package com.alamkanak.weekview; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.StaticLayout; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector; import android.view.SoundEffectConstants; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.widget.OverScroller; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import static com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekViewUtil.*; /** * Created by Raquib-ul-Alam Kanak on 7/21/2014. * Website: */ public class WeekView extends View { private enum Direction { NONE, LEFT, RIGHT, VERTICAL } @Deprecated public static final int LENGTH_SHORT = 1; @Deprecated public static final int LENGTH_LONG = 2; private final Context mContext; private Calendar mHomeDate; private Calendar mMinDate; private Calendar mMaxDate; private Paint mTimeTextPaint; private float mTimeTextWidth; private float mTimeTextHeight; private Paint mHeaderTextPaint; private float mHeaderTextHeight; private float mHeaderHeight; private GestureDetectorCompat mGestureDetector; private OverScroller mScroller; private PointF mCurrentOrigin = new PointF(0f, 0f); private Direction mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE; private Paint mHeaderBackgroundPaint; private float mWidthPerDay; private Paint mDayBackgroundPaint; private Paint mHourSeparatorPaint; private float mHeaderMarginBottom; private Paint mTodayBackgroundPaint; private Paint mFutureBackgroundPaint; private Paint mPastBackgroundPaint; private Paint mFutureWeekendBackgroundPaint; private Paint mPastWeekendBackgroundPaint; private Paint mNowLinePaint; private Paint mTodayHeaderTextPaint; private Paint mEventBackgroundPaint; private Paint mNewEventBackgroundPaint; private float mHeaderColumnWidth; private List<EventRect> mEventRects; private List<? extends WeekViewEvent> mPreviousPeriodEvents; private List<? extends WeekViewEvent> mCurrentPeriodEvents; private List<? extends WeekViewEvent> mNextPeriodEvents; private TextPaint mEventTextPaint; private TextPaint mNewEventTextPaint; private Paint mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint; private int mFetchedPeriod = -1; // the middle period the calendar has fetched. private boolean mRefreshEvents = false; private Direction mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.NONE; private ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector; private boolean mIsZooming; private Calendar mFirstVisibleDay; private Calendar mLastVisibleDay; private int mMinimumFlingVelocity = 0; private int mScaledTouchSlop = 0; private EventRect mNewEventRect; // Attributes and their default values. private int mHourHeight = 50; private int mNewHourHeight = -1; private int mMinHourHeight = 0; //no minimum specified (will be dynamic, based on screen) private int mEffectiveMinHourHeight = mMinHourHeight; //compensates for the fact that you can't keep zooming out. private int mMaxHourHeight = 250; private int mColumnGap = 10; private int mFirstDayOfWeek = Calendar.MONDAY; private int mTextSize = 12; private int mHeaderColumnPadding = 10; private int mHeaderColumnTextColor = Color.BLACK; private int mNumberOfVisibleDays = 3; private int mHeaderRowPadding = 10; private int mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; private int mDayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245); private int mPastBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(227, 227, 227); private int mFutureBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245); private int mPastWeekendBackgroundColor = 0; private int mFutureWeekendBackgroundColor = 0; private int mNowLineColor = Color.rgb(102, 102, 102); private int mNowLineThickness = 5; private int mHourSeparatorColor = Color.rgb(230, 230, 230); private int mTodayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(239, 247, 254); private int mHourSeparatorHeight = 2; private int mTodayHeaderTextColor = Color.rgb(39, 137, 228); private int mEventTextSize = 12; private int mEventTextColor = Color.BLACK; private int mEventPadding = 8; private int mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; private int mDefaultEventColor; private int mNewEventColor; private int mNewEventId = -100; private Drawable mNewEventIconDrawable; private int mNewEventLengthInMinutes = 60; private int mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes = 15; private boolean mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst = false; private boolean mIsFirstDraw = true; private boolean mAreDimensionsInvalid = true; @Deprecated private int mDayNameLength = LENGTH_LONG; private int mOverlappingEventGap = 0; private int mEventMarginVertical = 0; private float mXScrollingSpeed = 1f; private Calendar mScrollToDay = null; private double mScrollToHour = -1; private int mEventCornerRadius = 0; private boolean mShowDistinctWeekendColor = false; private boolean mShowNowLine = false; private boolean mShowDistinctPastFutureColor = false; private boolean mHorizontalFlingEnabled = true; private boolean mVerticalFlingEnabled = true; private int mAllDayEventHeight = 100; private float mZoomFocusPoint = 0; private boolean mZoomFocusPointEnabled = true; private int mScrollDuration = 250; private boolean mShowHalfHours = false; private Typeface mTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD; // Listeners. private EventClickListener mEventClickListener; private EventLongPressListener mEventLongPressListener; private WeekViewLoader mWeekViewLoader; private EmptyViewClickListener mEmptyViewClickListener; private EmptyViewLongPressListener mEmptyViewLongPressListener; private DateTimeInterpreter mDateTimeInterpreter; private ScrollListener mScrollListener; private AddEventClickListener mAddEventClickListener; private final GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener mGestureListener = new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { goToNearestOrigin(); return true; } @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { // Check if view is zoomed. if (mIsZooming) return true; switch (mCurrentScrollDirection) { case NONE: { // Allow scrolling only in one direction. if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY)) { if (distanceX > 0) { mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.LEFT; } else { mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.RIGHT; } } else { mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.VERTICAL; } break; } case LEFT: { // Change direction if there was enough change. if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY) && (distanceX < -mScaledTouchSlop)) { mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.RIGHT; } break; } case RIGHT: { // Change direction if there was enough change. if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY) && (distanceX > mScaledTouchSlop)) { mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.LEFT; } break; } } // Calculate the new origin after scroll. switch (mCurrentScrollDirection) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: float minX = getXMinLimit(); float maxX = getXMaxLimit(); if((mCurrentOrigin.x - (distanceX * mXScrollingSpeed)) > maxX) { mCurrentOrigin.x = maxX; } else if((mCurrentOrigin.x - (distanceX * mXScrollingSpeed)) < minX) { mCurrentOrigin.x = minX; } else { mCurrentOrigin.x -= distanceX * mXScrollingSpeed; } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); break; case VERTICAL: float minY = getYMinLimit(); float maxY = getYMaxLimit(); if((mCurrentOrigin.y - (distanceY)) > maxY) { mCurrentOrigin.y = maxY; } else if((mCurrentOrigin.y - (distanceY)) < minY) { mCurrentOrigin.y = minY; } else { mCurrentOrigin.y -= distanceY; } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); break; } return true; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (mIsZooming) return true; if ((mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.LEFT && !mHorizontalFlingEnabled) || (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.RIGHT && !mHorizontalFlingEnabled) || (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.VERTICAL && !mVerticalFlingEnabled)) { return true; } mScroller.forceFinished(true); mCurrentFlingDirection = mCurrentScrollDirection; switch (mCurrentFlingDirection) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: mScroller.fling((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, (int) (velocityX * mXScrollingSpeed), 0, (int) getXMinLimit(), (int) getXMaxLimit(), (int) getYMinLimit(), (int) getYMaxLimit()); break; case VERTICAL: mScroller.fling((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, 0, (int) velocityY, (int) getXMinLimit(), (int) getXMaxLimit(), (int) getYMinLimit(), (int) getYMaxLimit()); break; } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) { // If the tap was on an event then trigger the callback. if (mEventRects != null && mEventClickListener != null) { List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects; Collections.reverse(reversedEventRects); for (EventRect eventRect : reversedEventRects) { if (eventRect.event.getId() != mNewEventId &&eventRect.rectF != null && e.getX() > eventRect.rectF.left && e.getX() < eventRect.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < eventRect.rectF.bottom) { mEventClickListener.onEventClick(eventRect.originalEvent, eventRect.rectF); playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK); return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e); } } } // If the tap was on add new Event space, then trigger the callback if (mAddEventClickListener != null && mNewEventRect != null && mNewEventRect.rectF != null && e.getX() > mNewEventRect.rectF.left && e.getX() < mNewEventRect.