package com.vdom.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.vdom.api.Card; import com.vdom.core.MoveContext; import com.vdom.api.VictoryCard; public class VictoryCardImpl extends CardImpl implements VictoryCard { public VictoryCardImpl(Cards.Type type, int cost, int vp) { super(type, cost); this.vp = vp; } protected VictoryCardImpl(Builder builder) { super(builder); } public static class Builder extends CardImpl.Builder { public Builder(Cards.Type type, int cost, int vp) { super(type, cost); this.vp = vp; } public VictoryCardImpl build() { return new VictoryCardImpl(this); } } @Override public int getVictoryPoints() { return vp; } @Override public void isTrashed(MoveContext context) { switch (this.getType()) { case OvergrownEstate:, this); break; case Feodum: context.player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.silver, this, context); context.player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.silver, this, context); context.player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.silver, this, context); break; default: break; } } @Override public CardImpl instantiate() { checkInstantiateOK(); VictoryCardImpl c = new VictoryCardImpl(); copyValues(c); return c; } protected void copyValues(VictoryCardImpl c) { super.copyValues(c); } protected VictoryCardImpl() { } @Override public void isBought(MoveContext context) {, context, this); if (this.equals(Cards.farmland)) { Player player = context.getPlayer(); if(player.getHand().size() > 0) { Card cardToTrash = player.controlPlayer.farmland_cardToTrash((MoveContext) context); if (cardToTrash == null) { Util.playerError(player, "Farmland did not return a card to trash, trashing random card."); cardToTrash = Util.randomCard(player.hand); } int cost = -1; boolean potion = false; for (int i = 0; i < player.hand.size(); i++) { Card playersCard = player.hand.get(i); if (playersCard.equals(cardToTrash)) { cost = playersCard.getCost(context); potion = playersCard.costPotion(); playersCard = player.hand.remove(i); player.trash(playersCard, this, (MoveContext) context); break; } } if (cost == -1) { Util.playerError(player, "Farmland returned invalid card, ignoring."); } else { cost += 2; boolean validCard = false; for(Card c : context.getCardsInGame()) { if(c.getCost(context) == cost && c.costPotion() == potion && context.getCardsLeftInPile(c) > 0) { validCard = true; break; } } if(validCard) { Card card = player.controlPlayer.farmland_cardToObtain((MoveContext) context, cost, potion); if (card != null) { // check cost if (card.getCost(context) != cost || card.costPotion() != potion) { Util.playerError(player, "Farmland card to obtain returned an invalid card, ignoring."); } else { if(!player.gainNewCard(card, this, (MoveContext) context)) { Util.playerError(player, "Farmland new card is invalid, ignoring."); } } } else { //TODO: handle... } } } } } } }