// uniCenta oPOS - Touch Friendly Point Of Sale // Copyright (c) 2009-2013 uniCenta & previous Openbravo POS works // http://www.unicenta.net/unicentaopos // // This file is part of uniCenta oPOS // // uniCenta oPOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // uniCenta oPOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with uniCenta oPOS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package com.openbravo.data.loader; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import javax.sql.DataSource; import com.openbravo.basic.BasicException; import com.openbravo.data.loader.JDBCSentence.JDBCDataResultSet; public class MetaSentence extends JDBCSentence { private String m_sSentence; protected SerializerRead m_SerRead = null; protected SerializerWrite m_SerWrite = null; /** Creates a new instance of MetaDataSentence */ public MetaSentence(Session s, String sSentence, SerializerWrite serwrite, SerializerRead serread) { super(s); m_sSentence = sSentence; m_SerWrite = serwrite; m_SerRead = serread; } public MetaSentence(Session s, String sSentence, SerializerRead serread) { this(s, sSentence, null, serread); } private static class MetaParameter implements DataWrite { private ArrayList m_aParams; /** Creates a new instance of MetaParameter */ public MetaParameter() { m_aParams = new ArrayList(); } public void setDouble(int paramIndex, Double dValue) throws BasicException { throw new BasicException(LocalRes.getIntString("exception.noparamtype")); } public void setBoolean(int paramIndex, Boolean bValue) throws BasicException { throw new BasicException(LocalRes.getIntString("exception.noparamtype")); } public void setInt(int paramIndex, Integer iValue) throws BasicException { throw new BasicException(LocalRes.getIntString("exception.noparamtype")); } public void setString(int paramIndex, String sValue) throws BasicException { ensurePlace(paramIndex - 1); m_aParams.set(paramIndex - 1, sValue); } public void setTimestamp(int paramIndex, java.util.Date dValue) throws BasicException { throw new BasicException(LocalRes.getIntString("exception.noparamtype")); } // public void setBinaryStream(int paramIndex, java.io.InputStream in, int length) throws DataException { // throw new DataException("Param type not allowed"); // } public void setBytes(int paramIndex, byte[] value) throws BasicException { throw new BasicException(LocalRes.getIntString("exception.noparamtype")); } public void setObject(int paramIndex, Object value) throws BasicException { setString(paramIndex, (value == null) ? null : value.toString()); } public String getString(int index) { return (String) m_aParams.get(index); } private void ensurePlace(int i) { m_aParams.ensureCapacity(i); while (i >= m_aParams.size()){ m_aParams.add(null); } } } public DataResultSet openExec(Object params) throws BasicException { closeExec(); try { DatabaseMetaData db = m_s.getConnection().getMetaData(); MetaParameter mp = new MetaParameter(); if (params != null) { // si m_SerWrite fuera null deberiamos cascar m_SerWrite.writeValues(mp, params); } // Catalogs Has Schemas Has Objects // Lo generico de la base de datos if ("getCatalogs".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getCatalogs(), m_SerRead); } else if ("getSchemas".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getSchemas(), m_SerRead); } else if ("getTableTypes".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getTableTypes(), m_SerRead); } else if ("getTypeInfo".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getTypeInfo(), m_SerRead); // Los objetos por catalogo, esquema // Los tipos definidos por usuario } else if ("getUDTs".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getUDTs(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), null, null), m_SerRead); } else if ("getSuperTypes".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getSuperTypes(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); // Los atributos } else if ("getAttributes".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getAttributes(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), null, null), m_SerRead); // Las Tablas y sus objetos relacionados } else if ("getTables".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getTables(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), null, null), m_SerRead); } else if ("getSuperTables".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getSuperTables(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getTablePrivileges".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getTablePrivileges(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getBestRowIdentifier".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getBestRowIdentifier(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), 0, true), m_SerRead); } else if ("getPrimaryKeys".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getPrimaryKeys(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getColumnPrivileges".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getColumnPrivileges(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), null), m_SerRead); } else if ("getColumns".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getColumns(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), null), m_SerRead); } else if ("getVersionColumns".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getVersionColumns(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getIndexInfo".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getIndexInfo(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), false, false), m_SerRead); } else if ("getExportedKeys".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getExportedKeys(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getImportedKeys".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getImportedKeys(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2)), m_SerRead); } else if ("getCrossReference".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getCrossReference(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), null, null, null), m_SerRead); // Los procedimientos y sus objetos relacionados } else if ("getProcedures".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getProcedures(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), null), m_SerRead); } else if ("getProcedureColumns".equals(m_sSentence)) { return new JDBCDataResultSet(db.getProcedureColumns(mp.getString(0), mp.getString(1), mp.getString(2), null), m_SerRead); } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException eSQL) { throw new BasicException(eSQL); } } public void closeExec() throws BasicException { } public DataResultSet moreResults() throws BasicException { return null; } }