/* For Copyright and License see LICENSE.txt and COPYING.txt in the root directory */ package com.nerdscentral.audio.pitch; import java.util.List; import com.nerdscentral.audio.core.SFSignal; import com.nerdscentral.sython.Caster; import com.nerdscentral.sython.SFPL_Operator; import com.nerdscentral.sython.SFPL_RuntimeException; public class SF_Resample implements SFPL_Operator { /** * this takes a shape and for each sample step forward it add the value of the shape to the step and takes a linear * interpolation. * * The natural step rate T0 is 1. A shape value SN where SN>0 will be added to the natural. Therefore SN of 1 will give * twice the frequency. If SN<0 we subtract from T0 from it and take the reciprocal. Thus a SN of -1 will give 1/2. Thus SN * - 1 will halve the sample rate. * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object Interpret(final Object input) throws SFPL_RuntimeException { List<Object> l = Caster.makeBunch(input); SFSignal shape = Caster.makeSFSignal(l.get(0)); SFSignal sampleA = Caster.makeSFSignal(l.get(1)); if (sampleA.getLength() != shape.getLength()) throw new SFPL_RuntimeException(Messages.getString("SF_Resample.1")); //$NON-NLS-1$ int len = sampleA.getLength(); SFSignal ret = sampleA.replicateEmpty(); double pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ret.setSample(i, sampleA.getSampleCubic(pos)); double sn = shape.getSample(i); pos += sn; } return ret; } @Override public String Word() { return Messages.getString("SF_Resample.2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }