package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SetAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.vaadin.addons.lazyquerycontainer.EntityContainer; import org.vaadin.ui.LegacyComboBox; import; import com.vaadin.addon.jpacontainer.JPAContainer; import com.vaadin.addon.jpacontainer.fieldfactory.SingleSelectConverter; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.Resolution; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.ItemCaptionMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomField; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FormHelper<E> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH = "220"; ArrayList<AbstractComponent> fieldList = new ArrayList<>(); private AbstractLayout form; private ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group; private Set<ValueChangeListener> valueChangeListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>(); static transient Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(FormHelper.class); public FormHelper(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group) { // I'm actually using this without a field group. // need to makes some modifications so that we formally support // non-group usage. // Preconditions.checkNotNull(group, // "ValidatingFieldGroup can not be null"); this.form = form; = group; } /** * The added value change listener will get added to every component that's * created with the FormHelper * * @param listener * the value change listener */ public void addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener) { valueChangeListeners.add(listener); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void addValueChangeListeners(AbstractField c) { for (ValueChangeListener listener : valueChangeListeners) { c.addValueChangeListener(listener); } } public <M> TextField bindTextField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member) { TextField field = bindTextField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName()); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> TextField bindTextField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member) { TextField field = bindTextField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName()); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> TextField bindTextFieldWithButton(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, Button button) { TextField field = bindTextFieldWithButton(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName(), button); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public TextField bindTextField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { TextField field = bindTextField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <T extends CustomField<?>> T doBinding(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<?, ?> field, T customField) { doBinding(group, field.getName(), customField); this.fieldList.add(customField); form.addComponent(customField); return customField; } public <T extends CustomField<?>> T doBinding(String fieldLabel, SetAttribute<?, ?> field, T customField) { doBinding(group, field.getName(), customField); this.fieldList.add(customField); form.addComponent(customField); return customField; } public <T extends CustomField<?>> T doBinding(String fieldLabel, ListAttribute<?, ?> field, T customField) { doBinding(group, field.getName(), customField); this.fieldList.add(customField); form.addComponent(customField); return customField; } public TextField bindTextField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { TextField field = new SplitTextField(fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); field.setNullRepresentation(""); field.setNullSettingAllowed(false); field.setId(fieldLabel.replace(" ", "")); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public TextField bindTextFieldWithButton(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Button button) { HorizontalLayout layout = new HorizontalLayout(); layout.setSizeFull(); TextField field = new SplitTextField(fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); field.setNullRepresentation(""); field.setNullSettingAllowed(false); field.setId(fieldLabel.replace(" ", "")); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); layout.addComponent(field); layout.addComponent(button); layout.setExpandRatio(field, 2); form.addComponent(layout); return field; } public void doBinding(FieldGroup group, String fieldName, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Field field) { if (group != null) group.bind(field, fieldName); else { logger.warn("field {} was not bound", fieldName); } } public <M> PasswordField bindPasswordField(AbstractLayout form, FieldGroup group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member) { PasswordField field = bindPasswordField(form, group, fieldLabel, (member != null ? member.getName() : null)); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> PasswordField bindPasswordField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member) { PasswordField field = bindPasswordField(form, group, fieldLabel, (member != null ? member.getName() : null)); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public PasswordField bindPasswordField(AbstractLayout form, FieldGroup group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { PasswordField field = new SplitPasswordField(fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); field.setNullRepresentation(""); field.setNullSettingAllowed(false); field.setId(fieldLabel.replace(" ", "")); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public <M> TextArea bindTextAreaField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, int rows) { TextArea field = bindTextAreaField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName(), rows); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public TextArea bindTextAreaField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, String> attribute, int rows) { TextArea field = bindTextAreaField(form, group, fieldLabel, attribute.getName(), rows); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public TextArea bindTextAreaField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName, int