(description); } } /** * Describes how to merge licenses * * @param licenses * licenses going to be inherited */ public void mergeLicenses(License[] licenses) { for (int i = 0; i < licenses.length; i++) { getMd().addLicense(licenses[i]); } } /** * Describes how to merge exclude rules * * @param excludeRules * exclude rules going to be inherited */ public void mergeExcludes(ExcludeRule[] excludeRules) { for (int i = 0; i < excludeRules.length; i++) { getMd().addExcludeRule(excludeRules[i]); } } /** * Returns the parent module using the location attribute (for dev purpose). * * @param location * a given location * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private ModuleDescriptor parseParentModuleOnFilesystem(String location) throws IOException, ParseException { if (!"file".equals(descriptorURL.getProtocol())) { return null; } File file = new File(location); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { URL url = settings.getRelativeUrlResolver().getURL(descriptorURL, location); try { file = new File(new URI(url.toExternalForm())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { file = new File(url.getPath()); } } file = FileUtil.normalize(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.exists()) { Message.verbose("Parent module doesn't exist on the filesystem: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } FileResource res = new FileResource(null, file); ModuleDescriptorParser parser = ModuleDescriptorParserRegistry.getInstance().getParser( res); return parser.parseDescriptor(getSettings(), file.toURL(), res, isValidate()); } /** * Describe how to parse a {@link ModuleDescriptor} by asking repositories * * @param parentMrid * a given {@link ModuleRevisionId} to find * @return a {@link ModuleDescriptor} if found. Return null if no {@link ModuleDescriptor} * was found * @throws ParseException */ protected ModuleDescriptor parseOtherIvyFile(ModuleRevisionId parentMrid) throws ParseException { Message.debug("Trying to parse included ivy file by asking repository for module :" + parentMrid.toString()); DependencyDescriptor dd = new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(parentMrid, true); ResolveData data = IvyContext.getContext().getResolveData(); if (data == null) { ResolveEngine engine = IvyContext.getContext().getIvy().getResolveEngine(); ResolveOptions options = new ResolveOptions(); options.setDownload(false); data = new ResolveData(engine, options); } DependencyResolver resolver = getSettings().getResolver(parentMrid); dd = NameSpaceHelper.toSystem(dd, getSettings().getContextNamespace()); ResolvedModuleRevision otherModule = resolver.getDependency(dd, data); if (otherModule == null) { throw new ParseException("Unable to find " + parentMrid.toString(), 0); } return otherModule.getDescriptor(); } protected void publicationsStarted(Attributes attributes) { state = State.PUB; artifactsDeclared = true; checkConfigurations(); String defaultConf = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("defaultconf")); if (defaultConf != null) { setPublicationsDefaultConf(defaultConf); } } protected void setPublicationsDefaultConf(String defaultConf) { this.publicationsDefaultConf = defaultConf == null ? null : defaultConf.split(","); } protected boolean isOtherNamespace(String qName) { return qName.indexOf(':') != -1; } protected void managerStarted(Attributes attributes, String managerAtt) { String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("org")); org = org == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : org; String mod = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); mod = mod == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : mod; ConflictManager cm; String name = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue(managerAtt)); String rev = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("rev")); if (rev != null) { String[] revs = rev.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) { revs[i] = revs[i].trim(); } cm = new FixedConflictManager(revs); } else if (name != null) { cm = settings.getConflictManager(name); if (cm == null) { addError("unknown conflict manager: " + name); return; } } else { addError("bad conflict manager: no manager nor rev"); return; } String matcherName = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("matcher")); PatternMatcher matcher = matcherName == null ? defaultMatcher : settings .getMatcher(matcherName); if (matcher == null) { addError("unknown matcher: " + matcherName); return; } getMd().addConflictManager(new ModuleId(org, mod), matcher, cm); } protected void mediationOverrideStarted(Attributes attributes) { String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("org")); org = org == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : org; String mod = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); mod = mod == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : mod; String rev = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("rev")); String branch = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("branch")); String matcherName = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("matcher")); PatternMatcher matcher = matcherName == null ? defaultMatcher : settings .getMatcher(matcherName); if (matcher == null) { addError("unknown matcher: " + matcherName); return; } getMd().addDependencyDescriptorMediator(new ModuleId(org, mod), matcher, new OverrideDependencyDescriptorMediator(branch, rev)); } protected void includeConfStarted(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, ParseException { URL url = settings.getRelativeUrlResolver().getURL(descriptorURL, settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("file")), settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("url"))); if (url == null) { throw new SAXException("include tag must have a file or an url attribute"); } // create a new temporary parser to read the configurations from // the specified file. Parser parser = new Parser(getModuleDescriptorParser(), settings); parser.setInput(url); parser.setMd(new DefaultModuleDescriptor(getModuleDescriptorParser(), new URLResource( url))); XMLHelper.parse(url, null, parser); // add the configurations from this temporary parser to this module descriptor Configuration[] configs = parser.getModuleDescriptor().getConfigurations(); for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { getMd().addConfiguration(configs[i]); } if (parser.getDefaultConfMapping() != null) { Message.debug("setting default conf mapping from imported configurations file: " + parser.getDefaultConfMapping()); setDefaultConfMapping(parser.getDefaultConfMapping()); } if (parser.getDefaultConf() != null) { Message.debug("setting default conf from imported configurations file: " + parser.getDefaultConf()); setDefaultConf(parser.getDefaultConf()); } if (parser.getMd().isMappingOverride()) { Message.debug("enabling mapping-override from imported configurations" + " file"); getMd().setMappingOverride(true); } } protected void confStarted(Attributes attributes) { String conf = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name")); switch (state) { case State.CONF: String visibility = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("visibility")); String ext = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("extends")); String transitiveValue = attributes.getValue("transitive"); boolean transitive = (transitiveValue == null) ? true : Boolean.valueOf( attributes.getValue("transitive")).booleanValue(); String deprecated = attributes.getValue("deprecated"); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(conf, Configuration.Visibility.getVisibility(visibility == null ? "public" : visibility), settings.substitute(attributes .getValue("description")), ext == null ? null : ext.split(","), transitive, deprecated); ExtendableItemHelper.fillExtraAttributes(settings, configuration, attributes, new String[] {"name", "visibility", "extends", "transitive", "description", "deprecated"}); getMd().addConfiguration(configuration); break; case State.PUB: if ("*".equals(conf)) { String[] confs = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { artifact.addConfiguration(confs[i]); getMd().addArtifact(confs[i], artifact); } } else { artifact.addConfiguration(conf); getMd().addArtifact(conf, artifact); } break; case State.DEP: this.conf = conf; String mappeds = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("mapped")); if (mappeds != null) { String[] mapped = mappeds.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < mapped.length; i++) { dd.addDependencyConfiguration(conf, mapped[i].trim()); } } break; case State.DEP_ARTIFACT: case State.ARTIFACT_INCLUDE: case State.ARTIFACT_EXCLUDE: addConfiguration(conf); break; default: if (validate) { addError("conf tag found in invalid tag: " + state); } break; } } protected void dependencyStarted(Attributes attributes) { state = State.DEP; String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("org")); if (org == null) { org = getMd().getModuleRevisionId().getOrganisation(); } boolean force = Boolean.valueOf(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("force"))) .booleanValue(); boolean changing = Boolean .valueOf(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("changing"))).booleanValue(); String transitiveValue = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("transitive")); boolean transitive = (transitiveValue == null) ? true : Boolean.valueOf( attributes.getValue("transitive")).booleanValue(); String name = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name")); String branch = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("branch")); String branchConstraint = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("branchConstraint")); // if (branchConstraint == null) { // // there was no branch constraint before, so we should // // set the branchConstraint to the current default branch // branchConstraint = settings.getDefaultBranch(ModuleId.newInstance(org, name)); // } String rev = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("rev")); String revConstraint = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("revConstraint")); Map<String, String> extraAttributes = ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, DEPENDENCY_REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); ModuleRevisionId revId = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(org, name, branch, rev, extraAttributes); ModuleRevisionId dynamicId = null; if ((revConstraint == null) && (branchConstraint == null)) { // no dynamic constraints defined, so dynamicId equals revId dynamicId = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(org, name, branch, rev, extraAttributes, false); } else { if (branchConstraint == null) { // this situation occurs when there was no branch defined // in the original dependency descriptor. So the dynamicId // shouldn't contain a branch neither dynamicId = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(org, name, null, revConstraint, extraAttributes, false); } else { dynamicId = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(org, name, branchConstraint, revConstraint, extraAttributes); } } dd = new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(getMd(), revId, dynamicId, force, changing, transitive); getMd().addDependency(dd); String confs = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("conf")); if (confs != null && confs.length() > 0) { parseDepsConfs(confs, dd); } } protected void artifactStarted(String qName, Attributes attributes) throws MalformedURLException { if (state == State.PUB) { // this is a published artifact String artName = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name")); artName = artName == null ? getMd().getModuleRevisionId().getName() : artName; String type = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("type")); type = type == null ? "jar" : type; String ext = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("ext")); ext = ext != null ? ext : type; String url = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("url")); artifact = new MDArtifact(getMd(), artName, type, ext, url == null ? null : new URL(url), ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, new String[] {"ext", "type", "name", "conf"})); String confs = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("conf")); // only add confs if they are specified. if they aren't, endElement will // handle this // only if there are no conf defined in sub elements if (confs != null && confs.length() > 0) { String[] conf; if ("*".equals(confs)) { conf = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); } else { conf = confs.split(","); } for (int i = 0; i < conf.length; i++) { artifact.addConfiguration(conf[i].trim()); getMd().addArtifact(conf[i].trim(), artifact); } } } else if (state == State.DEP) { // this is an artifact asked for a particular dependency addDependencyArtifacts(qName, attributes); } else if (validate) { addError("artifact tag found in invalid tag: " + state); } } protected void dependenciesStarted(Attributes attributes) { state = State.DEPS; String defaultConf = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("defaultconf")); if (defaultConf != null) { setDefaultConf(defaultConf); } defaultConf = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("defaultconfmapping")); if (defaultConf != null) { setDefaultConfMapping(defaultConf); } String confMappingOverride = settings.substitute(attributes .getValue("confmappingoverride")); if (confMappingOverride != null) { getMd().setMappingOverride(Boolean.valueOf(confMappingOverride).booleanValue()); } checkConfigurations(); } protected void configurationStarted(Attributes attributes) { state = State.CONF; setDefaultConfMapping(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("defaultconfmapping"))); setDefaultConf(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("defaultconf"))); getMd().setMappingOverride( Boolean.valueOf(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("confmappingoverride"))) .booleanValue()); } protected void infoStarted(Attributes attributes) { state = State.INFO; String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("organisation")); String module = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); String revision = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("revision")); String branch = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("branch")); getMd().setModuleRevisionId( ModuleRevisionId.newInstance( org, module, branch, revision, ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, new String[] { "organisation", "module", "revision", "status", "publication", "branch", "namespace", "default", "resolver"}))); String namespace = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("namespace")); if (namespace != null) { Namespace ns = settings.getNamespace(namespace); if (ns == null) { Message.warn("namespace not found for " + getMd().getModuleRevisionId() + ": " + namespace); } else { getMd().setNamespace(ns); } } String status = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("status")); getMd().setStatus( status == null ? settings.getStatusManager().getDefaultStatus() : status); getMd().setDefault( Boolean.valueOf(settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("default"))).booleanValue()); String pubDate = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("publication")); if (pubDate != null && pubDate.length() > 0) { try { getMd().setPublicationDate(DateUtil.parse(pubDate)); } catch (ParseException e) { addError("invalid publication