package com.github.andlyticsproject.admob; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.github.andlyticsproject.AndlyticsApp; import com.github.andlyticsproject.ContentAdapter; import com.github.andlyticsproject.Preferences.Timeframe; import com.github.andlyticsproject.console.NetworkException; import com.github.andlyticsproject.model.AdmobStats; public class AdmobRequest { private static final String TAG = AdmobRequest.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String ERROR_TOKEN_INVALID = "token_invalid"; public static final String ERROR_INVALID_SITE_ID = "site_id_invalid"; public static final String ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = "rate_limit_exceeded"; public static final String ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR = "andlytics_network_error"; public static final String ERROR_ACCOUNT_REMOVED = "andlytics_account_removed"; public static final String ERROR_ASK_USER_PASSWORD = "andlytics_account_ask_for_password"; public static final String ERROR_REQUEST_INVALID = "request_invalid"; public static final String KEY_SITE_ID = "site_id"; public static final String KEY_REQUESTS = "requests"; public static final String KEY_HOUSEAD_REQUESTS = "housead_requests"; public static final String KEY_INTERSTITIAL_REQUESTS = "interstitial_requests"; public static final String KEY_IMPRESSIONS = "impressions"; public static final String KEY_FILL_RATE = "fill_rate"; public static final String KEY_HOUSEAD_FILL_RATE = "housead_fill_rate"; public static final String KEY_OVERALL_FILL_RATE = "overall_fill_rate"; public static final String KEY_CLICKS = "clicks"; public static final String KEY_HOUSEAD_CLICKS = "housead_clicks"; public static final String KEY_CTR = "ctr"; public static final String KEY_ECPM = "ecpm"; public static final String KEY_REVENUE = "revenue"; public static final String KEY_CPC_REVENUE = "cpc_revenue"; public static final String KEY_CPM_REVENUE = "cpm_revenue"; public static final String KEY_EXCHANGE_DOWNLOADS = "exchange_downloads"; public static final String KEY_DATE = "date"; @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; //base access url to admob api private static final String BASE_URL = ""; private static final String clientKey = "k1541c79203abfb693edb05ede83891b"; public static final long RETRY_TIME = 4000; //construct public AdmobRequest() { } //user login public static String login(String email, String password) throws NetworkException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobInvalidRequestException, AdmobRateLimitExceededException { String token = null; //create the parameters @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String params = "client_key=" + clientKey + "&email=" + URLEncoder.encode(email) + "&password=" + URLEncoder.encode(password); try { //try to login if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, email + " admob login request"); JSONArray data = getResponse("auth", "login", params, true, true); //decode the json response and assign token for future use in this session token = data.getJSONObject(0).getString("token"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AdmobGenericException(e); } return token; } private static void handleNonJsonException(Exception e, String sb) throws NetworkException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobInvalidTokenException { if (e instanceof SocketException || e instanceof UnknownHostException || e instanceof IOException || e instanceof NetworkException) { throw new NetworkException(e); } else if (e instanceof AdmobInvalidTokenException) { throw (AdmobInvalidTokenException) e; } else { throw new AdmobGenericException(e, sb); } } public static JSONArray getData(Context context, String account, String token, String object, String method, String[] requestData) throws AdmobAccountRemovedException, NetworkException, AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobAskForPasswordException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { String params = createRequestParams(token, requestData); //pass everything to getResponse and return it JSONArray result = null; try { result = getResponse(object, method, params, false, true); } catch (AdmobInvalidTokenException e) { // token invalid, maybe too old, retry with new token invalidateAdmobToken(account, token, context); String newToken = authenticateAdmobAccount(account, context); params = createRequestParams(newToken, requestData); result = getResponse(object, method, params, false, true); } return result; } private static String createRequestParams(String token, String[] requestData) { //init params String params = "client_key=" + clientKey; params += "&token=" + token; //build the params for getResponse to use for (String row : requestData) { params = params + "&" + row; } return params; } //private method to handle data requests private static JSONArray getResponse(String object, String method, String urlParameters, boolean sendPost, boolean retry) throws NetworkException, AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { int responseCode = -1; JSONObject result = null; String sb = null; try { //create the sub url String subUrl = BASE_URL + object + "/" + method; HttpsURLConnection con = null; //check if it needs to be post or get if (sendPost) { con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(subUrl).openConnection(); con.setHostnameVerifier(new BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier()); // create a connection con.setDoOutput(true);// allow for posting data to the connection // pass data to the connection (POST) OutputStream post = con.getOutputStream(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(post)); out.write(urlParameters); out.close(); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, subUrl); con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(subUrl + "?" + urlParameters).openConnection(); con.setHostnameVerifier(new BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier()); //System.out.println("admob request: " + subUrl + "?" + urlParameters); //open the link and post everything to it } //read the response InputStream resultStream = con.getInputStream(); BufferedReader aReader = new resultStream)); StringBuffer aResponse = new StringBuffer(); String aLine = aReader.readLine(); while (aLine != null) { aResponse.append(aLine + "\n"); aLine = aReader.readLine(); } resultStream.close(); sb = aResponse.toString(); if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) con; responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); } if (sb == null || "".equals(sb.trim())) { Log.w(TAG, "admob empty respsonse" + " token invalid?"); throw new AdmobInvalidTokenException(responseCode + " null response"); } else if (!sb.startsWith("{")) { throw new AdmobInvalidTokenException(responseCode + " invalid response: " + sb); } result = new JSONObject(sb); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new NetworkException(e); } catch (JSONException e) { handleNonJsonException(e, responseCode + " " + sb); } catch (Exception e) { handleNonJsonException(e, responseCode + " " + sb); } // check json for errors try { checkJsonErrors(result); } catch (AdmobRateLimitExceededException e) { if (retry) { Log.w(TAG, "admob rateLimitExceeded, retry in 5 sec..."); try { Thread.sleep(AdmobRequest.RETRY_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } return getResponse(object, method, urlParameters, sendPost, false); } else { throw e; } } JSONArray dataObject = toJsonArray(result, "data"); return dataObject; } private static void checkJsonErrors(JSONObject result) throws AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { Map<String, String> errorMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONArray errors = (result).optJSONArray("errors"); if (errors != null && errors.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < errors.length(); i++) { try { String code = errors.getJSONObject(i).optString("code"); String message = errors.getJSONObject(i).optString("msg"); errorMap.put(code, message); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AdmobGenericException(e); } } } if (errorMap.size() > 0) { if (errorMap.containsKey(ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)) { String exMessage = ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED + " " + errorMap.get(ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); throw new AdmobRateLimitExceededException(exMessage); } else if (errorMap.containsKey(ERROR_REQUEST_INVALID)) { String exMessage = ERROR_REQUEST_INVALID + " " + errorMap.get(ERROR_REQUEST_INVALID); throw new AdmobInvalidRequestException(exMessage); } else if (errorMap.containsKey(ERROR_TOKEN_INVALID)) { String exMessage = ERROR_TOKEN_INVALID + " " + errorMap.get(ERROR_TOKEN_INVALID); throw new AdmobInvalidTokenException(exMessage); } else { String code = errorMap.keySet().iterator().next(); throw new AdmobGenericException(code + " " + errorMap.get(code)); } } } private static JSONArray toJsonArray(JSONObject result, String elementName) { JSONArray dataObject = (result).optJSONArray(elementName); if (dataObject == null) { dataObject = new JSONArray(); dataObject.put(result.optJSONObject(elementName)); } return dataObject; } public static void syncSiteStats(String account, Context context, List<String> siteList, SyncCallback callback) throws AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobAccountRemovedException, NetworkException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobAskForPasswordException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "admob site sync request for " + siteList.size() + " sites"); String token = authenticateAdmobAccount(account, context); for (int k = 0; k < siteList.size(); k++) { String admobSiteId = siteList.get(k); boolean bulkInsert = false; Date startDate = null; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); Date endDate = calendar.getTime(); // read db for required sync period ContentAdapter contentAdapter = ContentAdapter.getInstance(AndlyticsApp.getInstance()); List<AdmobStats> admobStats = contentAdapter.getAdmobStats(admobSiteId, Timeframe.LATEST_VALUE).getStats(); if (admobStats.size() > 0) { // found previouse sync, no bulk import startDate = admobStats.get(0).getDate(); Calendar