rows) { TextArea field = bindTextAreaField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, rows); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public TextArea bindTextAreaField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName, int rows, int maxlength) { TextArea field = bindTextAreaField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, rows); field.setMaxLength(maxlength); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public TextArea bindTextAreaField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, int rows) { TextArea field = new SplitTextArea(fieldLabel); field.setRows(rows); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); field.setNullRepresentation(""); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public DateField bindDateField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { DateField field = bindDateField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public DateField bindDateField(String label, String member, String dateFormat, Resolution resolution) { DateField field = bindDateField(form, group, label, member, dateFormat, resolution); field.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public DateField bindDateField(String label, SingularAttribute<E, Date> member, String dateFormat, Resolution resolution) { DateField field = bindDateField(form, group, label, member.getName(), dateFormat, resolution); field.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> DateField bindDateField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, String dateFormat, Resolution resolution) { DateField field = bindDateField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName(), dateFormat, resolution); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public DateField bindDateField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, String dateFormat, Resolution resolution) { DateField field = new SplitDateField(fieldLabel); field.setDateFormat(dateFormat); field.setResolution(resolution); field.setImmediate(true); field.setWidth("100%"); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public DateField bindDateField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { return bindDateField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, "yyyy-MM-dd", Resolution.DAY); } public Label bindLabel(String fieldLabel) { Label field = bindLabel(form, group, fieldLabel); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public Label bindLabel(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel) { Label field = new SplitLabel(fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public Label bindLabel(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, Label field) { field.setWidth("100%"); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public <M> ComboBox bindEnumField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, Class<?> clazz) { ComboBox field = bindEnumField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName(), clazz); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public ComboBox bindEnumField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<?> clazz) { ComboBox field = bindEnumField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, clazz); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public ComboBox bindEnumField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<?> clazz) { return bindEnumField(new SplitComboBox(fieldLabel), form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, clazz); } public ComboBox bindEnumField(ComboBox comboBox, AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<?> clazz) { ComboBox field = comboBox; field.setCaption(fieldLabel); field.setContainerDataSource(createContainerFromEnumClass(fieldName, clazz)); field.setItemCaptionPropertyId(fieldName); // field.setCaption(fieldLabel); field.setNewItemsAllowed(false); field.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); field.setTextInputAllowed(true); field.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); field.setImmediate(true); field.setId(fieldLabel.replace(" ", "")); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public <M> CheckBox bindBooleanField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member) { CheckBox field = bindBooleanField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName()); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public CheckBox bindBooleanField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { CheckBox field = bindBooleanField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public CheckBox bindBooleanField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, Boolean> member) { CheckBox field = bindBooleanField(form, group, fieldLabel, member.getName()); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public CheckBox bindBooleanField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { CheckBox field = new SplitCheckBox(fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public ColorPickerField bindColorPickerField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, iColorFactory factory, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, iColor> member) { ColorPickerField field = bindColorPickerField(form, group, factory, fieldLabel, member.getName()); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public ColorPickerField bindColorPickerField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, iColorFactory factory, String fieldLabel, String fieldName) { ColorPickerField field = new SplitColorPicker(factory, fieldLabel); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public <L> ComboBox bindComboBox(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup, String fieldName, String fieldLabel, Collection<?> options) { ComboBox field = new SplitComboBox(fieldLabel, options); field.setNewItemsAllowed(false); field.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); field.setTextInputAllowed(true); field.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); field.setImmediate(true); form.addComponent(field); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); return field; } public <L> LegacyComboBox bindLegacyComboBox(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup, String fieldName, String fieldLabel, Collection<?