package; import stray.Main; import stray.Settings; import stray.Translator; import stray.blocks.BlockExitPortal; import stray.blocks.BlockGearCollectible; import stray.blocks.Blocks; import stray.entity.Entity; import stray.objective.Objective; import stray.objective.Objectives; import stray.util.AssetMap; import stray.util.MathHelper; import stray.util.Utils; import stray.util.render.SpaceBackground; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; public class WorldRenderer { World world; SpriteBatch batch; Main main; private Sprite detection; public boolean showGrid = false; protected float newObjective = 0; public WorldRenderer(World world) { = world; batch = world.batch; main = world.main; } public void renderBlocks() { main.font.setColor(Color.BLACK); float maxx = world.sizex; float maxy = world.sizey; int prex = (int) MathUtils.clamp((( / World.tilesizex) - 1), 0f, maxx); int prey = (int) MathUtils.clamp((( / World.tilesizey) - 1), 0f, maxy); int postx = (int) MathUtils.clamp(( / World.tilesizex) + 2 + (Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / World.tilesizex), 0f, maxx); int posty = (int) MathUtils.clamp(( / World.tilesizey) + 2 + (Settings.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / World.tilesizex), 0f, maxy); main.font.setColor(Color.WHITE); for (int level = 0; level < 2; level++) { for (int x = prex; x < postx; x++) { for (int y = posty; y >= prey; y--) { if (world.getBlock(x, y).isRenderedFront() != (level != 0)) continue; if (world.getBlock(x, y) != null) { world.getBlock(x, y).render(world, x, y); } else { Blocks.defaultBlock().render(world, x, y); } if (showGrid) { main.batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); main.fillRect( x * world.tilesizex -, Main.convertY((y * world.tilesizey - + World.tilesizey), 1, World.tilesizey); main.fillRect( x * world.tilesizex -, Main.convertY((y * world.tilesizey - + World.tilesizey), World.tilesizex, 1); main.batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if(world.getMeta(x, y) != 0){ main.drawTextBg(world.getMeta(x, y) + "", x * world.tilesizex - + 4, Main.convertY((y * world.tilesizey - + World.tilesizey) + 4); } } } } batch.flush(); if (level == 0) { renderEntities(); } } } public void renderBackground() { if (world.background.equals("spacebackground")) { SpaceBackground.instance().render(main); } else { main.batch.draw(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get(world.background), Texture.class), 0, 0, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; } } public void renderBuffer() { batch.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1); main.fillRect(0, 0, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); batch.draw(main.buffer.getColorBufferTexture(), 0,, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; } private void renderEntities() { for (Entity e : world.entities) { if (!world.isEntityOnScreen(e)) { continue; } e.render(; } batch.flush(); } public void tickUpdate() { } private long fireStart = 0; public void renderUi() { if (world.getPlayer() == null) return; main.font.setColor(Color.WHITE); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if (Settings.showVignette) { batch.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0.25f); batch.draw(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("vignette"), Texture.class), 0, 0, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (world.vignettecolour.a > 0f) { batch.setColor(world.vignettecolour); batch.draw(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("vignette"), Texture.class), 0, 0, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (world.getPlayer().fireTime > 0) { batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.333333333f); batch.draw(main.animations.get("fire-hud").getCurrentFrame(), 0,, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH,; } else { if (fireStart != 0) fireStart = 0; } if (detection == null) { detection = new Sprite(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("detectionarrow"), Texture.class)); detection.setOriginCenter(); } renderHealth(); renderPlayerArrow(); renderForLevelType(); renderObjectives(); } public void renderObjectives() { if (world.objectives.size <= 0) return; if (newObjective > 0 && world.objectives.size > 0) { main.font .setColor(1, 1, 1, 1 - (1.0f - (newObjective <= 0.25f ? newObjective * 4 : 1))); main.font.setScale(2f); main.drawCentered(Translator.getMsg("objectives.ui.newobj"), Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2, Main.convertY(128)); main.font.setScale(1.25f); main.drawCentered(Translator.getMsg("objectives." + world.objectives.peek().id), Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2, Main.convertY(164)); main.font.setScale(1); main.font.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); newObjective -=; } for (int i = 0; i < world.objectives.size; i++) { Objective obj = world.objectives.get(i); String objmsg = Translator.getMsg("objectives." +; float outTime = 1f - obj.outTime; batch.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0.25f); main.fillRect(0 - ((64 + main.font.getBounds(objmsg).width) * outTime), (50 + (i * 32)), 64 + main.font.getBounds(objmsg).width, 32); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if (!obj.isCompleted()) { main.batch.draw( main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("objective-incomplete"), Texture.class), 8 - (32 * outTime), 50 + (i * 32), 32, 32); } else { if (obj.failed) { main.batch.draw( main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("objective-failed"), Texture.class), 8 - (32 * outTime), 50 + (i * 32), 32, 32); } else { main.batch.draw( main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("objective-complete"), Texture.class), 8 - (32 * outTime), 50 + (i * 32), 32, 32); } } if (obj.isCompleted()) main.font.setColor(Main.getRainbow(1f, 0.25f)); main.font.draw(batch, objmsg, 48 - (main.font.getBounds(objmsg).width * outTime), 74 + (i * 32)); main.font.