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < mNewEventRect.rectF.bottom) { mAddEventClickListener.onAddEventClicked(mNewEventRect.event.getStartTime(), mNewEventRect.event.getEndTime()); return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e); } // If the tap was on an empty space, then trigger the callback. if ((mEmptyViewClickListener != null || mAddEventClickListener != null) && e.getX() > mHeaderColumnWidth && e.getY() > (mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom)) { Calendar selectedTime = getTimeFromPoint(e.getX(), e.getY()); List<EventRect> tempEventRects = mEventRects; mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); if (selectedTime != null) { if(mNewEventRect != null) { tempEventRects.remove(mNewEventRect); mNewEventRect = null; } playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK); if(mEmptyViewClickListener != null) mEmptyViewClickListener.onEmptyViewClicked(selectedTime); if(mAddEventClickListener != null) { //round selectedTime to resolution int unroundedMinutes = selectedTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int mod = unroundedMinutes % mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes; selectedTime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, mod < Math.ceil(mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes / 2) ? -mod : (mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes - mod)); Calendar endTime = (Calendar) selectedTime.clone(); endTime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, Math.min(mNewEventLengthInMinutes, (24-selectedTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))*60 - selectedTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE))); WeekViewEvent newEvent = new WeekViewEvent(mNewEventId, "", null, selectedTime, endTime); float top = selectedTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60; top = mHourHeight * 24 * top / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight / 2 + mEventMarginVertical; float bottom = endTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60; bottom = mHourHeight * 24 * bottom / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight / 2 - mEventMarginVertical; // Calculate left and right. float left = 0; float right = left + mWidthPerDay; // Draw the event and the event name on top of it. if (left < right && left < getWidth() && top < getHeight() && right > mHeaderColumnWidth && bottom > 0 ) { RectF dayRectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); newEvent.setColor(mNewEventColor); mNewEventRect = new EventRect(newEvent, newEvent, dayRectF); tempEventRects.add(mNewEventRect); invalidate(); computePositionOfEvents(tempEventRects); } } } } return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e); } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) { super.onLongPress(e); if (mEventLongPressListener != null && mEventRects != null) { List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects; Collections.reverse(reversedEventRects); for (EventRect event : reversedEventRects) { if (event.rectF != null && e.getX() > event.rectF.left && e.getX() < event.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < event.rectF.bottom) { mEventLongPressListener.onEventLongPress(event.originalEvent, event.rectF); performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); return; } } } // If the tap was on in an empty space, then trigger the callback. if (mEmptyViewLongPressListener != null && e.getX() > mHeaderColumnWidth && e.getY() > (mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom)) { Calendar selectedTime = getTimeFromPoint(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (selectedTime != null) { performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); mEmptyViewLongPressListener.onEmptyViewLongPress(selectedTime); } } } }; public WeekView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); // Hold references. mContext = context; // Get the attribute values (if any). TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.WeekView, 0, 0); try { mFirstDayOfWeek = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_firstDayOfWeek, mFirstDayOfWeek); mHourHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourHeight, mHourHeight); mMinHourHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_minHourHeight, mMinHourHeight); mEffectiveMinHourHeight = mMinHourHeight; mMaxHourHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_maxHourHeight, mMaxHourHeight); mTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_textSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); mHeaderColumnPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnPadding, mHeaderColumnPadding); mColumnGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_columnGap, mColumnGap); mHeaderColumnTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnTextColor, mHeaderColumnTextColor); mNumberOfVisibleDays = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_noOfVisibleDays, mNumberOfVisibleDays); mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_showFirstDayOfWeekFirst, mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst); mHeaderRowPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowPadding, mHeaderRowPadding); mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowBackgroundColor, mHeaderRowBackgroundColor); mDayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_dayBackgroundColor, mDayBackgroundColor); mFutureBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_futureBackgroundColor, mFutureBackgroundColor); mPastBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_pastBackgroundColor, mPastBackgroundColor); mFutureWeekendBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_futureWeekendBackgroundColor, mFutureBackgroundColor); // If not set, use the same color as in the week mPastWeekendBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_pastWeekendBackgroundColor, mPastBackgroundColor); mNowLineColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_nowLineColor, mNowLineColor); mNowLineThickness = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_nowLineThickness, mNowLineThickness); mHourSeparatorColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorColor, mHourSeparatorColor); mTodayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayBackgroundColor, mTodayBackgroundColor); mHourSeparatorHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mHourSeparatorHeight); mTodayHeaderTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayHeaderTextColor, mTodayHeaderTextColor); mEventTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mEventTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); mEventTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextColor, mEventTextColor); mNewEventColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_newEventColor, mNewEventColor); mNewEventIconDrawable = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.WeekView_newEventIconResource); mNewEventId = a.getInt(R.styleable.WeekView_newEventId, mNewEventId); mNewEventLengthInMinutes = a.getInt(R.styleable.WeekView_newEventLengthInMinutes, mNewEventLengthInMinutes); mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes = a.getInt(R.styleable.WeekView_newEventTimeResolutionInMinutes, mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes); mEventPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mEventPadding); mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnBackground, mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor); mDayNameLength = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_dayNameLength, mDayNameLength); mOverlappingEventGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_overlappingEventGap, mOverlappingEventGap); mEventMarginVertical = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventMarginVertical, mEventMarginVertical); mXScrollingSpeed = a.getFloat(R.styleable.WeekView_xScrollingSpeed, mXScrollingSpeed); mEventCornerRadius = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventCornerRadius, mEventCornerRadius); mShowDistinctPastFutureColor = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_showDistinctPastFutureColor, mShowDistinctPastFutureColor); mShowDistinctWeekendColor = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_showDistinctWeekendColor, mShowDistinctWeekendColor); mShowNowLine = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_showNowLine, mShowNowLine); mHorizontalFlingEnabled = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_horizontalFlingEnabled, mHorizontalFlingEnabled); mVerticalFlingEnabled = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_verticalFlingEnabled, mVerticalFlingEnabled); mAllDayEventHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_allDayEventHeight, mAllDayEventHeight); mZoomFocusPoint = a.getFraction(R.styleable.WeekView_zoomFocusPoint, 1, 1, mZoomFocusPoint); mZoomFocusPointEnabled = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_zoomFocusPointEnabled, mZoomFocusPointEnabled); mScrollDuration = a.getInt(R.styleable.WeekView_scrollDuration, mScrollDuration); mShowHalfHours = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.WeekView_showHalfHours, mShowHalfHours); } finally { a.recycle(); } init(); } private void init() { resetHomeDate(); // Scrolling initialization. mGestureDetector = new GestureDetectorCompat(mContext, mGestureListener); mScroller = new OverScroller(mContext, new FastOutLinearInInterpolator()); mMinimumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity(); mScaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledTouchSlop(); // Measure settings for time column. mTimeTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mTimeTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); mTimeTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTimeTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); Rect rect = new Rect(); final String exampleTime = mShowHalfHours ? "00:00 PM" : "00 PM"; mTimeTextPaint.getTextBounds(exampleTime, 0, exampleTime.length(), rect); mTimeTextWidth = mTimeTextPaint.measureText(exampleTime); mTimeTextHeight = rect.height(); mHeaderMarginBottom = mTimeTextHeight / 2; initTextTimeWidth(); // Measure settings for header row. mHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mHeaderTextPaint.getTextBounds(exampleTime, 0, exampleTime.length(), rect); mHeaderTextHeight = rect.height(); mHeaderTextPaint.setTypeface(mTypeface); // Prepare header background paint. mHeaderBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mHeaderBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderRowBackgroundColor); // Prepare day background color paint. mDayBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mDayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mDayBackgroundColor); mFutureBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mFutureBackgroundPaint.setColor(mFutureBackgroundColor); mPastBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mPastBackgroundPaint.setColor(mPastBackgroundColor); mFutureWeekendBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mFutureWeekendBackgroundPaint.setColor(mFutureWeekendBackgroundColor); mPastWeekendBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mPastWeekendBackgroundPaint.setColor(mPastWeekendBackgroundColor); // Prepare hour separator color paint. mHourSeparatorPaint = new Paint(); mHourSeparatorPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mHourSeparatorPaint.setStrokeWidth(mHourSeparatorHeight); mHourSeparatorPaint.setColor(mHourSeparatorColor); // Prepare the "now" line color paint mNowLinePaint = new Paint(); mNowLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(mNowLineThickness); mNowLinePaint.setColor(mNowLineColor); // Prepare today background color paint. mTodayBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mTodayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mTodayBackgroundColor); // Prepare today header text color paint. mTodayHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTypeface(mTypeface); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mTodayHeaderTextColor); // Prepare event background color. mEventBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(174, 208, 238)); // Prepare empty event background color. mNewEventBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mNewEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(60, 147, 217)); // Prepare header column background color. mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor); // Prepare event text size and color. mEventTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG); mEventTextPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); mEventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); mEventTextPaint.setTextSize(mEventTextSize); //mStartDate = (Calendar) mFirstVisibleDay.clone(); // Set default event color. mDefaultEventColor = Color.parseColor("#9fc6e7"); // Set default empty event color. mNewEventColor = Color.parseColor("#3c93d9"); mScaleDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(mContext, new WeekViewGestureListener()); } private void resetHomeDate() { Calendar newHomeDate = today(); if(mMinDate != null && newHomeDate.before(mMinDate)) { newHomeDate = (Calendar) mMinDate.clone(); } if(mMaxDate != null && newHomeDate.after(mMaxDate)) { newHomeDate = (Calendar) mMaxDate.clone(); } if (mMaxDate != null) { Calendar date = (Calendar) mMaxDate.clone(); date.add(Calendar.DATE, 1- getRealNumberOfVisibleDays()); while(date.before(mMinDate)) { date.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } if(newHomeDate.after(date)) { newHomeDate = date; } } mHomeDate = newHomeDate; } private float getXOriginForDate(Calendar date) { return - daysBetween(mHomeDate, date) * (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap); } private int getNumberOfPeriods(){ return mShowHalfHours ? 48 : 24; } private float getYMinLimit() { return -(mHourHeight * 24 + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding *2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 - getHeight()); } private float getYMaxLimit() { return 0; } private float getXMinLimit() { if(mMaxDate == null) { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { Calendar date = (Calendar) mMaxDate.clone(); date.add(Calendar.DATE, 1- getRealNumberOfVisibleDays()); while(date.before(mMinDate)) { date.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } return getXOriginForDate(date); } } private float getXMaxLimit() { if(mMinDate == null) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return getXOriginForDate(mMinDate); } } // fix rotation changes @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); mAreDimensionsInvalid = true; } /** * Initialize time column width. Calculate value with all possible hours (supposed widest text). */ private void initTextTimeWidth() { mTimeTextWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfPeriods(); i++) { // Measure time string and get max width. String time = getDateTimeInterpreter().interpretTime(i, (i%2) * 30); if (time == null) throw new IllegalStateException("A DateTimeInterpreter must not return null time"); mTimeTextWidth = Math.max(mTimeTextWidth, mTimeTextPaint.measureText(time)); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); // Draw the header row. drawHeaderRowAndEvents(canvas); // Draw the time column and all the axes/separators. drawTimeColumnAndAxes(canvas); } private void calculateHeaderHeight(){ //Make sure the header is the right size (depends on AllDay events) boolean containsAllDayEvent = false; if (mEventRects != null && mEventRects.size() > 0) { for (int dayNumber = 0; dayNumber < getRealNumberOfVisibleDays(); dayNumber++) { Calendar day = (Calendar) getFirstVisibleDay().clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber); for (int i = 0; i < mEventRects.size(); i++) { if (isSameDay(mEventRects.get(i).event.getStartTime(), day) && mEventRects.get(i).event.isAllDay()) { containsAllDayEvent = true; break; } } if(containsAllDayEvent){ break; } } } final float mOldHeaderHeight = mHeaderHeight; if(containsAllDayEvent) { mHeaderHeight = mHeaderTextHeight + (mAllDayEventHeight + mHeaderMarginBottom); } else{ mHeaderHeight = mHeaderTextHeight; } mCurrentOrigin.y -= mHeaderHeight - mOldHeaderHeight; } private void drawTimeColumnAndAxes(Canvas canvas) { // Draw the background color for the header column. canvas.drawRect(0, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderColumnWidth, getHeight(), mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint); // Clip to paint in left column only. canvas.clipRect(0, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderColumnWidth, getHeight(), Region.Op.REPLACE); for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfPeriods(); i++) { // If we are showing half hours (eg. 5:30am), space the times out by half the hour height // and need to provide 30 minutes on each odd period, otherwise, minutes is always 0. float timeSpacing; int minutes; int hour; if (mShowHalfHours) { timeSpacing = mHourHeight / 2f; hour = i / 2; minutes = i%2 * 30; } else { timeSpacing = mHourHeight; hour = i; minutes = 0; } // Calculate the top of the rectangle where the time text will go float top = mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + timeSpacing * i + mHeaderMarginBottom; // Get the time to be displayed, as a String. String time = getDateTimeInterpreter().interpretTime(hour, minutes); // Draw the text if its y position is not outside of the visible area. The pivot point of the text is the point at the bottom-right corner. if (time == null) throw new IllegalStateException("A DateTimeInterpreter must not return null time"); if (top < getHeight()) canvas.drawText(time, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding, top + mTimeTextHeight, mTimeTextPaint); } } private void drawHeaderRowAndEvents(Canvas canvas) { // Calculate the available width for each day. mHeaderColumnWidth = mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding *2; mWidthPerDay = getWidth() - mHeaderColumnWidth - mColumnGap * (getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() - 1); mWidthPerDay = mWidthPerDay/ getRealNumberOfVisibleDays(); calculateHeaderHeight(); //Make sure the header is the right size (depends on AllDay events) Calendar today = today(); if (mAreDimensionsInvalid) { mEffectiveMinHourHeight= Math.max(mMinHourHeight, (int) ((getHeight() - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom) / 24)); mAreDimensionsInvalid = false; if(mScrollToDay != null) goToDate(mScrollToDay); mAreDimensionsInvalid = false; if(mScrollToHour >= 0) goToHour(mScrollToHour); mScrollToDay = null; mScrollToHour = -1; mAreDimensionsInvalid = false; } if (mIsFirstDraw){ mIsFirstDraw = false; // If the week view is being drawn for the first time, then consider the first day of the week. if(getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() >= 7 && mHomeDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != mFirstDayOfWeek && mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst) { int difference = (mHomeDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - mFirstDayOfWeek); mCurrentOrigin.x += (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * difference; } } // Calculate the new height due to the zooming. if (mNewHourHeight > 0){ if (mNewHourHeight < mEffectiveMinHourHeight) mNewHourHeight = mEffectiveMinHourHeight; else if (mNewHourHeight > mMaxHourHeight) mNewHourHeight = mMaxHourHeight; mHourHeight = mNewHourHeight; mNewHourHeight = -1; } // If the new mCurrentOrigin.y is invalid, make it valid. if (mCurrentOrigin.y < getHeight() - mHourHeight * 24 - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom - mTimeTextHeight/2) mCurrentOrigin.y = getHeight() - mHourHeight * 24 - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom - mTimeTextHeight/2; // Don't put an "else if" because it will trigger a glitch when completely zoomed out and // scrolling vertically. if (mCurrentOrigin.y > 0) { mCurrentOrigin.y = 0; } // Consider scroll offset. int leftDaysWithGaps = (int) -(Math.ceil(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap))); float startFromPixel = mCurrentOrigin.x + (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * leftDaysWithGaps + mHeaderColumnWidth; float startPixel = startFromPixel; // Prepare to iterate for each day. Calendar day = (Calendar) today.clone(); day.add(Calendar.HOUR, 6); // Prepare to iterate for each hour to draw the hour lines. int lineCount = (int) ((getHeight() - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom) / mHourHeight) + 1; lineCount = (lineCount) * (getRealNumberOfVisibleDays()+1); float[] hourLines = new float[lineCount * 4]; // Clear the cache for event rectangles. if (mEventRects != null) { for (EventRect eventRect: mEventRects) { eventRect.rectF = null; } } // Clip to paint events only. canvas.clipRect(mHeaderColumnWidth, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2, getWidth(), getHeight(), Region.Op.REPLACE); // Iterate through each day. Calendar oldFirstVisibleDay = mFirstVisibleDay; mFirstVisibleDay = (Calendar) mHomeDate.clone(); mFirstVisibleDay.add(Calendar.DATE, -(Math.round(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)))); if(!mFirstVisibleDay.equals(oldFirstVisibleDay) && mScrollListener != null){ mScrollListener.onFirstVisibleDayChanged(mFirstVisibleDay, oldFirstVisibleDay); } for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps + 1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() + 1; dayNumber++) { // Check if the day is today. day = (Calendar) mHomeDate.clone(); mLastVisibleDay = (Calendar) day.clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1); mLastVisibleDay.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 2); boolean isToday = isSameDay(day, today); // Don't draw days which are outside requested range if (!dateIsValid(day)) { continue; } // Get more events if necessary. We want to store the events 3 months beforehand. Get // events only when it is the first iteration of the loop. if (mEventRects == null || mRefreshEvents || (dayNumber == leftDaysWithGaps + 1 && mFetchedPeriod != (int) mWeekViewLoader.toWeekViewPeriodIndex(day) && Math.abs(mFetchedPeriod - mWeekViewLoader.toWeekViewPeriodIndex(day)) > 0.5)) { getMoreEvents(day); mRefreshEvents = false; } // Draw background color for each day. float start = (startPixel < mHeaderColumnWidth ? mHeaderColumnWidth : startPixel); if (mWidthPerDay + startPixel - start > 0){ if (mShowDistinctPastFutureColor){ boolean isWeekend = day.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY || day.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY; Paint pastPaint = isWeekend && mShowDistinctWeekendColor ? mPastWeekendBackgroundPaint : mPastBackgroundPaint; Paint futurePaint = isWeekend && mShowDistinctWeekendColor ? mFutureWeekendBackgroundPaint : mFutureBackgroundPaint; float startY = mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mCurrentOrigin.y; if (isToday){ Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); float beforeNow = (now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)/60.0f) * mHourHeight; canvas.drawRect(start, startY, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, startY+beforeNow, pastPaint); canvas.drawRect(start, startY+beforeNow, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), futurePaint); } else if (day.before(today)) { canvas.drawRect(start, startY, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), pastPaint); } else { canvas.drawRect(start, startY, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), futurePaint); } } else { canvas.drawRect(start, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight / 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), isToday ? mTodayBackgroundPaint : mDayBackgroundPaint); } } // Prepare the separator lines for hours. int i = 0; for (int hourNumber = 0; hourNumber < 24; hourNumber++) { float top = mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHourHeight * hourNumber + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom; if (top > mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom - mHourSeparatorHeight && top < getHeight() && startPixel + mWidthPerDay - start > 0){ hourLines[i * 4] = start; hourLines[i * 4 + 1] = top; hourLines[i * 4 + 2] = startPixel + mWidthPerDay; hourLines[i * 4 + 3] = top; i++; } } // Draw the lines for hours. canvas.drawLines(hourLines, mHourSeparatorPaint); // Draw the events. drawEvents(day, startPixel, canvas); // Draw the line at the current time. if (mShowNowLine && isToday){ float startY = mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mCurrentOrigin.y; Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); float beforeNow = (now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)/60.0f) * mHourHeight; canvas.drawLine(start, startY + beforeNow, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, startY + beforeNow, mNowLinePaint); } // In the next iteration, start from the next day. startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap; } // Hide everything in the first cell (top left corner). canvas.clipRect(0, 0, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding * 2, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, Region.Op.REPLACE); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding * 2, mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint); // Clip to paint header row only. canvas.clipRect(mHeaderColumnWidth, 0, getWidth(), mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, Region.Op.REPLACE); // Draw the header background. canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint); // Draw the header row texts. startPixel = startFromPixel; for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps+1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() + 1; dayNumber++) { // Check if the day is today. day = (Calendar) mHomeDate.clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1); boolean isToday = isSameDay(day, today); // Don't draw days which are outside requested range if(!dateIsValid(day)) continue; // Draw the day labels. String dayLabel = getDateTimeInterpreter().interpretDate(day); if (dayLabel == null) throw new IllegalStateException("A DateTimeInterpreter must not return null date"); canvas.drawText(dayLabel, startPixel + mWidthPerDay / 2, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding, isToday ? mTodayHeaderTextPaint : mHeaderTextPaint); drawAllDayEvents(day, startPixel, canvas); startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap; } } /** * Get the time and date where the user clicked on. * @param x The x position of the touch event. * @param y The y position of the touch event. * @return The time and date at the clicked position. */ private Calendar getTimeFromPoint(float x, float y){ int leftDaysWithGaps = (int) -(Math.ceil(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap))); float startPixel = mCurrentOrigin.x + (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * leftDaysWithGaps + mHeaderColumnWidth; for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps + 1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() + 1; dayNumber++) { float start = (startPixel < mHeaderColumnWidth ? mHeaderColumnWidth : startPixel); if (mWidthPerDay + startPixel - start > 0 && x > start && x < startPixel + mWidthPerDay){ Calendar day = (Calendar) mHomeDate.clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1); float pixelsFromZero = y - mCurrentOrigin.y - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mTimeTextHeight/2 - mHeaderMarginBottom; int hour = (int)(pixelsFromZero / mHourHeight); int minute = (int) (60 * (pixelsFromZero - hour * mHourHeight) / mHourHeight); day.add(Calendar.HOUR, hour); day.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); return day; } startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap; } return null; } /** * Draw all the events of a particular day. * @param date The day. * @param startFromPixel The left position of the day area. The events will never go any left from this value. * @param canvas The canvas to draw upon. */ private void drawEvents(Calendar date, float startFromPixel, Canvas canvas) { if (mEventRects != null && mEventRects.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mEventRects.size(); i++) { if (isSameDay(mEventRects.get(i).event.getStartTime(), date) && !mEventRects.get(i).event.isAllDay()){ // Calculate top. float top = mHourHeight * 24 * mEventRects.get(i).top / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mEventMarginVertical; // Calculate bottom. float bottom = mEventRects.get(i).bottom; bottom = mHourHeight * 24 * bottom / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 - mEventMarginVertical; // Calculate left and right. float left = startFromPixel + mEventRects.get(i).left * mWidthPerDay; if (left < startFromPixel) left += mOverlappingEventGap; float right = left + mEventRects.get(i).width * mWidthPerDay; if (right < startFromPixel + mWidthPerDay) right -= mOverlappingEventGap; // Draw the event and the event name on top of it. if (left < right && left < getWidth() && top < getHeight() && right > mHeaderColumnWidth && bottom > mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight / 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom ) { mEventRects.get(i).rectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor() == 0 ? mDefaultEventColor : mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor()); mEventBackgroundPaint.setShader(mEventRects.get(i).event.getShader()); canvas.drawRoundRect(mEventRects.get(i).rectF, mEventCornerRadius, mEventCornerRadius, mEventBackgroundPaint); if(mEventRects.get(i).event.getId() != mNewEventId) drawEventTitle(mEventRects.get(i).event, mEventRects.get(i).rectF, canvas, top, left); else drawEmptyImage(mEventRects.get(i).event, mEventRects.get(i).rectF, canvas, top, left); } else mEventRects.get(i).rectF = null; } } } } /** * Draw all the Allday-events of a particular day. * @param date The day. * @param startFromPixel The left position of the day area. The events will never go any left from this value. * @param canvas The canvas to draw upon. */ private void drawAllDayEvents(Calendar date, float startFromPixel, Canvas canvas) { if (mEventRects != null && mEventRects.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mEventRects.size(); i++) { if (isSameDay(mEventRects.get(i).event.getStartTime(), date) && mEventRects.get(i).event.isAllDay()){ // Calculate top. float top = mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mEventMarginVertical; // Calculate bottom. float bottom = top + mEventRects.get(i).bottom; // Calculate left and right. float left = startFromPixel + mEventRects.get(i).left * mWidthPerDay; if (left < startFromPixel) left += mOverlappingEventGap; float right = left + mEventRects.get(i).width * mWidthPerDay; if (right < startFromPixel + mWidthPerDay) right -= mOverlappingEventGap; // Draw the event and the event name on top of it. if (left < right && left < getWidth() && top < getHeight() && right > mHeaderColumnWidth && bottom > 0 ) { mEventRects.get(i).rectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor() == 0 ? mDefaultEventColor : mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor()); mEventBackgroundPaint.setShader(mEventRects.get(i).event.getShader()); canvas.drawRoundRect(mEventRects.get(i).rectF, mEventCornerRadius, mEventCornerRadius, mEventBackgroundPaint); drawEventTitle(mEventRects.get(i).event, mEventRects.get(i).rectF, canvas, top, left); } else mEventRects.get(i).rectF = null; } } } } /** * Draw the name of the event on top of the event rectangle. * @param event The event of which the title (and location) should be drawn. * @param rect The rectangle on which the text is to be drawn. * @param canvas The canvas to draw upon. * @param originalTop The original top position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area. * @param originalLeft The original left position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area. */ private void drawEventTitle(WeekViewEvent event, RectF rect, Canvas canvas, float originalTop, float originalLeft) { if (rect.right - rect.left - mEventPadding * 2 < 0) return; if (rect.bottom - - mEventPadding * 2 < 0) return; // Prepare the name of the event. SpannableStringBuilder bob = new SpannableStringBuilder(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(event.getName())) { bob.append(event.getName()); bob.setSpan(new