/** * TNTConcept Easy Enterprise Management by Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * Copyright (C) 2007 Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.autentia.tnt.bean.account; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.autentia.tnt.bean.BaseBean; import com.autentia.tnt.bean.NavigationResults; import com.autentia.tnt.businessobject.AccountEntryGroup; import com.autentia.tnt.businessobject.AccountEntryType; import com.autentia.tnt.dao.SortCriteria; import com.autentia.tnt.dao.search.AccountEntryTypeSearch; import com.autentia.tnt.manager.account.AccountEntryGroupManager; import com.autentia.tnt.manager.account.AccountEntryTypeManager; import com.autentia.tnt.manager.security.Permission; import com.autentia.tnt.upload.Uploader; import com.autentia.tnt.upload.UploaderFactory; import com.autentia.tnt.util.FacesUtils; import com.autentia.tnt.util.SpringUtils; import org.acegisecurity.acls.domain.BasePermission; public class AccountEntryTypeBean extends BaseBean { /* accountEntryType - generated by stajanov (do not edit/delete) */ /** Logger */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AccountEntryTypeBean.class); /** Active search object */ private AccountEntryTypeSearch search = new AccountEntryTypeSearch(); /** Manager */ private static AccountEntryTypeManager manager = AccountEntryTypeManager.getDefault(); /** Upload service */ private static final Uploader uploader = UploaderFactory.getInstance("accountEntryType"); /** Active AccountEntryType object */ private AccountEntryType accountEntryType; /** Default sort column */ private String sortColumn = "name"; /** Default sort order */ private boolean sortAscending = false; /** Quick search letter for ABC pager control */ private Character letter; /** * List accountEntryTypes. Order depends on Faces parameter sort. * @return the list of all accountEntryTypes sorted by requested criterion */ public List<AccountEntryType> getAll(){ return manager.getAllEntities(search, new SortCriteria(sortColumn, sortAscending) ); } // Getters to list possible values of related entities /** * Get the list of all groups * @return the list of all groups */ public List<SelectItem> getGroups(){ List<AccountEntryGroup> refs = AccountEntryGroupManager.getDefault().getAllEntities( null, new SortCriteria("name") ); ArrayList<SelectItem> ret = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for( AccountEntryGroup ref : refs ){ ret.add( new SelectItem( ref, ref.getName() ) ); } return ret; } // Getters to list possible values of enum fields // Methods to create/remove instances of one-to-many entities (slave entities) /** * Whether or not create button is available for user * @return true if user can create objects of type AccountEntryType */ public boolean isCreateAvailable() { return SpringUtils.isRolePermissionGranted(Permission.Entity_Create(AccountEntryType.class)); } /** * Whether or not edit button is available for user * @return true if user can edit current object */ public boolean isEditAvailable() { return SpringUtils.isAclPermissionGranted(accountEntryType,BasePermission.WRITE); } /** * Whether or not delete button is available for user * @return true if user can delete current object */ public boolean isDeleteAvailable() { return (accountEntryType.getId()!=null) && SpringUtils.isAclPermissionGranted(accountEntryType,BasePermission.DELETE); } /** * Go to create page * @return forward to CREATE page */ public String create(){ accountEntryType = new AccountEntryType(); return NavigationResults.CREATE; } /** * Go to detail page * @return forward to DETAIL page */ public String detail(){ Integer id = Integer.parseInt( FacesUtils.getRequestParameter(ROW_ID) ); accountEntryType = manager.getEntityById(id); return SpringUtils.isAclPermissionGranted( accountEntryType, BasePermission.WRITE ) ? NavigationResults.EDIT : NavigationResults.DETAIL; } /** * Save bean and stay on it * @return forward to list page */ public String save(){ doBeforeSave(); if( accountEntryType.getId()==null ){ manager.insertEntity(accountEntryType); } else { manager.updateEntity(accountEntryType); } // Calls an after save action String result = doAfterSave(NavigationResults.LIST); // Unselect object accountEntryType = null; return result; } /** * Delete bean and go back to beans list * @return forward to LIST page */ public String delete(){ manager.deleteEntity(accountEntryType); accountEntryType = null; return NavigationResults.LIST; } /** * Go back to beans list * @return forward to LIST page */ public String list(){ return NavigationResults.LIST; } /** * Reset search criteria * @return forward to LIST page */ public String reset(){ search.reset(); return list(); } /** * Go to search page * @return forward to SEARCH page */ public String search(){ return NavigationResults.SEARCH; } /** * Check if we have an active object. * @return true is an object is selected */ public boolean isAccountEntryTypeSelected(){ return accountEntryType!