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); obj.update(); } } public void renderPlayerArrow() { if (!world.isEntityOnScreen(world.getPlayer())) { float x = world.getPlayer().x; float y = world.getPlayer().y; float clampedX = MathUtils.clamp((x * World.tilesizex) -, 0, Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH - (world.getPlayer().sizex * World.tilesizex)); float clampedY = MathUtils.clamp( Main.convertY((y * World.tilesizey) -, 0, - (world.getPlayer().sizey * World.tilesizey)); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, (MathHelper.clampNumberFromTime(0.75f))); world.getPlayer().renderSelf(clampedX, clampedY); Texture arrow = main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("playerdirectionarrow"), Texture.class); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); float degrees = MathHelper.calcRotationAngleInDegrees((x * World.tilesizex) - + arrow.getWidth() / 2, Main.convertY((y * World.tilesizey) - + arrow.getHeight() / 2, clampedX + arrow.getWidth() / 2, clampedY - arrow.getHeight() / 2); Utils.drawRotated(batch, arrow, clampedX, clampedY - arrow.getHeight(), arrow.getWidth(), arrow.getHeight(), degrees, true); } } private float originalhealth = -1; private float timeUntilOrig = 0; public void renderHealth() { if (world.getPlayer() == null) return; if (originalhealth <= -1) originalhealth = world.getPlayer().health; if (timeUntilOrig > 0) { timeUntilOrig -=; } if (timeUntilOrig <= 0) { timeUntilOrig = 0; originalhealth = MathUtils.clamp( originalhealth + ((world.getPlayer().health - originalhealth) * * 8f), 0f, world.getPlayer().maxhealth); } batch.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0.3f); main.fillRect(0, 0, 128, 50); main.font.setScale(0.8f); float baroffset = main.font.getBounds(Translator.getMsg("ui.heat")).width - 4; main.font.setColor(1 * (1 - (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth)), 1 * (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth), 1 * (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth), 1); main.font.draw(batch, Translator.getMsg("ui.heat"), 4, 20); main.font.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); main.font.setScale(1); // the background of the bar batch.setColor(1 * (1 - (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth)), 0, 1 * (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth), 0.25f); main.fillRect(8 + baroffset, 8, 112 - baroffset, 12); // actual health batch.setColor(batch.getColor().r, batch.getColor().g, batch.getColor().b, 0.25f); main.fillRect(8 + baroffset, 8, (112 - baroffset) * (1 - (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth)), 12); // opaque health batch.setColor(batch.getColor().r, batch.getColor().g, batch.getColor().b, 1); main.fillRect(8 + baroffset, 8, (112 - baroffset) * (1 - (originalhealth / world.getPlayer().maxhealth)), 12); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth < 0.25f) { main.font.setColor(Color.RED); main.drawScaled(Translator.getMsg("ui.overheat"), 64, 40, 128, 4); } else if (world.getPlayer().health / world.getPlayer().maxhealth < 1) { main.font.setColor(Color.RED); main.drawScaled(Translator.getMsg("ui.hpwarning"), 64, 40, 128, 4); } else { main.font.setColor(Color.GREEN); main.drawScaled(Translator.getMsg("ui.systemsnominal"), 64, 40, 128, 4); } main.font.setColor(Color.WHITE); } public void onDamagePlayer(float original) { originalhealth = original; timeUntilOrig = 0.5f; world.vignettecolour.set(1, 0, 0, 1f); } public void renderDebug(int starting) { if (world.getPlayer() == null) return; main.font.setColor(Color.WHITE); main.font.draw(batch, "camerax: " + String.format("%.3f", + " (" + String.format("%.3f", + ")", 5, Main.convertY(starting)); main.font.draw(batch, "cameray: " + String.format("%.3f", + " (" + String.format("%.3f", + ")", 5, Main.convertY(starting + 15)); main.font.draw(batch, "posx: " + String.format("%.3f", world.getPlayer().x), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 30)); main.font.draw(batch, "posy: " + String.format("%.3f", world.getPlayer().y), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 45)); main.font.draw(batch, "velox: " + String.format("%.3f", world.getPlayer().velox), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 60)); main.font.draw(batch, "veloy: " + String.format("%.3f", world.getPlayer().veloy), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 75)); main.font.draw(batch, "bruteforcechecks: " + (world.entities.size * world.entities.size), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 90)); main.font.draw(batch, "entitycount: " + world.entities.size, 5, Main.convertY(starting + 105)); main.font.draw(batch, "playerjump: " + world.getPlayer().jump, 5, Main.convertY(starting + 120)); main.font.draw(batch, "time: " + Utils.formatMs(System.currentTimeMillis() - world.msTime), 5, Main.convertY(starting + 135)); main.font.draw(batch, "deaths: " + world.deaths.size, 5, Main.convertY(starting + 150)); } public void renderForLevelType() { switch (world.levelType) { case GEARS: renderLevelTypeGears(); break; case NORMAL: break; default: break; } } public void renderLevelTypeGears() { for (int i = 0; i < BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED && i <; i++) { Utils.drawRotated(batch, main.textures.get("gear"), (Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2 - (BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED * 30 / 2f)) + (i * 32) - (i * 3), Main.convertY(64 + (i % 2 != 0 ? 7 : 0)), 32, 32, MathHelper.getNumberFromTime(0.5f * .getInt(BlockGearCollectible.collectibleName) + 0.001f) * 360, i % 2 == 0); } int i = 5; Utils.drawRotated( batch, main.textures.get("gear"), (Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2 - (BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED * 30 / 2f)) + (i * 32) - (i * 3), Main.convertY(64 + (i % 2 != 0 ? 7 : 0)), 32, 32, MathHelper.getNumberFromTime(0.5f * .getInt(BlockGearCollectible.collectibleName) + 0.001f) * 360 * ( < BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED ? 0 : 1), i % 2 == 0); batch.draw( main.manager.get( AssetMap.get("exit" + ( >= BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED ? "yes" : "no")), Texture.class), Settings.DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2 - (BlockExitPortal.AMOUNT_REQUIRED * 30 / 2f) + (i * 32) - (i * 3) + 16, Main.convertY(64 + (i % 2 != 0 ? 7 : 0))); } }