StyleSpan(, 0, bob.length(), 0); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(event.getLocation())) { if (bob.length() > 0) { bob.append('\n'); } bob.append(event.getLocation()); } int availableHeight = (int) (rect.bottom - originalTop - mEventPadding * 2); int availableWidth = (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2); // Get text dimensions. StaticLayout textLayout = new StaticLayout(bob, mEventTextPaint, availableWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); final int lineCount = textLayout.getLineCount(); if (lineCount > 0) { final int lineHeight = textLayout.getHeight() / lineCount; if (availableHeight >= lineHeight) { // Calculate available number of line counts. int availableLineCount = availableHeight / lineHeight; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { textLayout = StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(bob, 0, bob.length(), mEventTextPaint, availableWidth) .setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END) .setMaxLines(availableLineCount) .setBreakStrategy(Layout.BREAK_STRATEGY_BALANCED) .build(); } else { do { // Ellipsize text to fit into event rect. if (event.getId() != mNewEventId) textLayout = new StaticLayout(TextUtils.ellipsize(bob, mEventTextPaint, availableLineCount * availableWidth, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END), mEventTextPaint, (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); // Reduce line count. availableLineCount--; // Repeat until text is short enough. } while (textLayout.getHeight() > availableHeight); } // Draw text.; canvas.translate(originalLeft + mEventPadding, originalTop + mEventPadding); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } } /** * Draw the text on top of the rectangle in the empty event. * * */ private void drawEmptyImage(WeekViewEvent event, RectF rect, Canvas canvas, float originalTop, float originalLeft) { int size = Math.max(1,(int)Math.floor(Math.min(0.8 * rect.height(), 0.8 * rect.width()))); if(mNewEventIconDrawable == null) mNewEventIconDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_input_add); Bitmap icon = ((BitmapDrawable) mNewEventIconDrawable).getBitmap(); icon = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(icon, size, size, false); canvas.drawBitmap(icon, originalLeft + (rect.width() - icon.getWidth())/ 2, originalTop + (rect.height() - icon.getHeight()) / 2, new Paint()); } /** * A class to hold reference to the events and their visual representation. An EventRect is * actually the rectangle that is drawn on the calendar for a given event. There may be more * than one rectangle for a single event (an event that expands more than one day). In that * case two instances of the EventRect will be used for a single event. The given event will be * stored in "originalEvent". But the event that corresponds to rectangle the rectangle * instance will be stored in "event". */ private class EventRect { public WeekViewEvent event; public WeekViewEvent originalEvent; public RectF rectF; public float left; public float width; public float top; public float bottom; /** * Create a new instance of event rect. An EventRect is actually the rectangle that is drawn * on the calendar for a given event. There may be more than one rectangle for a single * event (an event that expands more than one day). In that case two instances of the * EventRect will be used for a single event. The given event will be stored in * "originalEvent". But the event that corresponds to rectangle the rectangle instance will * be stored in "event". * @param event Represents the event which this instance of rectangle represents. * @param originalEvent The original event that was passed by the user. * @param rectF The rectangle. */ public EventRect(WeekViewEvent event, WeekViewEvent originalEvent, RectF rectF) { this.event = event; this.rectF = rectF; this.originalEvent = originalEvent; } } /** * Gets more events of one/more month(s) if necessary. This method is called when the user is * scrolling the week view. The week view stores the events of three months: the visible month, * the previous month, the next month. * @param day The day where the user is currently is. */ private void getMoreEvents(Calendar day) { // Get more events if the month is changed. if (mEventRects == null) mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); if (mWeekViewLoader == null && !isInEditMode()) throw new IllegalStateException("You must provide a MonthChangeListener"); // If a refresh was requested then reset some variables. if (mRefreshEvents) { mEventRects.clear(); mPreviousPeriodEvents = null; mCurrentPeriodEvents = null; mNextPeriodEvents = null; mFetchedPeriod = -1; } if (mWeekViewLoader != null){ int periodToFetch = (int) mWeekViewLoader.toWeekViewPeriodIndex(day); if (!isInEditMode() && (mFetchedPeriod < 0 || mFetchedPeriod != periodToFetch || mRefreshEvents)) { List<? extends WeekViewEvent> previousPeriodEvents = null; List<? extends WeekViewEvent> currentPeriodEvents = null; List<? extends WeekViewEvent> nextPeriodEvents = null; if (mPreviousPeriodEvents != null && mCurrentPeriodEvents != null && mNextPeriodEvents != null){ if (periodToFetch == mFetchedPeriod-1){ currentPeriodEvents = mPreviousPeriodEvents; nextPeriodEvents = mCurrentPeriodEvents; } else if (periodToFetch == mFetchedPeriod){ previousPeriodEvents = mPreviousPeriodEvents; currentPeriodEvents = mCurrentPeriodEvents; nextPeriodEvents = mNextPeriodEvents; } else if (periodToFetch == mFetchedPeriod+1){ previousPeriodEvents = mCurrentPeriodEvents; currentPeriodEvents = mNextPeriodEvents; } } if (currentPeriodEvents == null) currentPeriodEvents = mWeekViewLoader.onLoad(periodToFetch); if (previousPeriodEvents == null) previousPeriodEvents = mWeekViewLoader.onLoad(periodToFetch-1); if (nextPeriodEvents == null) nextPeriodEvents = mWeekViewLoader.onLoad(periodToFetch+1); // Clear events. mEventRects.clear(); sortAndCacheEvents(previousPeriodEvents); sortAndCacheEvents(currentPeriodEvents); sortAndCacheEvents(nextPeriodEvents); calculateHeaderHeight(); mPreviousPeriodEvents = previousPeriodEvents; mCurrentPeriodEvents = currentPeriodEvents; mNextPeriodEvents = nextPeriodEvents; mFetchedPeriod = periodToFetch; } } // Prepare to calculate positions of each events. List<EventRect> tempEvents = mEventRects; mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); // Iterate through each day with events to calculate the position of the events. while (tempEvents.size() > 0) { ArrayList<EventRect> eventRects = new ArrayList<>(tempEvents.size()); // Get first event for a day. EventRect eventRect1 = tempEvents.remove(0); eventRects.add(eventRect1); int i = 0; while (i < tempEvents.size()) { // Collect all other events for same day. EventRect eventRect2 = tempEvents.get(i); if (isSameDay(eventRect1.event.getStartTime(), eventRect2.event.getStartTime())) { tempEvents.remove(i); eventRects.add(eventRect2); } else { i++; } } computePositionOfEvents(eventRects); } } /** * Cache the event for smooth scrolling functionality. * @param event The event to cache. */ private void cacheEvent(WeekViewEvent event) { if(event.getStartTime().compareTo(event.getEndTime()) >= 0) return; List<WeekViewEvent> splitedEvents = event.splitWeekViewEvents(); for(WeekViewEvent splitedEvent: splitedEvents){ mEventRects.add(new EventRect(splitedEvent, event, null)); } } /** * Sort and cache events. * @param events The events to be sorted and cached. */ private void sortAndCacheEvents(List<? extends WeekViewEvent> events) { sortEvents(events); for (WeekViewEvent event : events) { cacheEvent(event); } } /** * Sorts the events in ascending order. * @param events The events to be sorted. */ private void sortEvents(List<? extends WeekViewEvent> events) { Collections.sort(events, new Comparator<WeekViewEvent>() { @Override public int compare(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) { long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); int comparator = start1 > start2 ? 1 : (start1 < start2 ? -1 : 0); if (comparator == 0) { long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); comparator = end1 > end2 ? 1 : (end1 < end2 ? -1 : 0); } return comparator; } }); } /** * Calculates the left and right positions of each events. This comes handy specially if events * are overlapping. * @param eventRects The events along with their wrapper class. */ private void computePositionOfEvents(List<EventRect> eventRects) { // Make "collision groups" for all events that collide with others. List<List<EventRect>> collisionGroups = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>(); for (EventRect eventRect : eventRects) { boolean isPlaced = false; outerLoop: for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) { for (EventRect groupEvent : collisionGroup) { if (isEventsCollide(groupEvent.event, eventRect.event) && groupEvent.event.isAllDay() == eventRect.event.isAllDay()) { collisionGroup.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; break outerLoop; } } } if (!isPlaced) { List<EventRect> newGroup = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); newGroup.add(eventRect); collisionGroups.add(newGroup); } } for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) { expandEventsToMaxWidth(collisionGroup); } } /** * Expands all the events to maximum possible width. The events will try to occupy maximum * space available horizontally. * @param collisionGroup The group of events which overlap with each other. */ private void expandEventsToMaxWidth(List<EventRect> collisionGroup) { // Expand the events to maximum possible width. List<List<EventRect>> columns = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>(); columns.add(new ArrayList<EventRect>()); for (EventRect eventRect : collisionGroup) { boolean isPlaced = false; for (List<EventRect> column : columns) { if (column.size() == 0) { column.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; } else if (!isEventsCollide(eventRect.event, column.get(column.size()-1).event)) { column.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; break; } } if (!isPlaced) { List<EventRect> newColumn = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); newColumn.add(eventRect); columns.add(newColumn); } } // Calculate left and right position for all the events. // Get the maxRowCount by looking in all columns. int maxRowCount = 0; for (List<EventRect> column : columns){ maxRowCount = Math.max(maxRowCount, column.