package org.apache.lucene.index; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; final class TermsHashPerThread extends InvertedDocConsumerPerThread { final TermsHash termsHash; final TermsHashConsumerPerThread consumer; final TermsHashPerThread nextPerThread; final CharBlockPool charPool; final IntBlockPool intPool; final ByteBlockPool bytePool; final boolean primary; final DocumentsWriter.DocState docState; final RawPostingList freePostings[] = new RawPostingList[256]; int freePostingsCount; public TermsHashPerThread(DocInverterPerThread docInverterPerThread, final TermsHash termsHash, final TermsHash nextTermsHash, final TermsHashPerThread primaryPerThread) { docState = docInverterPerThread.docState; this.termsHash = termsHash; this.consumer = termsHash.consumer.addThread(this); if (nextTermsHash != null) { // We are primary charPool = new CharBlockPool(termsHash.docWriter); primary = true; } else { charPool = primaryPerThread.charPool; primary = false; } intPool = new IntBlockPool(termsHash.docWriter, termsHash.trackAllocations); bytePool = new ByteBlockPool(termsHash.docWriter.byteBlockAllocator, termsHash.trackAllocations); if (nextTermsHash != null) nextPerThread = nextTermsHash.addThread(docInverterPerThread, this); else nextPerThread = null; } InvertedDocConsumerPerField addField(DocInverterPerField docInverterPerField, final FieldInfo fieldInfo) { return new TermsHashPerField(docInverterPerField, this, nextPerThread, fieldInfo); } synchronized public void abort() { reset(true); consumer.abort(); if (nextPerThread != null) nextPerThread.abort(); } // perField calls this when it needs more postings: void morePostings() throws IOException { assert freePostingsCount == 0; termsHash.getPostings(freePostings); freePostingsCount = freePostings.length; assert noNullPostings(freePostings, freePostingsCount, "consumer=" + consumer); } private static boolean noNullPostings(RawPostingList[] postings, int count, String details) { for(int i=0;i<count;i++) assert postings[i] != null: "postings[" + i + "] of " + count + " is null: " + details; return true; } public void startDocument() throws IOException { consumer.startDocument(); if (nextPerThread != null) nextPerThread.consumer.startDocument(); } public DocumentsWriter.DocWriter finishDocument() throws IOException { final DocumentsWriter.DocWriter doc = consumer.finishDocument(); final DocumentsWriter.DocWriter doc2; if (nextPerThread != null) doc2 = nextPerThread.consumer.finishDocument(); else doc2 = null; if (doc == null) return doc2; else { doc.setNext(doc2); return doc; } } // Clear all state void reset(boolean recyclePostings) { intPool.reset(); bytePool.reset(); if (primary) charPool.reset(); if (recyclePostings) { termsHash.recyclePostings(freePostings, freePostingsCount); freePostingsCount = 0; } } }