> options) { LegacyComboBox field = new LegacySplitComboBox(fieldLabel, options); field.setNewItemsAllowed(false); field.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); field.setTextInputAllowed(true); field.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); field.setImmediate(true); form.addComponent(field); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); return field; } public <L extends CrudEntity, K> ComboBox bindEntityField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, L> fieldName, SingularAttribute<L, K> listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName).setListFieldName(listFieldName) .build(); } public <L extends CrudEntity, K> ComboBox bindEntityField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, L> fieldName, SingularAttribute<L, K> listFieldName, boolean useLazyContainer) { EntityContainer<L> container = JpaBaseDao.getGenericDao(fieldName.getJavaType()).createLazyQueryContainer(); return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName).setListFieldName(listFieldName) .setContainer(container).build(); } /** * Deprecated - use EntityFieldBuilder instead */ @Deprecated public <L extends CrudEntity> ComboBox bindEntityField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, L> fieldName, Class<L> listClazz, SingularAttribute<L, ?> listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName).setListFieldName(listFieldName) .build(); } @Deprecated public <L extends CrudEntity> ComboBox bindEntityField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<L> listClazz, String listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName).setListClass(listClazz) .setListFieldName(listFieldName).build(); } /** * Deprecated - use EntityFieldBuilder instead * * this method is for displaying a combobox which displayes all the values * for a many to one relationship and allows the user to select only one. * * @param form * @param fieldGroup * @param fieldLabel * @param field * @param listClazz * @param listFieldName * * E is the entity F is the set from the entity that contains the * foriegn entities L is the foriegn entity M is the field to * display from the foriegn entity * * @return */ /** * Deprecated - use EntityFieldBuilder instead * * @param form * @param fieldGroup * @param fieldLabel * @param field * @param listClazz * @param listFieldName * @return */ @Deprecated public <L extends CrudEntity> ComboBox bindEntityField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup, String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, L> field, Class<L> listClazz, SingularAttribute<L, ?> listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setForm(form).setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(field) .setListFieldName(listFieldName).build(); } /** * Deprecated - use EntityFieldBuilder instead * * @param form * @param fieldGroup * @param fieldLabel * @param fieldName * @param listClazz * @param listFieldName * @return */ @Deprecated public <L extends CrudEntity> ComboBox bindEntityField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<L> listClazz, String listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setForm(form).setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName) .setListClass(listClazz).setListFieldName(listFieldName).build(); } /** * Deprecated - use EntityFieldBuilder instead * * @param field * @param form * @param fieldGroup * @param fieldLabel * @param fieldName * @param listClazz * @param listFieldName * @return */ @Deprecated public <L extends CrudEntity> ComboBox bindEntityField(ComboBox field, AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<L> listClazz, String listFieldName) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<L>().setComponent(field).setForm(form).setLabel(fieldLabel).setField(fieldName) .setListClass(listClazz).setListFieldName(listFieldName).build(); } /** * use this syntax to instance the builder:<br> * EntityFieldBuilder<{name of list class}>(); <br> * <br> * for example<br> * <br> * * FormHelper<RaffleBook> helper = new * FormHelper<RaffleBook>(...);<br> * <br> * ComboBox field = * EntityFieldBuilder<RaffleAllocation>()<br> * .setLabel("Action")<br> * .setField(RaffleBook.allocation)<br> * .setListFieldName(<br> * .build();<br> * * @author rsutton * * @param <L> * the type of the list class */ public class EntityFieldBuilder<L extends CrudEntity> { private ComboBox component = null; private String label = null; private Container container = null; private Class<L> listClazz; private String listField; // private ValidatingFieldGroup<E> fieldGroup; private String field; private AbstractLayout builderForm; public ComboBox build() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(label, "Label may not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(listField, "ListField may not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(group == null || field != null, "Field may not be null"); if (builderForm == null) { builderForm = form; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(builderForm, "Form may not be null"); if (component == null) { component = new SplitComboBox(label); } component.setCaption(label); component.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); component.setId(label.replace(" ", "")); if (container == null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listClazz, "listClazz may not be null"); container = JpaBaseDao.getGenericDao(listClazz).createVaadinContainer(); } // Preconditions.checkState(container.getContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField), // listField // + " is not valid, valid listFieldNames are " + // container.getContainerPropertyIds().toString()); ContainerAdaptor<L> adaptor = ContainerAdaptorFactory.getAdaptor(container); if (adaptor.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField)) adaptor.sort(new String[] { listField }, new boolean[] { true }); component.setItemCaptionPropertyId(listField); component.setContainerDataSource(container); SingleSelectConverter<L> converter = new SingleSelectConverter<>(component); component.setConverter(converter); component.setNewItemsAllowed(false); component.