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < maxRowCount; i++) { // Set the left and right values of the event. float j = 0; for (List<EventRect> column : columns) { if (column.size() >= i+1) { EventRect eventRect = column.get(i); eventRect.width = 1f / columns.size(); eventRect.left = j / columns.size(); if(!eventRect.event.isAllDay()) { = eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE); eventRect.bottom = eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE); } else{ = 0; eventRect.bottom = mAllDayEventHeight; } mEventRects.add(eventRect); } j++; } } } /** * Checks if two events overlap. * @param event1 The first event. * @param event2 The second event. * @return true if the events overlap. */ private boolean isEventsCollide(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) { long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); return !((start1 >= end2) || (end1 <= start2)); } /** * Checks if time1 occurs after (or at the same time) time2. * @param time1 The time to check. * @param time2 The time to check against. * @return true if time1 and time2 are equal or if time1 is after time2. Otherwise false. */ private boolean isTimeAfterOrEquals(Calendar time1, Calendar time2) { return !(time1 == null || time2 == null) && time1.getTimeInMillis() >= time2.getTimeInMillis(); } @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); mAreDimensionsInvalid = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions related to setting and getting the properties. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void setOnEventClickListener (EventClickListener listener) { this.mEventClickListener = listener; } public EventClickListener getEventClickListener() { return mEventClickListener; } public @Nullable MonthLoader.MonthChangeListener getMonthChangeListener() { if (mWeekViewLoader instanceof MonthLoader) return ((MonthLoader) mWeekViewLoader).getOnMonthChangeListener(); return null; } public void setMonthChangeListener(MonthLoader.MonthChangeListener monthChangeListener) { this.mWeekViewLoader = new MonthLoader(monthChangeListener); } /** * Get event loader in the week view. Event loaders define the interval after which the events * are loaded in week view. For a MonthLoader events are loaded for every month. You can define * your custom event loader by extending WeekViewLoader. * @return The event loader. */ public WeekViewLoader getWeekViewLoader(){ return mWeekViewLoader; } /** * Set event loader in the week view. For example, a MonthLoader. Event loaders define the * interval after which the events are loaded in week view. For a MonthLoader events are loaded * for every month. You can define your custom event loader by extending WeekViewLoader. * @param loader The event loader. */ public void setWeekViewLoader(WeekViewLoader loader){ this.mWeekViewLoader = loader; } public EventLongPressListener getEventLongPressListener() { return mEventLongPressListener; } public void setEventLongPressListener(EventLongPressListener eventLongPressListener) { this.mEventLongPressListener = eventLongPressListener; } public void setEmptyViewClickListener(EmptyViewClickListener emptyViewClickListener){ this.mEmptyViewClickListener = emptyViewClickListener; } public EmptyViewClickListener getEmptyViewClickListener(){ return mEmptyViewClickListener; } public void setEmptyViewLongPressListener(EmptyViewLongPressListener emptyViewLongPressListener){ this.mEmptyViewLongPressListener = emptyViewLongPressListener; } public EmptyViewLongPressListener getEmptyViewLongPressListener(){ return mEmptyViewLongPressListener; } public void setScrollListener(ScrollListener scrolledListener){ this.mScrollListener = scrolledListener; } public ScrollListener getScrollListener(){ return mScrollListener; } public void setShowHalfHours(boolean showHalfHours){ mShowHalfHours = showHalfHours; } public boolean isShowHalfHours(){ return mShowHalfHours; } public void setAddEventClickListener(AddEventClickListener addEventClickListener){ this.mAddEventClickListener = addEventClickListener; } public AddEventClickListener getAddEventClickListener(){ return mAddEventClickListener; } /** * Get the interpreter which provides the text to show in the header column and the header row. * @return The date, time interpreter. */ public DateTimeInterpreter getDateTimeInterpreter() { if (mDateTimeInterpreter == null) { mDateTimeInterpreter = new DateTimeInterpreter() { @Override public String interpretDate(Calendar date) { try { Locale locale = getContext().getResources().getConfiguration().locale; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? new SimpleDateFormat(DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(locale, "EEEEE M dd"), locale) : new SimpleDateFormat(DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(locale, "EEE M dd"), locale); return sdf.format(date.getTime()).toUpperCase(); } else { SimpleDateFormat sdf = mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE M/dd", locale) : new SimpleDateFormat("EEE M/dd", locale); return sdf.format(date.getTime()).toUpperCase(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } @Override public String interpretTime(int hour, int minutes) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes); try { return DateFormat.getTimeFormat(getContext()).format(calendar.getTime()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } }; } return mDateTimeInterpreter; } /** * Set the interpreter which provides the text to show in the header column and the header row. * @param dateTimeInterpreter The date, time interpreter. */ public void setDateTimeInterpreter(DateTimeInterpreter dateTimeInterpreter){ this.mDateTimeInterpreter = dateTimeInterpreter; // Refresh time column width. initTextTimeWidth(); } /** * Get the real number of visible days * If the amount of days between max date and min date is smaller, that value is returned * * @return The real number of visible days */ public int getRealNumberOfVisibleDays() { if(mMinDate == null || mMaxDate == null) return getNumberOfVisibleDays(); return Math.min(mNumberOfVisibleDays, daysBetween(mMinDate, mMaxDate) + 1); } /** * Get the number of visible days * * @return The set number of visible days. */ public int getNumberOfVisibleDays() { return mNumberOfVisibleDays; } /** * Set the number of visible days in a week. * @param numberOfVisibleDays The number of visible days in a week. */ public void setNumberOfVisibleDays(int numberOfVisibleDays) { this.mNumberOfVisibleDays = numberOfVisibleDays; resetHomeDate(); mCurrentOrigin.x = 0; mCurrentOrigin.y = 0; invalidate(); } public int getHourHeight() { return mHourHeight; } public void setHourHeight(int hourHeight) { mNewHourHeight = hourHeight; invalidate(); } public int getColumnGap() { return mColumnGap; } public void setColumnGap(int columnGap) { mColumnGap = columnGap; invalidate(); } public int getFirstDayOfWeek() { return mFirstDayOfWeek; } /** * Set the first day of the week. First day of the week is used only when the week view is first * drawn. It does not of any effect after user starts scrolling horizontally. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> This method will only work if the week view is set to display more than 6 days at * once. * </p> * @param firstDayOfWeek The supported values are {@link java.util.Calendar#SUNDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#MONDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#TUESDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#WEDNESDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#THURSDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#FRIDAY}. */ public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek) { mFirstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek; invalidate(); } public boolean isShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst() { return mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst; } public void setShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst(boolean show) { mShowFirstDayOfWeekFirst = show; } public int getTextSize() { return mTextSize; } public void setTextSize(int textSize) { mTextSize = textSize; mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTimeTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnPadding() { return mHeaderColumnPadding; } public void setHeaderColumnPadding(int headerColumnPadding) { mHeaderColumnPadding = headerColumnPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnTextColor() { return mHeaderColumnTextColor; } public void setHeaderColumnTextColor(int headerColumnTextColor) { mHeaderColumnTextColor = headerColumnTextColor; mHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); mTimeTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); invalidate(); } public void setTypeface(Typeface typeface){ if(typeface!=null){ mEventTextPaint.setTypeface(typeface); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTypeface(typeface); mTimeTextPaint.setTypeface(typeface); mTypeface = typeface; init(); } } public int getHeaderRowPadding() { return mHeaderRowPadding; } public void setHeaderRowPadding(int headerRowPadding) { mHeaderRowPadding = headerRowPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderRowBackgroundColor() { return mHeaderRowBackgroundColor; } public void setHeaderRowBackgroundColor(int headerRowBackgroundColor) { mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = headerRowBackgroundColor; mHeaderBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderRowBackgroundColor); invalidate(); } public int getDayBackgroundColor() { return mDayBackgroundColor; } public void setDayBackgroundColor(int dayBackgroundColor) { mDayBackgroundColor = dayBackgroundColor; mDayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mDayBackgroundColor); invalidate(); } public int getHourSeparatorColor() { return mHourSeparatorColor; } public void setHourSeparatorColor(int hourSeparatorColor) { mHourSeparatorColor = hourSeparatorColor; mHourSeparatorPaint.setColor(mHourSeparatorColor); invalidate(); } public int getTodayBackgroundColor() { return mTodayBackgroundColor; } public void setTodayBackgroundColor(int todayBackgroundColor) { mTodayBackgroundColor = todayBackgroundColor; mTodayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mTodayBackgroundColor); invalidate(); } public int getHourSeparatorHeight() { return mHourSeparatorHeight; } public void setHourSeparatorHeight(int hourSeparatorHeight) { mHourSeparatorHeight = hourSeparatorHeight; mHourSeparatorPaint.setStrokeWidth(mHourSeparatorHeight); invalidate(); } public int getTodayHeaderTextColor() { return