date format: " + pubDate); getMd().setPublicationDate(getDefaultPubDate()); } } else { getMd().setPublicationDate(getDefaultPubDate()); } } protected void ivyModuleStarted(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { descriptorVersion = attributes.getValue("version"); int versionIndex = ALLOWED_VERSIONS.indexOf(descriptorVersion); if (versionIndex == -1) { addError("invalid version " + descriptorVersion); throw new SAXException("invalid version " + descriptorVersion); } if (versionIndex >= ALLOWED_VERSIONS.indexOf("1.3")) { Message.debug("post 1.3 ivy file: using " + PatternMatcher.EXACT + " as default matcher"); defaultMatcher = settings.getMatcher(PatternMatcher.EXACT); } else { Message.debug("pre 1.3 ivy file: using " + PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP + " as default matcher"); defaultMatcher = settings.getMatcher(PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP); } for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("xmlns:")) { getMd().addExtraAttributeNamespace( attributes.getQName(i).substring("xmlns:".length()), attributes.getValue(i)); } } } protected void addDependencyArtifacts(String tag, Attributes attributes) throws MalformedURLException { state = State.DEP_ARTIFACT; parseRule(tag, attributes); } protected void addIncludeRule(String tag, Attributes attributes) throws MalformedURLException { state = State.ARTIFACT_INCLUDE; parseRule(tag, attributes); } protected void addExcludeRule(String tag, Attributes attributes) throws MalformedURLException { state = State.ARTIFACT_EXCLUDE; parseRule(tag, attributes); } protected void parseRule(String tag, Attributes attributes) throws MalformedURLException { String name = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("name")); if (name == null) { name = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("artifact")); if (name == null) { name = "artifact".equals(tag) ? dd.getDependencyId().getName() : PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION; } } String type = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("type")); if (type == null) { type = "artifact".equals(tag) ? "jar" : PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION; } String ext = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("ext")); ext = ext != null ? ext : type; if (state == State.DEP_ARTIFACT) { String url = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("url")); Map<String, String> extraAtt = ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, new String[] {"name", "type", "ext", "url", "conf"}); confAware = new DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dd, name, type, ext, url == null ? null : new URL(url), extraAtt); } else if (state == State.ARTIFACT_INCLUDE) { PatternMatcher matcher = getPatternMatcher(attributes.getValue("matcher")); String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("org")); org = org == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : org; String module = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); module = module == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : module; ArtifactId aid = new ArtifactId(new ModuleId(org, module), name, type, ext); Map<String, String> extraAtt = ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, new String[] {"org", "module", "name", "type", "ext", "matcher", "conf"}); confAware = new DefaultIncludeRule(aid, matcher, extraAtt); } else { // _state == ARTIFACT_EXCLUDE || EXCLUDE PatternMatcher matcher = getPatternMatcher(attributes.getValue("matcher")); String org = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("org")); org = org == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : org; String module = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("module")); module = module == null ? PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION : module; ArtifactId aid = new ArtifactId(new ModuleId(org, module), name, type, ext); Map<String, String> extraAtt = ExtendableItemHelper.getExtraAttributes(settings, attributes, new String[] {"org", "module", "name", "type", "ext", "matcher", "conf"}); confAware = new DefaultExcludeRule(aid, matcher, extraAtt); } String confs = settings.substitute(attributes.getValue("conf")); // only add confs if they are specified. if they aren't, endElement will handle this // only if there are no conf defined in sub elements if (confs != null && confs.length() > 0) { String[] conf; if ("*".equals(confs)) { conf = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); } else { conf = confs.split(","); } for (int i = 0; i < conf.length; i++) { addConfiguration(conf[i].trim()); } } } protected void addConfiguration(String c) { confAware.addConfiguration(c); if (state == State.EXCLUDE) { // we are adding a configuration to a module wide exclude rule // we have nothing special to do here, the rule has already been added to the module // descriptor } else { // we are currently adding a configuration to either an include, exclude or artifact // element // of a dependency. This means that we have to add this element to the corresponding // conf // of the current dependency descriptor if (confAware instanceof