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); component.setTextInputAllowed(true); component.setWidth(STANDARD_COMBO_WIDTH); component.setImmediate(true); addValueChangeListeners(component); if (group != null) { Collection<? extends Object> ids = null; if (group.getContainer() != null) ids = group.getContainer().getContainerPropertyIds(); else if (group.getItemDataSource() != null) ids = group.getItemDataSource().getItemPropertyIds(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(ids, "The group must have either a Container or an ItemDataSource attached."); Preconditions.checkState(ids.contains(field), field + " is not valid, valid listFieldNames are " + ids.toString()); doBinding(group, field, component); } builderForm.addComponent(component); return component; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> useLazyContainer() { container = new JpaBaseDao<L, Long>(listClazz).createLazyQueryContainer(); return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setContainer(JPAContainer<L> container) { this.container = container; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setContainer(EntityContainer<L> container) { this.container = container; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setForm(AbstractLayout form) { this.builderForm = form; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setComponent(ComboBox component) { this.component = component; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setField(SingularAttribute<E, L> field) { this.field = field.getName(); listClazz = field.getJavaType(); return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setField(String field, Class<L> listClazz) { this.field = field; this.listClazz = listClazz; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setListFieldName(SingularAttribute<L, ?> listField) { this.listField = listField.getName(); return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setField(String field) { this.field = field; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setListFieldName(String listField) { this.listField = listField; return this; } public EntityFieldBuilder<L> setListClass(Class<L> listClazz) { Preconditions.checkState(this.listClazz == null, "As you have set the field as a singularAttribute, the listClass is set automatically so there is no need to call setListClass."); this.listClazz = listClazz; return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JPAContainer<L> getContainer() { return (JPAContainer<L>) container; } } /** * use this syntax to instance the builder:<br> * EntityFieldBuilder<{name of list class}>(); <br> * <br> * for example<br> * <br> * * FormHelper<TblAdvertisementSize> helper = new * FormHelper<TblAdvertisementSize>(...);<br> * <br> * ListSelect sections = ListSelectBuilder<TblSection>()<br> * .setLabel("Sections")<br> * .setField(TblAdvertisementSize_.tblSections)<br> * .setListFieldName("name")<br> * .setMultiSelect(true)<br> * .build(); <br> * * @author bhorvath * * @param <L> * the type of the list class */ public class ListSelectBuilder<L> { private SplitListSelect component = null; private String label = null; private JPAContainer<L> container = null; private Class<L> listClazz; private String listField; private String field; private AbstractLayout builderForm; private boolean multiSelect = false; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public SplitListSelect build() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(label, "label may not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(listField, "colField Property may not be null"); if (builderForm == null) { builderForm = form; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(builderForm, "Form may not be null"); if (component == null) { component = new SplitListSelect(label); } component.setCaption(label); component.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); component.setItemCaptionPropertyId(listField); if (container == null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listClazz, "listClazz may not be null"); container = JpaBaseDao.getGenericDao(listClazz).createVaadinContainer(); } Preconditions.checkState(container.getContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField), listField + " is not valid, valid listFields are " + container.getContainerPropertyIds().toString()); if (container.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField)) container.sort(new String[] { listField }, new boolean[] { true }); component.setContainerDataSource(container); if (this.multiSelect == true) { component.setConverter(new MultiSelectConverter(component, Set.class)); component.setMultiSelect(true); } else { SingleSelectConverter<L> converter = new SingleSelectConverter<>(component); component.setConverter(converter); } component.setWidth("100%"); component.setImmediate(true); component.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); component.setId(label.replace(" ", "")); if (group != null && field != null) { Preconditions.checkState(group.getContainer().getContainerPropertyIds().contains(field), field + " is not valid, valid listFieldNames are " + group.getContainer().getContainerPropertyIds().toString()); doBinding(group, field, component); } builderForm.addComponent(component); return component; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect) { this.multiSelect = multiSelect; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setField(SingularAttribute<E, L> field) { this.field = field.getName(); listClazz = field.getBindableJavaType(); return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setField(SetAttribute<E, L> field) { this.field = field.getName(); listClazz = field.getBindableJavaType(); return this; } /** * Sets the field to display from the List entity. * * @param colField * @return */ public ListSelectBuilder<L> setListFieldName(SingularAttribute<L, ?