mTodayHeaderTextColor; } public void setTodayHeaderTextColor(int todayHeaderTextColor) { mTodayHeaderTextColor = todayHeaderTextColor; mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mTodayHeaderTextColor); invalidate(); } public int getEventTextSize() { return mEventTextSize; } public void setEventTextSize(int eventTextSize) { mEventTextSize = eventTextSize; mEventTextPaint.setTextSize(mEventTextSize); invalidate(); } public int getEventTextColor() { return mEventTextColor; } public void setEventTextColor(int eventTextColor) { mEventTextColor = eventTextColor; mEventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); invalidate(); } public int getEventPadding() { return mEventPadding; } public void setEventPadding(int eventPadding) { mEventPadding = eventPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnBackgroundColor() { return mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor; } public void setHeaderColumnBackgroundColor(int headerColumnBackgroundColor) { mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = headerColumnBackgroundColor; mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor); invalidate(); } public int getDefaultEventColor() { return mDefaultEventColor; } public void setDefaultEventColor(int defaultEventColor) { mDefaultEventColor = defaultEventColor; invalidate(); } public int getNewEventColor() { return mNewEventColor; } public void setNewEventColor(int defaultNewEventColor) { mNewEventColor = defaultNewEventColor; invalidate(); } public int getNewEventId(){ return mNewEventId; } public void setNewEventId(int newEventId){ this.mNewEventId = newEventId; } public int getNewEventLengthInMinutes(){ return mNewEventLengthInMinutes; } public void setNewEventLengthInMinutes(int newEventLengthInMinutes) { this.mNewEventLengthInMinutes = newEventLengthInMinutes; } public int getNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes(){ return mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes; } public void setNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes(int newEventTimeResolutionInMinutes){ this.mNewEventTimeResolutionInMinutes = newEventTimeResolutionInMinutes; } /** * <b>Note:</b> Use {@link #setDateTimeInterpreter(DateTimeInterpreter)} and * {@link #getDateTimeInterpreter()} instead. * @return Either long or short day name is being used. */ @Deprecated public int getDayNameLength() { return mDayNameLength; } /** * Set the length of the day name displayed in the header row. Example of short day names is * 'M' for 'Monday' and example of long day names is 'Mon' for 'Monday'. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Use {@link #setDateTimeInterpreter(DateTimeInterpreter)} instead. * </p> * @param length Supported values are {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView#LENGTH_SHORT} and * {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView#LENGTH_LONG}. */ @Deprecated public void setDayNameLength(int length) { if (length != LENGTH_LONG && length != LENGTH_SHORT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("length parameter must be either LENGTH_LONG or LENGTH_SHORT"); } this.mDayNameLength = length; } public int getOverlappingEventGap() { return mOverlappingEventGap; } /** * Set the gap between overlapping events. * @param overlappingEventGap The gap between overlapping events. */ public void setOverlappingEventGap(int overlappingEventGap) { this.mOverlappingEventGap = overlappingEventGap; invalidate(); } public int getEventCornerRadius() { return mEventCornerRadius; } /** * Set corner radius for event rect. * * @param eventCornerRadius the radius in px. */ public void setEventCornerRadius(int eventCornerRadius) { mEventCornerRadius = eventCornerRadius; } public int getEventMarginVertical() { return mEventMarginVertical; } /** * Set the top and bottom margin of the event. The event will release this margin from the top * and bottom edge. This margin is useful for differentiation consecutive events. * @param eventMarginVertical The top and bottom margin. */ public void setEventMarginVertical(int eventMarginVertical) { this.mEventMarginVertical = eventMarginVertical; invalidate(); } /** * Returns the first visible day in the week view. * @return The first visible day in the week view. */ public Calendar getFirstVisibleDay() { return mFirstVisibleDay; } /** * Returns the last visible day in the week view. * @return The last visible day in the week view. */ public Calendar getLastVisibleDay() { return mLastVisibleDay; } /** * Get the scrolling speed factor in horizontal direction. * @return The speed factor in horizontal direction. */ public float getXScrollingSpeed() { return mXScrollingSpeed; } /** * Sets the speed for horizontal scrolling. * @param xScrollingSpeed The new horizontal scrolling speed. */ public void setXScrollingSpeed(float xScrollingSpeed) { this.mXScrollingSpeed = xScrollingSpeed; } /** * Get the earliest day that can be displayed. Will return null if no minimum date is set. * * @return the earliest day that can be displayed, null if no minimum date set */ public Calendar getMinDate() { return mMinDate; } /** * Set the earliest day that can be displayed. This will determine the left horizontal scroll * limit. The default value is null (allow unlimited scrolling into the past). * * @param minDate The new minimum date (pass null for no minimum) */ public void setMinDate(Calendar minDate) { if (minDate != null) { minDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); minDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); minDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); minDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if(mMaxDate != null && minDate.after(mMaxDate)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minDate cannot be later than maxDate"); } } mMinDate = minDate; resetHomeDate(); mCurrentOrigin.x = 0; invalidate(); } /** * Get the latest day that can be displayed. Will return null if no maximum date is set. * * @return the latest day the can be displayed, null if no max date set */ public Calendar getMaxDate() { return mMaxDate; } /** * Set the latest day that can be displayed. This will determine the right horizontal scroll * limit. The default value is null (allow unlimited scrolling in to the future). * * @param maxDate The new maximum date (pass null for no maximum) */ public void setMaxDate(Calendar maxDate) { if (maxDate != null) { maxDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); maxDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); maxDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); maxDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if(mMinDate != null && maxDate.before(mMinDate)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDate has to be after minDate"); } } mMaxDate = maxDate; resetHomeDate(); mCurrentOrigin.x = 0; invalidate(); } /** * Whether weekends should have a background color different from the normal day background * color. The weekend background colors are defined by the attributes * `futureWeekendBackgroundColor` and `pastWeekendBackgroundColor`. * @return True if weekends should have different background colors. */ public boolean isShowDistinctWeekendColor() { return mShowDistinctWeekendColor; } /** * Set whether weekends should have a background color different from the normal day background * color. The weekend background colors are defined by the attributes * `futureWeekendBackgroundColor` and `pastWeekendBackgroundColor`. * @param showDistinctWeekendColor True if weekends should have different background colors. */ public void setShowDistinctWeekendColor(boolean showDistinctWeekendColor) { this.mShowDistinctWeekendColor = showDistinctWeekendColor; invalidate(); } /** * Whether past and future days should have two different background colors. The past and * future day colors are defined by the attributes `futureBackgroundColor` and * `pastBackgroundColor`. * @return True if past and future days should have two different background colors. */ public boolean isShowDistinctPastFutureColor() { return mShowDistinctPastFutureColor; } /** * Set whether weekends should have a background color different from the normal day background * color. The past and future day colors are defined by the attributes `futureBackgroundColor` * and `pastBackgroundColor`. * @param showDistinctPastFutureColor True if past and future should have two different * background colors. */ public void setShowDistinctPastFutureColor(boolean showDistinctPastFutureColor) { this.mShowDistinctPastFutureColor = showDistinctPastFutureColor; invalidate(); } /** * Get whether "now" line should be displayed. "Now" line is defined by the attributes * `nowLineColor` and `nowLineThickness`. * @return True if "now" line should be displayed. */ public boolean isShowNowLine() { return mShowNowLine; } /** * Set whether "now" line should be displayed. "Now" line is defined by the attributes * `nowLineColor` and `nowLineThickness`. * @param showNowLine True if "now" line should be displayed. */ public void setShowNowLine(boolean showNowLine) { this.mShowNowLine = showNowLine; invalidate(); } /** * Get the "now" line color. * @return The color of the "now" line. */ public int getNowLineColor() { return mNowLineColor; } /** * Set the "now" line color. * @param nowLineColor The color of the "now" line. */ public void setNowLineColor(int nowLineColor) { this.mNowLineColor = nowLineColor; invalidate(); } /** * Get the "now" line thickness. * @return The thickness of the "now" line. */ public int getNowLineThickness() { return mNowLineThickness; } /** * Set the "now" line thickness. * @param nowLineThickness The thickness of the "now" line. */ public void setNowLineThickness(int nowLineThickness) { this.mNowLineThickness = nowLineThickness; invalidate(); } /** * Get whether the week view should fling horizontally. * * @return True if the week view has horizontal fling enabled. */ public boolean isHorizontalFlingEnabled() { return mHorizontalFlingEnabled; } /** * Set whether the week view should fling horizontally. * * @param enabled whether the week view should fling horizontally */ public void setHorizontalFlingEnabled(boolean enabled) { mHorizontalFlingEnabled = enabled; } /** * Get whether the week view should fling vertically. * @return True if the week view has vertical fling enabled. */ public boolean isVerticalFlingEnabled() { return mVerticalFlingEnabled; } /** * Set whether the week view should fling vertically. * @param enabled whether the week view should fling