package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.tire.domain.SmartForest; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.IOUtil; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.ObjConver; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.StringUtil; import org.nlpcn.commons.lang.util.tuples.Pair; /** * 加载wapiti生成的crf模型,测试使用的wapiti版本为:Wapiti v1.5.0 * * wapiti 下载地址: 在这里感谢作者所做的工作. * * @author Ansj * */ public class WapitiCRFModel extends Model { @Override public WapitiCRFModel loadModel(String modelPath) throws Exception { try (InputStream is = IOUtil.getInputStream(modelPath)) { return loadModel(is); } } @Override public WapitiCRFModel loadModel(InputStream is) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = IOUtil.getReader(is, IOUtil.UTF8); long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"load wapiti model begin!"); String temp = br.readLine();; // #mdl#2#123 Map<String, Integer> featureIndex = loadConfig(br); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int[] t1 : config.getTemplate()) { sb.append(Arrays.toString(t1) + " "); }"featureIndex is " + featureIndex);"load template ok template : " + sb); int[] statusCoven = loadTagCoven(br); List<Pair<String, String>> loadFeatureName = loadFeatureName(featureIndex, br);"load feature ok feature size : " + loadFeatureName.size()); featureTree = new SmartForest<float[]>(); loadFeatureWeight(br, statusCoven, loadFeatureName);"load wapiti model ok ! use time :" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return this; } /** * 加载特征权重 * * @param br * @param featureNames * @param statusCoven * @throws Exception */ private void loadFeatureWeight(BufferedReader br, int[] statusCoven, List<Pair<String, String>> featureNames) throws Exception { int key = 0; int offe = 0; int tag = 0; // 赏析按标签为用来转换 int len = 0; // 权重数组的大小 int min, max = 0; // 设置边界 String name = null; // 特征名称 float[] tempW = null; // 每一个特征的权重 String temp = br.readLine(); for (Pair<String, String> pair : featureNames) { if (temp == null) { logger.warn(pair.getValue0() + "\t" + pair.getValue1() + " not have any weight ,so skip it !"); continue; } char fc = Character.toUpperCase(pair.getValue0().charAt(0)); len = fc == 'B' ? Config.TAG_NUM * Config.TAG_NUM : fc == 'U' ? Config.TAG_NUM : fc == '*' ? (Config.TAG_NUM + Config.TAG_NUM * Config.TAG_NUM) : 0; if (len == 0) { throw new Exception("unknow feature type " + pair.getValue0()); } min = max; max += len; if (fc == 'B') { // 特殊处理转换特征数组 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String[] split = temp.split("="); int from = statusCoven[i / Config.TAG_NUM]; int to = statusCoven[i % Config.TAG_NUM]; status[from][to] = ObjConver.getFloatValue(split[1]); temp = br.readLine(); } } else { name = pair.getValue1(); tempW = new float[len]; do { String[] split = temp.split("="); key = ObjConver.getIntValue(split[0]); if (key >= max) { // 如果超过边界那么跳出 break; } offe = key - min; tag = statusCoven[offe]; tempW[tag] = ObjConver.getFloatValue(split[1]); } while ((temp = br.readLine()) != null); this.featureTree.add(name, tempW); // 将特征增加到特征🌲中 // printFeatureTree(name, tempW); } } } /** * 加载特征值 //11:*6:_x-1/的, * * @param featureIndex * * @param br * @return * @throws Exception */ private List<Pair<String, String>> loadFeatureName(Map<String, Integer> featureIndex, BufferedReader br) throws Exception { String temp = br.readLine();// #qrk#num int featureNum = ObjConver.getIntValue(StringUtil.matcherFirst("\\d+", temp)); // 找到特征个数 List<Pair<String, String>> featureNames = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < featureNum; i++) { temp = br.readLine(); String[] split = temp.split(":"); if (split.length == 2) { featureNames.add(Pair.with(split[1], "")); continue; } else { String name = split[2]; if (split.length > 3) { for (int j = 3; j < split.length; j++) { name += ":" + split[j]; } } // 去掉最后的空格 name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); int lastFeatureId = featureIndex.get(split[1]); if ("/".equals(name)) { name = "//"; } if (name.contains("//")) { name = name.replaceAll("//", "/XIEGANG/"); } String featureName = toFeatureName(name.trim().split("/"), lastFeatureId); featureNames.add(Pair.with(split[1], featureName)); } } return featureNames; } private String toFeatureName(String[] split, int lastFeatureId) throws Exception { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String str : split) { if ("".equals(str)) { continue; } else if (str.length() == 1) { result.append(str.charAt(0)); } else if (str.equals("XIEGANG")) { result.append('/'); } else if (str.startsWith("num")) { result.append((char) (Config.NUM_BEGIN + ObjConver.getIntValue(str.replace("num", "")))); } else if (str.startsWith("en")) { result.append((char) (Config.EN_BEGIN + ObjConver.getIntValue(str.replace("en", "")))); } else if (str.startsWith("_x-")) { result.append(Config.BEGIN); } else if (str.startsWith("_x+")) { result.append(Config.END); } else { throw new Exception("can find feature named " + str + " in " + Arrays.toString(split)); } } result.append((char) (lastFeatureId + Config.FEATURE_BEGIN)); return result.toString(); } /** * 加载特征标签转换 * * @param br * @return * @throws Exception */ private int[] loadTagCoven(BufferedReader br) throws Exception { int[] conver = new int[Config.TAG_NUM + Config.TAG_NUM * Config.TAG_NUM]; String temp = br.readLine();// #qrk#4 // TODO: 这个是个写死的过程,如果标签发生改变需要重新来写这里 for (int i = 0; i < Config.TAG_NUM; i++) { char c = br.readLine().split(":")[1].charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'S': conver[i] = Config.S; break; case 'B': conver[i] = Config.B; break; case 'M': conver[i] = Config.M; break; case 'E': conver[i] = Config.E; break; default: throw new Exception("err tag named " + c + " in model " + temp); } } for (int i = Config.TAG_NUM; i < conver.length; i++) { conver[i] = conver[(i - 4) / Config.TAG_NUM] * Config.TAG_NUM + conver[i % Config.TAG_NUM] + Config.TAG_NUM; } return conver; } /** * 加载特征模板 * * @param br * @return * @throws IOException */ private Map<String, Integer> loadConfig(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { Map<String, Integer> featureIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String temp = br.readLine();// #rdr#8/0/0 int featureNum = ObjConver.getIntValue(StringUtil.matcherFirst("\\d+", temp)); // 找到特征个数 List<int[]> list = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < featureNum; i++) { temp = br.readLine(); List<String> matcherAll = StringUtil.matcherAll("\\[.*?\\]", temp); if (matcherAll.size() == 0) { continue; } int[] is = new int[matcherAll.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < is.length; j++) { is[j] = ObjConver.getIntValue(StringUtil.matcherFirst("[-\\d]+", matcherAll.get(j))); } featureIndex.put(temp.split(":")[1], list.size()); list.add(is); } int[][] template = new int[list.size()][0]; // 构建特征模板 for (int i = 0; i < template.length; i++) { template[i] = list.get(i); } config = new Config(template); return featureIndex; } @Override public boolean checkModel(String modelPath) { try (InputStream is = IOUtil.getInputStream(modelPath)) { byte[] bytes = new byte[100];; String string = new String(bytes); if (string.startsWith("#mdl#")) { // 加载crf++ 的txt类型的modle return true; } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("IO异常", e); } return false; } }