> colField) { this.listField = colField.getName(); return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setListFieldName(String colField) { this.listField = colField; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setContainer(JPAContainer<L> container) { this.container = container; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setForm(AbstractLayout form) { this.builderForm = form; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setComponent(SplitListSelect component) { this.component = component; return this; } public ListSelectBuilder<L> setListClass(Class<L> listClazz) { Preconditions.checkState(this.listClazz == null, "If you set the field as a singularAttribute, the listClass is set automatically."); this.listClazz = listClazz; return this; } } /** * use this syntax to instance the builder:<br> * The formhelper must be an Entity with an attribute containing a Set of * items that will be selected. * * EntityFieldBuilder<{class name of the items in the * list}>(); <br> * <br> * If you need to filter the set of available items then you must explicity * set the list container and filter it. * * for example<br> * <br> * * FormHelper<TblAdvertisementSize> helper = new * FormHelper<TblAdvertisementSize>(...);<br> * <br> * TwinColSelect sections = * TwinColSelectBuilder<TblSection>()<br> * .setLabel("Sections")<br> * .setField(TblAdvertisementSize_.tblSections)<br> * .setListFieldName("name")<br> * .setLeftColumnCaption("Available") .setRightColumnCaption("Selected") * .build(); <br> * * @author bhorvath * * @param <L> * the type of the list class */ public class TwinColSelectBuilder<L extends CrudEntity> { private SplitTwinColSelect component = null; private String label = null; private Container container = null; private Class<L> listClazz; private String listField; private String field; private AbstractLayout builderForm; private String leftColumnCaption = "Available"; private String rightColumnCaption = "Selected"; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public SplitTwinColSelect build() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(label, "label may not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(listField, "colField Property may not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(group == null || field != null, "Field may not be null"); if (builderForm == null) { builderForm = form; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(builderForm, "Form may not be null"); if (component == null) { component = new SplitTwinColSelect(label); } component.setCaption(label); component.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); component.setItemCaptionPropertyId(listField); component.setLeftColumnCaption(leftColumnCaption); component.setRightColumnCaption(rightColumnCaption); if (container == null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listClazz, "listClazz may not be null"); container = JpaBaseDao.getGenericDao(listClazz).createVaadinContainer(); } Preconditions.checkState(container.getContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField), listField + " is not valid, valid listFields are " + container.getContainerPropertyIds().toString()); ContainerAdaptor<L> adaptor = ContainerAdaptorFactory.getAdaptor(container); if (adaptor.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(listField)) adaptor.sort(new String[] { listField }, new boolean[] { true }); component.setContainerDataSource(container); component.setConverter(new MultiSelectConverter(component, Set.class)); component.setWidth("100%"); component.setId(label.replace(" ", "")); component.setImmediate(true); component.setNullSelectionAllowed(true); component.setBuffered(true); addValueChangeListeners(component); if (group != null) { Preconditions.checkState(group.getContainer().getContainerPropertyIds().contains(field), field + " is not valid, valid listFieldNames are " + group.getContainer().getContainerPropertyIds().toString()); doBinding(group, field, component); } builderForm.addComponent(component); return component; } /** * label that will appear next to the component on the screen * * @param label * @return */ public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setLeftColumnCaption(String leftColumnCaption) { this.leftColumnCaption = leftColumnCaption; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setRightColumnCaption(String rightColumnCaption) { this.rightColumnCaption = rightColumnCaption; return this; } /** * the set in the parent table that holds the set of children * * @param field * @return */ public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setField(SetAttribute<E, L> field) { this.field = field.getName(); listClazz = field.getBindableJavaType(); return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setListFieldName(SingularAttribute<L, ?> colField) { this.listField = colField.getName(); return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setListFieldName(String colField) { this.listField = colField; return this; } /** * Set the list container of available items. A container will normally * be generated automatically based on the List class <L>. However if * you need to filter the list of available items you will need to * provide your own container which is filtered. * * @param container * @return */ public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setContainer(JPAContainer<L> container) { this.container = container; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setContainer(EntityContainer<L> container) { this.container = container; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setForm(AbstractLayout form) { this.builderForm = form; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setComponent(SplitTwinColSelect component) { this.component = component; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> setListClass(Class<L> listClazz) { Preconditions.checkState(this.listClazz == null, "If you set the field as a singularAttribute, the listClass is set automatically."); this.listClazz = listClazz; return this; } public TwinColSelectBuilder<L> useLazyContainer() { container = new JpaBaseDao<L, Long>(listClazz).createLazyQueryContainer(); return this; } } public <M> CKEditorEmailField bindEditorField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, boolean readonly) { CKEditorEmailField field = bindEditorField(form, group, member.getName(), readonly); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> CKEditorEmailField