DependencyArtifactDescriptor) { dd.addDependencyArtifact(c, (DependencyArtifactDescriptor) confAware); } else if (confAware instanceof IncludeRule) { dd.addIncludeRule(c, (IncludeRule) confAware); } else if (confAware instanceof ExcludeRule) { dd.addExcludeRule(c, (ExcludeRule) confAware); } } } protected PatternMatcher getPatternMatcher(String m) { String matcherName = settings.substitute(m); PatternMatcher matcher = matcherName == null ? defaultMatcher : settings .getMatcher(matcherName); if (matcher == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown matcher " + matcherName); } return matcher; } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (buffer != null) { buffer.append(ch, start, length); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (state == State.PUB && "artifact".equals(qName) && artifact.getConfigurations().length == 0) { String[] confs = publicationsDefaultConf == null ? getMd().getConfigurationsNames() : publicationsDefaultConf; for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { artifact.addConfiguration(confs[i].trim()); getMd().addArtifact(confs[i].trim(), artifact); } } else if ("configurations".equals(qName)) { checkConfigurations(); } else if ((state == State.DEP_ARTIFACT && "artifact".equals(qName)) || (state == State.ARTIFACT_INCLUDE && "include".equals(qName)) || (state == State.ARTIFACT_EXCLUDE && "exclude".equals(qName))) { state = State.DEP; if (confAware.getConfigurations().length == 0) { String[] confs = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { addConfiguration(confs[i]); } } confAware = null; } else if ("exclude".equals(qName) && state == State.EXCLUDE) { if (confAware.getConfigurations().length == 0) { String[] confs = getMd().getConfigurationsNames(); for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { addConfiguration(confs[i]); } } confAware = null; state = State.DEPS; } else if ("dependency".equals(qName) && state == State.DEP) { if (dd.getModuleConfigurations().length == 0) { parseDepsConfs(getDefaultConf(), dd); } state = State.DEPS; } else if ("dependencies".equals(qName) && state == State.DEPS) { state = State.NONE; } else if (state == State.INFO && "info".equals(qName)) { state = State.NONE; } else if (state == State.DESCRIPTION && "description".equals(qName)) { getMd().setDescription(buffer == null ? "" : buffer.toString().trim()); buffer = null; state = State.INFO; } else if (state == State.EXTRA_INFO) { String content = buffer == null ? "" : buffer.toString(); buffer = null; ExtraInfoHolder extraInfo = extraInfoStack.pop(); extraInfo.setContent(content); if (extraInfoStack.isEmpty()) { getMd().addExtraInfo(extraInfo); state = State.INFO; } else { ExtraInfoHolder parentHolder = extraInfoStack.peek(); parentHolder.getNestedExtraInfoHolder().add(extraInfo); } } else if (state == State.DESCRIPTION) { if (buffer.toString().endsWith("<" + qName + ">")) { buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length() - 1); buffer.append("/>"); } else { buffer.append("</" + qName + ">"); } } } protected void checkConfigurations() { if (getMd().getConfigurations().length == 0) { getMd().addConfiguration(new Configuration("default")); } } protected void replaceConfigurationWildcards() { Configuration[] configs = getMd().getConfigurations(); for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { configs[i].replaceWildcards(getMd()); } } /* getters and setters available for extension only */ protected ParserSettings getSettings() { return settings; } protected URL getDescriptorURL() { return descriptorURL; } protected InputStream getDescriptorInput() { return descriptorInput; } protected int getState() { return state; } protected void setState(int state) { this.state = state; } protected PatternMatcher getDefaultMatcher() { return defaultMatcher; } protected DefaultDependencyDescriptor getDd() { return dd; } protected void setDd(DefaultDependencyDescriptor dd) { this.dd = dd; } protected ConfigurationAware getConfAware() { return confAware; } protected void setConfAware(ConfigurationAware confAware) { this.confAware = confAware; } protected MDArtifact getArtifact() { return artifact; } protected void setArtifact(MDArtifact artifact) { this.artifact = artifact; } protected String getConf() { return conf; } protected void setConf(String conf) { this.conf = conf; } protected boolean isArtifactsDeclared() { return artifactsDeclared; } protected void setArtifactsDeclared(boolean artifactsDeclared) { this.artifactsDeclared = artifactsDeclared; } protected StringBuffer getBuffer() { return buffer; } protected void setBuffer(StringBuffer buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } protected String getDescriptorVersion() { return descriptorVersion; } protected void setDescriptorVersion(String descriptorVersion) { this.descriptorVersion = descriptorVersion; } protected String[] getPublicationsDefaultConf() { return publicationsDefaultConf; } protected void setPublicationsDefaultConf(String[] publicationsDefaultConf) { this.publicationsDefaultConf = publicationsDefaultConf; } protected boolean isValidate() { return validate; } protected URL getSchemaURL() { return getClass().getResource("ivy.xsd"); } } @Override public String toString() { return "ivy parser"; } }