vertically */ public void setVerticalFlingEnabled(boolean enabled) { mVerticalFlingEnabled = enabled; } /** * Get the height of AllDay-events. * @return Height of AllDay-events. */ public int getAllDayEventHeight() { return mAllDayEventHeight; } /** * Set the height of AllDay-events. * @param height the new height of AllDay-events */ public void setAllDayEventHeight(int height) { mAllDayEventHeight = height; } /** * Enable zoom focus point * If you set this to false the `zoomFocusPoint` won't take effect any more while zooming. * The zoom will always be focused at the center of your gesture. * @param zoomFocusPointEnabled whether the zoomFocusPoint is enabled */ public void setZoomFocusPointEnabled(boolean zoomFocusPointEnabled) { mZoomFocusPointEnabled = zoomFocusPointEnabled; } /* * Is focus point enabled * @return fixed focus point enabled? */ public boolean isZoomFocusPointEnabled() { return mZoomFocusPointEnabled; } /* * Get focus point * 0 = top of view, 1 = bottom of view * The focused point (multiplier of the view height) where the week view is zoomed around. * This point will not move while zooming. * @return focus point */ public float getZoomFocusPoint() { return mZoomFocusPoint; } /** * Set focus point * 0 = top of view, 1 = bottom of view * The focused point (multiplier of the view height) where the week view is zoomed around. * This point will not move while zooming. * @param zoomFocusPoint the new zoomFocusPoint */ public void setZoomFocusPoint(float zoomFocusPoint) { if(0 > zoomFocusPoint || zoomFocusPoint > 1) throw new IllegalStateException("The zoom focus point percentage has to be between 0 and 1"); mZoomFocusPoint = zoomFocusPoint; } /** * Get scroll duration * @return scroll duration */ public int getScrollDuration() { return mScrollDuration; } /** * Set the scroll duration * @param scrollDuration the new scrollDuraction */ public void setScrollDuration(int scrollDuration) { mScrollDuration = scrollDuration; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions related to scrolling. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent(event); boolean val = mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); // Check after call of mGestureDetector, so mCurrentFlingDirection and mCurrentScrollDirection are set. if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && !mIsZooming && mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.NONE) { if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.RIGHT || mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.LEFT) { goToNearestOrigin(); } mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE; } return val; } private void goToNearestOrigin(){ double leftDays = mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap); if (mCurrentFlingDirection != Direction.NONE) { // snap to nearest day leftDays = Math.round(leftDays); } else if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.LEFT) { // snap to last day leftDays = Math.floor(leftDays); } else if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.RIGHT) { // snap to next day leftDays = Math.ceil(leftDays); } else { // snap to nearest day leftDays = Math.round(leftDays); } int nearestOrigin = (int) (mCurrentOrigin.x - leftDays * (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)); boolean mayScrollHorizontal = mCurrentOrigin.x - nearestOrigin < getXMaxLimit() && mCurrentOrigin.x - nearestOrigin > getXMinLimit(); if (mayScrollHorizontal) { mScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, - nearestOrigin, 0); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); } if (nearestOrigin != 0 && mayScrollHorizontal) { // Stop current animation. mScroller.forceFinished(true); // Snap to date. mScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, -nearestOrigin, 0, (int) (Math.abs(nearestOrigin) / mWidthPerDay * mScrollDuration)); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); } // Reset scrolling and fling direction. mCurrentScrollDirection = mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.NONE; } @Override public void computeScroll() { super.computeScroll(); if (mScroller.isFinished()) { if (mCurrentFlingDirection != Direction.NONE) { // Snap to day after fling is finished. goToNearestOrigin(); } } else { if (mCurrentFlingDirection != Direction.NONE && forceFinishScroll()) { goToNearestOrigin(); } else if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { switch (mCurrentScrollDirection) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: // Allow moving into scroll direction only mCurrentOrigin.x = mScroller.getCurrX(); break; case VERTICAL: // Allow moving into scroll direction only mCurrentOrigin.y = mScroller.getCurrY(); break; default: // Allow moving into all directions for finishing animation and goToNearestOrigin() mCurrentOrigin.x = mScroller.getCurrX(); mCurrentOrigin.y = mScroller.getCurrY(); break; } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this); } } } /** * Check if scrolling should be stopped. * @return true if scrolling should be stopped before reaching the end of animation. */ private boolean forceFinishScroll() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { // current velocity only available since api 14 return mScroller.getCurrVelocity() <= mMinimumFlingVelocity; } else { return false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Public methods. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Show today on the week view. */ public void goToToday() { Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); goToDate(today); } /** * Show a specific day on the week view. * @param date The date to show. */ public void goToDate(Calendar date) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); mCurrentScrollDirection = mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.NONE; date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); date.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if(mAreDimensionsInvalid) { mScrollToDay = date; return; } mRefreshEvents = true; mCurrentOrigin.x = - daysBetween(mHomeDate, date) * (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap); invalidate(); } /** * Refreshes the view and loads the events again. */ public void notifyDatasetChanged(){ mRefreshEvents = true; invalidate(); } /** * Vertically scroll to a specific hour in the week view. * @param hour The hour to scroll to in 24-hour format. Supported values are 0-24. */ public void goToHour(double hour){ if (mAreDimensionsInvalid) { mScrollToHour = hour; return; } int verticalOffset = 0; if (hour > 24) verticalOffset = mHourHeight * 24; else if (hour > 0) verticalOffset = (int) (mHourHeight * hour); if (verticalOffset > mHourHeight * 24 - getHeight() + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom) verticalOffset = (int)(mHourHeight * 24 - getHeight() + mHeaderHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom); mCurrentOrigin.y = -verticalOffset; invalidate(); } /** * Get the first hour that is visible on the screen. * @return The first hour that is visible. */ public double getFirstVisibleHour(){ return -mCurrentOrigin.y / mHourHeight; } /** * Determine whether a given calendar day falls within the scroll limits set for this view. * @see #setMinDate(Calendar) * @see #setMaxDate(Calendar) * @param day the day to check * @return True if there are no limit or the date is within the limits. */ public boolean dateIsValid(Calendar day) { if(mMinDate != null && day.before(mMinDate)) { return false; } if(mMaxDate != null && day.after(mMaxDate)) { return false; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Interfaces. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface EventClickListener { /** * Triggered when clicked on one existing event * @param event: event clicked. * @param eventRect: view containing the clicked event. */ void onEventClick(WeekViewEvent event, RectF eventRect); } public interface EventLongPressListener { /** * Similar to {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView.EventClickListener} but with a long press. * @param event: event clicked. * @param eventRect: view containing the clicked event. */ void onEventLongPress(WeekViewEvent event, RectF eventRect); } public interface EmptyViewClickListener { /** * Triggered when the users clicks on a empty space of the calendar. * @param date: {@link Calendar} object set with the date and time of the clicked position on the view. */ void onEmptyViewClicked(Calendar date); } public interface EmptyViewLongPressListener { /** * Similar to {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView.EmptyViewClickListener} but with long press. * @param time: {@link Calendar} object set with the date and time of the long pressed position on the view. */ void onEmptyViewLongPress(Calendar time); } public interface ScrollListener { /** * Called when the first visible day has changed. * * (this will also be called during the first draw of the weekview) * @param newFirstVisibleDay The new first visible day * @param oldFirstVisibleDay The old first visible day (is null on the first call). */ void onFirstVisibleDayChanged(Calendar newFirstVisibleDay, Calendar oldFirstVisibleDay); } public interface AddEventClickListener { /** * Triggered when the users clicks to create a new event. * * @param startTime The startTime of a new event * @param endTime The endTime of a new event */ void onAddEventClicked(Calendar startTime, Calendar endTime); } /** * A simple GestureListener that holds the focused hour while scaling. */ private class WeekViewGestureListener implements ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener { float mFocusedPointY; @Override public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { mIsZooming = false; } @Override public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { mIsZooming = true; goToNearestOrigin(); // Calculate focused point for scale action if (mZoomFocusPointEnabled) { // Use fractional focus, percentage of height mFocusedPointY = (getHeight() - mHeaderHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom) * mZoomFocusPoint; } else { // Grab focus mFocusedPointY = detector.getFocusY(); } return true; } @Override public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { final float scale = detector.getScaleFactor(); mNewHourHeight = Math.round(mHourHeight * scale); // Calculating difference float diffY = mFocusedPointY - mCurrentOrigin.y; // Scaling difference diffY = diffY * scale - diffY; // Updating week view origin mCurrentOrigin.y -= diffY; invalidate(); return true; } } }