bindEditorField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> member, boolean readonly) { CKEditorEmailField field = bindEditorField(form, group, member.getName(), readonly); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public CKEditorEmailField bindEditorField(String fieldName, boolean readonly) { CKEditorEmailField field = bindEditorField(form, group, fieldName, readonly); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public CKEditorEmailField bindEditorField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldName, boolean readonly) { SplitEditorField field = new SplitEditorField(readonly); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } // public <L> EntityAutoCompleteField // bindAutoCompleteField(AutoCompleteParent<E> parent, // String fieldLabel, ListAttribute<E, L> entityField, Class<L> listClazz) // { // // hack // ContactDao dao = new DaoFactory().getContactDao(); // container = dao.createVaadinContainer(); // // //EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, JpaBaseDao<E,Long>> field = new // EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, JpaBaseDao<E,Long>>(container, dao, // fieldLabel, parent); // EntityAutoCompleteField field = new EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, // JpaBaseDao(container, dao, fieldLabel, parent); // return field; // // } // public <L> EntityAutoCompleteField // bindAutoCompleteField(AutoCompleteParent<E> parent, // String fieldLabel, ListAttribute<E, L> entityField, Class<L> listClazz) // { // // hack // ContactDao dao = new DaoFactory().getContactDao(); // container = dao.createVaadinContainer(); // // //EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, JpaBaseDao<E,Long>> field = new // EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, JpaBaseDao<E,Long>>(container, dao, // fieldLabel, parent); // EntityAutoCompleteField field = new EntityAutoCompleteField<CrudEntity, // JpaBaseDao(container, dao, fieldLabel, parent); // return field; // // } public static Container createContainerFromEnumClass(String fieldName, Class<?> clazz) { LinkedHashMap<Enum<?>, String> enumMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Object enumConstant : clazz.getEnumConstants()) { enumMap.put((Enum<?>) enumConstant, enumConstant.toString()); } return createContainerFromMap(fieldName, enumMap); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public IndexedContainer createContainerFromMap(String fieldName, Map<?, String> hashMap) { IndexedContainer container = new IndexedContainer(); container.addContainerProperty(fieldName, String.class, ""); Iterator<?> iter = hashMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object itemId =; container.addItem(itemId); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty(fieldName).setValue(hashMap.get(itemId)); } return container; } static public <Q extends CrudEntity> Container createContainerFromEntities(String fieldName, Collection<Q> list) { LinkedHashMap<Q, String> enumMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<Q> sortedList = new LinkedList<>(); sortedList.addAll(list); Collections.sort(sortedList, new Comparator<Q>() { @Override public int compare(Q arg0, Q arg1) { return arg0.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(arg1.getName()); } }); for (Q value : sortedList) { enumMap.put(value, value.getName()); } return createContainerFromMap(fieldName, enumMap); } public ArrayList<AbstractComponent> getFieldList() { return this.fieldList; } public static void showConstraintViolation(ConstraintViolationException e) { // build constraint error StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : e.getConstraintViolations()) { sb.append("Error: " + violation.getPropertyPath() + " : " + violation.getMessage() + "\n"); } logger.error(sb.toString());, Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } protected AbstractLayout getForm() { return form; } protected ValidatingFieldGroup<E> getFieldGroup() { return; } public <M> DataBoundButton<M> bindButtonField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, M> enterScript, Class<M> type) { return bindButtonField(fieldLabel, enterScript.getName(), type); } public <M> DataBoundButton<M> bindButtonField(String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<M> type) { DataBoundButton<M> field = bindButtonField(form, group, fieldLabel, fieldName, type); this.fieldList.add(field); return field; } public <M> DataBoundButton<M> bindButtonField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, Class<M> type) { DataBoundButton<M> field = new DataBoundButton<>(fieldLabel, type); field.setImmediate(true); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public CKEditorEmailField bindEditorField(AbstractLayout form, ValidatingFieldGroup<E> group, String fieldName, boolean readonly, ConfigModifier configModifier) { SplitEditorField field = new SplitEditorField(readonly, configModifier); field.setWidth("100%"); field.setImmediate(true); addValueChangeListeners(field); doBinding(group, fieldName, field); form.addComponent(field); return field; } public <EN> ComboBox bindEnumField(String fieldLabel, SingularAttribute<E, EN> fieldName) { return bindEnumField(fieldLabel, fieldName.getName(), fieldName.getBindableJavaType()); } public <J extends CrudEntity> FormHelper<E>.EntityFieldBuilder<J> getEntityFieldBuilder(Class<J> j) { return new EntityFieldBuilder<>(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) static public <J extends CrudEntity> FormHelper<?>.ListSelectBuilder<J> getListSelectBuilder(AbstractLayout form, Class<J> j) { FormHelper<?> helper = new FormHelper(form, null); return ListSelectBuilder<J>().setListClass(j); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) static public <J extends CrudEntity> FormHelper<?>.EntityFieldBuilder<J> getEntityFieldBuilder(AbstractLayout form, Class<J> j) { FormHelper<?> helper = new FormHelper(form, null); return EntityFieldBuilder<J>().setListClass(j); } public <J extends CrudEntity> FormHelper<E>.TwinColSelectBuilder<J> getTwinColSelectBuilder(Class<J> j) { return new TwinColSelectBuilder<>(); } public void addComponent(Component component) { form.addComponent(component); } }