package com.github.andlyticsproject; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.github.andlyticsproject.sync.AutosyncHandler; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class Preferences { // TODO Review this class an clean it up a bit public static final String PREF = "andlytics_pref"; private static final String HIDDEN_ACCOUNT = "hiddenAccount"; private static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accountName"; private static final String GWTPERMUTATION = "permutation"; private static final String POST_REQUEST_GET_FULL_ASSET_INFOS = "post_full_asset_info"; private static final String POST_REQUEST_GET_USER_INFO_SIZE = "post_user_info_size"; private static final String POST_REQUEST_USER_COMMENTS = "post_user_comments"; private static final String POST_REQUEST_FEEDBACK = "post_feedback"; public static final String AUTOSYNC_PERIOD = "autosync.period"; public static final String AUTOSYNC_PERIOD_LAST_NON_ZERO = "autosync.period.last"; private static final String CRASH_REPORT_DISABLE = "acra.enable"; public static final String CHART_TIMEFRAME = "chart.timeframe"; public static final String ADMOB_TIMEFRAME = "admob.timeframe"; private static final String CHART_SMOOTH = "chart.smooth"; private static final String SKIP_AUTO_LOGIN = ""; private static final String STATS_MODE = "stats.mode"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANGES_RATING = "notification.changes.rating"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANGES_COMMENTS = "notification.changes.comments"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANGES_DOWNLOADS = ""; public static final String NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE = "notification.ringtone"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT = "notification.light"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_WHEN_ACCOUNT_VISISBLE = "notification.when_account_visible"; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_LONG = "dateformat.long"; private static final String ADMOB_HIDE_FOR_UNCONFIGURED_APPS = "admob.hide_for_unconfigured_apps"; private static final String ADMOB_SITE_ID = "admob.siteid"; private static final String ADMOB_ACCOUNT = "admob.account"; private static final String SHOW_CHART_HINT = "show.chart.hint"; private static final String LATEST_VERSION_CODE = "latest.version.code"; private static final String LAST_STATS_REMOTE_UPDATE = "last.stats.remote.update"; // 15 minutes in millis public static final long STATS_REMOTE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 15 * 60 * 1000L; private static final String LAST_COMMENTS_REMOTE_UPDATE = "last.commentts.remote.update"; // make it shorter for comments 5 minutes in millis public static final long COMMENTS_REMOTE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000L; public static final String USE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_APP = ""; public static final String SHOW_COMMENT_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS = ""; public static final String SHOW_DEVELOPER_CUT_REVENUE = ""; public static final String NOTIFICATION_PREFS = "notification.prefs"; public enum Timeframe { LAST_NINETY_DAYS, LAST_THIRTY_DAYS, UNLIMITED, LAST_TWO_DAYS, LATEST_VALUE, LAST_SEVEN_DAYS, MONTH_TO_DATE } public enum StatsMode { PERCENT, DAY_CHANGES } private static String cachedDateFormatShort; private static String cachedDateFormatLong; public static void disableCrashReports(Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.remove(CRASH_REPORT_DISABLE); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static void saveAccountName(Context activity, String accountName) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(activity).edit(); editor.putString(ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static void removeAccountName(Context activity) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(activity).edit(); editor.remove(ACCOUNT_NAME); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static String getAccountName(Context activity) { return getSettings(activity).getString(ACCOUNT_NAME, null); } private static SharedPreferences getSettings(Context activity) { return activity.getSharedPreferences(PREF, 0); } public static String getGwtPermutation(Context activity) { return getVersionDependingProperty(GWTPERMUTATION, activity); } public static void saveGwtPermutation(Context activity, String gwtPermutation) { saveVersionDependingProperty(GWTPERMUTATION, gwtPermutation, activity); } public static int getLastNonZeroAutosyncPeriod(Context activity) { return getSettings(activity).getInt(AUTOSYNC_PERIOD_LAST_NON_ZERO, AutosyncHandler.DEFAULT_PERIOD); } public static void saveLastNonZeroAutosyncPeriod(Context activity, int syncPeriod) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(activity).edit(); editor.putInt(AUTOSYNC_PERIOD_LAST_NON_ZERO, syncPeriod); editor.commit(); } public static int getAutosyncPeriod(Context activity) { // We use a ListPreference which only supports saving as strings, so // need