package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier; import org.apache.wicket.Localizer; import org.apache.wicket.authorization.strategies.role.annotations.AuthorizeInstantiation; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.PasswordTextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RequiredTextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.StatelessForm; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation.EqualPasswordInputValidator; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.https.RequireHttps; import org.apache.wicket.validation.validator.StringValidator.LengthBetweenValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.IntegerSelectChoice; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.SelectChoiceList; import; import; import; import com.github.wicketoracle.session.Session; /** * Page which can be used to create new users of the application. * The following can be specified: * * <ul> * <li>Username</li> * <li>Password</li> * <li>User type [essentially a grouping of db roles]</li> * <li>Oracle profile [dictating password management strategy]</li> * </ul> * * @author Andrew Hall * */ @RequireHttps @AuthorizeInstantiation( RequiredRoles.ROLE_CREATE_USER ) public final class CreateUserPage extends StandardPage { /** Log */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CreateUserPage.class ); private final Panel menuPanel = PostLoginMenuPanelFactory.getPostLoginMenuPanel(); private final CreateUserForm createUserForm = new CreateUserForm( "createUserForm" ); /** * No arguments constructor. */ public CreateUserPage() { add( menuPanel ); add( createUserForm ); } /** * Form through which a user can change their own password */ private final class CreateUserForm extends StatelessForm<NewUser> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 30; private static final int MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH = 30; private final NewUser createUserBean = new NewUser(); private final RequiredTextField<String> usernameTextField = new RequiredTextField<String>( "username" , new PropertyModel<String>( createUserBean , "username" ) ); private final PasswordTextField passwordTextField = new PasswordTextField( "password" , new PropertyModel<String>( createUserBean , "password" ) ); private final PasswordTextField passwordConfirmationTextField = new PasswordTextField( "passwordConfirmation" , new PropertyModel<String>( createUserBean , "passwordConfirmation" ) ); private final DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice> userTypeDropDownChoice = new DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice>( "userType" ); private final DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice> userProfileDropDownChoice = new DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice>( "userProfile" ); private final DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice> userLocaleDropDownChoice = new DropDownChoice<IntegerSelectChoice>( "userLocale" ); /** * Constructor */ public CreateUserForm( final String pId ) { super( pId ); /* add items to my form & configure them */ add( usernameTextField ); add( passwordTextField ); add( passwordConfirmationTextField ); usernameTextField.add( new AttributeModifier( "maxlength" , true , new Model<Integer>( MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ) ) ); passwordTextField.add( new AttributeModifier( "maxlength" , true , new Model<Integer>( MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH ) ) ); passwordConfirmationTextField.add( new AttributeModifier( "maxlength" , true , new Model<Integer>( MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH ) ) ); usernameTextField.add( new LengthBetweenValidator( 1 , MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ) ); passwordTextField.add( new LengthBetweenValidator( 1 , MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH ) ); passwordConfirmationTextField.add( new LengthBetweenValidator( 1 , MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH ) ); add( new EqualPasswordInputValidator( passwordTextField , passwordConfirmationTextField ) ); /* retrieve the data to populate the lists */ final Session session = ( Session ) getSession(); CreateUserDAO dataService = null; Map<String , SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice>> selectListData = null; final SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> userTypeData; final SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> userProfileData; final SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> userLocaleData; try { dataService = new CreateUserDAO( session.getUsername() , session.getPassword() ); selectListData = dataService.getKeyValueRefData(); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception when constructing create new user page -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } finally { if ( ! dataService.closeConnection() ) { final String errmsg = getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ); error( errmsg ); } } userTypeData = selectListData.get( "UTY" ); userProfileData = selectListData.get( "AURP" ); userLocaleData = selectListData.get( "LNG" ); /* all select lists are required */ if ( userTypeData != null && userProfileData != null && userLocaleData != null ) { userTypeDropDownChoice.setChoices( userTypeData ).setChoiceRenderer( userTypeData ).setModel( new PropertyModel <IntegerSelectChoice>( createUserBean , "utyId" ) ); userTypeDropDownChoice.setNullValid( false ).setRequired( true ); userProfileDropDownChoice.setChoices( userProfileData ).setChoiceRenderer( userProfileData ).setModel( new PropertyModel <IntegerSelectChoice>( createUserBean , "aurpId" ) ); userProfileDropDownChoice.setNullValid( false ).setRequired( true ); userLocaleDropDownChoice.setChoices( userLocaleData ).setChoiceRenderer( userLocaleData ).setModel( new PropertyModel <IntegerSelectChoice>( createUserBean , "lngId" ) ); userLocaleDropDownChoice.setNullValid( false ).setRequired( true ); } else { error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageReferenceDataNotSetup" , this ) ); setVisible( false ); } add( userTypeDropDownChoice ); add( userProfileDropDownChoice ); add( userLocaleDropDownChoice ); } /** * Submit the form - attempt to change the password */ @Override protected void onSubmit() { if ( getIsDebugInfoVisible() ) { info( "Username :: " + createUserBean.getUsername() ); info( "Password :: " + createUserBean.getPassword() ); info( "Password confirmation :: " + createUserBean.getPasswordConfirmation() ); info( "User type :: " + Integer.toString( createUserBean.getUtyId().getKey() ) ); info( "User profile :: " + Integer.toString( createUserBean.getAurpId().getKey() ) ); info( "User locale :: " + Integer.toString( createUserBean.getLngId().getKey() ) ); } final Session session = ( Session ) getSession(); final Localizer localiser = getLocalizer(); CreateUserDAO dataService = null; try { dataService = new CreateUserDAO( session.getUsername() , session.getPassword() ); dataService.createUser ( createUserBean.getUsername() , createUserBean.getPassword() , createUserBean.getUtyId().getKey() , createUserBean.getAurpId().getKey() , createUserBean.getLngId().getKey() ); dataService.doCommit(); info( localiser.getString( "MessageSuccess" , this ) ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { switch( sqle.getErrorCode() ) { case SQLExceptionCodes.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS : error( localiser.getString( "MessageUserAlreadyExists" , this ) ); break; case SQLExceptionCodes.DANGEROUS_USERNAME : error( localiser.getString( "MessageDangerousUsername" , this ) ); break; case SQLExceptionCodes.DANGEROUS_PASSWORD : error( localiser.getString( "MessageDangerousPassword" , this ) ); break; case SQLExceptionCodes.NON_COMPLIANT_PASSWORD : error( localiser.getString( "MessageNonCompliantPassword" , this ) ); break; default : LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception when submitting the create new user form -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object[] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); error( localiser.getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } } finally { if ( ! dataService.closeConnection() ) { error( localiser.getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } } } } }