package edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.flat; /** Represents a branching node in a grammar */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class BranchState extends SentenceHMMState { /** * Creates a branch state * * @param leftContext left context * @param rightContext right context * @param nodeID the grammar node id */ public BranchState(String leftContext, String rightContext, int nodeID) { super("B[" + leftContext + "," + rightContext + "]", null, nodeID); } /** * Retrieves a short label describing the type of this state. Typically, subclasses of SentenceHMMState will * implement this method and return a short (5 chars or less) label * * @return the short label. */ @Override public String getTypeLabel() { return "Brnch"; } /** * Returns the state order for this state type * * @return the state order */ @Override public int getOrder() { return 2; } }