package; import java.util.Queue; import*; import; /** * * Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.3, Page 209.<br> * <br> * * <pre> * <code> * function AC-3(csp) returns false if an inconsistency is found and true otherwise * inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components (X, D, C) * local variables: queue, a queue of arcs, initially all the arcs in csp * while queue is not empty do * (Xi, Xj) = REMOVE-FIRST(queue) * if REVISE(csp, Xi, Xj) then * if size of Di = 0 then return false * for each Xk in Xi.NEIGHBORS - {Xj} do * add (Xk, Xi) to queue * return true * * function REVISE(csp, Xi, Xj) returns true iff we revise the domain of Xi * revised = false * for each x in Di do * if no value y in Dj allows (x ,y) to satisfy the constraint between Xi and Xj then * delete x from Di * revised = true * return revised * </code> * </pre> * * Figure 6.3 The arc-consistency algorithm AC-3. After applying AC-3, either * every arc is arc-consistent, or some variable has an empty domain, indicating * that the CSP cannot be solved. The name "AC-3" was used by the algorithm's * inventor (Mackworth, 1977) because it's the third version developed in the * paper. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class AC3Strategy<VAR extends Variable, VAL> implements InferenceStrategy<VAR, VAL> { /** * Makes a CSP consisting of binary constraints arc-consistent. * * @return An object which indicates success/failure and contains data to * undo the operation. */ public InferenceLog<VAR, VAL> apply(CSP<VAR, VAL> csp) { Queue<VAR> queue = QueueFactory.createLifoQueue(); queue.addAll(csp.getVariables()); DomainLog<VAR, VAL> log = new DomainLog<>(); reduceDomains(queue, csp, log); return log.compactify(); } /** * Reduces the domain of the specified variable to the specified value and * reestablishes arc-consistency. It is assumed that the provided CSP is * arc-consistent before the call. * * @return An object which indicates success/failure and contains data to * undo the operation. */ public InferenceLog<VAR, VAL> apply(VAR var, Assignment<VAR, VAL> assignment, CSP<VAR, VAL> csp) { Domain<VAL> domain = csp.getDomain(var); VAL value = assignment.getValue(var); assert domain.contains(value); DomainLog<VAR, VAL> log = new DomainLog<>(); if (domain.size() > 1) { Queue<VAR> queue = QueueFactory.createLifoQueue(); queue.add(var); log.storeDomainFor(var, domain); csp.setDomain(var, new Domain<>(value)); reduceDomains(queue, csp, log); } return log.compactify(); } private void reduceDomains(Queue<VAR> queue, CSP<VAR, VAL> csp, DomainLog<VAR, VAL> log) { while (!queue.isEmpty()) { VAR var = queue.remove(); for (Constraint<VAR, VAL> constraint : csp.getConstraints(var)) { if (constraint.getScope().size() == 2) { VAR neighbor = csp.getNeighbor(var, constraint); if (revise(neighbor, var, constraint, csp, log)) { if (csp.getDomain(neighbor).isEmpty()) { log.setEmptyDomainFound(true); return; } queue.add(neighbor); } } } } } /** * Establishes arc-consistency for (xi, xj). * @return Value true if the domain of xi was modified. */ private boolean revise(VAR xi, VAR xj, Constraint<VAR, VAL> constraint, CSP<VAR, VAL> csp, DomainLog<VAR, VAL> log) { boolean revised = false; Assignment<VAR, VAL> assignment = new Assignment<>(); for (VAL vi : csp.getDomain(xi)) { assignment.add(xi, vi); boolean found = false; for (VAL vj : csp.getDomain(xj)) { assignment.add(xj, vj); if (constraint.isSatisfiedWith(assignment)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { log.storeDomainFor(xi, csp.getDomain(xi)); csp.removeValueFromDomain(xi, vi); revised = true; } } return revised; } }