package fi.hbp.angr; /** * A PID controller class. */ public class PID { private float integral = 0.0f; private float previous_error = 0.0f; private float output; private final float kp; private final float ki; private final float kd; /** * Constructor for a new PID controller object. * @param kp proportional gain. * @param ki integral gain. * @param kd derivative gain. */ public PID(float kp, float ki, float kd) { = kp; = ki; this.kd = kd; } /** * Reset output of the PID controller to a given output value. * @param output */ public void reset(float output) { this.output = output; if (ki > 0.0f) integral = output / ki; else integral = output; previous_error = 0.0f; } /** * Update output value of the PID controller. * @param setpoint new setpoint. * @param dt delta time. */ public void update(float setpoint, float dt) { float error = (setpoint - output); integral += error * dt; float derivative = (error - previous_error) / dt; output = kp * error + ki * integral + kd * derivative; previous_error = error; } /** * Get current output value. * @return output value of this PID controller. */ public float getOutput() { return output; } }