to convert it when reading return Integer.parseInt(getSettings(activity).getString(AUTOSYNC_PERIOD, Integer.toString(AutosyncHandler.DEFAULT_PERIOD))); } public static String getRequestFullAssetInfo(Context activity) { return getVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_GET_FULL_ASSET_INFOS, activity); } public static void saveRequestFullAssetInfo(Context activity, String postdata) { saveVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_GET_FULL_ASSET_INFOS, postdata, activity); } public static String getRequestGetAssetForUserCount(Context context) { return getVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_GET_USER_INFO_SIZE, context); } public static void saveRequestGetAssetForUserCount(Context context, String string) { saveVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_GET_USER_INFO_SIZE, string, context); } public static String getRequestUserComments(Context context) { return getVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_USER_COMMENTS, context); } public static void saveRequestUserComments(Context context, String string) { saveVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_USER_COMMENTS, string, context); } private static String getVersionDependingProperty(String name, Context context) { return getSettings(context).getString(name + getAppVersionCode(context), null); } private static void saveVersionDependingProperty(String name, String value, Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(name + getAppVersionCode(context), value); editor.commit(); } public static int getAppVersionCode(Context context) { try { PackageInfo pinfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( context.getPackageName(), 0); return pinfo.versionCode; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(AndlyticsApp.class.getSimpleName(), "unable to read version code", e); } return 0; } public static void saveChartTimeframe(Timeframe value, Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(CHART_TIMEFRAME,; editor.commit(); } public static Timeframe getChartTimeframe(Context activity) { return Timeframe.valueOf(getSettings(activity).getString(CHART_TIMEFRAME,; } public static Boolean getChartSmooth(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(CHART_SMOOTH, true); } public static boolean getSkipAutologin(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(SKIP_AUTO_LOGIN, false); } public static void saveSkipAutoLogin(Context context, Boolean value) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putBoolean(SKIP_AUTO_LOGIN, value); editor.commit(); } public static void saveStatsMode(StatsMode value, Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(STATS_MODE,; editor.commit(); } public static StatsMode getStatsMode(Context activity) { return StatsMode.valueOf(getSettings(activity).getString(STATS_MODE,; } public static boolean getNotificationPerf(Context context, String prefName) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(prefName, true); } public static String getNotificationRingtone(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getString(NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE, null); } public static Boolean getShowChartHint(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(SHOW_CHART_HINT, true); } public static void saveShowChartHint(Context context, Boolean value) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putBoolean(SHOW_CHART_HINT, value); editor.commit(); } public static String getDateFormatStringShort(Context context) { if (cachedDateFormatShort != null) { return cachedDateFormatShort; } String dateFormatStringLong = getDateFormatStringLong(context); // Build the short version by taking the long one and removing the year // We do this rather than using pre-defined short versions so that the // user // can use a default based on their locale String format = dateFormatStringLong.replace("yyyy", "").replace("yy", ""); // Now go through the string removing any duplicate separators // and trimming leading/ending separators StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); char[] chars = format.toCharArray(); int length = chars.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if (Character.isLetter(c)) { // Always accept letters builder.append(c); } else if ((i > 0) && (i + 1 < length) && (c != chars[i + 1])) { // Only accept separators is they aren't duplicated // and aren't at the start or end builder.append(c); } } format = builder.toString(); cachedDateFormatShort = format; return format; } /** * Clears the cached string representations used for date formatting Should * be called whenever the user preference changes */ public static void clearCachedDateFormats() { cachedDateFormatShort = null; cachedDateFormatLong = null; } private static String getDateFormatStringLong(Context context) { if (cachedDateFormatLong != null) { return cachedDateFormatLong; } String format = getSettings(context).getString(DATE_FORMAT_LONG, "DEFAULT"); if ("DEFAULT".equals(format)) { format = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT)).toPattern(); // Make it consistent with our pre-defined formats (always show // yyyy) format = format.replace("yyyy", "yy").replace("yy", "yyyy"); } cachedDateFormatLong = format; return format; } @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") public static DateFormat getDateFormatLong(Context context) { return new SimpleDateFormat(getDateFormatStringLong(context)); } @Deprecated public static void saveAdmobSiteId(Context context, String packageName, String value) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(ADMOB_SITE_ID + packageName, value); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static String getAdmobSiteId(Context context, String packageName) { return getSettings(context).getString(ADMOB_SITE_ID + packageName, null); } @Deprecated public static void saveAdmobAccount(Context context, String siteId, String accountName) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(ADMOB_ACCOUNT + siteId, accountName); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static String getAdmobAccount(Context context, String siteId) { return getSettings(context).getString(ADMOB_ACCOUNT + siteId, null); } public static int getLatestVersionCode(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getInt(LATEST_VERSION_CODE, 0); } public static void saveLatestVersionCode(Context context, int latest) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putInt(LATEST_VERSION_CODE, latest); editor.commit(); } public static String getRequestFeedback(Context activity) { return getVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_FEEDBACK, activity); } public static void saveRequestFeedback(Context activity, String postdata) { saveVersionDependingProperty(POST_REQUEST_FEEDBACK, postdata, activity); } public static Timeframe getAdmobTimeframe(Context context) { return Timeframe.valueOf(getSettings(context).getString(ADMOB_TIMEFRAME,; } public static void saveAdmobTimeframe(Timeframe value, Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putString(ADMOB_TIMEFRAME,; editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static void saveIsHiddenAccount(Context context, String accountName, Boolean hidden) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings(context).edit(); editor.putBoolean(HIDDEN_ACCOUNT + accountName, hidden); editor.commit(); } @Deprecated public static boolean getIsHiddenAccount(Context context, String accountName) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(HIDDEN_ACCOUNT + accountName, false); } public static boolean getHideAdmobForUnconfiguredApps(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(ADMOB_HIDE_FOR_UNCONFIGURED_APPS, false); } @Deprecated public static synchronized long getLastStatsRemoteUpdateTime(Context activity, String accountName) { return getSettings(activity).getLong(LAST_STATS_REMOTE_UPDATE + "." + accountName, 0); } @Deprecated public static synchronized void saveLastStatsRemoteUpdateTime(Context activity, String accountName, long timestamp) { getSettings(activity).edit() .putLong(LAST_STATS_REMOTE_UPDATE + "." + accountName, timestamp).commit(); } /** * Gets the last time that comments were updated for the given <b>packageName</b> * * @param activity * @param packageName * @return */ @Deprecated public static synchronized long getLastCommentsRemoteUpdateTime(Context activity, String packageName) { return getSettings(activity).getLong(LAST_COMMENTS_REMOTE_UPDATE + "." + packageName, 0); } /** * Sets the time that comments were last updated for the given <b>packageName</b> * * @param activity * @param packageName * @param timestamp */ @Deprecated public static synchronized void saveLastCommentsRemoteUpdateTime(Context activity, String packageName, long timestamp) { getSettings(activity).edit() .putLong(LAST_COMMENTS_REMOTE_UPDATE + "." + packageName, timestamp).commit(); } public static synchronized boolean isUseGoogleTranslateApp(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(USE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_APP, true); } public static synchronized void saveUseGoogleTranslateApp(Context context, boolean value) { getSettings(context).edit().putBoolean(USE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_APP, value).commit(); } public static synchronized boolean isShowCommentAutoTranslations(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(SHOW_COMMENT_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS, true); } public static synchronized void saveShowCommentAutoTranslations(Context context, boolean value) { getSettings(context).edit().putBoolean(SHOW_COMMENT_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS, value).commit(); } public static synchronized boolean isShowDeveloperCutRevenue(Context context) { return getSettings(context).getBoolean(SHOW_DEVELOPER_CUT_REVENUE, true); } public static synchronized void saveShowDeveloperCutRevenue(Context context, boolean value) { getSettings(context).edit().putBoolean(SHOW_DEVELOPER_CUT_REVENUE, value).commit(); } }