package org.ansj.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import; import org.ansj.dic.DicReader; import org.ansj.dic.impl.Jdbc2Stream; import org.ansj.domain.AnsjItem; import org.ansj.exception.LibraryException; import org.ansj.library.AmbiguityLibrary; import org.ansj.library.CrfLibrary; import org.ansj.library.DATDictionary; import org.ansj.library.DicLibrary; import org.ansj.library.StopLibrary; import org.ansj.library.SynonymsLibrary; import org.ansj.recognition.impl.StopRecognition; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.tire.domain.Forest; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.tire.domain.SmartForest; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.FileFinder; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.IOUtil; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.ObjConver; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.StringUtil; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.logging.Log; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * 这个类储存一些公用变量. * * @author ansj * */ public class MyStaticValue { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MyStaticValue.class); // 是否开启人名识别 public static Boolean isNameRecognition = true; // 是否开启数字识别 public static Boolean isNumRecognition = true; // 是否数字和量词合并 public static Boolean isQuantifierRecognition = true; // 是否显示真实词语 public static Boolean isRealName = false; /** * 是否用户辞典不加载相同的词 */ public static boolean isSkipUserDefine = false; public static final Map<String, String> ENV = new HashMap<>(); static { /** * 配置文件变量 */ ResourceBundle rb = null; try { rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ansj_library"); } catch (Exception e) { try { File find = FileFinder.find("", 1); if (find != null && find.isFile()) { rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(IOUtil.getReader(find.getAbsolutePath(), System.getProperty("file.encoding")));"load ansj_library not find in classPath ! i find it in " + find.getAbsolutePath() + " make sure it is your config!"); } } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.warn("not find reason: " + e1.getMessage()); } } if (rb == null) { try { rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("library"); } catch (Exception e) { try { File find = FileFinder.find("", 2); if (find != null && find.isFile()) { rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(IOUtil.getReader(find.getAbsolutePath(), System.getProperty("file.encoding")));"load library not find in classPath ! i find it in " + find.getAbsolutePath() + " make sure it is your config!"); } } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.warn("not find reason: " + e1.getMessage()); } } } if (rb == null) { LOG.warn("not find in classpath use it by default !"); } else { for (String key : rb.keySet()) { ENV.put(key, rb.getString(key)); try { String value = rb.getString(key); if (value.startsWith("jdbc:")) { //给jdbc窜中密码做一个加密,不让密码明文在日志中 value = Jdbc2Stream.encryption(value); }"init " + key + " to env value is : " + value); Field field = MyStaticValue.class.getField(key); field.set(null, ObjConver.conversion(rb.getString(key), field.getType())); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } /** * 人名词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getPersonReader() { return DicReader.getReader("person/person.dic"); } /** * 机构名词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getCompanReader() { return DicReader.getReader("company/"); } /** * 机构名词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getNewWordReader() { return DicReader.getReader("newWord/new_word_freq.dic"); } /** * 核心词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getArraysReader() { return DicReader.getReader("arrays.dic"); } /** * 数字词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getNumberReader() { return DicReader.getReader("numberLibrary.dic"); } /** * 英文词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getEnglishReader() { return DicReader.getReader("englishLibrary.dic"); } /** * 词性表 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getNatureMapReader() { return DicReader.getReader("nature/"); } /** * 词性关联表 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getNatureTableReader() { return DicReader.getReader("nature/nature.table"); } /** * 得道姓名单字的词频词典 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getNatureClassSuffix() { return DicReader.getReader("nature_class_suffix.txt"); } /** * 