/** * TNTConcept Easy Enterprise Management by Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * Copyright (C) 2007 Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.autentia.tnt.dao.search; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import com.autentia.tnt.dao.SearchCriteria; public class OfferRejectReasonSearch extends SearchCriteria { /* OfferRejectReason - generated by stajanov (do not edit/delete) */ @Override public String getHQL() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); int iArgNum = 0; if( isTitleSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( getTitle()==null ){ ret.append( "title is NULL" ); } else { ret.append( "title like :arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isDescriptionSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( getDescription()==null ){ ret.append( "description is NULL" ); } else { ret.append( "description = :arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isOwnerIdSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( getOwnerId()==null ){ ret.append( "ownerId is NULL" ); } else { ret.append( "ownerId = :arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isDepartmentIdSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( getDepartmentId()==null ){ ret.append( "departmentId is NULL" ); } else { ret.append( "departmentId = :arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isStartInsertDateSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( startInsertDate == null ){ ret.append( "insertDate=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } else { ret.append( "insertDate>=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isEndInsertDateSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( endInsertDate == null ){ ret.append( "insertDate=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } else { ret.append( "insertDate<=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isStartUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( startUpdateDate == null ){ ret.append( "updateDate=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } else { ret.append( "updateDate>=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } if( isEndUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.append( (ret.length()==0) ? "WHERE " : " AND " ); if( endUpdateDate == null ){ ret.append( "updateDate=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } else { ret.append( "updateDate<=:arg"+(iArgNum++) ); } } customGetHQL(ret,iArgNum); return ret.toString(); } @Override public Object[] getArguments(){ ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(); if( isTitleSet() && getTitle()!=null ){ ret.add( title ); } if( isDescriptionSet() && getDescription()!=null ){ ret.add( description ); } if( isOwnerIdSet() && getOwnerId()!=null ){ ret.add( ownerId ); } if( isDepartmentIdSet() && getDepartmentId()!=null ){ ret.add( departmentId ); } if( isStartInsertDateSet() ){ ret.add( startInsertDate ); } if( isEndInsertDateSet() ){ ret.add( endInsertDate ); } if( isStartUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.add( startUpdateDate ); } if( isEndUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.add( endUpdateDate ); } customGetArguments(ret); return ret.toArray(); } @Override public void reset(){ unsetTitle(); unsetDescription(); unsetOwnerId(); unsetDepartmentId(); unsetStartInsertDate(); unsetEndInsertDate(); unsetStartUpdateDate(); unsetEndUpdateDate(); customReset(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append("OfferRejectReasonSearch{"); if( isTitleSet() ){ ret.append( "(title" ); ret.append( "="+title ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isDescriptionSet() ){ ret.append( "(description" ); ret.append( "="+description ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isOwnerIdSet() ){ ret.append( "(ownerId" ); ret.append( "="+ownerId ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isDepartmentIdSet() ){ ret.append( "(departmentId" ); ret.append( "="+departmentId ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isStartInsertDateSet() ){ ret.append( "(startInsertDate" ); ret.append( "="+startInsertDate ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isEndInsertDateSet() ){ ret.append( "(endInsertDate" ); ret.append( "="+endInsertDate ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isStartUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.append( "(startUpdateDate" ); ret.append( "="+startUpdateDate ); ret.append( ")" ); } if( isEndUpdateDateSet() ){ ret.append( "(endUpdateDate" ); ret.append( "="+endUpdateDate ); ret.append( ")" ); } customToString(ret); ret.append("}"); return ret.toString(); } // Getters and setters public boolean isTitleSet(){ return titleSet; } public String getTitle(){ return title; } public void setTitle( String title ){ this.title = title; this.titleSet = true; } public void unsetTitle(){ this.titleSet = false; } public boolean isDescriptionSet(){ return descriptionSet; } public String getDescription(){ return description; } public void setDescription( String description ){ this.description = description; this.descriptionSet = true; } public void unsetDescription(){ this.descriptionSet = false; } public boolean isOwnerIdSet(){ return ownerIdSet; } public Integer getOwnerId(){ return ownerId; } public void setOwnerId( Integer ownerId ){ this.ownerId = ownerId; this.ownerIdSet = true; } public void unsetOwnerId(){ this.ownerIdSet = false; } public boolean isDepartmentIdSet(){ return departmentIdSet; } public Integer getDepartmentId(){ return departmentId; } public void setDepartmentId( Integer departmentId ){ this.departmentId = departmentId; this.departmentIdSet = true; } public void unsetDepartmentId(){ this.departmentIdSet = false; } public boolean isStartInsertDateSet(){ return startInsertDateSet; } public Date getStartInsertDate(){ return startInsertDate; } public void setStartInsertDate( Date startInsertDate ){ this.startInsertDate = startInsertDate; this.startInsertDateSet = true; } public void unsetStartInsertDate(){ this.startInsertDateSet = false; } public boolean isEndInsertDateSet(){ return endInsertDateSet; } public Date getEndInsertDate(){ return endInsertDate; } public void setEndInsertDate( Date endInsertDate ){ this.endInsertDate = endInsertDate; this.endInsertDateSet = true; } public void unsetEndInsertDate(){ this.endInsertDateSet = false; } public boolean isStartUpdateDateSet(){ return startUpdateDateSet; } public Date getStartUpdateDate(){ return startUpdateDate; } public void setStartUpdateDate( Date startUpdateDate ){ this.startUpdateDate = startUpdateDate; this.startUpdateDateSet = true; } public void unsetStartUpdateDate(){ this.startUpdateDateSet = false; } public boolean isEndUpdateDateSet(){ return endUpdateDateSet; } public Date getEndUpdateDate(){ return endUpdateDate; } public void setEndUpdateDate( Date endUpdateDate ){ this.endUpdateDate = endUpdateDate; this.endUpdateDateSet = true; } public void unsetEndUpdateDate(){ this.endUpdateDateSet = false; } // Fields private boolean titleSet; private String title; private boolean descriptionSet; private String description; private boolean ownerIdSet; private Integer ownerId; private boolean departmentIdSet; private Integer departmentId; private boolean startInsertDateSet; private Date startInsertDate; private boolean endInsertDateSet; private Date endInsertDate; private boolean startUpdateDateSet; private Date startUpdateDate; private boolean endUpdateDateSet; private Date endUpdateDate; // Returns if there are a search condition active public boolean isSearchActive() { return customIsSearchActive()||titleSet||descriptionSet||ownerIdSet||departmentIdSet||startInsertDateSet||endInsertDateSet||startUpdateDateSet||endUpdateDateSet; } /* OfferRejectReason - generated by stajanov (do not edit/delete) */ private void customGetHQL(StringBuilder ret, int iArgNum) { } private boolean customIsSearchActive() { return false; } private void customToString(StringBuilder ret) { } private void customReset() { } private void customGetArguments(ArrayList ret) { } }