package; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.CannotAdvanceFromTerminalStateException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.InvalidStateException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.NotFoundException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamClientException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamDatabaseException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.metrics.Metrics; import com.sixsq.slipstream.metrics.MetricsTimer; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.PersistenceUtil; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Run; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RuntimeParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.statemachine.StateMachine; import com.sixsq.slipstream.statemachine.States; import; import; import org.restlet.representation.Representation; import org.restlet.resource.Delete; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.Post; import org.restlet.resource.Put; import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class RuntimeParameterResource extends RunBaseResource { private RuntimeParameter runtimeParameter; private String key; @Override public void initializeSubResource() throws ResourceException { MetricsTimer loadMetric = Metrics.getTimer(this, "runtimeParameter_loadFromDb"); loadMetric.start(); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long before; before = System.currentTimeMillis(); parseRequest(); logTimeDiff("parseRequest", before); before = System.currentTimeMillis(); fetchRepresentation(); logTimeDiff("fetchRepresentation", before); before = System.currentTimeMillis(); raiseConflictIfAbortIsSet(); logTimeDiff("raiseConflictIfAbortIsSet", before); logTimeDiff("initialize on runtime parameter", start); } catch(ResourceException e) { throw e; } catch(RuntimeException e) { throw e; } finally { loadMetric.stop(); } } private MetricsTimer getMetricsTimer() { return Metrics.getTimer(this, "runtimeParameter_" + getRequest().getMethod().getName()); } private void parseRequest() { extractAndSetIgnoreAbort(); key = getAttribute("key"); } private void fetchRepresentation() { runtimeParameter = loadRuntimeParameter(key); setExisting(runtimeParameter != null); } private void raiseConflictIfAbortIsSet() { if (!getIgnoreAbort()) { if (isAbortSet()) { throw (new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, "Abort flag raised!")); } } } private void abortOrReset(String abortMessage, EntityManager em) { String nodename = RuntimeParameter.extractNodeNamePart(key); Run.abortOrReset(abortMessage, nodename, em, getUuid()); } @Delete public void resetRuntimeParameter() throws ResourceException { runtimeParameter.setValue(""); runtimeParameter.setIsSet(false);; EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); abortOrReset(null, em); transaction.commit(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { transaction.rollback(); throw new SlipStreamDatabaseException(e.getMessage()); } finally { em.close(); } getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_NO_CONTENT); } @Get public String represent() throws ResourceException, NotFoundException, ValidationException { getMetricsTimer().start(); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!runtimeParameter.isSet()) { throw new ResourceException( Status.CLIENT_ERROR_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "key " + key + " not yet set"); } logTimeDiff("processing get on runtime parameter", start); } finally { getMetricsTimer().stop(); } return runtimeParameter.getValue(); } private String truncateMiddle(int maxLength, String text, String truncateMessage) { if (text != null && text.length() > maxLength) { int partsize = (maxLength - truncateMessage.length()) / 2; text = text.substring(0, partsize-1) + truncateMessage + text.substring(text.length() - partsize); } return text; } @Put public void update(Representation entity) throws ResourceException, NotFoundException, ValidationException { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); runtimeParameter = em.merge(runtimeParameter); String value = (entity == null ? "" : extractValueFromEntity(entity)); boolean isGlobalAbort = RuntimeParameter.GLOBAL_ABORT_KEY.equals(key); boolean isNodeAbort = (runtimeParameter.getNodeName() + RuntimeParameter.NODE_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RuntimeParameter.ABORT_KEY) .equals(key); if (isGlobalAbort || isNodeAbort) { if (!runtimeParameter.isSet()) { value = truncateMiddle(RuntimeParameter.VALUE_MAX_LENGTH, value, "\n(truncated)\n"); abortOrReset(value, em); setValue(value); } } else if (isGlobalStateParameter()) { States newState = attemptChangeGlobalState(value); setValue(newState.toString()); } else { setValue(value); } transaction.commit(); em.close(); getResponse().setEntity(null, MediaType.ALL); } private void setValue(String value) { if (value != null && value.length() > RuntimeParameter.VALUE_MAX_LENGTH) { throwClientBadRequest("Value too long (" + value.length() + "). " + "Maximum length allowed: " + RuntimeParameter.VALUE_MAX_LENGTH + "."); } runtimeParameter.setValue(value); RuntimeParameterMediator.processSpecialValue(runtimeParameter); } private String extractValueFromEntity(Representation entity) { try { return entity.getText(); } catch (IOException e) { throw (new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad value for key: " + key + " with details: " + e.getMessage())); } } private States attemptChangeGlobalState(String toState) { States toNewState = null; try { toNewState = States.valueOf(toState); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throwClientBadRequest("Requested transition to unknown state: " + toState); } States newState = null; // Jumping between states with an abort flag set on the run is not a good practice. if (isAbortSet()) { throwClientBadRequest("For any state transition via API abort should be cleared first."); } else { Run run = Run.loadFromUuid(getUuid()); States currentState = run.getState(); if (run.isMutable() && States.Ready == currentState && States.Provisioning == toNewState) { newState = attemptChangeGlobalStateToProvisioning(); } else if (getUser().isSuper()) { newState = toNewState; } else { throwClientBadRequest(String.format( "Via API state can be advanced only on a mutable run and only from %s to %s", States.Ready, States.Provisioning)); } } return newState; } private States attemptChangeGlobalStateToProvisioning() { String fromToState = String.format("from %s to %s", States.Ready, States.Provisioning); StateMachine sm; EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); Run run = Run.loadFromUuid(getUuid(), em); EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); sm = StateMachine.createStateMachine(run); try { sm.tryAdvanceToProvisionning(); } catch (InvalidStateException | CannotAdvanceFromTerminalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throwClientBadRequest(String.format("Failed to advance state %s: %s", fromToState, e.getMessage())); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw ex; } finally { em.close(); } States newState = sm.getState(); if (States.Provisioning != newState) { throwServerError(String.format("Failed to advance state %s: requested doesn't match reached %s.", fromToState, newState)); } return newState; } @Post public void completeCurrentNodeStateOrChangeGlobalState(Representation entity) { String nodeName = runtimeParameter.getNodeName(); States newState = attemptCompleteCurrentNodeState(nodeName); getResponse().setEntity(newState.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN); } private States attemptCompleteCurrentNodeState(String nodeName) { StateMachine sm = createStateMachine(); return completeCurrentNodeState(nodeName, sm); } public States completeCurrentNodeState(String nodeName, StateMachine sc) { States state; try { state = sc.updateState(nodeName); } catch (InvalidStateException | SlipStreamClientException e) { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, e.getMessage()); } return state; } @Override protected String getPageRepresentation() { // TODO Stub return null; } private void logTimeDiff(String msg, long before, long after) { Logger.getLogger("Timing").finest("took to execute " + msg + ": " + (after - before)); } protected void logTimeDiff(String msg, long before) { logTimeDiff(msg, before, System.currentTimeMillis()); } private boolean isGlobalStateParameter() { return RuntimeParameter.GLOBAL_STATE_KEY.equals(key); } private StateMachine createStateMachine() { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); Run run = Run.loadFromUuid(getUuid(), em); StateMachine sm = StateMachine.createStateMachine(run); em.close(); return sm; } }