package com.abmash.api.query; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.abmash.REMOVE.api.HtmlQuery; import com.abmash.REMOVE.core.htmlquery.condition.ClosenessCondition.Direction; import com.abmash.api.Browser; import com.abmash.api.HtmlElement; import com.abmash.api.HtmlElements; import com.abmash.core.color.ColorName; import com.abmash.core.color.Dominance; import com.abmash.core.color.Tolerance; import com.abmash.core.query.BooleanType; import com.abmash.core.query.DirectionOptions; import com.abmash.core.query.DirectionType; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.BooleanPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.CheckablePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ChoosablePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ClickablePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ColorPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.DatepickerPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.DirectionPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ContainsPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ElementPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.FramePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.HeadlinePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.ImagePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.LinkPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.Predicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.SelectPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.SubmittablePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.TextPredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.TypablePredicate; import com.abmash.core.query.predicate.XPathPredicate; /** * Create new query predicates. Use a static import in your class: * <pre> * <code>import static com.abmash.api.query.QueryFactory.*;</code> * </pre> * @author Alper Ortac */ public class QueryFactory { /** * Creates a new query to find elements in the specified browser and with the given predicates, used by calling {@link Browser#query(Predicate...)}. * <p> * <strong>Examples:</strong> * <ul> * <li><code>browser.query(contains("result")).findFirst();</code> searches for elements containing the attribute or * inner text <em>result</em></li> * <li><code>browser.query(headline()).findFirst();</code> searches for title elements, i.e. {@code <h1>}, {@code <h2>}, ... {@code <h6>} * and any element with a bigger font-size than the default on the current page</li> * <li><code>browser.query(clickable()).findFirst();</code> searches for all clickable elements like links and buttons</li> * <li><code>browser.query(image("description"), below(typable("mail")).findFirst();</code> searches for all image elements with the label * <em>description</em> which are below typable elements labeled <em>mail</em></li> * </ul> * <p> * <strong>Description:</strong> * <p> * Create a new query instance by calling <code>browser.query()</code>. Predicates can be chained and arbitrarily nested one after another. * To get the matching {@link HtmlElements} or {@link HtmlElement}, call {@link Query#find()} or {@link Query#findFirst()}. * * @param browser * @param predicates * @return the new query object with all predicates */ public static Query query(Browser browser, Predicate... predicates) { return new Query(browser, predicates); } /** * Creates a union of multiple queries by merging their results. * * @param queries the queries for the union * @return new {@link Query} with merged results */ public static Query union(Query... queries) { Query unionQuery = null; for (Query query: queries) { if(unionQuery == null) { unionQuery = query; } else { unionQuery.union(query); } } return unionQuery; } // ------------------------------------------- // Boolean predicates // ------------------------------------------- /** * Defines a boolean "and" predicate. Elements are returned if all given predicates match. * * @param predicates all of the predicates need to match to return an element * @return a boolean "and" predicate which can be arbitrarily nested with other predicates */ public static Predicate and(Predicate... predicates) { return new BooleanPredicate(BooleanType.AND, predicates); } /** * Defines a boolean "or" predicate. Elements are returned if at least on of the given predicates match. * * @param predicates at least one of the predicates need to match to return an element * @return a boolean "or" predicate which can be arbitrarily nested with other predicates */ public static Predicate or(Predicate... predicates) { return new BooleanPredicate(BooleanType.OR, predicates); } /** * Defines a boolean "not" predicate. All elements that match the given predicates will be removed from the result set. * <p> * TODO describe standalone "not" predicates * * @param predicates all elements that match the predicates will be removed from the result set * @return a boolean "not" predicate which can be arbitrarily nested with other predicates */ public static Predicate not(Predicate... predicates) { return new BooleanPredicate(BooleanType.NOT, predicates); } // ------------------------------------------- // Element and document structure predicates // ------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the given {@link HtmlElements} as predicate result. * * @param elements the elements are directly passed to the result set * @return the Predicate returning the provided {@link HtmlElements} */ public static Predicate elements(HtmlElements elements) { return new ElementPredicate(elements); } /** * Returns the given {@link HtmlElements} as predicate result. * * @param elements the elements are directly passed to the result set * @return the Predicate returning the provided {@link HtmlElements} */ // public static Predicate insideOf(HtmlElements elements) { // return new ElementPredicate(elements); // } // ------------------------------------------- // JQuery predicates // ------------------------------------------- /** * Finds elements that match the given selector (CSS or jQuery). * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * select("div#content > > strong[name=author]") * </pre> * * @param selector the jQuery/CSS selector * @return {@link SelectPredicate} */ public static Predicate select(String selector) { return new SelectPredicate(selector); } /** * Finds elements that match the given XPath selector. