package com.alamkanak.weekview; import; import android.widget.ShareActionProvider; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import static com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekViewUtil.*; /** * Created by Raquib-ul-Alam Kanak on 7/21/2014. * Website: */ public class WeekViewEvent { private long mId; private Calendar mStartTime; private Calendar mEndTime; private String mName; private String mLocation; private int mColor; private boolean mAllDay; private Shader mShader; public WeekViewEvent(){ } /** * Initializes the event for week view. * @param id The id of the event. * @param name Name of the event. * @param startYear Year when the event starts. * @param startMonth Month when the event starts. * @param startDay Day when the event starts. * @param startHour Hour (in 24-hour format) when the event starts. * @param startMinute Minute when the event starts. * @param endYear Year when the event ends. * @param endMonth Month when the event ends. * @param endDay Day when the event ends. * @param endHour Hour (in 24-hour format) when the event ends. * @param endMinute Minute when the event ends. */ public WeekViewEvent(long id, String name, int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinute, int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay, int endHour, int endMinute) { this.mId = id; this.mStartTime = Calendar.getInstance(); this.mStartTime.set(Calendar.YEAR, startYear); this.mStartTime.set(Calendar.MONTH, startMonth-1); this.mStartTime.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, startDay); this.mStartTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, startHour); this.mStartTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, startMinute); this.mEndTime = Calendar.getInstance(); this.mEndTime.set(Calendar.YEAR, endYear); this.mEndTime.set(Calendar.MONTH, endMonth-1); this.mEndTime.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, endDay); this.mEndTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, endHour); this.mEndTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, endMinute); this.mName = name; } /** * Initializes the event for week view. * @param id The id of the event. * @param name Name of the event. * @param location The location of the event. * @param startTime The time when the event starts. * @param endTime The time when the event ends. * @param allDay Is the event an all day event. * @param shader the Shader of the event rectangle */ public WeekViewEvent(long id, String name, String location, Calendar startTime, Calendar endTime, boolean allDay, Shader shader) { this.mId = id; this.mName = name; this.mLocation = location; this.mStartTime = startTime; this.mEndTime = endTime; this.mAllDay = allDay; this.mShader = shader; } /** * Initializes the event for week view. * @param id The id of the event. * @param name Name of the event. * @param location The location of the event. * @param startTime The time when the event starts. * @param endTime The time when the event ends. * @param allDay Is the event an all day event */ public WeekViewEvent(long id, String name, String location, Calendar startTime, Calendar endTime, boolean allDay) { this(id, name, location, startTime, endTime, allDay, null); } /** * Initializes the event for week view. * @param id The id of the event. * @param name Name of the event. * @param location The location of the event. * @param startTime The time when the event starts. * @param endTime The time when the event ends. */ public WeekViewEvent(long id, String name, String location, Calendar startTime, Calendar endTime) { this(id, name, location, startTime, endTime, false); } /** * Initializes the event for week view. * @param id The id of the event. * @param name Name of the event. * @param startTime The time when the event starts. * @param endTime The time when the event ends. */ public WeekViewEvent(long id, String name, Calendar startTime, Calendar endTime) { this(id, name, null, startTime, endTime); } public Calendar getStartTime() { return mStartTime; } public void setStartTime(Calendar startTime) { this.mStartTime = startTime; } public Calendar getEndTime() { return mEndTime; } public void setEndTime(Calendar endTime) { this.mEndTime = endTime; } public String getName() { return mName; } public void setName(String name) { this.mName = name; } public String getLocation() { return mLocation; } public void setLocation(String location) { this.mLocation = location; } public int getColor() { return mColor; } public void setColor(int color) { this.mColor = color; } public boolean isAllDay() { return mAllDay; } public void setAllDay(boolean allDay) { this.mAllDay = allDay; } public Shader getShader(){ return mShader; } public void setShader(Shader shader){ mShader = shader; } public long getId() { return mId; } public void setId(long id) { this.mId = id; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; WeekViewEvent that = (WeekViewEvent) o; return mId == that.mId; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (mId ^ (mId >>> 32)); } public List<WeekViewEvent> splitWeekViewEvents(){ //This function splits the WeekViewEvent in WeekViewEvents by day List<WeekViewEvent> events = new ArrayList<WeekViewEvent>(); // The first millisecond of the next day is still the same day. (no need to split events for this). Calendar endTime = (Calendar) this.getEndTime().clone(); endTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); if (!isSameDay(this.getStartTime(), endTime)) { endTime = (Calendar) this.getStartTime().clone(); endTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); endTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); WeekViewEvent event1 = new WeekViewEvent(this.getId(), this.getName(), this.getLocation(), this.getStartTime(), endTime, this.isAllDay()); event1.setColor(this.getColor()); events.add(event1); // Add other days. Calendar otherDay = (Calendar) this.getStartTime().clone(); otherDay.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); while (!isSameDay(otherDay, this.getEndTime())) { Calendar overDay = (Calendar) otherDay.clone(); overDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); overDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); Calendar endOfOverDay = (Calendar) overDay.clone(); endOfOverDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); endOfOverDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); WeekViewEvent eventMore = new WeekViewEvent(this.getId(), this.getName(), null, overDay, endOfOverDay, this.isAllDay()); eventMore.setColor(this.getColor()); events.add(eventMore); // Add next day. otherDay.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } // Add last day. Calendar startTime = (Calendar) this.getEndTime().clone(); startTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); startTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); WeekViewEvent event2 = new WeekViewEvent(this.getId(), this.getName(), this.getLocation(), startTime, this.getEndTime(), this.isAllDay()); event2.setColor(this.getColor()); events.add(event2); } else{ events.add(this); } return events; } }