// uniCenta oPOS - Touch Friendly Point Of Sale // Copyright (c) 2009-2013 uniCenta & previous Openbravo POS works // http://www.unicenta.net/unicentaopos // // This file is part of uniCenta oPOS // // uniCenta oPOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // uniCenta oPOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with uniCenta oPOS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package com.openbravo.editor; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.Timer; import com.openbravo.basic.BasicException; public abstract class JEditorText extends JEditorAbstract { protected String m_svalue; public static final int MODE_Abc1 = 0; public static final int MODE_abc1 = 1; public static final int MODE_ABC1 = 2; public static final int MODE_123 = 3; public int m_iMode; protected int m_iTicks; protected char m_cLastChar; protected long m_lcount; private Timer m_jtimer; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_1 = {'.', '?', '!', ',', '1', ';', ':'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_2 = {'a', 'b', 'c', '2', '\u00a0'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_3 = {'d', 'e', 'f', '3', '\u201a'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_4 = {'g', 'h', 'i', '4', '\u00a1'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_5 = {'j', 'k', 'l', '5'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_6 = {'m', 'n', 'o', '6', '\u00a4', '\u00a2'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_7 = {'p', 'q', 'r', 's', '7'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_8 = {'t', 'u', 'v', '8', '\u00a3', '\ufffd'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_9 = {'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '9'}; private static final char[] CHAR_abc1_0 = {' ', '0'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_1 = {'.', '?', '!', ',', '1', ';', ':'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_2 = {'A', 'B', 'C', '2', '\u00b5'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_3 = {'D', 'E', 'F', '3', '\u00c9'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_4 = {'G', 'H', 'I', '4', '\u00cd'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_5 = {'J', 'K', 'L', '5'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_6 = {'M', 'N', 'O', '6', '\u00d1', '\u00d3'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_7 = {'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', '7'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_8 = {'T', 'U', 'V', '8', '\u00da', '\u00dc'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_9 = {'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '9'}; private static final char[] CHAR_ABC1_0 = {' ', '0'}; /** Creates a new instance of JEditorString */ public JEditorText() { m_svalue = null; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; m_jtimer = new javax.swing.Timer(1000, new TimerAction()); m_lcount = 0L; m_iMode = getStartMode(); //MODE_Abc1; m_jtimer.start(); } protected abstract int getStartMode(); public final void reset() { String sOldText = getText(); // Los hemos borrado todos. m_iMode = getStartMode(); //MODE_Abc1; m_svalue = null; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; reprintText(); firePropertyChange("Text", sOldText, getText()); } public final void setText(String sText) { String sOldText = getText(); m_svalue = sText; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; reprintText(); firePropertyChange("Text", sOldText, getText()); } public final void setEditModeEnum(int iMode) { m_iMode = iMode; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; reprintText(); } public final String getText() { if (m_cLastChar == '\u0000') { return m_svalue; } else { return appendChar2Value(getKeyChar()); } } protected final int getAlignment() { return javax.swing.SwingConstants.LEFT; } protected final String getEditMode() { switch (m_iMode) { case MODE_Abc1: return "Abc1"; case MODE_abc1: return "abc1"; case MODE_ABC1: return "ABC1"; case MODE_123: return "123"; default: return null; } } protected String getTextEdit() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("<html>"); if (m_svalue != null) { s.append(m_svalue); } if (m_cLastChar != '\u0000') { s.append("<font color=\"#a0a0a0\">"); s.append(getKeyChar()); s.append("</font>"); } s.append("<font color=\"#a0a0a0\">_</font>"); return s.toString(); } protected String getTextFormat() throws BasicException { return (m_svalue == null) ? "<html>" : "<html>" + m_svalue; } protected void typeCharInternal(char c) { String sOldText = getText(); if (c == '\u0008') { if (m_cLastChar == '\u0000') { // borramos el \u00c3\u00baltimo caracter el si existe if (m_svalue != null && m_svalue.length() > 0) { m_svalue = m_svalue.substring(0, m_svalue.length() - 1); } } else { // borramos el caracter pendiente m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; } } else if (c == '\u007f') { // Los hemos borrado todos. m_iMode = getStartMode(); //MODE_Abc1; m_svalue = null; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; } else if (c >= ' ') { // es un caracter en condiciones if (m_cLastChar != '\u0000') { char ckey = getKeyChar(); m_svalue = appendChar2Value(ckey); acceptKeyChar(ckey); } m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; m_svalue = appendChar2Value(c); } m_jtimer.restart(); firePropertyChange("Text", sOldText, getText()); } protected void transCharInternal(char c) { String sOldText = getText(); if (c == '-') { if (m_cLastChar == '\u0000') { // borramos el \u00c3\u00baltimo caracter el si existe if (m_svalue != null && m_svalue.length() > 0) { m_svalue = m_svalue.substring(0, m_svalue.length() - 1); } } else { // borramos el caracter pendiente m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; } } else if (c == '\u007f') { // Los hemos borrado todos. m_iMode = getStartMode(); //MODE_Abc1; m_svalue = null; m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; } else if (c == '.') { if (m_cLastChar != '\u0000') { m_svalue = appendChar2Value(getKeyChar()); } m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; m_iMode = (m_iMode + 1) % 4; } else if (c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == '0') { if (m_iMode == MODE_123) { m_svalue = appendChar2Value(c); } else if (c == m_cLastChar) { m_iTicks ++; } else { if (m_cLastChar != '\u0000') { char ckey = getKeyChar(); m_svalue = appendChar2Value(ckey); acceptKeyChar(ckey); } m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = c; } } m_jtimer.restart(); firePropertyChange("Text", sOldText, getText()); } private void acceptKeyChar(char c) { if (m_iMode == MODE_Abc1 && c != ' ') { m_iMode = MODE_abc1; } else if (m_iMode == MODE_abc1 && c == '.') { m_iMode = MODE_Abc1; } } protected char getKeyChar() { char[] clist = null; switch (m_iMode) { case MODE_abc1: switch (m_cLastChar) { case '1': clist = CHAR_abc1_1; break; case '2': clist = CHAR_abc1_2; break; case '3': clist = CHAR_abc1_3; break; case '4': clist = CHAR_abc1_4; break; case '5': clist = CHAR_abc1_5; break; case '6': clist = CHAR_abc1_6; break; case '7': clist = CHAR_abc1_7; break; case '8': clist = CHAR_abc1_8; break; case '9': clist = CHAR_abc1_9; break; case '0': clist = CHAR_abc1_0; break; } break; case MODE_Abc1: case MODE_ABC1: switch (m_cLastChar) { case '1': clist = CHAR_ABC1_1; break; case '2': clist = CHAR_ABC1_2; break; case '3': clist = CHAR_ABC1_3; break; case '4': clist = CHAR_ABC1_4; break; case '5': clist = CHAR_ABC1_5; break; case '6': clist = CHAR_ABC1_6; break; case '7': clist = CHAR_ABC1_7; break; case '8': clist = CHAR_ABC1_8; break; case '9': clist = CHAR_ABC1_9; break; case '0': clist = CHAR_ABC1_0; break; } break; } if (clist == null) { return m_cLastChar; } else { return clist[m_iTicks % clist.length]; } } private class TimerAction implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (m_cLastChar != '\u0000') { // This method does not modify the "Text" property. char ckey = getKeyChar(); m_svalue = appendChar2Value(ckey); acceptKeyChar(ckey); m_iTicks = 0; m_cLastChar = '\u0000'; m_jtimer.restart(); reprintText(); } } } private String appendChar2Value(char c) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); if (m_svalue != null) { s.append(m_svalue); } s.append(c); return s.toString(); } }