package aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; import aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization; import aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading; import aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle; import; import aima.core.util.JavaRandomizer; import aima.core.util.math.geom.SVGGroupParser; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.components.AnglePanel; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.components.AnglePanel.ChangeListener; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimpleMove; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimplePose; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimplePoseFactory; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimpleRangeReading; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimpleRangeReadingFactory; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.SimpleSettingsListener; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.VirtualRobot; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.simple.VirtualRobotGui; import aima.gui.swing.framework.util.GuiBase; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.components.IRobotGui; import aima.gui.swing.applications.robotics.components.Settings; /** * Provides the {@link GenericMonteCarloLocalization2DApp} for the simple environment in {@code aima.gui.swing.demo.robotics.simple}. * This environment is intended for a {@link VirtualRobot}.<br/> * It can be used for other 2D environments by overriding {@code initialize()} and using a main method with the inheriting class. * * @author Arno von Borries * @author Jan Phillip Kretzschmar * @author Andreas Walscheid * */ public class MonteCarloLocalizationApp { protected static final File DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"),"mcl_settings.cache"); protected static final String RANGE_READING_ANGLES_KEY = "RANGE_READING_ANGLES"; protected static final String RANGE_READING_ANGLES_TITLE = "Range reading angles"; protected Settings settingsGui; protected IRobotGui robotGui; protected GenericMonteCarloLocalization2DApp<?,?,?> app; private File settingsFile; /** * Starts the application. * @param args a path to a file containing settings may be passed as the first argument. Otherwise the default settings file {@code mcl_settings.cache} in the working directory is used. */ public static void main(String[] args) { File settingsFile = args.length > 0 ? new File(args[0]) : DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE; MonteCarloLocalizationApp app = new MonteCarloLocalizationApp(settingsFile); app.constructBasicApplicationFrame(); app.notifyAllListeners();; } protected void notifyAllListeners() { settingsGui.notifyAllListeners(); } /** * Loads the provided settings file into a new {@link Settings} object. * @param settingsFile the file containing the settings to be loaded. * @return the {@link Settings} that were loaded. */ protected static Settings buildSettings(File settingsFile) { Settings settingsGui = new Settings(); if(settingsFile != null) { if(settingsFile.isFile() && settingsFile.canRead()) { settingsGui.loadSettings(settingsFile); } } return settingsGui; } /** * This Constructor creates a application that does not loads settings from or saves settings to a file. */ public MonteCarloLocalizationApp() { this(null); } /** * @param settingsFile the file containing the settings for this Monte-Carlo-Localization. To that file the settings will be stored when exiting the application. */ public MonteCarloLocalizationApp(File settingsFile) { GuiBase.activateSystemStyle(); GuiBase.setUIColors(); this.settingsFile = settingsFile; settingsGui = buildSettings(settingsFile); initialize(); robotGui.loadSettings(settingsGui); settingsGui.buildGui(); } /** * Creates a {@link GenericMonteCarloLocalization2DApp} and stores it in {@code app}.<br/> * In addition the corresponding {@link IRobotGui} is created and stored in {@code robotGui}. The function {@code robotGui.destructRobot()} will be called when the application window closes to allow closing any open connections gracefully. */ protected void initialize() { SimpleSettingsListener settingsListener = new SimpleSettingsListener(settingsGui); settingsListener.createSettings(); AnglePanel angles = new AnglePanel(RANGE_READING_ANGLES_TITLE); settingsGui.registerSpecialSetting(RANGE_READING_ANGLES_KEY, angles); MclCartesianPlot2D<SimplePose, SimpleMove, AbstractRangeReading> map = new MclCartesianPlot2D<SimplePose,SimpleMove,AbstractRangeReading>(new SVGGroupParser(),new SVGGroupParser(),new SimplePoseFactory(),new SimpleRangeReadingFactory()); VirtualRobot robot = new VirtualRobot(map); robotGui = new VirtualRobotGui(robot); MonteCarloLocalization<SimplePose,Angle,SimpleMove,AbstractRangeReading> mcl = new MonteCarloLocalization<SimplePose, Angle, SimpleMove, AbstractRangeReading>(map, new JavaRandomizer()); app = new GenericMonteCarloLocalization2DApp<SimplePose,SimpleMove,SimpleRangeReading>(mcl, map, robot, robotGui, settingsGui); angles.setChangeListener((ChangeListener) robotGui); settingsListener.setMap(map); settingsListener.setMcl(mcl); settingsListener.setRobot(robot); } /** * Makes the application visible. */ public void show() {; } /** * Creates the {@code JFrame} for the {@link AimaDemoApp}. {@code constructBasicApplicationFrame} should be called in any other case. * @return the main frame of the application. */ public JFrame constructApplicationFrame() { JFrame frame = constructBasicApplicationFrame(); //Load the virtual environment resource: try {"virtual_environment.svg"),this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("virtual_environment.svg")); app.settingsGui.notifyAllListeners(); app.gui.createMap(); app.gui.enableButtons(app.gui.buttonStateNormal); /* This is bad style. * On the other hand this is the only situation in which the GUI * is modified from outside of GenericMonteCarloLocalization to load a map from the resources. */ } catch (Exception e) { /* A Exception may be thrown when this example program is not launched from within a jar file. * This happens because the ClassLoader does not find the requested resource. */ } return frame; } /** * Creates the {@code JFrame} for the application. A window listener is registered. * @return the main frame of the application. */ public JFrame constructBasicApplicationFrame() { JFrame frame = app.constructApplicationFrame(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { robotGui.saveSettings(settingsGui); if(settingsFile != null) settingsGui.saveSettings(settingsFile); robotGui.destructRobot(); } }); return frame; } }