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * xpath("//div[id=content]/p[class=info]/strong[name=author]") * </pre> * * @param selector the XPath selector * @return {@link XPathPredicate} */ public static Predicate xPath(String selector) { return new XPathPredicate(selector); } /** * Finds elements that contain a specific text or attribute value. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * contains("contact me") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link ContainsPredicate} */ public static Predicate contains(String text) { return new ContainsPredicate(text); } /** * Finds text elements that contain a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * text("lorem ipsum") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link TextPredicate} */ public static Predicate text(String text) { return new TextPredicate(text); } /** * Finds all elements that contain text. * * @see QueryFactory#text(String) * @return {@link TextPredicate} */ public static Predicate text() { return text(null); } /** * Finds title/headline elements that contain a specific text and have a bigger font size than average elements. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * headline("contents") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link HeadlinePredicate} */ public static Predicate headline(String text) { return new HeadlinePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all elements that are titles/headlines or have a bigger font size than average elements. * * @see QueryFactory#headline(String) * @return {@link HeadlinePredicate} */ public static Predicate headline() { return headline(null); } /** * Finds link elements that contain a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * link("follow me") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link LinkPredicate} */ public static Predicate link(String text) { return new LinkPredicate(text); } /** * Finds all link elements. * * @see QueryFactory#link(String) * @return {@link LinkPredicate} */ public static Predicate link() { return link(null); } /** * Finds clickable elements that contain a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * clickable("search") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link ClickablePredicate} */ public static Predicate clickable(String text) { return new ClickablePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all clickable elements. * * @see QueryFactory#clickable(String) * @return {@link ClickablePredicate} */ public static Predicate clickable() { return clickable(null); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to enter text and are labeled with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * typable("email") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link TypablePredicate} */ public static Predicate typable(String text) { return new TypablePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all input elements that can be used to enter text. * * @see QueryFactory#typable(String) * @return {@link TypablePredicate} */ public static Predicate typable() { return typable(null); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to check/uncheck an option and are labeled with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * checkable("newsletter") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link CheckablePredicate} */ public static Predicate checkable(String text) { return new CheckablePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all input elements that can be used to check/uncheck an option. * * @see QueryFactory#checkable(String) * @return {@link CheckablePredicate} */ public static Predicate checkable() { return checkable(null); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to choose from multiple options and are labeled with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * choosable("ingredients") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link ChoosablePredicate} */ public static Predicate choosable(String text) { return new ChoosablePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all input elements that can be used to choose from multiple options. * * @see QueryFactory#choosable(String) * @return {@link ChoosablePredicate} */ public static Predicate choosable() { return choosable(null); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to select a date and are labeled with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * datepicker("departure") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link DatepickerPredicate} */ public static Predicate datepicker(String text) { return new DatepickerPredicate(text); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to select a date. * * @see QueryFactory#datepicker(String) * @return {@link DatepickerPredicate} */ public static Predicate datepicker() { return datepicker(null); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to submit a form and are labeled with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * submittable("purchase") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link SubmittablePredicate} */ public static Predicate submittable(String text) { return new SubmittablePredicate(text); } /** * Finds input elements that can be used to submit a form. * * @see QueryFactory#submittable(String) * @return {@link SubmittablePredicate} */ public static Predicate submittable() { return submittable(null); } /** * Finds image elements that are labeled/captioned with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * image("statistics last year") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link ImagePredicate} */ public static Predicate image(String text) { return new ImagePredicate(text); } /** * Finds all image elements. * * @see QueryFactory#image(String) * @return {@link ImagePredicate} */ public static Predicate image() { return image(null); } /** * Finds frames and iframe elements that are labeled/captioned with a specific text. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> * <pre> * frame("information") * </pre> * * @param text case insensitive text * @return {@link FramePredicate} */ public static Predicate frame(String text) { return new FramePredicate(text); } // ------------------------------------------- // Color predicates // ------------------------------------------- /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. Performs slow if no other predicates are used. * <p> * Tolerance: Lower values mean a lower tolerance regarding the color distance between the given color * and the pixels of an element to select it. * <p> * Dominance: Lower values mean a lower percentage of pixels containing the specified color needed to select an element. * * @param color the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link Color} * @param tolerance the higher the tolerance, the more distant colors are matching. * <code>1</code> is always true and <code>0</code> is only true if the image has enough dominant pixels with that exact color * @param dominance the higher the dominance, the less percent of the element can be covered by other colors * <code>0</code> is always true and <code>1</code> is only true if the image has exclusively colors within the tolerance range * @see Tolerance * @see Dominance * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(Color color, double tolerance, double dominance) { return new ColorPredicate(color, tolerance, dominance); } /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. See {@link #color(Color, double, double)} for details. * * @param color the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link Color} * @param tolerance the higher the tolerance, the more distant colors are matching * @param dominance the higher the dominance, the less percent of the element can be covered by other colors * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(Color color, Tolerance tolerance, Dominance dominance) { return color(color, tolerance.getValue(), dominance.getValue()); } /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. See {@link #color(Color, double, double)} for details. * * @param colorName the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link ColorName} * @param tolerance the higher the tolerance, the more distant colors are matching * @param dominance the higher the dominance, the less percent of the element can be covered by other colors * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(ColorName colorName, double tolerance, double dominance) { return color(colorName.getColor(), tolerance, dominance); } /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. See {@link #color(Color, double, double)} for details. * * @param colorName the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link ColorName} * @param tolerance the higher the tolerance, the more distant colors are matching * @param dominance the higher the dominance, the less percent of the element can be covered by other colors * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(ColorName colorName, Tolerance tolerance, Dominance dominance) { return color(colorName.getColor(), tolerance.getValue(), dominance.getValue()); } /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. Tolerance and dominance are set to intermediate values. * See {@link #color(Color, double, double)} for details. * * @param color the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link Color} * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(Color color) { return color(color, Tolerance.MIDHIGH, Dominance.MIDHIGH); } /** * Finds elements that match the desired color. Tolerance and dominance are set to intermediate values. * See {@link #color(Color, double, double)} for details. * * @param colorName the result elements have a similar color as the specified {@link ColorName} * @return {@link ColorPredicate} */ public static Predicate color(ColorName colorName) { return color(colorName.getColor()); } // ------------------------------------------- // Direction predicates // ------------------------------------------- /** * Finds elements visually close to the elements that match the given predicates. The result is dependent on the current * browser window size. * <p> * The {@link DirectionOptions} if found elements will be filtered out in case they are visually at another location. * The found elements will be automatically ordered by closeness to the referenceElements. * The distance is calculated by the euclidean measure. * <p> * Use the shortcuts of this method if needed. See ({@link #above(Predicate...)}, {@link #below(Predicate...)}, * {@link #leftOf(Predicate...)} and {@link #rightOf(Predicate...)}. * <p> * Calling {@link Query#find()} will order the result by closeness, so that the first result is the closest element to * the reference element. * * @param options the parameters of this predicate, including maximum distance and allowed directions * @param predicates the result elements are close to the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(DirectionOptions options, Predicate... predicates) { return new DirectionPredicate(options, predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElements}. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param options the parameters of this predicate, including maximum distance and allowed directions * @param elements the result elements are close to these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(DirectionOptions options, HtmlElements elements) { return closeTo(options, new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElement}. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param options the parameters of this predicate, including maximum distance and allowed directions * @param element the result elements are close to this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(DirectionOptions options, HtmlElement element) { return closeTo(options, new ElementPredicate(new HtmlElements(element))); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the elements that match the given predicates, with a maximum distance. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param maxDistance the result elements` allowed maximum distance to the predicate results in pixels * @param predicates the result elements are close to the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(int maxDistance, Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.CLOSETO).setMaxDistance(maxDistance), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElements}, with a maximum distance. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param maxDistance the result elements` allowed maximum distance to the predicate results in pixels * @param elements the result elements are close to these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(int maxDistance, HtmlElements elements) { return closeTo(maxDistance, new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElement}, with a maximum distance. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param maxDistance the result elements` allowed maximum distance to the predicate results in pixels * @param element the result elements are close to this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(int maxDistance, HtmlElement element) { return closeTo(maxDistance, new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the elements that match the given predicates, with a maximum distance of 300 pixels. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * TODO make constant of 300 pixels configurable * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are close to the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(300, predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElements}, with a maximum distance of 300 pixels. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * TODO make constant of 300 pixels configurable * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are close to these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(HtmlElements elements) { return closeTo(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually close to the given {@link HtmlElement}, with a maximum distance of 300 pixels. See {@link #closeTo(Predicate...)} for details. * * TODO make constant of 300 pixels configurable * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are close to these {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate closeTo(HtmlElement element) { return closeTo(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * Elements are above if their bottom y coordinate is equal or lower than the top y coordinate of the reference element. * <s>In addition, the element has to be in horizontal bounds of the reference element.</s> * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * ---------- * - <span> - * ---------- * --------- * - <div> - * --------- * -------- * - <ul> - * -------- * }</pre> * In this example, both the {@code <div>} and the {@code <span>} are above the {@code <ul>}. * Also, the {@code <span>} is above the {@code <div>}, but the {@code <ul>} is not. * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate above(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.ABOVE), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above</strong> the given {@link HtmlElements}. See {@link #above(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #above(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are above these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate above(HtmlElements elements) { return above(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above</strong> the given {@link HtmlElement}. See {@link #above(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #above(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are above this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate above(HtmlElement element) { return above(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * Elements are below if their top y coordinate is equal or greater than the bottom y coordinate of the reference element. * <s>In addition, the element has to be in horizontal bounds of the reference element.</s> * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * -------- * - <ul> - * -------- * --------- * - <div> - * --------- * ---------- * - <span> - * ---------- * }</pre> * In this example, the {@code <div>} and the {@code <span>} are below the {@code <ul>}. * Also, the {@code <span>} is below the {@code <div>}, but the {@code <ul>} is not. * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate below(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.BELOW), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>below</strong> the given {@link HtmlElements}. See {@link #below(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #below(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are below these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate below(HtmlElements elements) { return below(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>below</strong> the given {@link HtmlElement}. See {@link #below(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #below(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are below this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate below(HtmlElement element) { return below(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * Elements are left of if their right x coordinate is equal or lower than the left x coordinate of the reference element. * <s>In addition, the element has to be in vertical bounds of the reference element.</s> * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * ---------- * -------- - <span> - * - <ul> - ---------- * -------- --------- * - <div> - * --------- * }</pre> * In this example, the {@code <ul>} is left of the {@code <span>} and the {@code <div>}, but the {@code <div>} is * not left of the {@code <span>}, because its right border is overlapping the left border of the {@code <span>}. * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOf(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.LEFTOF), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of</strong> the given {@link HtmlElements}. See {@link #leftOf(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #leftOf(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are left of these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOf(HtmlElements elements) { return leftOf(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of</strong> the given {@link HtmlElement}. See {@link #leftOf(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #leftOf(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are left of this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOf(HtmlElement element) { return leftOf(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * Elements are right of if their left x coordinate is higher than the right x coordinate of the reference element. * <s>In addition, the element has to be in vertical bounds of the reference element.</s> * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * ---------- * -------- - <span> - * - <ul> - ---------- * -------- --------- * - <div> - * --------- * }</pre> * In this example, the {@code <span>} and the {@code <div>} are right of the {@code <ul>}, but the {@code <span>} * is not right of the {@code <div>} because its left border is overlapping the right border of the {@code <span>}. * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOf(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.RIGHTOF), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of</strong> the given {@link HtmlElements}. See {@link #rightOf(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #rightOf(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are left of these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOf(HtmlElements elements) { return rightOf(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of</strong> the given {@link HtmlElement}. See {@link #rightOf(Predicate...)