package com.sixsq.slipstream.statemachine; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Parameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.ParameterCategory; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Run; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RunParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RunType; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.UserParameter; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ public class ReadyState extends SynchronizedState { public ReadyState(ExtrinsicState extrinsicState) { super(extrinsicState); Run run = extrinsicState.getRun(); if (shouldStayInReady(run)) { nextState = States.Ready; } else { nextState = States.Finalizing; } } private boolean shouldStayInReady(Run run) { return run.getType() == RunType.Run || run.isMutable() || (shouldKeepRunningForSuccess(run) && run.getType() != RunType.Machine) || (shouldKeepRunningForError(run) && run.getType() != RunType.Machine); } private String getKeepRunning(Run run) { String key = Parameter.constructKey(ParameterCategory.getDefault(), UserParameter.KEY_KEEP_RUNNING); RunParameter rpKeepRunning = run.getParameter(key); String keepRunning = null; if (rpKeepRunning != null) { keepRunning = rpKeepRunning.getValue(); } if (keepRunning == null) { // Backward compatibility key = Parameter.constructKey(ParameterCategory.getDefault(), UserParameter.KEY_ON_SUCCESS_RUN_FOREVER); RunParameter onSuccess = run.getParameter(key); key = Parameter.constructKey(ParameterCategory.getDefault(), UserParameter.KEY_ON_ERROR_RUN_FOREVER); RunParameter onError = run.getParameter(key); if (onSuccess != null && onError != null) { keepRunning = UserParameter.convertOldFormatToKeepRunning(onSuccess.isTrue(), onError.isTrue()); } } return (keepRunning != null) ? keepRunning : UserParameter.KEEP_RUNNING_DEFAULT; } private boolean shouldKeepRunningForSuccess(Run run) { String keepRunning = getKeepRunning(run); return !extrinsicState.isFailing() && (UserParameter.KEEP_RUNNING_ALWAYS.equals(keepRunning) || UserParameter.KEEP_RUNNING_ON_SUCCESS.equals(keepRunning)); } private boolean shouldKeepRunningForError(Run run) { String keepRunning = getKeepRunning(run); return extrinsicState.isFailing() && (UserParameter.KEEP_RUNNING_ALWAYS.equals(keepRunning) || UserParameter.KEEP_RUNNING_ON_ERROR.equals(keepRunning)); } @Override public States getState() { return States.Ready; } }