package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import; import; /** * Paint texts from input method. Text via input method are transmitted by * AttributedCaharacterIterator. This class helps the PDE's TextAreaPainter * to handle AttributedCaharacterIterator. * * For practical purposes, paint to textarea is done by TextLayout class. * Because TextLayout class is easy to draw composing texts. (For example, * draw underline composing texts, focus when select from candidates text.) * * @author Takashi Maekawa ( */ public class CompositionTextPainter { private TextLayout composedTextLayout; private int composedBeginCaretPosition = 0; private JEditTextArea textArea; /** * Constructor for painter. * @param textarea textarea used by PDE. */ public CompositionTextPainter(JEditTextArea textArea) { this.textArea = textArea; composedTextLayout = null; } /** * Check the painter has TextLayout. * If a user input via InputMethod, this result will return true. * @param textarea textarea used by PDE. */ public boolean hasComposedTextLayout() { return (composedTextLayout != null); } /** * Set TextLayout to the painter. * TextLayout will be created and set by CompositionTextManager. * * @see CompositionTextManager * @param textarea textarea used by PDE. */ public void setComposedTextLayout(TextLayout composedTextLayout, int composedStartCaretPosition) { this.composedTextLayout = composedTextLayout; this.composedBeginCaretPosition = composedStartCaretPosition; } /** * Invalidate this TextLayout to set null. * If a user end input via InputMethod, this method will called from CompositionTextManager.endCompositionText */ public void invalidateComposedTextLayout(int composedEndCaretPosition) { this.composedTextLayout = null; this.composedBeginCaretPosition = composedEndCaretPosition; //this.composedBeginCaretPosition = textArea.getCaretPosition(); } /** * Draw text via input method with composed text information. * This method can draw texts with some underlines to illustrate converting characters. * * This method is workaround for TextAreaPainter. * Because, TextAreaPainter can't treat AttributedCharacterIterator directly. * AttributedCharacterIterator has very important information when composing text. * It has a map where are converted characters and committed characters. * Ideally, changing TextAreaPainter method can treat AttributedCharacterIterator is better. But it's very tough!! * So I choose to write some code as a workaround. * * This draw method is proceeded with the following steps. * 1. Original TextAreaPainter draws characters. * 2. This refillComposedArea method erase previous paint characters by textarea's background color. * The refill area is only square that width and height defined by characters with input method. * 3. CompositionTextPainter.draw method paints composed text. It was actually drawn by TextLayout. * * @param gfx set TextAreaPainter's Graphics object. * @param fillBackGroundColor set textarea's background. */ public void draw(Graphics gfx, Color fillBackGroundColor) { assert(composedTextLayout != null); Point composedLoc = getCaretLocation(); refillComposedArea(fillBackGroundColor, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y); composedTextLayout.draw((Graphics2D) gfx, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y); } /** * Fill color to erase characters drawn by original TextAreaPainter. * * @param fillColor fill color to erase characters drawn by original TextAreaPainter method. * @param x x-coordinate where to fill. * @param y y-coordinate where to fill. */ private void refillComposedArea(Color fillColor, int x, int y) { Graphics gfx = textArea.getPainter().getGraphics(); gfx.setColor(fillColor); FontMetrics fm = textArea.getPainter().getFontMetrics(); int newY = y - (fm.getHeight() - CompositionTextManager.COMPOSING_UNDERBAR_HEIGHT); int paintHeight = fm.getHeight(); int paintWidth = (int) composedTextLayout.getBounds().getWidth(); gfx.fillRect(x, newY, paintWidth, paintHeight); } private Point getCaretLocation() { Point loc = new Point(); TextAreaPainter painter = textArea.getPainter(); FontMetrics fm = painter.getFontMetrics(); int offsetY = fm.getHeight() - CompositionTextManager.COMPOSING_UNDERBAR_HEIGHT; int lineIndex = textArea.getCaretLine(); loc.y = lineIndex * fm.getHeight() + offsetY; int offsetX = composedBeginCaretPosition - textArea.getLineStartOffset(lineIndex); loc.x = textArea.offsetToX(lineIndex, offsetX); return loc; } }