package com.airbnb.airpal.presto; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.ToString; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.List; @ToString public class PartitionedTable extends Table { private static Splitter TABLE_PART_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(".").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); @Getter private final String partitionName; protected PartitionedTable(@JsonProperty("connectorId") String connectorId, @JsonProperty("schema") String schema, @JsonProperty("table") String table, @JsonProperty("partition") String partitionName, @JsonProperty("columns") List<String> columns) { super(connectorId, schema, table, columns); this.partitionName = partitionName; } public PartitionedTable(String connectorId, String schema, String table, String partitionName) { super(connectorId, schema, table); this.partitionName = partitionName; } public PartitionedTable(String connectorId, String schema, String table) { this(connectorId, schema, table, null); } public PartitionedTable withPartitionName(String partitionName) { return new PartitionedTable(getConnectorId(), getSchema(), getTable(), partitionName, getColumns()); } public static PartitionedTable fromTable(Table table) { return new PartitionedTable(table.getConnectorId(), table.getSchema(), table.getTable(), null, table.getColumns()); } public Table asTable() { return new Table(getConnectorId(), getSchema(), getTable(), getColumns()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getConnectorId().hashCode() + getSchema().hashCode() + getTable().hashCode() + ((getTable() == null) ? 0 : getTable().hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof PartitionedTable) { PartitionedTable otherTable = (PartitionedTable) obj; return getConnectorId().equals(otherTable.getConnectorId()) && getSchema().equals(otherTable.getSchema()) && getTable().equals(otherTable.getTable()) && partitionsSame(partitionName, otherTable.getPartitionName()); } else { return false; } } public static boolean partitionsSame(String partition1, String partition2) { if ((partition1 == null) && (partition2 == null)) { return true; } else if (((partition1 == null) && (partition2 != null)) || ((partition1 != null) && (partition2 == null))) { return false; } else { return partition1.equals(partition2); } } public static PartitionedTable valueOf(String s) { List<String> parts = TABLE_PART_SPLITTER.splitToList(s); if (parts.size() == 4) { // String of the form hive.default.request_search.d=2013-11-20 return new PartitionedTable(parts.get(0), parts.get(1), parts.get(2), parts.get(3)); } else if (parts.size() == 3) { // String of the form hive.default.request_search return new PartitionedTable(parts.get(0), parts.get(1), parts.get(2)); } else if (parts.size() == 2) { // String of the form default.request_search return new PartitionedTable("hive", parts.get(0), parts.get(1)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table identifier parts not found."); } } public static class PartitionedTableToTable implements Function<PartitionedTable, Table> { @Nullable @Override public Table apply(PartitionedTable input) { return input; } } }