package com.abmash.api.browser; import com.abmash.api.Browser; import com.abmash.api.HtmlElement; import com.abmash.core.browser.JavaScriptResult; import com.abmash.core.browser.Popup; import com.abmash.core.browser.Popups; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; /** * Interaction with browser windows, used by calling {@link Browser#window()}. * <p> * This class is used to create, close and refresh browser windows and to switch between them. * In addition, it supports the detection of popups and alerts. * * @author Alper Ortac */ public class Window { private Browser browser; private String mainWindow= null; private String currentWindow= null; private Popups popups = new Popups(); /** * Constructs new BrowserWindow instance to interact with browser windows. * * @param browser <code>Browser</code> instance to work with */ public Window(Browser browser) { this.browser = browser; // detectPopups(); // detectAlerts(); } // popup and alert handling /** * Detects popups, not fully supported yet. */ // TODO as event listener public void detectPopups() { // check current window handles Set<String> windowHandles = browser.getWebDriver().getWindowHandles(); // check if there is a new popup for(String windowHandle: windowHandles) { // TODO handle new windows if(!popups.contains(windowHandle)) { if(mainWindow == null && popups.size() == 0) { browser.log().info("Main window detected: {}", windowHandle); mainWindow = windowHandle; currentWindow = mainWindow; } else if(!windowHandle.equals(mainWindow)) { browser.log().info("New popup detected: {}", windowHandle); popups.add(new Popup(browser, windowHandle, browser.getCurrentUrl())); // do not allow automatic focus of new popup window switchToMainWindow(); } } } // check if popups are removed Popups popupsWithoutRemoved = new Popups(popups); for(Popup popup: popups) { // TODO handle removed windows if(!windowHandles.contains(popup.getWindowHandle())) popupsWithoutRemoved.remove(popup); } popups = popupsWithoutRemoved; } public void checkForAlerts() { // String alertText = (String) browser.javaScript("return checkForWindowAlert()").getReturnValue(); // String alertText = (String) new JavaScriptResult(((JavascriptExecutor) browser.getWebDriver()).executeScript("return checkForWindowAlert();")).getReturnValue(); // if(!alertText.equals("")) { // browser.log().info("Alert detected: " + alertText); // } } /** * Detects alerts, not fully supported yet. * @return {@link Alert} object if an alert was detected, or null if not */ // TODO as event listener public Alert getAlert() { // check alerts Alert alert = null; try { // TODO PERFORMANCE PROBLEM BECAUSE OF TIMEOUT IF NO ALERT EXISTS alert = browser.getWebDriver().switchTo().alert(); } catch (Exception e) { } return alert; } // window handling /** * Refreshs the current page. * * All found {@link HtmlElement} instances may lose their validity. */ public void refresh() { browser.log().info("Refreshing page"); browser.getWebDriver().navigate().refresh(); } /** * Switches to main content in the current window. */ public void switchToMainContent() { // browser.log().debug("Switching to main content in window"); browser.getWebDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); } /** * Switches to main window. */ public void switchToMainWindow() { // browser.log().debug("Switching to main window"); switchToWindow(mainWindow); } /** * Switches to the last opened popup. */ public void switchToLastOpenedPopup() { Popup popup = popups.get(popups.size() - 1); switchToPopup(popup); } /** * Switches to the specified popup. * * @param popup */ public void switchToPopup(Popup popup) { switchToWindow(popup.getWindowHandle()); } /** * Switches to window with specified name or handle. * * @param windowName */ public void switchToWindow(String windowName) { browser.log().debug("Switching to window: " + windowName); browser.getWebDriver().switchTo().window(windowName); currentWindow = windowName; } /** * Creates new window and goes to specified URL. * * @param url */ // public String newWindow(String url) { // // TODO new window // String windowName = "newtab"; // String script = "'" + url + "', '" + windowName + "');"; // browser.javaScript(script).getReturnValue(); // switchTo(windowName); // return windowName; // } /** * Closes current window */ // public void closeCurrentWindow() { // // TODO remove popup // String script = "window.close()"; // browser.javaScript(script).getReturnValue(); // switchToMainWindow(); // } /** * Closes all popup windows (all windows except the initial main window). * * Exits the browser application if the main window was closed beforehand. */ public void closeAllPopups() { for(Popup popup: popups) { closePopup(popup); } popups.clear(); } /** * Closes specified popup. * * Exits the browser application if it was the last open window. * * @param popup */ public void closePopup(Popup popup) { if(popups.contains(popup)) { closeWindow(popup.getWindowHandle()); } } /** * Closes window with specified handle. * * Exits the browser application if it was the last open window. * * @param windowHandle */ public void closeWindow(String windowHandle) { browser.getWebDriver().switchTo().window(windowHandle).close(); if(windowHandle.equals(mainWindow)) { browser.log().debug("Main window closed"); // TODO main window handling, which is now the main window? mainWindow = null; } else { browser.log().debug("window closed: " + windowHandle); popups.remove(windowHandle); } } /** * Tabs are not supported yet. Uses {@link Window#newWindow(String)} * * @param url * @return name of the new tab */ // public String newTab(String url) { // // TODO new tab // return newWindow(url); // } /** * Tabs are not supported yet. Uses {@link Window#closeWindow(String)} * * @param tabName */ // public void closeTab(String tabName) { // // TODO close tab // closeWindow(tabName); // } // content-type and validation /** * Not implemented yet */ // public void validate() { // // TODO window validation // } /** * Gets current name of active window. * * @return name of currently focused window */ public String getCurrentWindowName() { // TODO not reliable return currentWindow; } /** * Gets current popups. * * @return all popups windows */ public Popups getPopups() { detectPopups(); return popups; } /** * Gets content type of current page. * * @return content type */ public String getCurrentContentType() { String contentType = null; try { contentType = getContentTypeOfURL(new URL(browser.getWebDriver().getCurrentUrl())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return contentType; } /** * Gets content type for specified {@link URL}. * * @param url * @return content type */ public String getContentTypeOfURL(URL url) { // alternative approach // try { // URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); // String contentType = uc.getContentType(); // browser.log().debug("Content type of target url: {}", contentType); // return contentType; // } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // return null; // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // return null; // } HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpHead httphead = null; try { httphead = new HttpHead(url.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } HttpResponse response = null; Header contentType = null; try { response = httpclient.execute(httphead); // Header[] headers = response.getAllHeaders(); // for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { // Header header = headers[i]; // browser.log().debug(header.getName() + " :: " + header.getValue()); // } contentType = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type"); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //return entity instanceof HttpEntity ? entity.getContentType().getValue() : ""; return contentType instanceof Header ? contentType.getValue() : null; } }