package; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.IntegerSelectChoice; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.SelectChoiceList; import; import; import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement; /** * Allow a new user to be created via the application. * * @author Andrew Hall * */ final class CreateUserDAO extends AbstractOracleDAO { /** Log */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CreateUserDAO.class ); /** * Constructor * * @param pUsername * The username * @param pPassword * The password * @throws SQLException */ public CreateUserDAO( final String pUsername , final String pPassword ) throws SQLException { super( pUsername , pPassword ); } /** * * @return reference data required to define a new user * @throws SQLException */ public Map <String , SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>> getKeyValueRefData() throws SQLException { setRole( RequiredRoles.ROLE_CREATE_USER ); return getKeyValueRefData( "app_user" , "pk_standard_user_creation" , "fn_get_list_ref_data" ); } /** * Create a new db user registered with the application * * @param pUsername * New user's username * @param pPassword * New user's password * @param pUtyId * New user's user type [collection of roles] * @param pAurpId * New user's db profile * @throws SQLException */ public void createUser( final String pUsername , final String pPassword , final int pUtyId , final int pAurpId , final int pLngId ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " begin " + " sys.dbms_application_info.set_module ( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " app_user.pk_standard_user_creation.pr_create_standard_user ( p_username => ? , p_password => ? , p_uty_id => ? , p_aurp_id => ? , p_lng_id => ? ); " + " end; "; CallableStatement dbCstmt = null; try { LOGGER.debug( "Create new user" ); setRole( RequiredRoles.ROLE_CREATE_USER ); LOGGER.debug( "Role set" ); dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}" , dbStatement ); dbCstmt.setString( 1 , "PKSTANDARDAPPUSERCREATION" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , "PRCREATESTANDARDUSER" ); dbCstmt.setString( 3 , pUsername ); dbCstmt.setString( 4 , pPassword ); dbCstmt.setInt( 5 , pUtyId ); dbCstmt.setInt( 6 , pAurpId ); dbCstmt.setInt( 7 , pLngId ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered : Username -> {} ; UtyId -> {} ; AurpId -> {}" , new Object [ ] { pUsername , pUtyId , pAurpId } ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst creating new user -> {}; username -> {}; utyId -> {}; aurpId -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { pUsername , pUtyId , pAurpId , sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } }