package; //import java.awt.event.*; //import*; //import java.util.*; // //import javax.swing.JMenu; //import javax.swing.JMenuItem; // //import; //import processing.core.PApplet; public class LibraryFolder implements Comparable { String name; // pdf String prettyName; // PDF Export String author; // Ben Fry String authorURL; // String sentence; // Write graphics to PDF files. String paragraph; // <paragraph length description for site> int version; // 102 String prettyVersion; // "1.0.2" // String[] packages; // incomplete, commented out for debugging so as not to break the build /* static ArrayList<LibraryFolder> findLibraries(File folder) { if (!folder.isDirectory()) return null; String list[] = folder.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { // skip .DS_Store files, .svn folders, etc if (name.charAt(0) == '.') return false; return (new File(dir, name).isDirectory()); } }); // if a bad folder or inaccessible, this might come back null if (list == null) return null; // alphabetize list, since it's not always alpha order // Arrays.sort(list, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // activeEditor.getSketch().importLibrary(e.getActionCommand()); // } // }; boolean ifound = false; ArrayList<LibraryFolder> outgoing = new ArrayList<LibraryFolder>(); for (String potentialName : list) { File subfolder = new File(folder, potentialName); File libraryFolder = new File(subfolder, "library"); File libraryJar = new File(libraryFolder, potentialName + ".jar"); // If a .jar file of the same prefix as the folder exists // inside the 'library' subfolder of the sketch if (libraryJar.exists()) { String sanityCheck = Sketch.sanitizeName(potentialName); if (!sanityCheck.equals(potentialName)) { String mess = "The library \"" + potentialName + "\" cannot be used.\n" + "Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n" + "(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"; Base.showMessage("Ignoring bad library name", mess); continue; } String libraryName = potentialName; File exportFile = new File(libraryFolder, "info.txt"); //System.out.println(exportFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (exportFile.exists()) { String[] exportLines = PApplet.loadStrings(exportFile); for (String line : exportLines) { String[] pieces = PApplet.trim(PApplet.split(line, '=')); // System.out.println(pieces); if (pieces[0].equals("name")) { libraryName = pieces[1].trim(); } } } // get the path for all .jar files in this code folder String libraryClassPath = Compiler.contentsToClassPath(libraryFolder); // grab all jars and classes from this folder, // and append them to the library classpath librariesClassPath += File.pathSeparatorChar + libraryClassPath; // need to associate each import with a library folder String[] packages = Compiler.packageListFromClassPath(libraryClassPath); for (String pkg : packages) { importToLibraryTable.put(pkg, libraryFolder); } JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(libraryName); item.addActionListener(listener); item.setActionCommand(libraryJar.getAbsolutePath()); menu.add(item); ifound = true; } else { // not a library, but is still a folder, so recurse JMenu submenu = new JMenu(potentialName); // needs to be separate var, otherwise would set ifound to false boolean found = addLibraries(submenu, subfolder); if (found) { menu.add(submenu); ifound = true; } } } return ifound; } */ public LibraryFolder() { } public int compareTo(Object o) { return prettyName.compareTo(((LibraryFolder) o).prettyName); } }