=null; } // Getters and setters to manipulate sorting public boolean isSortAscending() { return sortAscending; } public void setSortAscending(boolean sortAscending) { this.sortAscending = sortAscending; } public String getSortColumn() { return sortColumn; } public void setSortColumn(String sortColumn) { this.sortColumn = sortColumn; } // Getters and setters to handle search public AccountEntryTypeSearch getSearch(){ return search; } public String getSearchName(){ return search.getName(); } public void setSearchName( String val ){ if( search.isNameSet() ) { search.setName( val ); } } public boolean isSearchNameValid(){ return search.isNameSet(); } public void setSearchNameValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setName( search.getName() ); } else { search.unsetName(); } } public String getSearchObservations(){ return search.getObservations(); } public void setSearchObservations( String val ){ if( search.isObservationsSet() ) { search.setObservations( val ); } } public boolean isSearchObservationsValid(){ return search.isObservationsSet(); } public void setSearchObservationsValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setObservations( search.getObservations() ); } else { search.unsetObservations(); } } public Integer getSearchCustomizableId(){ return search.getCustomizableId(); } public void setSearchCustomizableId( Integer val ){ if( search.isCustomizableIdSet() ) { search.setCustomizableId( val ); } } public boolean isSearchCustomizableIdValid(){ return search.isCustomizableIdSet(); } public void setSearchCustomizableIdValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setCustomizableId( search.getCustomizableId() ); } else { search.unsetCustomizableId(); } } public Integer getSearchOwnerId(){ return search.getOwnerId(); } public void setSearchOwnerId( Integer val ){ if( search.isOwnerIdSet() ) { search.setOwnerId( val ); } } public boolean isSearchOwnerIdValid(){ return search.isOwnerIdSet(); } public void setSearchOwnerIdValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setOwnerId( search.getOwnerId() ); } else { search.unsetOwnerId(); } } public Integer getSearchDepartmentId(){ return search.getDepartmentId(); } public void setSearchDepartmentId( Integer val ){ if( search.isDepartmentIdSet() ) { search.setDepartmentId( val ); } } public boolean isSearchDepartmentIdValid(){ return search.isDepartmentIdSet(); } public void setSearchDepartmentIdValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setDepartmentId( search.getDepartmentId() ); } else { search.unsetDepartmentId(); } } public Date getSearchStartInsertDate(){ return search.getStartInsertDate(); } public void setSearchStartInsertDate( Date val ){ if( val!=null ){ search.setStartInsertDate( val ); } else { search.unsetStartInsertDate(); } } public boolean isSearchStartInsertDateValid(){ return search.isStartInsertDateSet(); } public void setSearchStartInsertDateValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setStartInsertDate( search.getStartInsertDate() ); } else { search.unsetStartInsertDate(); } } public Date getSearchEndInsertDate(){ return search.getEndInsertDate(); } public void setSearchEndInsertDate( Date val ){ if( val!=null ){ search.setEndInsertDate( val ); } else { search.unsetEndInsertDate(); } } public boolean isSearchEndInsertDateValid(){ return search.isEndInsertDateSet(); } public void setSearchEndInsertDateValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setEndInsertDate( search.getEndInsertDate() ); } else { search.unsetEndInsertDate(); } } public Date getSearchStartUpdateDate(){ return search.getStartUpdateDate(); } public void setSearchStartUpdateDate( Date val ){ if( val!=null ){ search.setStartUpdateDate( val ); } else { search.unsetStartUpdateDate(); } } public boolean isSearchStartUpdateDateValid(){ return search.isStartUpdateDateSet(); } public void setSearchStartUpdateDateValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setStartUpdateDate( search.getStartUpdateDate() ); } else { search.unsetStartUpdateDate(); } } public Date getSearchEndUpdateDate(){ return search.getEndUpdateDate(); } public void setSearchEndUpdateDate( Date val ){ if( val!