package com.hubspot.mesos; import java.util.Objects; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; public class SingularityDockerPortMapping { public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "tcp"; public static final SingularityPortMappingType DEFAULT_PORT_MAPPING_TYPE = SingularityPortMappingType.LITERAL; private final SingularityPortMappingType containerPortType; private final SingularityPortMappingType hostPortType; private final int containerPort; private final int hostPort; private final String protocol; @JsonCreator public SingularityDockerPortMapping(@JsonProperty("containerPortType") Optional<SingularityPortMappingType> containerPortType, @JsonProperty("containerPort") int containerPort, @JsonProperty("hostPortType") Optional<SingularityPortMappingType> hostPortType, @JsonProperty("hostPort") int hostPort, @JsonProperty("protocol") Optional<String> protocol) { this.containerPortType = containerPortType.or(DEFAULT_PORT_MAPPING_TYPE); this.containerPort = containerPort; this.hostPortType = hostPortType.or(DEFAULT_PORT_MAPPING_TYPE); this.hostPort = hostPort; this.protocol = protocol.or(DEFAULT_PROTOCOL); } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="Container port. Use the port number provided (LITERAL) or the dynamically allocated port at this index (FROM_OFFER)") public SingularityPortMappingType getContainerPortType() { return containerPortType; } @ApiModelProperty(required=true, value="Port number, or index of port from offer within the container") public int getContainerPort() { return containerPort; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="Host port. Use the port number provided (LITERAL) or the dynamically allocated port at this index (FROM_OFFER)") public SingularityPortMappingType getHostPortType() { return hostPortType; } @ApiModelProperty(required=true, value="Port number, or index of port from offer on the host") public int getHostPort() { return hostPort; } @ApiModelProperty(required=false, value="Protocol for binding the port. Default is tcp") public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } SingularityDockerPortMapping that = (SingularityDockerPortMapping) o; return containerPort == that.containerPort && hostPort == that.hostPort && containerPortType == that.containerPortType && hostPortType == that.hostPortType && Objects.equals(protocol, that.protocol); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(containerPortType, hostPortType, containerPort, hostPort, protocol); } @Override public String toString() { return "SingularityDockerPortMapping{" + "containerPortType=" + containerPortType + ", hostPortType=" + hostPortType + ", containerPort=" + containerPort + ", hostPort=" + hostPort + ", protocol='" + protocol + '\'' + '}'; } }