startCal = Calendar.getInstance(); startCal.setTime(startDate); startCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -4); startDate = startCal.getTime(); } else { calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6); startDate = calendar.getTime(); bulkInsert = true; } List<AdmobStats> result = new ArrayList<AdmobStats>(); //String endDate = dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()); JSONArray data = getData(context, account, token, "site", "stats", new String[] { "site_id=" + admobSiteId, "end_date=" + dateFormat.format(endDate), "start_date=" + dateFormat.format(startDate), "time_dimension=day", "order_by[date]=desc" }); if (callback != null && bulkInsert) { callback.initialImportStarted(); } //go through the returned array for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { try { //convert the line of data to a json object so we can pick specific data out of it JSONObject adObject = new JSONObject(data.get(i).toString()); AdmobStats admob = new AdmobStats(); admob.setSiteId(admobSiteId); admob.setClicks(adObject.getInt(KEY_CLICKS)); admob.setCpcRevenue(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_CPC_REVENUE))); admob.setCpmRevenue(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_CPM_REVENUE))); admob.setCtr(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_CTR))); admob.setDate(dateFormat.parse(adObject.getString(KEY_DATE))); admob.setEcpm(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_ECPM))); admob.setExchangeDownloads(adObject.getInt(KEY_EXCHANGE_DOWNLOADS)); admob.setFillRate(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_FILL_RATE))); admob.setHouseAdClicks(adObject.getInt(KEY_HOUSEAD_CLICKS)); admob.setHouseadFillRate(Float.parseFloat(adObject .getString(KEY_HOUSEAD_FILL_RATE))); admob.setHouseadRequests(adObject.getInt(KEY_HOUSEAD_REQUESTS)); admob.setImpressions(adObject.getInt(KEY_IMPRESSIONS)); admob.setInterstitialRequests(adObject.getInt(KEY_INTERSTITIAL_REQUESTS)); admob.setOverallFillRate(Float.parseFloat(adObject .getString(KEY_OVERALL_FILL_RATE))); admob.setRequests(adObject.getInt(KEY_REQUESTS)); admob.setRevenue(Float.parseFloat(adObject.getString(KEY_REVENUE))); result.add(admob); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdmobGenericException(e); } } if (bulkInsert) { if (result.size() > 6) { // insert first results single to avoid manual triggered doubles List<AdmobStats> subList1 = result.subList(0, 5); for (AdmobStats admob : subList1) { contentAdapter.insertOrUpdateAdmobStats(admob); } List<AdmobStats> subList2 = result.subList(5, result.size()); contentAdapter.bulkInsertAdmobStats(subList2); } else { contentAdapter.bulkInsertAdmobStats(result); } } else { for (AdmobStats admob : result) { contentAdapter.insertOrUpdateAdmobStats(admob); } } if (k != siteList.size() - 1) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //Log.d(TAG, "wait to avoid rate limit exception"); } } } private static String authenticateAdmobAccount(String currentAdmobAccount, Context context) throws AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobAccountRemovedException, AdmobAskForPasswordException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { String admobToken = AdmobAuthenticationUtilities.authenticateAccount(currentAdmobAccount, context); if (AdmobRequest.ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(admobToken)) { throw new AdmobRateLimitExceededException(admobToken); } else if (AdmobRequest.ERROR_REQUEST_INVALID.equals(admobToken)) { throw new AdmobInvalidRequestException(admobToken); } else if (AdmobRequest.ERROR_ACCOUNT_REMOVED.equals(admobToken)) { throw new AdmobAccountRemovedException(admobToken, currentAdmobAccount); } else if (AdmobRequest.ERROR_ASK_USER_PASSWORD.equals(admobToken)) { throw new AdmobAskForPasswordException("Missing password"); } return admobToken; } private static void invalidateAdmobToken(String accountName, String token, Context context) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "invalidate admob token for " + accountName); AdmobAuthenticationUtilities.invalidateToken(token, context); } public interface SyncCallback { void initialImportStarted(); } public static Map<String, String> getSiteList(String account, Context context) throws AdmobRateLimitExceededException, AdmobInvalidTokenException, AdmobAccountRemovedException, NetworkException, AdmobGenericException, AdmobAskForPasswordException, AdmobInvalidRequestException { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); String token = authenticateAdmobAccount(account, context); JSONArray data = AdmobRequest.getData(context, account, token, "site", "search", new String[] {}); //go through the returned array for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { //convert the line of data to a json object so we can pick specific data out of it JSONObject adObject; try { adObject = new JSONObject(data.get(i).toString()); String id = adObject.getString("id"); String name = adObject.getString("name"); result.put(id, name); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AdmobGenericException(e); } } return result; } }