根据词语后缀判断词性 * * @return */ public static BufferedReader getPersonFreqReader() { return DicReader.getReader("person/name_freq.dic"); } /** * 名字词性对象反序列化 * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, int[][]> getPersonFreqMap() { Map<String, int[][]> map = new HashMap<String, int[][]>(0); try (InputStream inputStream = DicReader.getInputStream("person/")) { ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream); map = (Map<String, int[][]>) objectInputStream.readObject(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("IO异常", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("找不到类", e); } return map; } /** * 词与词之间的关联表数据 * * @return */ public static void initBigramTables() { try (BufferedReader reader = IOUtil.getReader(DicReader.getInputStream("bigramdict.dic"), "UTF-8")) { String temp = null; String[] strs = null; int freq = 0; while ((temp = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (StringUtil.isBlank(temp)) { continue; } strs = temp.split("\t"); freq = Integer.parseInt(strs[1]); strs = strs[0].split("@"); AnsjItem fromItem = DATDictionary.getItem(strs[0]); AnsjItem toItem = DATDictionary.getItem(strs[1]); if (fromItem == AnsjItem.NULL && strs[0].contains("#")) { fromItem = AnsjItem.BEGIN; } if (toItem == AnsjItem.NULL && strs[1].contains("#")) { toItem = AnsjItem.END; } if (fromItem == AnsjItem.NULL || toItem == AnsjItem.NULL) { continue; } if (fromItem.bigramEntryMap == null) { fromItem.bigramEntryMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); } fromItem.bigramEntryMap.put(toItem.getIndex(), freq); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("数字格式异常", e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOG.warn("不支持的编码", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("IO异常", e); } } /* * 外部引用为了实例化加载变量 */ public static Log getLog(Class<?> clazz) { return LogFactory.getLog(clazz); } /** * 增加一个词典 * * @param key * @param path * @param value */ public static void putLibrary(String key, String path, Object value) { if (key.startsWith(DicLibrary.DEFAULT)) { DicLibrary.put(key, path, (Forest) value); } else if (key.startsWith(StopLibrary.DEFAULT)) { StopLibrary.put(key, path, (StopRecognition) value); } else if (key.startsWith(SynonymsLibrary.DEFAULT)) { SynonymsLibrary.put(key, path, (SmartForest) value); } else if (key.startsWith(AmbiguityLibrary.DEFAULT)) { AmbiguityLibrary.put(key, path, (Forest) value); } else if (key.startsWith(CrfLibrary.DEFAULT)) { CrfLibrary.put(key, path, (SplitWord) value); } else { throw new LibraryException(key + " type err must start with dic,stop,ambiguity,synonyms"); } ENV.put(key, path); } /** * 懒加载一个词典 * * @param key * @param path */ public static void putLibrary(String key, String path) { if (key.startsWith(DicLibrary.DEFAULT)) { DicLibrary.put(key, path); } else if (key.startsWith(StopLibrary.DEFAULT)) { StopLibrary.put(key, path); } else if (key.startsWith(SynonymsLibrary.DEFAULT)) { SynonymsLibrary.put(key, path); } else if (key.startsWith(AmbiguityLibrary.DEFAULT)) { AmbiguityLibrary.put(key, path); } else if (key.startsWith(CrfLibrary.DEFAULT)) { CrfLibrary.put(key, path); } else { throw new LibraryException(key + " type err must start with dic,stop,ambiguity,synonyms"); } ENV.put(key, path); } /** * 删除一个词典 * * @param key */ public static void removeLibrary(String key) { if (key.startsWith(DicLibrary.DEFAULT)) { DicLibrary.remove(key); } else if (key.startsWith(StopLibrary.DEFAULT)) { StopLibrary.remove(key); } else if (key.startsWith(SynonymsLibrary.DEFAULT)) { SynonymsLibrary.remove(key); } else if (key.startsWith(AmbiguityLibrary.DEFAULT)) { AmbiguityLibrary.remove(key); } else if (key.startsWith(CrfLibrary.DEFAULT)) { CrfLibrary.remove(key); } else { throw new LibraryException(key + " type err must start with dic,stop,ambiguity,synonyms"); } ENV.remove(key); } /** * 重置一个词典 * * @param key */ public static void reloadLibrary(String key) { if (key.startsWith(DicLibrary.DEFAULT)) { DicLibrary.reload(key); } else if (key.startsWith(StopLibrary.DEFAULT)) { StopLibrary.reload(key); } else if (key.startsWith(SynonymsLibrary.DEFAULT)) { SynonymsLibrary.reload(key); } else if (key.startsWith(AmbiguityLibrary.DEFAULT)) { AmbiguityLibrary.reload(key); } else if (key.startsWith(CrfLibrary.DEFAULT)) { CrfLibrary.reload(key); } else { throw new LibraryException(key + " type err must start with dic,stop,ambiguity,synonyms"); } } }