package com.hubspot.singularity.api; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import com.hubspot.mesos.Resources; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; public class SingularityRunNowRequest { private final Optional<String> message; private final Optional<String> runId; private final Optional<List<String>> commandLineArgs; private final Optional<Boolean> skipHealthchecks; private final Optional<Resources> resources; @JsonCreator public SingularityRunNowRequest(@JsonProperty("message") Optional<String> message, @JsonProperty("skipHealthchecks") Optional<Boolean> skipHealthchecks, @JsonProperty("runId") Optional<String> runId, @JsonProperty("commandLineArgs") Optional<List<String>> commandLineArgs, @JsonProperty("resources") Optional<Resources> resources) { this.message = message; this.commandLineArgs = commandLineArgs; this.runId = runId; this.skipHealthchecks = skipHealthchecks; this.resources = resources; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="A message to show to users about why this action was taken") public Optional<String> getMessage() { return message; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="An id to associate with this request which will be associated with the corresponding launched tasks") public Optional<String> getRunId() { return runId; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="Command line arguments to be passed to the task") public Optional<List<String>> getCommandLineArgs() { return commandLineArgs; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="If set to true, healthchecks will be skipped for this task run") public Optional<Boolean> getSkipHealthchecks() { return skipHealthchecks; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="Override the resources from the active deploy for this run") public Optional<Resources> getResources() { return resources; } @Override public String toString() { return "SingularityRunNowRequest{" + "message=" + message + ", runId=" + runId + ", commandLineArgs=" + commandLineArgs + ", skipHealthchecks=" + skipHealthchecks + ", resources=" + resources + '}'; } }