package com.twitter; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.List; /** * A class for adding HTML highlighting in Tweet text (such as would be returned * from a Search) */ class HitHighlighter { /** * Default HTML tag for highlight hits */ private static final String DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_TAG = "em"; /** * the current HTML tag used for hit highlighting */ private String highlightTag; /** * Create a new HitHighlighter object. */ public HitHighlighter() { highlightTag = DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_TAG; } /** * Surround the <code>hits</code> in the provided <code>text</code> with an * HTML tag. This is used with offsets from the search API to support the * highlighting of query terms. * * @param text of the Tweet to highlight * @param hits A List of highlighting offsets (themselves lists of two * elements) * @return text with highlight HTML added */ public String highlight(String text, List<List<Integer>> hits) { if (hits == null || hits.isEmpty()) { return (text); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length()); CharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); boolean isCounting = true; boolean tagOpened = false; int currentIndex = 0; char currentChar = iterator.first(); while (currentChar != CharacterIterator.DONE) { // TODO: this is slow. for (List<Integer> start_end : hits) { if (start_end.get(0) == currentIndex) { sb.append(tag(false)); tagOpened = true; } else if (start_end.get(1) == currentIndex) { sb.append(tag(true)); tagOpened = false; } } if (currentChar == '<') { isCounting = false; } else if (currentChar == '>' && !isCounting) { isCounting = true; } if (isCounting) { currentIndex++; } sb.append(currentChar); currentChar =; } if (tagOpened) { sb.append(tag(true)); } return (sb.toString()); } /** * Format the current <code>highlightTag</code> by adding < and >. If * <code>closeTag</code> is <code>true</code> then the tag returned will * include a <code>/</code> to signify a closing tag. * * @param true if this is a closing tag, false otherwise */ String tag(boolean closeTag) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(highlightTag.length() + 3); sb.append("<"); if (closeTag) { sb.append("/"); } sb.append(highlightTag).append(">"); return (sb.toString()); } /** * Get the current HTML tag used for phrase highlighting. * * @return current HTML tag (without < or >) */ public String getHighlightTag() { return highlightTag; } /** * Set the current HTML tag used for phrase highlighting. * * @param new HTML tag (without < or >) */ public void setHighlightTag(String highlightTag) { this.highlightTag = highlightTag; } }