/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.ivy.ant; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.ivy.Ivy; import org.apache.ivy.core.IvyContext; import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ModuleDescriptor; import org.apache.ivy.core.report.ResolveReport; import org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings; import org.apache.ivy.util.DateUtil; import org.apache.ivy.util.Message; import org.apache.ivy.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Task; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Reference; /** * Base class for all ivy ant tasks, deal particularly with ivy instance storage in ant project. */ public abstract class IvyTask extends Task { public static final String ANT_PROJECT_CONTEXT_KEY = "ant-project"; private Boolean validate = null; private Reference antIvyEngineRef = null; protected boolean doValidate(IvySettings ivy) { if (validate != null) { return validate.booleanValue(); } return ivy.doValidate(); } public boolean isValidate() { return validate == null ? true : validate.booleanValue(); } public void setValidate(boolean validate) { this.validate = Boolean.valueOf(validate); } public void setSettingsRef(Reference ref) { antIvyEngineRef = ref; } public Reference getSettingsRef() { return antIvyEngineRef; } protected IvySettings getSettings() { return getIvyInstance().getSettings(); } protected Ivy getIvyInstance() { Object antIvyEngine; if (antIvyEngineRef != null) { antIvyEngine = antIvyEngineRef.getReferencedObject(getProject()); if (!antIvyEngine.getClass().getName().equals(IvyAntSettings.class.getName())) { throw new BuildException(antIvyEngineRef.getRefId() + " doesn't reference an ivy:settings", getLocation()); } if (!(antIvyEngine instanceof IvyAntSettings)) { throw new BuildException(antIvyEngineRef.getRefId() + " has been defined in a different classloader. " + "Please use the same loader when defining your task, or " + "redeclare your ivy:settings in this classloader", getLocation()); } } else { antIvyEngine = IvyAntSettings.getDefaultInstance(this); } Ivy ivy = ((IvyAntSettings) antIvyEngine).getConfiguredIvyInstance(this); AntMessageLogger.register(this, ivy); return ivy; } protected void setResolved(ResolveReport report, boolean keep) { ModuleDescriptor md = report.getModuleDescriptor(); String[] confs = report.getConfigurations(); if (keep) { getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.report", report); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.configurations.ref", confs); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.descriptor", md); } String suffix = md.getModuleRevisionId().getModuleId().getOrganisation() + "." + md.getModuleRevisionId().getModuleId().getName(); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.report." + suffix, report); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.descriptor." + suffix, md); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.configurations.ref." + suffix, confs); } protected void setResolved(ResolveReport report, String resolveId, boolean keep) { setResolved(report, keep); if (resolveId != null) { ModuleDescriptor md = report.getModuleDescriptor(); String[] confs = report.getConfigurations(); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.report." + resolveId, report); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.descriptor." + resolveId, md); getProject().addReference("ivy.resolved.configurations.ref." + resolveId, confs); } } protected String[] getResolvedConfigurations(String org, String module, boolean strict) { return (String[]) getReference("ivy.resolved.configurations.ref", org, module, strict); } protected Object getResolvedDescriptor(String resolveId) { return getResolvedDescriptor(resolveId, true); } protected Object getResolvedDescriptor(String resolveId, boolean strict) { Object result = getProject().getReference("ivy.resolved.descriptor." + resolveId); if (strict && (result == null)) { throw new BuildException("ModuleDescriptor for resolve with id '" + resolveId + "' not found."); } return result; } protected Object getResolvedDescriptor(String org, String module) { return getResolvedDescriptor(org, module, false); } protected Object getResolvedDescriptor(String org, String module, boolean strict) { return getReference("ivy.resolved.descriptor", org, module, strict); } private Object getReference(String prefix, String org, String module, boolean strict) { Object reference = null; if (org != null && module != null) { reference = getProject().getReference(prefix + "." + org + "." + module); } if (!strict && reference == null) { reference = getProject().getReference(prefix); } return reference; } protected ResolveReport getResolvedReport(String org, String module, String resolveId) { ResolveReport result = null; if (resolveId == null) { result = (ResolveReport) getReference("ivy.resolved.report", org, module, false); } else { result = (ResolveReport) getReference("ivy.resolved.report." + resolveId, null, null, false); } return result; } protected String[] splitConfs(String conf) { if (conf == null) { return null; } String[] confs = conf.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { confs[i] = confs[i].trim(); } return confs; } protected String mergeConfs(String[] conf) { return StringUtils.join(conf, ", "); } protected static Date getPubDate(String date, Date def) { if (date != null) { if ("now".equals(date.toLowerCase(Locale.US))) { return new Date(); } try { return DateUtil.parse(date); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BuildException("Publication date provided in bad format. Should be '" + DateUtil.DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN + "' and not '" + date + "'!"); } } else { return def; } } protected String getProperty(String value, IvySettings ivy, String name) { if (value == null) { return getProperty(ivy, name); } else { value = ivy.substitute(value); Message.debug("parameter found as attribute value: " + name + "=" + value); return value; } } protected String getProperty(String value, IvySettings ivy, String name, String resolveId) { if (resolveId == null) { return getProperty(value, ivy, name); } else { return getProperty(value, ivy, name + "." + resolveId); } } protected String getProperty(IvySettings ivy, String name, String resolveId) { if (resolveId == null) { return getProperty(ivy, name); } else { return getProperty(ivy, name + "." + resolveId); } } protected String getProperty(IvySettings ivy, String name) { String val = ivy.getVariable(name); if (val == null) { val = ivy.substitute(getProject().getProperty(name)); if (val != null) { Message.debug("parameter found as ant project property: " + name + "=" + val); } else { Message.debug("parameter not found: " + name); } } else { val = ivy.substitute(val); Message.debug("parameter found as ivy variable: " + name + "=" + val); } return val; } /** * Called when task starts its execution. */ protected void prepareTask() { getProject().setProperty("ivy.version", Ivy.getIvyVersion()); // push current project and Ivy on the stack in context IvyContext.pushNewCopyContext(); IvyContext.getContext().setIvy(getIvyInstance()); IvyContext.getContext().push(ANT_PROJECT_CONTEXT_KEY, getProject()); } /** * Called when task is about to finish Should clean up all state related information (stacks for * example) */ protected void finalizeTask() { if (!IvyContext.getContext().pop(ANT_PROJECT_CONTEXT_KEY, getProject())) { Message.error("ANT project poped from stack not equals current !. Ignoring"); } IvyContext.popContext(); } /** * Ant task execute. Calls prepareTask, doExecute, finalzeTask */ @Override public final void execute() throws BuildException { try { prepareTask(); doExecute(); } finally { finalizeTask(); } } /** * The real logic of task execution after project has been set in the context. MUST be * implemented by subclasses * * @throws BuildException */ public abstract void doExecute() throws BuildException; @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + ":" + getTaskName(); } /** * Informs the user that the cache attribute is not supported any more. */ protected void cacheAttributeNotSupported() { throw new BuildException( "cache attribute is not supported any more. See IVY-685 for details."); } }