package org.exist.test; import org.exist.TestUtils; import org.exist.jetty.JettyStart; import org.exist.util.FileUtils; import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; import static org.exist.repo.AutoDeploymentTrigger.AUTODEPLOY_PROPERTY; /** * Exist Jetty Web Server Rule for JUnit */ public class ExistWebServer extends ExternalResource { private static final String CONFIG_PROP_FILES = "org.exist.db-connection.files"; private static final String CONFIG_PROP_JOURNAL_DIR = "org.exist.db-connection.recovery.journal-dir"; private static final String PROP_JETTY_PORT = "jetty.port"; private static final String PROP_JETTY_SECURE_PORT = ""; private static final String PROP_JETTY_SSL_PORT = "jetty.ssl.port"; private static final int MIN_RANDOM_PORT = 49152; private static final int MAX_RANDOM_PORT = 65535; private static final int MAX_RANDOM_PORT_ATTEMPTS = 10; private JettyStart server = null; private String prevAutoDeploy = "off"; private final Random random = new Random(); private final boolean useRandomPort; private final boolean cleanupDbOnShutdown; private final boolean disableAutoDeploy; private final boolean useTemporaryStorage; private Optional<Path> temporaryStorage = Optional.empty(); public ExistWebServer() { this(false); } public ExistWebServer(final boolean useRandomPort) { this(useRandomPort, false); } public ExistWebServer(final boolean useRandomPort, final boolean cleanupDbOnShutdown) { this(useRandomPort, cleanupDbOnShutdown, false); } public ExistWebServer(final boolean useRandomPort, final boolean cleanupDbOnShutdown, final boolean disableAutoDeploy) { this(useRandomPort, cleanupDbOnShutdown, disableAutoDeploy, false); } public ExistWebServer(final boolean useRandomPort, final boolean cleanupDbOnShutdown, final boolean disableAutoDeploy, final boolean useTemporaryStorage) { this.useRandomPort = useRandomPort; this.cleanupDbOnShutdown = cleanupDbOnShutdown; this.disableAutoDeploy = disableAutoDeploy; this.useTemporaryStorage = useTemporaryStorage; } public final int getPort() { if(server != null) { return server.getPrimaryPort(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ExistWebServer is not running"); } } @Override protected void before() throws Throwable { if(disableAutoDeploy) { this.prevAutoDeploy = System.getProperty(AUTODEPLOY_PROPERTY, "off"); System.setProperty(AUTODEPLOY_PROPERTY, "off"); } if (server == null) { if(useTemporaryStorage) { this.temporaryStorage = Optional.of(Files.createTempDirectory("org.exist.test.ExistWebServer")); final String absTemporaryStorage = temporaryStorage.get().toAbsolutePath().toString(); System.setProperty(CONFIG_PROP_FILES, absTemporaryStorage); System.setProperty(CONFIG_PROP_JOURNAL_DIR, absTemporaryStorage); System.out.println("Using temporary storage location: " + absTemporaryStorage); } if(useRandomPort) { System.setProperty(PROP_JETTY_PORT, Integer.toString(nextFreePort(MIN_RANDOM_PORT, MAX_RANDOM_PORT))); System.setProperty(PROP_JETTY_SECURE_PORT, Integer.toString(nextFreePort(MIN_RANDOM_PORT, MAX_RANDOM_PORT))); System.setProperty(PROP_JETTY_SSL_PORT, Integer.toString(nextFreePort(MIN_RANDOM_PORT, MAX_RANDOM_PORT))); } server = new JettyStart();; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ExistWebServer already running"); } super.before(); } public void restart() { if(server != null) { try { server.shutdown();; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ExistWebServer already stopped"); } } @Override protected void after() { if(server != null) { if(cleanupDbOnShutdown) { TestUtils.cleanupDB(); } server.shutdown(); server = null; if(useTemporaryStorage && temporaryStorage.isPresent()) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(temporaryStorage.get()); temporaryStorage = Optional.empty(); System.clearProperty(CONFIG_PROP_JOURNAL_DIR); System.clearProperty(CONFIG_PROP_FILES); } if(useRandomPort) { System.clearProperty(PROP_JETTY_SSL_PORT); System.clearProperty(PROP_JETTY_SECURE_PORT); System.clearProperty(PROP_JETTY_PORT); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ExistWebServer already stopped"); } if(disableAutoDeploy) { //set the autodeploy trigger enablement back to how it was before this test class System.setProperty(AUTODEPLOY_PROPERTY, this.prevAutoDeploy); } super.after(); } public int nextFreePort(final int from, final int to) { for (int attempts = 0; attempts < MAX_RANDOM_PORT_ATTEMPTS; attempts++) { final int port = random(from, to); if (isLocalPortFree(port)) { return port; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Exceeded MAX_RANDOM_PORT_ATTEMPTS"); } private int random(final int min, final int max) { return random.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; } private boolean isLocalPortFree(final int port) { try { new ServerSocket(port).close(); return true; } catch (final IOException e) { return false; } } }