package; import com.airbnb.airpal.api.Job; import com.airbnb.airpal.presto.Table; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.DbType; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.Util; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.beans.JobTableOutputJoinRow; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.beans.JobTableRow; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.beans.TableRow; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.dao.JobDAO; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.dao.JobOutputDAO; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.dao.JobTableDAO; import com.airbnb.airpal.sql.dao.TableDAO; import; import; import; import; import; import com.hubspot.rosetta.jdbi.RosettaResultSetMapperFactory; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static java.lang.String.format; @Slf4j public class JobHistoryStoreDAO implements JobHistoryStore { private final DBI dbi; private final DbType dbType; @Inject public JobHistoryStoreDAO(DBI dbi, DbType dbType) { this.dbi = dbi; this.dbType = dbType; } private List<Job> getJobs(long limit, int dayInterval, String outerWhereClauseArg, String innerWhereClauseArg) { String outerWhereClause = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(outerWhereClauseArg) ? "true" : outerWhereClauseArg; String innerWhereClause = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(innerWhereClauseArg) ? "true" : innerWhereClauseArg; try (Handle handle = { Query<Map<String, Object>> query = handle.createQuery( "SELECT " + " AS id, " + "j.query AS query, " + "j.user AS user, " + "j.uuid AS uuid, " + "j.queryStats as queryStats, " + "j.state AS state, " + "j.columns AS columns, " + "j.query_finished AS queryFinished, " + "j.query_started AS queryStarted, " + "j.error AS error, " + "t.connector_id AS connectorId, " + "t.schema_ AS \"schema\", " + "t.table_ AS \"table\", " + "t.columns, " + "jo.type, " + "jo.description, " + "jo.location " + "FROM (SELECT * FROM jobs " + "WHERE " + Util.getQueryFinishedCondition(dbType) + " " + "AND " + innerWhereClause + " " + "ORDER BY query_finished DESC LIMIT :limit) j " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN job_tables jt ON = jt.job_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN tables t ON jt.table_id = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN job_outputs jo ON = jo.job_id " + "WHERE " + outerWhereClause + " " + "ORDER BY query_finished DESC") .bind("limit", limit) .bind("day_interval", dayInterval); Map<Long, Job> idToJobMap = query. map(RosettaResultSetMapperFactory.mapperFor(JobTableOutputJoinRow.class)). fold(new HashMap<Long, Job>(), new JobTableOutputJoinRow.JobFolder()); return new ArrayList<>(idToJobMap.values()); } } private List<Job> getJobs(long limit, int dayInterval) { return getJobs(limit, dayInterval, null, null); } @Override public List<Job> getRecentlyRun(long maxResults) { try { return getJobs(maxResults, 1); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception during getRecentlyRun", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public List<Job> getRecentlyRun(long maxResults, Table table1, Table... otherTables) { return getRecentlyRun(maxResults, Lists.asList(table1, otherTables)); } @Override public List<Job> getRecentlyRun(long maxResults, Iterable<Table> tables) { try { String tablesClause = Util.getTableCondition(tables); return getJobs(maxResults, 1, tablesClause, null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception during getRecentlyRun", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public List<Job> getRecentlyRunForUser(String user, long maxResults) { try { String usersClause = format("user = '%s'", user); return getJobs(maxResults, 1, null, usersClause); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception during getRecentlyRun", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public List<Job> getRecentlyRunForUser(String user, long maxResults, Iterable<Table> tables) { try { String usersClause = format("user = '%s'", user); String tablesClause = Util.getTableCondition(tables); return getJobs(maxResults, 1, tablesClause, usersClause); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception during getRecentlyRun", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public void addRun(Job job) { JobDAO jobDAO = dbi.onDemand(JobDAO.class); TableDAO tableDAO = dbi.onDemand(TableDAO.class); JobTableDAO jobTableDAO = dbi.onDemand(JobTableDAO.class); JobOutputDAO jobOutputDAO = dbi.onDemand(JobOutputDAO.class); // Create the job long jobId = jobDAO.createJob(job); // Find all presto tables already represented Set<TableRow> tablesInDb = Collections.emptySet(); if (job.getTablesUsed().size() > 0) { tablesInDb = new HashSet<>(tableDAO.getTables(new ArrayList<>(job.getTablesUsed()))); } // Figure out which tables are not represented Sets.SetView<Table> tablesToAdd = Sets.difference( job.getTablesUsed(), Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(tablesInDb, TableRow.MAP_TO_TABLE))); // Add tables not already represented tableDAO.createTables(tablesToAdd); Set<TableRow> tablesWithIds = Collections.emptySet(); if (job.getTablesUsed().size() > 0) { tablesWithIds = new HashSet<>(tableDAO.getTables(new ArrayList<>(job.getTablesUsed()))); } List<JobTableRow> jobTableRows = new ArrayList<>(job.getTablesUsed().size()); for (TableRow tableRow : tablesWithIds) { jobTableRows.add(new JobTableRow(-1, jobId, tableRow.getId())); } // Add associations between Job and Table jobTableDAO.createJobTables(jobTableRows); if (job.getOutput().getLocation() != null) { jobOutputDAO.createJobOutput(job.getOutput(), jobId); } } }