/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.strata.math.impl.integration; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Test. */ @Test public class GaussLaguerreWeightAndAbscissaFunctionTest extends WeightAndAbscissaFunctionTestCase { private static final double[] X2 = new double[] {0.585786, 3.41421 }; private static final double[] W2 = new double[] {0.853553, 0.146447 }; private static final double[] X3 = new double[] {0.415775, 2.29428, 6.28995 }; private static final double[] W3 = new double[] {0.711093, 0.278518, 0.0103893 }; private static final double[] X4 = new double[] {0.322548, 1.74576, 4.53662, 9.39507 }; private static final double[] W4 = new double[] {0.603154, 0.357419, 0.0388879, 0.000539295 }; private static final double[] X5 = new double[] {0.26356, 1.4134, 3.59643, 7.08581, 12.6408 }; private static final double[] W5 = new double[] {0.521756, 0.398667, 0.0759424, 0.00361176, 0.00002337 }; private static final QuadratureWeightAndAbscissaFunction F = new GaussLaguerreWeightAndAbscissaFunction(0); @Test public void test() { assertResults(F.generate(2), X2, W2); assertResults(F.generate(3), X3, W3); assertResults(F.generate(4), X4, W4); assertResults(F.generate(5), X5, W5); } @Override protected QuadratureWeightAndAbscissaFunction getFunction() { return F; } }