// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (2006-11-01): "DeclScanner.g" -> "DeclScanner.java"$ package org.exist.xquery.parser; import org.exist.xquery.XPathException; import antlr.TokenBuffer; import antlr.TokenStreamException; import antlr.TokenStreamIOException; import antlr.ANTLRException; import antlr.LLkParser; import antlr.Token; import antlr.TokenStream; import antlr.RecognitionException; import antlr.NoViableAltException; import antlr.MismatchedTokenException; import antlr.SemanticException; import antlr.ParserSharedInputState; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; /** * Try to read the XQuery declaration. The purpose of this class is to determine * the content encoding of an XQuery. It just reads until it finds an XQuery declaration * and throws an XPathException afterwards. It also throws a RecognitionException * if something else than a comment, a pragma or an XQuery declaration is found. * * The declared encoding can then be retrieved from getEncoding(). */ public class DeclScanner extends antlr.LLkParser implements DeclScannerTokenTypes { private String encoding = null; private String version = null; private String moduleNamespace = null; private String modulePrefix = null; public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public String getNamespace() { return moduleNamespace; } public String getPrefix() { return modulePrefix; } protected DeclScanner(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k) { super(tokenBuf,k); tokenNames = _tokenNames; } public DeclScanner(TokenBuffer tokenBuf) { this(tokenBuf,1); } protected DeclScanner(TokenStream lexer, int k) { super(lexer,k); tokenNames = _tokenNames; } public DeclScanner(TokenStream lexer) { this(lexer,1); } public DeclScanner(ParserSharedInputState state) { super(state,1); tokenNames = _tokenNames; } public final void versionDecl() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException, XPathException { Token v = null; Token enc = null; Token prefix = null; Token uri = null; { switch ( LA(1)) { case LITERAL_xquery: { match(LITERAL_xquery); match(LITERAL_version); v = LT(1); match(STRING_LITERAL); { switch ( LA(1)) { case LITERAL_encoding: { match(LITERAL_encoding); enc = LT(1); match(STRING_LITERAL); encoding = enc.getText(); break; } case SEMICOLON: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename()); } } } match(SEMICOLON); version = v.getText(); break; } case EOF: case LITERAL_module: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename()); } } } { switch ( LA(1)) { case LITERAL_module: { match(LITERAL_module); match(LITERAL_namespace); prefix = LT(1); match(NCNAME); match(EQ); uri = LT(1); match(STRING_LITERAL); match(SEMICOLON); modulePrefix = prefix.getText(); moduleNamespace = uri.getText(); break; } case EOF: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename()); } } } throw new XPathException("Processing stopped"); } public static final String[] _tokenNames = { "<0>", "EOF", "<2>", "NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD", "QNAME", "EQNAME", "PREDICATE", "FLWOR", "PARENTHESIZED", "ABSOLUTE_SLASH", "ABSOLUTE_DSLASH", "WILDCARD", "PREFIX_WILDCARD", "FUNCTION", "DYNAMIC_FCALL", "UNARY_MINUS", "UNARY_PLUS", "XPOINTER", "XPOINTER_ID", "VARIABLE_REF", "VARIABLE_BINDING", "ELEMENT", "ATTRIBUTE", "ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT", "TEXT", "VERSION_DECL", "NAMESPACE_DECL", "DEF_NAMESPACE_DECL", "DEF_COLLATION_DECL", "DEF_FUNCTION_NS_DECL", "ANNOT_DECL", "GLOBAL_VAR", "FUNCTION_DECL", "INLINE_FUNCTION_DECL", "FUNCTION_INLINE", "FUNCTION_TEST", "MAP", "MAP_TEST", "LOOKUP", "ARRAY", "ARRAY