package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.WordSearchState; import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.WordSequence; import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.dictionary.Word; /** A class that keeps track of word histories */ public class WordTracker { final Map<WordSequence, WordStats> statMap; final int frameNumber; int stateCount; int maxWordHistories; /** * Creates a word tracker for the given frame number * * @param frameNumber the frame number */ public WordTracker(int frameNumber) { statMap = new HashMap<WordSequence, WordStats>(); this.frameNumber = frameNumber; } /** * Adds a word history for the given token to the word tracker * * @param t the token to add */ public void add(Token t) { stateCount++; WordSequence ws = getWordSequence(t); WordStats stats = statMap.get(ws); if (stats == null) { stats = new WordStats(ws); statMap.put(ws, stats); } stats.update(t); } /** Dumps the word histories in the tracker */ public void dump() { dumpSummary(); List<WordStats> stats = new ArrayList<WordStats>(statMap.values()); Collections.sort(stats, WordStats.COMPARATOR); for (WordStats stat : stats) { System.out.println(" " + stat); } } /** Dumps summary information in the tracker */ void dumpSummary() { System.out.println("Frame: " + frameNumber + " states: " + stateCount + " histories " + statMap.size()); } /** * Given a token, gets the word sequence represented by the token * * @param token the token of interest * @return the word sequence for the token */ private WordSequence getWordSequence(Token token) { List<Word> wordList = new LinkedList<Word>(); while (token != null) { if (token.isWord()) { WordSearchState wordState = (WordSearchState) token .getSearchState(); Word word = wordState.getPronunciation().getWord(); wordList.add(0, word); } token = token.getPredecessor(); } return new WordSequence(wordList); } /** Keeps track of statistics for a particular word sequence */ static class WordStats { public final static Comparator<WordStats> COMPARATOR = new Comparator<WordStats>() { public int compare(WordStats ws1, WordStats ws2) { if (ws1.maxScore > ws2.maxScore) { return -1; } else if (ws1.maxScore == ws2.maxScore) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } }; private int size; private float maxScore; private float minScore; private final WordSequence ws; /** * Creates a word statistics for the given sequence * * @param ws the word sequence */ WordStats(WordSequence ws) { size = 0; maxScore = -Float.MAX_VALUE; minScore = Float.MAX_VALUE; = ws; } /** * Updates the statistics based upon the scores for the given token * * @param t the token */ void update(Token t) { size++; if (t.getScore() > maxScore) { maxScore = t.getScore(); } if (t.getScore() < minScore) { minScore = t.getScore(); } } /** * Returns a string representation of the statistics * * @return a string representation */ @Override public String toString() { return "states:" + size + " max:" + maxScore + " min:" + minScore + ' ' + ws; } } }