=null ){ search.setEndUpdateDate( val ); } else { search.unsetEndUpdateDate(); } } public boolean isSearchEndUpdateDateValid(){ return search.isEndUpdateDateSet(); } public void setSearchEndUpdateDateValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setEndUpdateDate( search.getEndUpdateDate() ); } else { search.unsetEndUpdateDate(); } } public AccountEntryGroup getSearchGroup(){ return search.getGroup(); } public void setSearchGroup( AccountEntryGroup val ){ if( search.isGroupSet() ) { search.setGroup( val ); } } public boolean isSearchGroupValid(){ return search.isGroupSet(); } public void setSearchGroupValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setGroup( search.getGroup() ); } else { search.unsetGroup(); } } public AccountEntryType getSearchParent(){ return search.getParent(); } public void setSearchParent( AccountEntryType val ){ if( search.isParentSet() ) { search.setParent( val ); } } public boolean isSearchParentValid(){ return search.isParentSet(); } public void setSearchParentValid( boolean val ){ if( val ){ search.setParent( search.getParent() ); } else { search.unsetParent(); } } /** Handle an ABC pager letter click: filter objects by specified starting letter */ public void letterClicked() { if( letter!=null ){ UIComponent comp = FacesUtils.getComponent("accountEntryTypes:list"); HtmlDataTable tabla = (HtmlDataTable) comp; tabla.setFirst(0); search.setName( letter+"%" ); } else { search.unsetName(); } } public Character getLetter() { return letter; } public void setLetter( Character letter ) { this.letter = letter; } // Getters and setters to handle uploads // Getters and setters to manipulate active AccountEntryType object public java.lang.Integer getId() { return accountEntryType.getId(); } public String getName() { return accountEntryType.getName(); } public void setName( String name ) { accountEntryType.setName( name ); } public String getObservations() { return accountEntryType.getObservations(); } public void setObservations( String observations ) { accountEntryType.setObservations( observations ); } public Integer getCustomizableId() { return accountEntryType.getCustomizableId(); } public void setCustomizableId( Integer customizableId ) { accountEntryType.setCustomizableId( customizableId ); } public Integer getOwnerId() { return accountEntryType.getOwnerId(); } public void setOwnerId( Integer ownerId ) { accountEntryType.setOwnerId( ownerId ); } public Integer getDepartmentId() { return accountEntryType.getDepartmentId(); } public void setDepartmentId( Integer departmentId ) { accountEntryType.setDepartmentId( departmentId ); } public Date getInsertDate() { return accountEntryType.getInsertDate(); } public void setInsertDate( Date insertDate ) { accountEntryType.setInsertDate( insertDate ); } public Date getUpdateDate() { return accountEntryType.getUpdateDate(); } public void setUpdateDate( Date updateDate ) { accountEntryType.setUpdateDate( updateDate ); } public AccountEntryGroup getGroup() { return accountEntryType.getGroup(); } public void setGroup( AccountEntryGroup group ) { accountEntryType.setGroup( group ); } public AccountEntryType getParent() { return accountEntryType.getParent(); } public void setParent( AccountEntryType parent ) { accountEntryType.setParent( parent ); } /* accountEntryType - generated by stajanov (do not edit/delete) */ /** * Get the list of all parents * @return the list of all parents */ public List<SelectItem> getParents(){ /*List<AccountEntryType> refs = AccountEntryTypeManager.getDefault().getAllEntities( null, new SortCriteria("name") ); ArrayList<SelectItem> ret = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for( AccountEntryType ref : refs ){ ret.add( new SelectItem( ref, ref.getName() ) ); } return ret; */ return getParentsWithNull(); } public List<SelectItem> getParentsWithNull(){ ArrayList<SelectItem> ret = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); if(accountEntryType!=null) { if (this.getId()!= null){ search.setDifferentId(this.getId()); } } search.setParent(null); List<AccountEntryType> refs = manager.getAllEntities(search,new SortCriteria("name")); for( AccountEntryType ref : refs ){ ret.add( new SelectItem( ref, ref.getName() ) ); } ret.add(0,new SelectItem(FacesUtils.getMessage("select.noneValue"))); search.unsetDifferentId(); search.unsetParent(); return ret; } }