} for details. * * @see #rightOf(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are left of this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOf(HtmlElement element) { return rightOf(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above all</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * ---------- * - <span> - * ---------- * --------- -------- * - <div> - - <ul> - * --------- -------- * -------- --------- * - <ul> - - <div> - * -------- --------- * }</pre> * In this example, only the {@code <span>} is above all the {@code <ul>} (or {@code <div>} respectively). * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @see QueryFactory#above(Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate aboveAll(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.ABOVE).setDirectionHasToMatchAllTargets(true), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElements}. * See {@link #aboveAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#aboveAll(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are above all these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate aboveAll(HtmlElements elements) { return aboveAll(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>above all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElement}. * See {@link #aboveAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#aboveAll(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are above all this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate aboveAll(HtmlElement element) { return aboveAll(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>below all</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * -------- --------- * - <ul> - - <div> - * -------- --------- * --------- -------- * - <div> - - <ul> - * --------- -------- * ---------- * - <span> - * ---------- * }</pre> * In this example, only the {@code <span>} is below all the {@code <ul>} (or {@code <div>} respectively). * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @see QueryFactory#below(Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate belowAll(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.BELOW).setDirectionHasToMatchAllTargets(true), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>below all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElements}. * See {@link #belowAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#belowAll(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are below all these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate belowAll(HtmlElements elements) { return belowAll(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>below all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElement}. * See {@link #belowAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#belowAll(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are below all this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate belowAll(HtmlElement element) { return belowAll(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of all</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * -------- * - <ul> - * --------- -------- * - <div> - * ---------- --------- * - <span> - * ---------- --------- * - <ul> - * -------- --------- * - <div> - * --------- * }</pre> * In this example, only the {@code <span>} is left of all the {@code <ul>} (or {@code <div>} respectively). * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @see QueryFactory#leftOf(Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOfAll(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.LEFTOF).setDirectionHasToMatchAllTargets(true), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElements}. * See {@link #leftOfAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#leftOfAll(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are left of all these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOfAll(HtmlElements elements) { return leftOfAll(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>left of all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElement}. * See {@link #leftOfAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#leftOfAll(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are left of all this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate leftOfAll(HtmlElement element) { return leftOfAll(new HtmlElements(element)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of all</strong> the elements that match the given predicates. * <p> * <strong>Example:</strong> (visual representation of the web page) * <pre>{@code * . * --------- * - <div> - * --------- -------- * - <ul> - * -------- ---------- * - <span> - * --------- ---------- * - <div> - * -------- --------- * - <ul> - * -------- * }</pre> * In this example, only the {@code <span>} is right of all the {@code <ul>} (or {@code <div>} respectively). * <p> * See {@link QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#closeTo(DirectionOptions, Predicate...) * @see QueryFactory#rightOf(Predicate...) * @param predicates the result elements are above the elements determined by this predicates * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOfAll(Predicate... predicates) { return closeTo(new DirectionOptions(DirectionType.RIGHTOF).setDirectionHasToMatchAllTargets(true), predicates); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElements}. * See {@link #rightOfAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#rightOfAll(Predicate...) * @param elements the result elements are right of all these {@link HtmlElements} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOfAll(HtmlElements elements) { return rightOfAll(new ElementPredicate(elements)); } /** * Finds elements visually <strong>right of all</strong> the elements that match the given {@link HtmlElement}. * See {@link #rightOfAll(Predicate...)} for more details. * * @see QueryFactory#rightOfAll(Predicate...) * @param element the result elements are right of all this {@link HtmlElement} * @return {@link DirectionPredicate} */ public static Predicate rightOfAll(HtmlElement element) { return rightOfAll(new HtmlElements(element)); } }