_TEST", "PROLOG", "OPTION", "ATOMIC_TYPE", "MODULE", "ORDER_BY", "GROUP_BY", "POSITIONAL_VAR", "CATCH_ERROR_CODE", "CATCH_ERROR_DESC", "CATCH_ERROR_VAL", "MODULE_DECL", "MODULE_IMPORT", "SCHEMA_IMPORT", "ATTRIBUTE_TEST", "COMP_ELEM_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_ATTR_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_TEXT_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_COMMENT_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_PI_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_NS_CONSTRUCTOR", "COMP_DOC_CONSTRUCTOR", "PRAGMA", "GTEQ", "SEQUENCE", "\"xpointer\"", "opening parenthesis '('", "closing parenthesis ')'", "name", "\"xquery\"", "\"version\"", "semicolon ';'", "\"module\"", "\"namespace\"", "=", "string literal", "\"declare\"", "\"default\"", "\"boundary-space\"", "\"ordering\"", "\"construction\"", "\"base-uri\"", "\"copy-namespaces\"", "\"option\"", "\"function\"", "\"variable\"", "MOD", "\"import\"", "\"encoding\"", "\"collation\"", "\"element\"", "\"order\"", "\"empty\"", "\"greatest\"", "\"least\"", "\"preserve\"", "\"strip\"", "\"ordered\"", "\"unordered\"", "COMMA", "\"no-preserve\"", "\"inherit\"", "\"no-inherit\"", "dollar sign '$'", "\"external\"", "COLON", "opening curly brace '{'", "closing curly brace '}'", "\"schema\"", "braced uri literal", "\"as\"", "\"at\"", "\"empty-sequence\"", "question mark '?'", "wildcard '*'", "+", "\"item\"", "\"map\"", "\"array\"", "\"for\"", "\"let\"", "\"try\"", "\"some\"", "\"every\"", "\"if\"", "\"switch\"", "\"typeswitch\"", "\"update\"", "\"replace\"", "\"value\"", "\"insert\"", "\"delete\"", "\"rename\"", "\"with\"", "\"into\"", "\"preceding\"", "\"following\"", "\"catch\"", "union", "\"return\"", "\"where\"", "\"in\"", "\"allowing\"", "\"by\"", "\"stable\"", "\"ascending\"", "\"descending\"", "\"group\"", "\"satisfies\"", "\"case\"", "\"then\"", "\"else\"", "\"or\"", "\"and\"", "\"instance\"", "\"of\"", "\"treat\"", "\"castable\"", "\"cast\"", "BEFORE", "AFTER", "\"eq\"", "\"ne\"", "\"lt\"", "\"le\"", "\"gt\"", "\"ge\"", ">", "!=", "<", "<=", "\"is\"", "\"isnot\"", "||", "\"to\"", "-", "\"div\"", "\"idiv\"", "\"mod\"", "BANG", "PRAGMA_START", "pragma expression", "\"union\"", "\"intersect\"", "\"except\"", "single slash '/'", "double slash '//'", "\"text\"", "\"node\"", "\"attribute\"", "\"comment\"", "\"namespace-node\"", "\"processing-instruction\"", "\"document-node\"", "\"document\"", "HASH", ".", "XML comment", "processing instruction", "opening brace '['", "start of string constructor", "closing brace ']'", "@ char", "..", "\"child\"", "\"self\"", "\"descendant\"", "\"descendant-or-self\"", "\"following-sibling\"", "\"parent\"", "\"ancestor\"", "\"ancestor-or-self\"", "\"preceding-sibling\"", "arrow operator", "INTEGER_LITERAL", "start of string constructor", "string constructor content", "start of interpolated expression", "end of interpolated expression", "DOUBLE_LITERAL", "DECIMAL_LITERAL", "\"schema-element\"", "XML end tag", "double quote '\\\"'", "single quote '", "QUOT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT", "ESCAPE_QUOT", "APOS_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT", "ESCAPE_APOS", "ELEMENT_CONTENT", "end of XML comment", "end of processing instruction", "CDATA section", "\"collection\"", "\"validate\"", "start of processing instruction", "CDATA section start", "end of CDATA section", "LETTER", "DIGITS", "HEX_DIGITS", "NMSTART", "NMCHAR", "WS", "XQuery XQDoc comment", "XQuery comment", "PREDEFINED_ENTITY_REF", "CHAR_REF", "S", "NEXT_TOKEN", "CHAR", "BASECHAR", "IDEOGRAPHIC", "COMBINING_CHAR", "DIGIT", "EXTENDER" }; }