package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.vaadin.teemu.wizards.WizardStep; import; import com.vaadin.addon.jpacontainer.EntityItem; import com.vaadin.addon.jpacontainer.JPAContainer; import com.vaadin.addon.jpacontainer.JPAContainer.ProviderChangedEvent; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class SingleEntityWizardStep<E extends CrudEntity> implements WizardStep { private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SingleEntityWizardStep.class); private<E> fieldGroup; private JPAContainer<E> container; private E entity; private boolean isNew = false; private Class<E> entityClass; private Component editor = null; public SingleEntityWizardStep(JpaBaseDao<E, Long> entityDao, Class<E> entityClass) { this.entityClass = entityClass; this.container = entityDao.createVaadinContainer(); fieldGroup = new ValidatingFieldGroup<>(entityClass); } @Override public abstract String getCaption(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Component getContent() { // if (editor == null) { this.entity = findEntity(); EntityItem<E> entityItem; if (entity == null) { try { isNew = true; entity = entityClass.newInstance(); initEntity(entity); entityItem = container.createEntityItem(entity); } catch (InstantiationException e) { logger.error(e, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error(e, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { isNew = false; Long itemId = entity.getId(); entityItem = container.getItem(itemId); // As we did a lookup the entity we retrieved during the lookup // may not be // the one we retrieve from the container. entity = entityItem.getEntity(); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityItem); Preconditions.checkArgument(entity == entityItem.getEntity()); fieldGroup.setItemDataSource(entityItem); editor = getContent(fieldGroup); } Preconditions.checkArgument(((EntityItem<E>) fieldGroup.getItemDataSource()).getEntity() == entity); return editor; } /** * Do any custom initialisation of a new entity. * * @param entity */ abstract protected void initEntity(E entity); /** * * Search for an existing entity to edit or return null if one doesn't * exist. * * @return */ abstract protected E findEntity(); /** * Build the layout used for editing the entity Any fields must be bound to * the field Group. * * @param fieldGroup * @return */ abstract protected Component getContent(ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup); @Override public boolean onAdvance() { return validate(); } protected boolean validate() { boolean valid = false; try { if (!fieldGroup.isValid()) {"Validation Errors", "Please fix any field errors and try again.", Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { fieldGroup.commit(); if (isNew) { Object id = container.addEntity(entity); EntityItem<E> entityItem = container.getItem(id); entity = entityItem.getEntity(); fieldGroup.setItemDataSource(entityItem); isNew = false; } entity = commitContainerAndGetEntityFromDB(); // container.commit(); // entity = container.getItem(entity.getId()).getEntity(); valid = true;"The details have been saved.", Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { FormHelper.showConstraintViolation(e); } catch (CommitException e) { logger.error(e, e); if (e.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) FormHelper.showConstraintViolation(((ConstraintViolationException) e.getCause())); else, Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return valid; } @Override public boolean onBack() { return true; } public E getEntity() { return this.entity; } protected ValidatingFieldGroup<E> getFieldGroup() { return fieldGroup; } /** * commits the container and retrieves the new recordid * * we have to hook the ItemSetChangeListener to be able to get the database * id of a new record. */ private E commitContainerAndGetEntityFromDB() { // don't really need an AtomicReference, just using it as a mutable // final variable to be used in the callback final AtomicReference<E> newEntity = new AtomicReference<>(); // call back to collect the id of the new record when the container // fires the ItemSetChangeEvent ItemSetChangeListener tmp = new ItemSetChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 9132090066374531277L; @Override public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event) { if (event instanceof ProviderChangedEvent) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ProviderChangedEvent pce = (ProviderChangedEvent) event; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<E> affectedEntities = pce.getChangeEvent().getAffectedEntities(); if (affectedEntities.size() > 0) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E id = (E) affectedEntities.toArray()[0]; newEntity.set(id); } } } }; try { // add the listener container.addItemSetChangeListener(tmp); // call commit container.commit(); newEntity.set(EntityManagerProvider.getEntityManager().merge(newEntity.get())); } catch ( e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof javax.persistence.PersistenceException) { javax.persistence.PersistenceException cause = (javax.persistence.PersistenceException) e.getCause();, Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } finally { // detach the listener container.removeItemSetChangeListener(tmp); } // return the entity return newEntity.get(); } }